Shadowverse Chronogenesis - major card expansion out now!

Chronogenesis - major card expansion out now!

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:33 PM PST

Version 2.0.0 was released at 5:00 p.m., December 27 (PT). This update includes:

- New Chronogenesis card set
In the Chronogenesis card set, 138 new cards will be added.

- New Portalcraft class
Portalcraft, the new class lead by Yuwan, will also make its debut.

- New Rotation format
Rotation, a new deck construction format, will be playable. Rotation will include all cards released in the five latest card sets, as well as basic cards. After Rotation is added, it still will be possible to play with all available cards in the Unlimited format.

- New chapters to the main story
The main story will continue on as new chapters are added:
* The Morning Star: Conclusion, Chapters 7 - 12
* Yuwan, Chapters 1 - 6

- Temporary vial bonus ends
In the December 28 update, the vial bonus (effective from November 28) will end for Dimension Shift; Sibyl of the Waterwyrm; Little Soulsquasher; Carabosse, Wicked Fairy; and Staircase to Paradise.

After the December 28 update, obtained vials will be returned to their respective, original amounts.

Dimension Shift
Normal: From 800 vials back to 250 vials
Animated: From 800 vials back to 600 vials

Sibyl of the Waterwyrm
Normal: From 3500 vials back to 1000 vials
Animated: From 3500 vials back to 2500 vials

Little Soulsquasher
Normal: From 800 vials back to 250 vials
Animated: From 800 vials back to 600 vials

Carabosse, Wicked Fairy
From 3500 vials back to 1000 vials
Animated: From 3500 vials back to 2500 vials

Staircase to Paradise
Normal: From 800 vials back to 250 vials
Animated: From 800 vials back to 600 vials

- Different cards available in Take Two
After Chronogenesis is released, the cards that appear when creating a Take Two deck will change, and the Portalcraft class will be added to Take Two. The cards displayed will include some of the non-Neutral basic bronze cards that all players have when first starting the game, as well as the following card packs:

- Tempest of the Gods
- Wonderland Dreams
- Starforged Legends
- Chronogenesis

Included Basic Cards
- Water Fairy
- Fairy Whisperer
- Sylvan Justice
- Quickblader
- Oathless Knight
- White General
- Insight
- Magic Missile
- Conjure Golem
- Dragonrider
- Dragon Oracle
- Blazing Breath
- Spartoi Sargent
- Apprentice Necromancer
- Undying Resentment
- Nightmare
- Dark General
- Razory Claw
- Snake Priestess
- Beastly Vow
- Blackened Scripture

Cards other than these will not appear, and the cards on the banned list below will not be displayed either. (Take Two decks made before December 28 might include some cards not displayed here.)

Banned Cards
- Wise Merman
- Impartial Strix
- Frozen Mammoth
- Maneating Mangrove
- Kindly Treant
- Woodland Band
- Sylvan Elder
- Spring Cleaning
- Jolly Rogers
- Luminous Standard
- Kiss of the Princess
- Enchanted Sword
- Carbuncle of Mysteria
- Mysterian Grimoire
- Venomous Pucewyrm
- Ebon Beast Warrior
- Dragon Sculpture
- Fortress Crab
- Deadmoon Disciple
- Haunted House
- Caterpillar of Riddles
- Siren's Tears
- Assault Werewolf
- Vlad
- Demon Key
- Furtive Fangs
- Pure Healer
- Candelabra of Prayers
- Tenko
- Eagle Man

- Minor changes to card text
The wordings for some cards will be revised to be more understandable, but there will be no difference to how the card actually works.

- Updated tutorial completion rewards
Tutorial completion rewards will change.

Before the change:
- 10 Wonderland Dreams card pack tickets
- 10 Tempest of the Gods card pack tickets
- 10 Rise of Bahamut card pack tickets
- 10 Darkness evolved card pack tickets
- 10 Standard card pack tickets
- 3 Take Two tickets
- 100 rupies
- 400 vials

After the change:
- 10 Starforged Legends card pack tickets
- 10 Wonderland Dreams card pack tickets
- 10 Tempest of the Gods card pack tickets
- 10 Rise of Bahamut card pack tickets
- 3 Take Two tickets
- 100 rupies
- 400 vials

It may take longer for some people to get the update. If you're not able to update the app, it may be due to the cached data on the device. Please try turning off and restarting the device after a couple of minutes and try again. Saved replay data will be deleted after maintenance. Please back up your game date in case your device is lost or broken.

Shadowverse Team

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