This doesn’t seem so weird to me 7 Days To Die

This doesn’t seem so weird to me

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 06:03 PM PST

I got a little obsessed with the paintings

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 07:29 PM PST

[bug] When I leave my base, some of the ground I removed, is back again?

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 11:26 AM PST

When I leave my base for a longer period of time, some of the places where I have been digging, are suddently full again. It's only a cosmetic problem as I can walk and shoot through it.

As you can see in the last image, when I place a Wood Frame in the area, it dissapears again.

Has anyone seen a similar problem? And found any solution?

I play in random gen.

submitted by /u/Savllestar
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UI Modding Help(any input is appreciated)

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 05:41 PM PST

Hey, I posted a thread not long ago asking some questions which.. kinda didn't get answered kinda did. Ill say they barely got answered the post itself wasn't in vain anyways I am have an immense amount of trouble with UI modding! Every single time I try to reference SkillInfoWindow it explodes in my face and says "NullReferenceExeption: Object reference not set to an instance of an object" and I honestly cant figure out why, reds ui mod does exactly what I want to do but I wanted it to be different and have the satisfaction of building it myself Ill Post the part of my windows.xml that uses it as a controller and the part i put it into in the xui.xml windows.xml: <window name="playerSkillPointsUI" width ="70" height="30" depth="2" anchor="CenterBottom" pos="-313,106" controller="ToolbeltWindow" visible ="{toolbeltvisible}"> <rect controller="SkillInfoWindow"> <label pos="263, 0" depth="2" width="300" height="22" text="{skillpointsavailable}" font_size="22" color="222,206,163,160" justify="right" effect="outline" /> </rect> </window> xui.xml: <window_group name="compass" actionSet="false"> <window name="windowCompass" /> <window name="playerSkillPointsUI"/> </window_group> I also tried putting it in various other window_groups but to no avail. Please if someone has any helpful information i would be so very grateful I've been stuck on that for days now

submitted by /u/TheMourningWolf
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How often do you guys get ferals and cop hordes?

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 11:21 AM PST

I been playing the game since alpha 15 and I realized that there are less ferals and cops. I remembered that ferals and cops were what made the game most exciting. I'd like to know on what days u guys met your first ferals and cops. I'm on days 42 and I haven't seen ferals or cops yet. I hope to see some soon 🤣

submitted by /u/jinglin27
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Have they said if a Xbox One X Enhanced patch is coming?

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 11:12 PM PST

Looks like balls and needs top be upped to 1440p or 4K. If Conan Exilesand Ark did it. They can do it here.

submitted by /u/bulletclub010
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Blocks not joining up to each other

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 11:11 AM PST

Hi all,

Building from scratch has never really interested me much in this game before as I usually just take over a POI but I've decided to build my own base from scratch this time and i'm to get a smooth transition between concrete and dirt.

Is there anyway to fix this?

submitted by /u/mattispro
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Buildings keep collapsing

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 11:20 AM PST

So I know structural integrity is key, but even so much as breaking down a door on a prefab makes whole walls collapse. Is there any way to judge what will make a wall break down or is it just a random happenstance?

submitted by /u/Stricklandcokane9321
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Ideas for sleeper-proofing a BIG area?

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 10:29 PM PST

Hey guys, we're a group of 5 playing on a vanilla SMP server, live streaming the shenanigans. We moved into Dishong Tower with the idea of living in the swanky penthouse, and building our horde base as a platform base inside the lobby on the ground floor.

It's working OK so far, but we've noticed that the middle floors still get lots of sleepers, so I'm guessing the bedrolls have an up & down limit on locking down the area? We bypass those levels with long ladders outside the building & inside the elevator shaft, but sometimes the sleepers wake up and start punching stuff which I think is affecting the structural stability.

We are only on Day 15 and no Auger, so I'm looking for economical ideas for sleeper-proofing the place. Is there a cheap mass produced block we could use to lay on top of the floors like a carpet or something?

Edit: We're playing on PC.

submitted by /u/Kaegos
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(Xbox one) Can you guys please help me find a seed close to what I want?

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 06:21 PM PST

I have an idea for a play through that my clan and I are hyped for.

For this play through we need a seed that is all or mostly slow biome. The more sure covers the map, the better. At least have the hub city in snow.

Anything else is a bonus.

If you guys find anything like that please share. Thanks in advanced :)

Just a reminder. I am on xbox one.

submitted by /u/HailtheNine
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Does anyone have a serveradmin.xml I could copy?

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 09:38 PM PST

I'm having issues trying to access the debug menu, and I don't know if I altered my serveradmin.xml correctly. A few notes:

  • My server is hosted through BlueFang
  • My serveradmin.xml is located in my Saves folder

I was instructed to add the following to the file:

<admin steamID="###########" permission_level="1000" />

Which I did. I may not have added it in the correct place though (I put it in between the <admins><admins> thing) .

Does anyone have an example of what the full xml file should theoretically look like with the addition of an admin line?

submitted by /u/kesshi_writes
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What is your (re) start strategy?

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 06:04 AM PST

When you start playing a fresh game, what is your action plan? Stone axe, then focus on getting a farm going ASAP? Or do you focus on a Forge? Or ...what?

submitted by /u/danielbelum
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How much wood required to smelt various stacks..

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 03:27 AM PST

Does anyone know exactly how much wood it takes to smelt various stacks of items? For example 6000 stone, 1500 iron etc.

I did the math but it doesn't seem to work out in actual game play. Stone = 5 second burn time 6000 * 5 = 30000 seconds. Wood = burns for 50 seconds. 30000/50 = 600 It should take 600 wood to smelt 6000 stone, but if you put that much wood in a forge wait the time, you will have more stone left over than wood. Not sure if its a ticker bug in the game or i'm way to tired to be doing this math, but something is amiss.

submitted by /u/hell_bomb
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Wasteland Trader missing

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 03:06 PM PST

I have a multiplayer server where me and a few friends play on, and suddenly the trader in the wasteland disappeared. any way to fix?

(on PC)

submitted by /u/CoolTankRufo
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Are Central Cities more dangerous than regular cities (Random Gen)?

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 03:01 PM PST

In my random gen map, there are several large cities which are nearly the same size as the central city. The central city sits in the middle of several biomes, including the wasteland. I read on the wiki that "the city in [the wasteland] is VERY aggressive and VERY hard to loot".

I'm essentially wondering if there's anything special about the central city, compared to other cities.

submitted by /u/Hugo-Drax
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Wastelandia 24/7 PvP

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 06:37 PM PST

Shamelessly plugging my own server. Brand new server and fresh map: Wastelandia 24/7- PvP- Belt Drop

Visit our forums at or talk with me on our teamspeak at

submitted by /u/Grizzly_3-5
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If you aren't British, It's not a zed

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 06:03 PM PST


Lol. Really though I feel like just a few years ago this was a huge dispute on dayz forums but now that's died off and the meaning behind the word "zed" has become become lost entirely

submitted by /u/Almorfdennab
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One zombie, zero cups!

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 11:14 AM PST

Valmod vs Vanila

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 05:00 PM PST

Last few times i played i was playing Valmod. Which one you and why prefer and maybe you know some other similar but differend overhaul mods i could try?

submitted by /u/JackBadassson
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Sleeping zombies

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 04:47 PM PST

So i started random gen, went to school and found these zombies that wakes up as you come close. If i left this school would there be new sleeping zombies next time i come back? Because i am planning to make base in high tower building in city and i wouldnt want to fight all zombies everytime i go spent nights inside.

submitted by /u/JackBadassson
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Yay, I got a minibike schematic! Boo, lost it.

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 06:06 AM PST

on Day 20, got the minibike book from an air drop, but while looting, killed by zombie, and book is gone.

So....another 20 days of random searching? Will it ever drop from the air drop again?

submitted by /u/danielbelum
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Winter Wonderland - SANTA! Find hidden loot under his beard! =D

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 10:44 AM PST

[PC]Farming bug?

Posted: 10 Dec 2017 12:15 AM PST

After planning any crop and letting it grow, I' only receiving one crop back.

Any one else having this problem and/or know how to fix it?

submitted by /u/eighmylupin
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