Dota 2 - Dec 29 Competitive Matches - China

Dec 29 Competitive Matches - China

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 10:26 PM PST

ESL One Genting Qualifier: China

  • 12 teams complete in a single-elimination bracket: 8 directly invited and 4 qualified through open qualifiers.
    • Tier 1:
      Keen Gaming
      LGD.Forever Young
      Invictus Gaming
    • Tier 2:
    • Open Qualifier:
      Rock Gaming
      Sun Gaming
      Newbee Young
  • Tier 1 Invites have a free win in round 1
  • Matches are Bo3
  • Both grand finalists qualify to the ESL One Genting 2017 (Minor)



EHOME: old chicken, Cty, Faith_bian, Hym, Innocence, Coach: ZeuS

Invictus Gaming: Zyf, Op, Xxs, BoBoKa, Q, Coach: zaizai

Keen Gaming: zhizhizhi, Yíng, dark, yftx, Rong, Coach: fyms

LGD.Forever Young: Monet, Super, Inflame, Banana1, ddc,

Rock Gaming: Shining, XY, BinGo, DDR, Lt

Sun Gaming: vtFαded, bLink, Waixi, Mrrr, iceice

Newbee.M: JUST, leyuan, awen, cat feces, Origami

VGJ.Thunder: Sylar, Freeze, Yang, Fade, Ayo, Coach: rOtk

1: Banana is standing in for Ah fu.


ID Team vs Team Result Cntdwn (SGT) PST EST GMT CET AEST Stream
QF1 vs. Rock 16:00 0:00 3:00 8:00 9:00 19:00 ESL
QF2 vs. 16:00 0:00 3:00 8:00 9:00 19:00 ESL
QF3 vs. Sun Gaming 19:00 3:00 6:00 11:00 12:00 22:00 ESL
QF4 vs. 19:00 3:00 6:00 11:00 12:00 22:00 ESL

Countdown times are in SGT. All times are subject to change based on the length of matches and delays.

submitted by /u/D2TournamentThreads
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Insanely rare post-game drop

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 04:55 AM PST

Alliance's results for the current year

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 04:41 AM PST

LUL gotcha!



submitted by /u/WithFullForce
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Talent Announcement for Captains Draft 4.0 Minor

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 09:09 AM PST

Natus Vincere's results for the current year

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 03:52 AM PST

Everybody complaints about that Dota 2 tutorial is horrible. Can some workshop game developers create a user-friendly, informative, community-made dota 2 tutorial? So we can introduce our friends without current Dota 2 Tutorial.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 08:11 PM PST

Pro South African international cricketer who plays Dota 2 has started to stream!

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 05:56 AM PST

His name is Rilee Rossouw and he plays pro cricket.

He's a gamer at heart that plays Dota 2 and has started to stream on twitch

It's great to see professional sport players playing e-sports.

Any cricket fans or South Africans should support his streaming

submitted by /u/entropyhunter
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Today is the day - vote for Dota 2 in the Steam Awards!

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 10:22 AM PST

The buff Nullifier needs.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 10:40 PM PST

We have cheese eaten in stats, what about adding refresher shards used in it?

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 07:00 AM PST

Title says it all.

submitted by /u/Inner_Abysm
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Newbee is the fourth invite for ESL One Katowice!

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 08:30 AM PST

Does it haunt yours too? Vote today.

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 10:13 AM PST

Skulz's Competitive Hero Tier List December 2017

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 09:59 AM PST

I also taught my wife Dota when she was pregnant

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 03:23 AM PST

She asked me since she got bored doing nothing after work. She couldnt do much at the later part of pregnancy but to wait to give birth.

I taught her drow and viper (this was before 7.07) since they have almost same skill and item build. I also gave her a note of the things that she should buy. I didn't explain much of the items except for shadow blade. I told her to use it when she needs to escape or surprise an out of positioned enemy. From time to time, i would explain what a specific ally/enemy does.

I wouldnt say I was successful but before she gave birth she managed to win over unfair bots :)

Sorry for the englando, not my first language.

Just want to share and i have no point to prove.


submitted by /u/FakeRoshan
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Team Empire's results for the current year

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 08:15 AM PST

The Most ICONIC Scandals, Bugs & Broken Updates in Dota 2 History

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 04:06 AM PST

[Chinese Comic][Translated] GL Comic- 【I want my own Arcane】Christmas comics from VPGAME

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 10:49 PM PST


Posted: 28 Dec 2017 03:07 PM PST

I introduced my 11 yo niece to DotA

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 12:20 PM PST

And her 15 yo friend at the same time. I was visiting my hometown for Christmas and I saw them playing the game that should not be named. We reminisced how she was watching me play it (yes, dark times) in the past and I suggested that they try out DotA. So, they download steam and the game and the ~shit~show began.
They have never used steam, so partying up was the first hurdle to overcome. We tried adding via steam profile links (I taught them how to use Discord, but that's a different story). We tried a local chat channel in DotA, a user channel, even a PRIVATE channel (where you have to specifically add the person in question via a command). None worked, because their accounts were obviously restricted. Really Valve? Okay, we even somehow managed to find each others DotA profiles, though I'm not sure how. Honestly, at that point I was on the verge of giving up and assuming that Valve considers new Steam/DotA players so irrelevant that they don't give a damn about those 2 unlikely players. BUT, it turned out you can add a player via DotA ID... to friends. It obviously didn't work, but we managed to party up with that feature. So... all this was nothing compared to what happened afterwards. It's hard to put into words but I'll try my best.
We kicked off with the tutorial. They have both finished the first part, albeit cluelesly, even though they play the L game. Then came the DK game and oh boy... I can't remember the last time I felt so helpless and ashamed about something. The tutorial is GARBAGE. A big, stinking pile of crap. It's like being praised for graduating kindergarten as a kid after the first mission followed by solving damn integrals in the second. Honestly, what the hell? They both lost interest immediately after being thrown into such deep water. Two new fresh souls, young eager grills, beaten by a frigging tutorial. My niece said that it's hard (no surprise here) and that she will maybe play when I visit again in the future, but she'd much rather only watch. She also said that her biggest problem was with a lack of camera lock on your hero.
Valve please, you can do better than this, start from allowing players to add each other to a party at least!, followed by a community-driven arcade based tutorial contest for eager modders. If you didn't mind dumping 30k on Frostivus, surely you can spend as much on a proper tutorial, with basic concepts and mechanics explained? You can treat it as an investment into new players. For all those that lasted till the end, thank you for reading. Proof here:
TL;DR New Steam/DotA players can't party up easily and are being discouraged by the garbage quality tutorial.

submitted by /u/UtileDulciMiscere
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CCNC gets DD rune and wants to fight.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 05:54 PM PST

Another daily reminder that Enigma's Black Hole is STILL missing its last damage instance

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 11:08 AM PST

This means you're missing out on 50/100/150 PURE damage (even more if you include spell amp) which can be the difference between killing someone or not (especially at max level ult since 150 pure damage would be about 7-9% of someone's max health as damage at that point in the match)

Also just tested this with Agh's upgrade and it still doesn't work. Since each tick of Midnight Pulse deals 5.25% of the enemy's max HP as PURE damage, it means that Enigma's Black Hole with Aghanim's Scepter is currently missing out on 50/100/150 pure damage PLUS 5.25% of the enemy's max HP as pure damage. Since I stated that 150 pure damage is about 7-9% of an average hero's max HP at that point in the match, Enigma's ultimate (with Agh's) is missing out on dealing about 15% of every affected unit's max HP as pure damage.

submitted by /u/Gr4b
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Aren't you tired?

Posted: 29 Dec 2017 10:21 AM PST

Pudge. Every. Single. Game. I'm done.

submitted by /u/maryonepear
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Team Liquid is your 3rd invite for ESL One Katowice!

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 05:06 PM PST

The 2k mmr midlane

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:53 AM PST

About a month ago I started to address my toxicity. Better matches, less rage, better ranking.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 03:24 PM PST

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