PUBG I feel dirty..

I feel dirty..

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 11:30 PM PST

Desert Map available for the next round of Tests! Bonus screenshot of a new gun!

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 02:30 AM PST

PUBG will run at 30FPS on all Xbox one devices

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 04:56 AM PST

1v1 vs Scuba Steve

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:39 AM PST

Desync of the century

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 02:10 AM PST

one in a million ironsight kar98

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 07:30 AM PST

What type of strategy is this!?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 09:09 PM PST

[Crazy suggestion] One of the control towers on Military island let's players decide where the next red zone will be

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 01:10 AM PST

I know this would be pretty bad, but still

submitted by /u/Dipfyte
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Add a 'queue' button to results screen, cut spawn island wait time by 30 seconds, speed up the plane a little bit.

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 02:10 AM PST

If you want to drop highly contested areas chances are you are going to die a lot. Not due to skill but due to rng and simply too many people to contend with at the same time.

Anyway, it gets really tiring having to quit to the menu to requeue then waiting for 1m+ in a lobby that gets full after 10 seconds then having to wait in the plane.

It would be nice if this process was sped up so the incentive to go to highly contested areas is upped especially since going to these places is very thrilling and is the fastest way to improve.

Edit: I do not want shorter time between games just for quicker action, that was just 1 reason why. I want shorter time between games because why wouldnt I?

Second edit: It is extremely frustrating having to wait in a lobby for 1m+ wait for the plane to slowly fly to where you want to be then to parachute down there only to be killed by someone who went into the right house because of rng and then having to do all of all over again.

If you are having a particularly bad night then the numerous waiting times between games can get aggravating. As it is right now the game feels sluggish when transitioning from one game to another.

submitted by /u/Inoox
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Ever wonder why your good shot missed? V2

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 09:20 AM PST

Can we have it so when someone crashes they stand still?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 02:21 AM PST

It may be difficult to prevent all the crashes but can we at least find a way to prevent our character from contuining to move on the server after we crashed?

Now, I'm the type of person who attracts all the bullshit deaths, my favourite was when I was downed from falling... As I ran along a completely flat ground. However, a new contender has entered the mix and it's what made me realise this is an issue.

So, we just took out a squad who had a ghillie and an AUG. Not used the AUG yet, yay. Oh did I mention it's suppressed with all the attachments and I have a KAR98K with 8x and loads of meds. EZ win right?

So we drive into the circle. I'm happy, the 3 others on my squad are happy, singing along together having a blast, looking forward to AUGing the fuck out of "testtbigdickrick" who has been tearing the server up. So we hop out the jeep to top our health back up.

Disaster strikes. "BAD_MODULE" not sure why they put a bad module in the game, wouldn't it better to have a good module? Game throws me out to desktop. Not a problem, we are safe enough in terms of cover. but wait, as I look to my right at my partners screen (she is part of the squad) I can see my character slowly backing away from the cover, into the blue.

As each notch of health is knocked away my panic in rejoining the server becomes more frantic and uncontrolled. That health bar, plummeted to zero. I'm downed. There's still hope though, my second life as a crawling baby has begun but it's ending so so so swiftly.

I make it back into the server just in time to watch myself die.

It's a sad story, but it's one that needs to be told. Bluehole, standing still after crashing saves lives. Don't let this happen to anyone else. Please.

submitted by /u/KEEPCARLM
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So the plane didn't arrive...

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 06:06 AM PST

I don't understand how these AK shots didn't hit spot on for the most part....

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 05:23 AM PST

Oh hi

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 09:15 AM PST

When the chef gets your order wrong.

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 07:40 AM PST

Beware of spontaneous inversion

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:42 AM PST

I will never hit another shot this lucky

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 06:54 PM PST

I think im the first to break 100 K/D in NA

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 10:53 PM PST

How is there still no option to enable "Hold" as opposed to "Toggle" regarding ADS?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 01:17 AM PST

Seems to me like it would be the first setting you'd have an option to switch between Toggle/Hold for.

submitted by /u/dashAU
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If this hasn't been brought up yet: Cardinal directions are currently covered up by the new compass on the Test Server

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:59 AM PST

It would be nice to be able to see what direction you're looking at without the coordinate markers blocking it out. For example, if you're looking straight West then all you see on your compass is 270 unless you move your mouse a bit to uncover it.

While it's not a huge deal, it was a lot easier being able to say "West" instead of "270" for callouts, cardinal directions are a lot more natural and something everyone can understanding without referencing the compass.

submitted by /u/bornrevolution
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Got this when the game crashed. Any idea why?

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:12 AM PST

This guy has no hands, plays with only a keyboard and is still better than me at this game

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 09:12 PM PST

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