Skyrim - That seems about right.

That seems about right.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 10:55 PM PST

A Christmas season with Skyrim

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 08:06 PM PST

I made a dragonbone dagger from cheap foam board, masking tape, and acrylic paint.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 12:37 AM PST

'Yeeaah, that's basically how repeat playthroughs go.'

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 09:27 AM PST


Posted: 05 Dec 2017 10:02 PM PST

Damn it feels good to be a gangsta

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 10:01 PM PST

Limited edition Skyrim screen print that I made for Bethesda.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 08:34 AM PST

Turns out I was indeed the dragonborn all along!

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 09:36 PM PST

So today I found the courier in Whiterun.. standing still, frozen. Except his mouth would move but no words came out. I don't know what this is but I feel like burning my disc just to be safe..

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:52 AM PST

Got back into modding and playing Skyrim Special Edition. Gonna TRY to make it through the main story, but this kind of exploring makes it tough!

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 04:31 AM PST

It was at this moment he knew..he fucked up

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 02:50 AM PST

Ummm... I'm here for the delivery job you post...(?)

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 04:52 AM PST

Is there an actual story behind this skeleton?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 02:34 PM PST

I Got the Game Four Years Ago and Have Not Beat It Once

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 11:54 PM PST

I don't know if I'm doing things wrong, or totally right, but I created one character when I got the game on ps3, and played it for a few years. Then I got a PC and transferred my save to the PC, and modded the hell out of it. I'm still less than halfway through the story. I don't know if I'm alone, but in my opinion to keep me playing for so long and manage to distract me from the main quest so damn frequently takes one hell of a game. Cheers to Skyrim.

submitted by /u/The2ndXman
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Stormcloaks vs Empire

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 01:33 PM PST

Unexpected kill on Arch-Curate Vyrthur

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 07:29 AM PST

Never played and looking for advice

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 04:42 AM PST


I'm a new father and work two jobs so I never had time for skyrim. Finally started playing it. I have it for 360. Any advice or guidance for a new player?

Also should I buy the add ons or do them after I beat the game?


submitted by /u/RichardSharpe95th
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The Forsworn and the potential it had

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 02:17 PM PST

When you talk to the guards outside Markarth they tell you to keep your nose clean which indicates right away that something is up. You walk in and Weylin kills a woman in the market place and shouts "For the Forsworn!". You get a letter from Elrtys and you're tasked with finding out about the murder. You then get sent to the "prison" which is really just a mine filked with slaves. You escape with the FORSWORN KING MADANACH and they escape into the reach. Find their hideout later and the forsworn there won't attack you, but find them somewhere else and they will... even though you helped their KING escape.

This is where your friendly work with the forsworn is done. They will attack you on sight if you encounter them. I feel like this would've been a great moment to start a forsworn questline. I know this isn't a very unpopular opinion, but it's not talked about a lot. When you ask Madanach "What happens now?" right before you escape into Markarth he could've said: "Now we begin our work in retaking The Reach. My work writing letters to Nepos is done. Now we get more serious, now we build up an army of Forsworn and begin reclaiming our version of The Reach completely rid of the Nords! You have proven to be quite the asset for us. If you feel our cause is just then I suggest you head to (insert a forsworn headquarters here) if you want to join us in our conquest. Good luck, my friend."

The player will then head to Forsworn Grotto (just making up a name) and will speak with Madanach about joining The Forsworn. You'll be sent out on a task to clear out a small fort (and I mean much smaller than the usual ones) of The Reach and Imperial soldiers to test if you're really worthy of becoming a forsworn. I don't feel like writing down all I want for the forsworn questline, but I might write something down for myself idk. You would however have to be rewarded with enchanted swords, bows and axes that are much more powerful than the ones you'll find on Forsworn corpses. The end of the questline would have to result in capturing Markarth. I don't want a bland capture like in the civil war questline. I suggest having at least three quests connected with capturing the city. At the start of the first of these quests Madanach would say: "The work you've done for our cause has not gone unnoticed by The Jarl. I suggest you refrain from entering the city or you might get some unfriendly guards at your back. I don't expect us to retake Markarth without Imperial/Stormcloak intervention, but if we can capture the city then I bet they won't dare attack us. However we lack numbers. So we need to get a different advantage. Sneak into Markarth at night through the tunnel we used to escape the mine. Then you need to assassinate the Imperial Legate stationed in the Guard Tower. If he dies then the entire defense will cripple, but it will still be too powerful. I need you to plant this letter in his dresser drawer. I've taken the liberty of writing a fake letter from Tullius ordering half of the Imperial soldiers stationed in the city back to Solitude and Whiterun. Any more than that and it would hardly be believable. Also, to help you with sneaking into the city I've managed to give the guards in the mine a break for a while and I think you could make good use of these. Don't ask how I got them." The player will receive three powerful invisibility potions.

The quest "An early leave" will then start. If the player enters Markarth when this or the following two quests are active they will be attacked by the city guard on sight. The reason is that I find it very hard to believe that you can become an Imperial Legate and just walk into Windhelm like it's a Sunday morning. Obviously there would have to be a new entrance into the tunnel from outside Markarth the player could enter through. After this quest is done the player returns to Madanach who has this to say: "Our scouts have noticed a huge amount of soldiers clad in brown and red headed north. Well done. Here, take my personal sword as a reward. It has served me well. (The player will receive 'Forsworn Sword' which will be as powerful as a glass sword with a powerful enchantment.) Our work is nearly done. You need to head down to Markarth again. I believe you're familiar with the dragon threat? You are going to put on this guards armour and speak with The Jarl. Tell him you just came running from a dragon black as night that was flying towards Markarth from Whiterun. You might need to persuade him a bit to get him to listen to you, but I know he'll come around. This will make Markarth's defense crumble, but only for a little while. Tell The Jarl you saw the dragon at Karthspire. It's a forsworn stronghold and any and all guards headed there will find that out soon enough. You will join these men in killing these fools. After this there should be no more than thirty guards defending the city. Good luck."

Then the quest "A new dragon threat" would start. The player should not require a high speech skill to persuade The Jarl. It wouldn't make sense for them to intimidate or bribe the jarl. Now would be the last quest. When returning Madanach will say this: "Haha! Good job! I knew the moment I saw you enter my quarters that you supported our cause! Now is our final charge. We are now ready to capture The Reach capital. We have already taken the surrounding lands and begun besieging the city. This is the last time we will meet in this... pitiful cave. Meet me and my other forsworn outside the main gates. Bring the armour and the sword I gave you and with it you shall kill The Jarl!"

"Battle of Markarth" would then start. The main focus would not be on getting to Understone Keep, but rather the confrontation inside The Keep. The confrontation would be very similar to the Stormcloak confrontation in Whiterun. Madanch would now be King of The Reach and it would be independent from The Empire.

I wrote this cus I was bored :p, but really though. A forsworn questline would've been so awesome. And it really feels like it was the start of one after you escaped Chidna mine. I mean... you FREED their KING! Like wtf. Anyways, thoughts?

submitted by /u/SUPERBirdplane
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After downloading the new Skyrim update my character became bald.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 02:14 PM PST

Ok with not adding voice actor for playable character in next Elder scrolls..

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:07 AM PST

I was having this debate with a friend and I don't think that having a voiced character is needed when they already have to voice everyone else in the game.. The voice makes it not me, when I read my reply and I'm replying in my own head and getting immersed that way.. Personally I come from Morrowind so I am skeptical about all voiced audio but I know we all don't want to read.. But I would be much happier if they used that time and money investing in writing and level design.. That and needing to voice all races and genders.. Much harder than fallouts..

submitted by /u/Prtyfly4AtanGuy
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Pillar of Boethia bug?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 04:35 AM PST

So whenever I bring up a follower to the pillar, and I ask them to do something, and I click ok the pillar they say they will, but nothing happens. I've tried with Sven and the merc from Windhelm.

submitted by /u/SlaynXav
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Bandits aren't very wise

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 12:44 AM PST

Hail Sithis!

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:03 AM PST

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