Overwatch - Weekly Role Discussion Thread: Support - December 09, 2017

Weekly Role Discussion Thread: Support - December 09, 2017

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 09:07 PM PST

In this weekly thread you can discuss the Support roles of Overwatch to your heart's delight. What are the characteristics of those heroes?

The objective of support is to heal, buff and provide utility. Support heroes boost the overall performance of their team by increasing their survivability, speed, and damage output. They are generally the worst duelists and are best when surrounded by teammates.

Overwatch Wikia

You can find a list of the current supportive heroes on the Overwatch Hero Overview.

Share guides and strategies that are valuable to a Support Overwatch Hero or other tips and tricks that helped you to get better. You can also propose ideas why a certain hero is bad in your eyes and how to make it better. Please do so in a constructive way!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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[Spoilers] Overwatch League Preseason Final Standings (Post-Preseason Discussion Thread)

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 04:23 PM PST

Team Match Record Map Record
Seoul Dynasty1 3 - 0 9 - 2
Dallas Fuel 2 - 0 6 - 3
Los Angeles Valiant 2 - 0 6 - 3
London Spitfire 1 - 1 6 - 3
New York Excelsior 1 - 1 4 - 4
Boston Uprising 1 - 1 4 - 5
Los Angeles Gladiators 1 - 1 4 - 5
San Francisco Shock1 1 - 2 5 - 8
Houston Outlaws 0 - 2 3 - 5
Florida Mayhem 0 - 2 2 - 6
Shanghai Dragons 0 - 2 2 - 7
Philadelphia Fusion2 0 - 0 0 - 0

1 The Dynasty and Shock played an extra match due to the non-participation of the Fusion.

2 Due to player logistics issues, the Philadelphia Fusion did not participate in any preseason Matches.

submitted by /u/SpriteGuy_000
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Dying to a self-destruct should show the perspective of the self-destruct mech in the kill cam, not the perspective of the baby d.va

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 12:10 PM PST

Title basically sums it up.

Dying to hanzo's ultimate shows how you died with the perspective of the dragon, so why not d.va's?

There have been so many times where I have been killed by a self-destruct even though I thought I was behind cover. When this happens I usually expect the kill cam to show just how I died, but most of the time the kill cam just consists of the baby d.va running away, spraying (in anticipation of a POTG) or waving goodbye to our dead souls.

Share your thoughts if you have an idea or opinion.

submitted by /u/Patuator
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Every Widowmaker ever (xpost r/gaming)

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 12:21 PM PST

Wall up a Reinhardt to enable D.Va bomb

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 03:14 AM PST

Symm Ice Queen!!

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 08:00 AM PST

OMG this is the best skin i have ever seen for the winter event, love it! https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C2AUcQLWQAEYmt1.jpg

EDIT: Original Artist: https://twitter.com/faeriefountain/status/819677835375898624 Give him a like <3

EDIT2: I don't know anything about reddit neither the internet, I'm really noob sorry if I did something wrong and thanks to this people who understand I didn't know what i was doing hahaha <3

submitted by /u/Lightris
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Dafran casting platinum games is hilarious

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 10:07 AM PST

A nano-boosted Torb with viking skin shouts "onwards to ragnarok!", now i wonder which other rare nano+skin combos i have never heard before.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 12:37 PM PST

does jazzy lucio have a new nano boost line? or winged victory mercy?

submitted by /u/wearer_of_boxers
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Junkertown is unplayable!

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 11:38 PM PST

Anybody Else Feel Like There Isn't Enough Feedback to Confirm that you are Healing a Teammate as Moira?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 07:28 AM PST

I love Moira to bits. She's the reason I got back into playing overwatch again and I'm really enjoying playing her.

However, does anybody else feel that there isn't enough feedback when healing? Like I'm never 100 percent sure I'm hitting my target? The range feels a little vague and when close there's no obvious physical or UI indicator that I'm healing other than watching the health bar closely?

This is made worse when two of you are healing one target as you're not sure if it's you, the second healer or both that are applying healing.

Every other healer makes it very obvious when you've hit your target.

Perhaps a second, vertical and different coloured hit marker or a slight alteration to her current healing stream animation?

Or is this just me, is there something I'm missing?


submitted by /u/CobaltVoltaic
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I met Jeff Kaplan irl and he's totally amazing

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 10:46 AM PST

Ok so I met Jeff today in real life. There are pics in the post, yeah!

Long story short: there's an event here in Spain, Fun&Serious that posted about a month ago that Jeff Kaplan are going to get here to receive a prize.

I didn't believe that, so I triple-checked and sent them some DM's via Twitter to confirm that it was true, and they told me that yeah, totally true, so I booked my trip and my hotel to get here this days.

It was only 30 minutes but enought to love him even more. He said his story, about how much time spent playing and how he managed to get there with a life advice: "Open your mind. Do whatever you want and follow it to achieve that". My smartwatch told me that my heartbeat was high enought hahahaha

Some people asked him a question that was easy to ask but difficult enought to respond: "So, what about Gibraltar and what about the flag?" (Youtube video at the end of the post). Here in Spain is a bit controversial so it was very funny seeing his reaction to that.

I also made the last question of his interview, congratulating him for the two new game awards (nobody said that before wtf?), thanking him so much for all the effort and pointing that there's all the love too for the team (he laughed in the part that I remembered him the give Overwatch Team a cookie for Xmas), and asking how about the plans for this Winter Event and what's the plan for the next year (yeah, I have video for this part too).

At the end I managed to get to him and he signed my Widowmaker statue and my laptop saying: "I'll put an exclamation mark here beside my sticker so now it's a quest and every time you see it is telling you to play more Overwatch".

Pics? SURE! https://imgur.com/a/hjBQt

I totally forgot to tell him that I met an amazing amount of awesome people in-game that really made all my days (actually my nights, but whatever, I love them). I met people that were in that room with me without knowing each other and other people that I played but never met each other IRL and met there randomly. MAGICAL.

I'll try to upload the videos later this day -> Video uploaded! YAY!

Thank you for all too, guys, you are such a nice community (not you, Hanzo mains) and I hope to get a funny games in there.

EDIT: Here's the video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8KnBJuTjFo I'll try tomorrow to add some captions to get what's he's replying to and some stuff related. At the end you can hear my awful and nervous english and talking directly to him <3

submitted by /u/RoberVR
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I think I owe the Anubis point B statue an apology

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 05:19 AM PST

Seriously, I just spent so much time desperately riding its face as Lucio to keep the point contested that it's basically sexual assault at this point.

I'm sorry you big stone pharaoh.

Edit : fuck that got way too much attention. So, erm, I actually never did any of this face riding stuff. My... my Reddit account got hacked ?

submitted by /u/McManus26
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Thanks to OWL my father now has an interest in Video Games

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 12:32 PM PST

So some backstory. My dad is a sports guy. He played soccer throughout his life and he loves to see us play sports. He doesn't mind if I play video games but he prefers if I did something else besides play video games. He also went to a good college and he knows I won't be able to go unless if I get a scholarship. It's understood that I'm not getting a scholarship for sports so he wants me to get an academic one. The problem is I have ADHD and its hard for me to focus and study which makes it hard for me to do good on tests. The ADHD also makes me more distracted so I go do something like play video games instead of studying. So this causes problems with us because I do this a lot. Now my Dad loves when I'm passionate about something. He'll start listening and thats cool. So when I started talking about Overwatch League he listened and that was cool. When Sinatraa signed with NRG i told him about it. Then he started asking questions. That was new for me as he normally just listened and nodded and said cool. So as new information came out for OWL I would tell him and we would have some small discussion. One night though after we watched a movie I remembered that Contenders was on Disney XD. I turned it on and expected him to go upstairs and sleep but he stayed. He was watching and asking questions and it was a feelsgoodman. It was around this time I started playing smash bros again and he would watch me play for a little whenever he would pass. I saw a video talking about how smash bros and spectating. He saw me watching it and asked me to send it to him. He ended up watching it and said it was a great video. So a few days ago I was doing HW when he walked in from work and said, "So I read that you can represent your team by using a team skin in game." I looked up and said, "Yeah it's pretty cool." Then I realized what he said. I didn't tell him that. He had to do minor research to figure that out. But, he wouldn't do that unless he was somewhat interested. It honestly means a lot to me that he's interested in a video game I like. It's a feel good moment and just something I wanted to share. tl;dr: Talked to Dad about OWL led to him showing interest in video games.

Edit: Ok since like 2 of you asked to get my dad to play it, I'll make a video with him after midterms.

submitted by /u/LapizVGC
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Overwatch Late News: December 2, 2017 to December 9, 2017

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 03:18 PM PST

I've got a feeling they have a shiiiiiiield generator

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 09:48 AM PST

can we talk about why junkrat says that line 3x as often as anyone else?

or just in general, why the shield gen voiceline gets said so much more often?

it's like i'm being constantly nagged to take the damn thing out and it's so freaking annoying i can't stand it.

no other voiceline in the game repeats as often the shield gen voiceline.

submitted by /u/theblackcanaryyy
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If each character was the main character of a single player game, what would their game be like?

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 11:31 AM PST

They are now solo starring in a game....what is it all about? Campaign mode?

submitted by /u/mull3286
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I head shot this poor soldier with my ult

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 06:30 AM PST

Well that is probably the coolest way I’ve ever stopped a Junkrat tire

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 10:18 AM PST

I made a deep learning algorithm to Guess Your SR and I need more Data!

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 07:00 AM PST

EDIT if you want an alert when OASIS comes out add your email to


I promise I'll ONLY email you ONCE when c0derwatch.com is up and running

My Last post( 3 months ago)


Plea for PC/XBOX/PSN usernames:

Let's give console some love.

I made a machine learning algorithm to estimate your SR, and (attempt to) tell you how to improve at Overwatch.

I've called the learning algorithms OASIS (Overwatch AI Skill Improvement Simulator)! Oasis looks at your in-game statistics, such as eliminations, deaths, and damage done, to guess your SR. It also would estimate how good you were at individual heroes, and attempted to supply advice on how to improve based on your statistics.

but it wasn't available for console :(

I'm going to make a new version that's new and improved. But I want more names this time, last time I had 160k PC usernames, 0 Xbox names, and 0 PSN names to learn from!! So more than anything I want Console names.

Due to sort of a "trick" I can apply to deep learning I don't need as many samples for XBOX/PSN, but I need a few thousand at least... That's where you guys come in:

v important link! v

(feel free to add you PC battletag, the more data the better)


^ important link! ^

I really want to support console players this time. So help me out and fill out the form!

How Oasis is going to be updated:

There will be a lot of changes. I got a lot of good criticism.

  1. The text-advice will be totally revamped, and consider the behaviors of people around your rank, for hopefully a much better analysis. It will also consider more than just ONE stat before generating advice, and look at a congregation of stats.

  2. There will be more information(numerical) on how good/bad you are at particular stats/combination of stats based on people around your rank.

  3. There were some complaints of bias in the hero SR estimates, I'm looking into that and have found a method to regularize things so you get a more reasonable estimate (a lot of people were getting high estimates for Doomfist last time). I think the best part of this app according to the commentators was the individual hero SR, I heard some cool success stories so I'm keeping it and improving it.

  4. I'll still have the old numbers/advice if you want to see them for your own interpretation. But it won't be the "main event" on the page.

  5. I'm changing the learning algorithm to be more accurate(duh). It had decent accuracy, but it'll get better. The biggest weakness was guessing people at higher SR, I think I've identified the part of the reason and it'll (hopefully) be fixed.

I also want to give you a projection of how much you have to improve to get to a certain rank/SR. This might be live on the first version, but will likely be the next feature developed.

It's just me myself and I working on this project, so I've been chugging a way to make it happen.

In addition to the website:

I'll also have an in-game app that will get smarter over time by collecting data (if you allow it). It'll do things like allow you to see other player's strengths/weaknesses according to OASIS and recommend which hero you and your teammates should play in the beginning of the game to optimize your chance of winning. I have some other more ambitious features that depend whether or not I can gather enough data when this goes live :) (enemy ult charge estimate, recommendations on who should and when to switch to counter enemy comp, estimated SR gain, live updates to % chance of winning,-- NOTE: none of these features in parenthesis will be on release, but are contingent on demand and amount of user data I get)

Planned release is mid-late January

Thank you!

The initial project had a lot of success and allowed me to get even more PC data.

With that success also came a LOT of criticism so thank you to everybody who gave detailed criticism right off the bat or after I asked. You enabled me to come up with (hopefully) some pretty cool ideas. (YO that widowmaker I played with that mentioned you and kephri had similar advice, thanks for helping me come up with one of those ideas above if you remember which one :) )

And last but not least thank you to my Patreon supporters who came to my aid 3 months after I developed the project and took down the website. It really means a lot to me. You guys give me hope this project will live on and improve.

important link again, in case you missed it in the wall of text https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1HRAuFDzvlaKPvRghOqZOyOm1YHzijcuDMjhpCHV4og4/

edit since a couple people PM'd me about it, here's my patreon page:


I will have updates at patreon and in the associated discord channel!

DISCORD HERE: https://discord.gg/caZzkge

submitted by /u/TheC0der
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Update: "Why are female players treated so poorly in this community?" One year later.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 10:20 AM PST

what's up gamers.

about a year ago, i came to vent to this subreddit after being told to get raped, and it sparked a really large discussion. it had some mixed reviews with people on both sides of the argument. a year, over 1000 competitive rank higher, and about 400 levels later, i thought i'd revisit this topic again, see how much it changed, and maybe help out other females that had the same problem, too.

first off, overwatch is still definitely pretty toxic. no matter your skill level, rank, gender, hero choice, username, voice, whatever. someone's going to hate you for simply existing. they'll trash talk you because you're a noob, then they'll make fun of you for anything above a silver border. you just can't win. the only thing you can do in situations like this is laugh. at the end of it all, these are just pixels & internet points. even when getting thrown horrible slurs, insults, and threats, just remember that the person on the other end is a miserable person, desperate enough to type/scream angery words to their computer monitor... then laugh. if people are honestly being relentless with their bullying, just block, mute, and report. they might somehow end up in your next 3 games, (wtf, blizzard matchmaking?) but if so, take this time to take a little break before you get too upset.

second, loosen up a little bit. every new game is a new chance to do better. staying salty past the games POTG sequence is just wasted time and energy. don't head into a new game with a sour attitude. you're just going to make yourself more angry and more irritable until you go full tilt/throw mode. my friends who i play with now and i are just obnoxiously happy and comedic. heading into a new comp game, we'll get on voice and chat it up with our new team. there's nothing worse than having a new teammate go "aaaand muted" at the beginning of the game, just because you're trying to lighten the mood. cheer up a little bit!

as far as the community towards females, in my experience i'd say it's gotten a LOT better than before. i'm not sure if its because i'm 2 placements higher in competitive (the lower ranks are the absolute worst at being rude), or the trolls finally got tired of overwatch. if you're honestly too scared to play because of voice comms, i will gladly play with you and i'm sure there's tons of people who would stand up for you as well! don't get me wrong, there's still some people that will trash talk the second they hear your heavenly female voice enter their headphones. but, there's also no better feeling showing them how bad ass you are and make them eat their words. :3

and lastly, think of yourself from other people's shoes. maybe you're the one that's starting the grump-fest, and you just don't know it. there's been many times where players join with ~girly names, and people start poking fun at them in a light hearted way, with winky faces and such, just for them to go completely off. think about how your actions portray you, and don't add fuel to the fire.

honestly, overwatch is a great game that's given me hundreds of hours of fun. i've met so many nice people that i've extended our friendships past just the blizzard launcher. i'm really glad i didn't completely quit a year ago. don't let a few bad eggs ruin your breakfast!

thanks for letting me vent then, and thanks for letting me vent now. everyones comments helped me so much last time, and i can't thank you enough. ♥

edit: i'd be breaking reddit tradition to not edit and thanks for the gold, kind stranger xd.

the comments got a little uh, hectic here. i don't know if people read my original post, and thought something completely different from what i was saying, or if they just read the title and immediately went, "ah yes, feminism."

my point, if it wasnt clear enough, was that toxic people will be toxic, trolls will troll. the fact that you're a female is just the first thing they'll notice if you talk. if they want to troll so bad, you being a female has nothing to do with it. i'm sure theres specifically women haters in overwatch, but that's a slim percentage to the large majority of just plain ol' "trolls."

the only thing to get someone to stop is to simply ignore them. mute, block, report. easy. we can argue here that people shouldn't be rude in the first place, or send you winky faces because your name has "miss" in it until our faces turn blue, but the only sure fire way to get immediate results is to just block them.

submitted by /u/sadiesykes
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My boyfriend made me a punchkid cake for my birthday!

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 02:34 PM PST

Sauce: https://imgur.com/8kW7Hb5

He knows nothing about Overwatch at all but knows how much I love the game. So he home made my favourite cake and did the decorations on it himself! :D

I scored a good one y'all.

submitted by /u/Joeskyyy
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After 7 whole seasons of being in plat, and making it so close to diamond, I've finally done it.

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 11:15 AM PST

I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with me!

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 04:21 PM PST

Fleta [Dynasty] deletes Pine [NYXL]

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 04:15 PM PST

Reindeer Orisa Concept

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 05:24 AM PST


This is the idea i sketched months ago but finally digitalised because i got the motivation with the event coming soon :D

submitted by /u/CookiePizzas
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Fishing is an Australian sport

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 01:02 PM PST

Best Hook Ever

Posted: 09 Dec 2017 11:38 AM PST

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