Pokémon GO - How awesome would an Alolan Vulpix be in this scenery?

How awesome would an Alolan Vulpix be in this scenery?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 07:18 AM PST

It’s been a fun day in the snow!

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 03:13 PM PST

No way am I going out in these conditions

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 05:35 AM PST

Here comes the Squirtle Squad

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 11:10 AM PST

Twitch Plays Pokémon Gen 1 Team!

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 07:13 PM PST

Okay Niantic, can we please be done with regionals forever now? No more regionals. Ever. Not everyone has millions of dollars to travel the world. And even if someone got the regionals, then you just release more regionals!

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 06:46 AM PST

Two basically exact stat absols, except ones shiny. Luckiest I’ve ever gotten.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 04:53 PM PST

EX invite system making me really want to quit the game [complaint]

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 11:28 AM PST

Ive been raiding a lot at parks trying to get an EX invite. I have lots of rare candy/stardust saved up and all I want is one mewtew! We don't have sponsored gyms here so they have been scarce. Just now the park by my house that was my first gold gym and Ive raided at 5+ times a week got an invite. Almost everyone I raided with got one except me, even the girl who only raided there once and the spoofer that did maybe 2 raids. Im so mad and sad and it's just making me want to close pogo and never open it again. This system is so fucking broken.

submitted by /u/SnailsInYourAnus
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Anyone else embarrassed to be seen playing this game in public?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 02:39 PM PST

I feel some honest embarrassment when I play this in public. I try to conceal it, sometimes I wiggle my thumbs like I'm texting so people don't know I'm playing pokemon go. When I have to finger swipe to throw the ball I tend to look to see if anyone happens to be glancing. I feel like it's cringy to see, I feel like a total nerd, like all that's missing is a fuckin anime sweatshirt or a deck of magic the gathering cards lmao

Does anyone else feel like catching pokemon in public is kind of dumb and ultimately a spectacle of cringe? Don't get me wrong, I really love this game, and I love playing it and I doubt I'll stop, it's really fun for me, but I honestly feel like it's embarrassing to be doing this.

submitted by /u/Tsalvan
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Enjoying not having a clue who these mons are

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 07:28 PM PST

Skitty is the only Pokémon facing our right (its left)

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 08:43 PM PST

[Idea] Plusle And Minun should be scrapped from regionals and rotate between which ones spawn globally

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 12:15 PM PST

The concept: Make it depend on the Lunar Calendar months.

Plusle: Make it appear on even months: February, April, June, August, October, December

Minun: Make it appear on odd months: January, March, May, July, September, November.

submitted by /u/FrankOfTheDank
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[Discussion] Remove Extreme Weather (!)

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 08:25 AM PST

I'll just start this by saying this; no matter how bad the weather is, anything short of "we should be evacuating" or "get into the tornado shelter" is not going to stop someone that lives in a major city from walking a few blocks (full snow gear may be necessary) to the nearest Sponsored Starbucks stop, putting a Stop Module on it; sitting own with a nice hot Mocha and playing for a bit. If the weather system didn't pop extreme because of the snow; paying for stop modules or incense because of the snow might have been appealing.

I'm all for the "Severe" weather warnings; but the "Extreme" weather shutting off the weather system completely and reducing normal spawns is unnecessary. It can lead to several of the weathers effectively not existing if the threshold for it popping up remains as it is.

Foggy and the weather service puts up a "visibility advisory" to drive slow and be careful? Extreme.

Snowing in a region that doesn't get snow constantly? Extreme.

In the same county, but not actually close to the wildfires in California? Extreme.

As it currently stands; anything severe enough to get a warning or advisory appears to be enough to trigger the system. So, basically the weather system would only have "snowing" if its a region that always gets snow or it's lightly flurrying and not sticking to the roads, as the higher accumulations pop a "Winter Storm Warning". Unsure the threshold for "Windy" but fair chance it'd be rare due to "Wind Advisories" warning about down tree branches in the same conditions. Rain might even run into "Flash Flood Watch" with even small amounts in drought-ridden regions where the soil can't absorb the water well.

I get why this was added; but this is one of the cases where I just don't think people are -that- stupid. Sure, put up extreme for actually EXTREME things like Hurricanes or Tornadoes, if you want (virtually no one would be playing the game at those times anyways).

And I admit, maybe I'm just salty because I heard about the update ahead of time and was excited to go play in the snow for a bit. A friend had told me that it would increase ice and steel and I'd be "Swarming in Magnemite soon" which I was excited for as Steel was/is the type I've caught the least of and I don't even have the silver medal. I have played in similar snowy conditions before back in January; the local nest was Charmander and I stayed out in the cold hunting them for about an hour. It was no more dangerous than stepping outside to go sledding or build snowmen, etc.

Anyways those are my thoughts; anyone want to pile on?

submitted by /u/Bcadren
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Double bounce throw on Zigzagoon

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 08:44 PM PST

Friend Took a Unique Approach to Asking Me to be his Best Man

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 03:10 PM PST

Hariyama is already huge on the map, we can only imagine how big Wailord is gonna be on the map

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 01:27 PM PST

I hope Niantic doesn't mess with Wailords spawn size and make him small. I honestly can't wait for him to spawn when i'm at the beach. I just did the math and you can fit 14 Hariyamas in Wailord. Oh boy...

submitted by /u/team_aqua_
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Holiday wallpaper

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 05:09 PM PST

Haven’t even left my neighborhood and caught all these Gen 3 Pokémon! How am i doing?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 11:33 AM PST

Battle Simulator with weather effects [Discussion]

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 05:13 AM PST

[Story] Thank you Niantic for PoGo!

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 05:22 PM PST

To begin with, I'm just a 27 years old guy from Venezuela.

Whoever knows about the social/political/economical situation of this country or who suffers from something similar in their own country can probably understand why I'm making this post.

Pokemon Go made it's official release in my country around the first part of 2017 if I'm not mistaken. The thing is that, I couldn't play it since I didn't own a phone capable of running the game. And it wasn't until around March of the current year June that I was able to get my hands on a cheap phone that finally could handle PoGo.

Obviously at this point mistakes were made and as such, a lot of people left the game and it's popularity declined quite a bit.

Last month I decided to download PoGo to finally give it a chance and I've been having a blast even though I play it on my on (no raid groups and not a lot of people around me, that I know of, who plays it) but the fact that I feel like I'm actually inside a Pokemon game, completing the dex and everything, just feels amazing.

But, why is this so important?

As I said, I'm from Venezuela and as such, I could very well be considered a total idiot for playing this game, not because I'm playing it, but because I am putting my self at a huge risk of being mugged and such.

The thing is that, as many others around here, I was living in constant fear and stress about the dangers of being in the streets with a "nice phone" or with anything else that might be of value.

In reality, PoGo made me lose that fear a bit, it has relaxed me a lot and made me have a lot of fun on top of it. Living in a country like this ain't easy, but the fact that a game like this helped me to see beyond the problems and fears that might lurk at the turn of every corner, is just amazing.

So thank you Niantic (and obviously Nintendo).

PS: sorry for the boring and long post just needed to vent it out.

submitted by /u/AlexD1891
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Star Piece hype at Columbus Circle (from a friend in NYC)!

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 06:47 PM PST

Just walked in on a secret meeting I think..

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 12:42 PM PST


Reposted because I'm an idiot and can't read the rules properly.

submitted by /u/Charlie_In_The_Bush
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[screen shot]Living in a small town with only 1 gym and only 5 pokestops, this feelsgoodman

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 09:13 PM PST

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