Overwatch - Weekly Role Discussion Thread: Tank - December 02, 2017

Weekly Role Discussion Thread: Tank - December 02, 2017

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 09:07 PM PST

In this weekly thread you can discuss the Tank roles of Overwatch to your heart's delight. What are the characteristics of those heroes?

Tanks specialize in protecting allies, disrupting enemies, and occupying the front line. They have high survivability and abilities that protect themselves and others with shields and crowd control.

— Overwatch Wikia

You can find a list of the current tanky heroes on the Overwatch Hero Overview.

Share guides and strategies that are valuable to a tanky Overwatch Hero or other tips and tricks that helped you to get better. You can also propose ideas why a certain hero is bad in your eyes and how to make it better. Please do so in a constructive way!

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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If Overwatch had a Shapeshifter

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 12:24 PM PST

The Zarya Mural That Was Being Painted In Toronto Is Now Complete

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 06:54 AM PST

Just a tiny update to a previous reddit post featuring the WIP mural: https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/7cszl6/a_massive_mural_of_zarya_is_being_painted_in/

It looks finished now, and I took a picture of it a couple days ago: https://imgur.com/7h6F2ck

EDIT: Formatting

EDIT 2: The mural is located at 220-224 King St West, across from Roy Thompson Hall and the David Pecaut Square. Just west of St. Andrew Station.

EDIT 3: The artist who initially created the work is Nesskain.

submitted by /u/FreescriptAT
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My Jeff Kaplan cosplay- Makeup Transformation. It was a pain and took hours, but it was fun! My first time doing this

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 12:12 PM PST


I used molding wax/scar putty to completely change my nose and jawline, liquid latex for wrinkles, stage paints for the stubble, contouring to create differing shadows and lines, finishing with strategic facial positioning to perfect the look. The hair is edited in, as I haven't worked with wigs and didn't have resources to commission one yet. Some of the detail work was lost because my camera is crappy, but oh well!

I'm hoping to wear this to Blizzcon. I hope you guys enjoy it- it was a lot of fun, and I only strive to improve it!

Also: This wasn't in any way meant to poke fun at Jeff. I did the best I could with the features I've got, I think he's awesome and does a great job!

submitted by /u/_Lady_QuietBottom_
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Another Doomfist bug for the list I guess

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 01:54 PM PST

Please fix Mei! She isn't as buggy as Widow or Doomfist but she still has her issues

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 06:48 AM PST

Mei is one of my favorite heroes in this entire game and it annoys me that she has so many common bugs that no one is talking about, like dying while activating cryo-freeze, getting trapped while inside the ice block, walls not placing where the marker shows and several more.


Cryo-freeze is a huge part of Mei's kit, allowing her to become invincible and heal herself. This ability can be used to outplay your opponent by freezing yourself before your opponent uses their CC ability, such as McCree's flashbang, Roadhog's hook or Ana's sleep dart, allowing for a quick kill. Mei constantly dies during the activation of cryo-freeze for some unknown reason. Sometimes your ability goes on cooldown and sometimes it doesn't.

Bug 1.

Cryo-freezing and getting stunned or killed out of it, and having it go on cooldown OR having it stay off cooldown but still dying.

Ice Wall:

Ice Wall is another part of Mei's kit that, if used correctly, can be deadly. Sometimes your wall places in the wrong place, not where you're looking. Sometimes your enemies walk through the wall and tons of other random things that the player has no control over.

Bug 2.

Trying to place her wall but the wall places somewhere other than where you chose to place it

Bug 3.

Strange interaction between Orisa's Halt and Mei's Ice Wall

Bug 4.

Killed by McCree's Deadeye through the Ice Wall

Bug 5.

Strange interactions between Reinhardt's Charge and Mei's Ice Wall

Bug 6.

Enemies walking into wall, then teleporting to the top.

Bug 7.

Instead of the wall pushing Mei up, it surrounds her and leaves her no higher than before use.

Bug 8.

Instead of the wall pushing Mei up, it pushes her to the side to stay on the ground rather than being lifted up.

Bug 9.

Strange interactions between Doomfist's Rocket Punch and Mei's Ice Wall

Bug 10.

I'm not even too sure what happened here, but it doesn't seem intended.

Bug 11.

A Mei player is unable to graph a vertical ice wall ready for casting as fast as they are able to press the key (Default: E). If the key is pressed twice fast enough, the game will not register the second press, therefore the ice wall graph on the map is still horizontal, which will result a horizontal ice wall when the player expects a vertical ice wall.

Bug 12.

When one of Moira's orbs collides with a Mei's Ice Wall, the wall absorbs the orb. (may have been fixed on the PTR.)


Blizzard is in a less than desirable position. Besides losing it on activation and sometimes dying during activation and losing your entire ult, most characters can use their movement abilites and escape, not to mention that it is a LOS (line of sight) ability, so if you wouldn't be able to see your opponent, they won't get frozen.There's also a few of bugs with her ult.

Bug 13.

Snowball despawn on disruption during ultimate (not a glitch or bug, but shouldn't happen.)

Bug 14.

Frozen opponent knocked down having an incorrect hurtbox.

Bug 15.

Snowball getting stuck on some sort of collision with the payload

Bug 16.

Snowball disappearing out of thin air, and losing ult

Here's another whole post like this one, but just for Mei's ult. https://www.reddit.com/r/Overwatch/comments/7gwtrw/fix_meis_ultimate_it_is_very_inconstant_and/


Mei isn't a terrible hero. Some of her bugs happen so often it's unbelieveable. Being able to reload slowy over time during Cryo-freeze would probably be the perfect buff. Her reload time is already about 1.5 seconds long, and I dont know how many times I came out of ice block to have to reload for another second, then lose the fight because of a long reload time. If most if not all of Mei's bugs are fixed, she will most likely be in a good position. Please tell me if I've missed any bugs or made any errors in spelling or grammar.


12/1/17 - Spelling, grammar and formatting

12/2/17 - Added numbers for the examples and Bug 9, idea from /u/iSinner_ . Changed the formatting a bit.

12/2/17 - Reposted at a later time for more exposure, idea from /u/AliTheGOAT

12/2/17 - Added Bug 16, Bug 17, Bug 10, Bug 4.2, and Bug 1.8, 1.9, 1.10 and 1.11. Also added Bug 13.3, 13.4, 13.5, 13.6.

12/2/17 - Removed the /gifs/detail from all gfycat gifs, idea from /u/PavlliCZek

12/2/17 - Removed Bug 17 because it wasn't really a bug.

submitted by /u/super_hats
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[PTR] Mercy's rez is only getting weirder and weirder

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 10:58 AM PST

Overwatch Animated Short Barely Alive (New JustonBibero Meme edit. He's still alive, but barely xDDD )

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 10:57 AM PST

When you're not doing great but mom believes in you anyways

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:42 AM PST

Not this time, Jesse!

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 12:50 AM PST

Athena not saying 4 in countdowns sometimes?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 08:31 AM PST

Not sure if it's just me getting it but recently Athena skips over the number four in her match starting countdowns, anyone else having this?

EDIT: Seem's like people are getting this in different languages too, I'm not alone!

submitted by /u/pokepaws
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Meanwhile on the PTR

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 02:56 AM PST

TIL you can high noon through little gaps

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:36 AM PST

Moira should have an "I'm busy" highlight intro.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 02:44 PM PST

Imagine. Camera pans upwards similar to roadhog's food coma. We see moira at a desk, pouring over papers or a petri dish or something. Then, she looks up at the camera, becomes very visbly annoyed, and then swipes it away.

It does bug me a little that, for a character that canonically doesn't even fight much, all her highlight intros seem very aggresive.

Edit: also, she should have an emote in a similar vein. She pulls out a stack of papers from some hidden pocket, flips through them, maybe makes some notes, and then gets frustrated, crumples them up and lobs them forward.

Edit: refinements on the idea: she should have a tablet that is on a glass pane so you can vaguely see through it, and she's intensely writing notes and making marks on stained cell images. She notices the camera, sneers, and swipes it away.

submitted by /u/kosmoceratops1138
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Please stop running away from Moira's healing

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 09:18 AM PST

In every game where I play Moira I see people running in the opposite direction from healing orbs, or scattering when I am healing the whole team at once with her biotic grasp, or running behind her instead of staying in the coalescence beam when I ult after carefully lining up both my team and the enemy.

It is extra frustrating to throw an orb after someone like Genji while I heal the rest of the team with primary healing, but Genji immediately dashes away from the orb spamming "need healing". There's nothing I can do at that point. The orb is back where Genji was and the beam is used up on the tanks.

This applies with all healers but especially Moira - pay attention to where the healing is!

submitted by /u/ellavescent
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Can I borrow a Healing?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 05:33 PM PST

Solve these Sombra clues win this crazy modded Overwatch PC

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 10:40 AM PST

A lil bit of hit box porn

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 07:07 PM PST

Not sure what happened there but it worked out

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 09:09 AM PST

Moira should have a Christmas skin where her orbs are red and white making her ultimate look like a candy cane

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 09:18 PM PST

The beginning of her ultimate could say "deck the halls" in the exact same tone of her enemy voice line.

EDIT: a lot of people are pointing out that this suggestion would break the yellow = heal, purple = damage scheme we have now... fair points but a guy can still dream!

submitted by /u/tzodyaq
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Calvin sticks a gravaton surge to a swinging tire

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 01:35 AM PST

Symmetra reporting

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 10:21 AM PST

'The Path Is Closed' Achievement Needs Changing

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 09:30 AM PST

This achievement requires you to destroy three Symmetra teleporters in a single game.

I just finished a game in which I destroyed two teleporters and a shield gen, expecting to get the achievement -- but nope, shield generators do not count.

There are so many variables in getting this achievement that it simply boils down to good luck rather than skill. You need everything to align in place for you, and I feel this makes it a bad achievement...

  • You need the enemy to have a Symmetra throughout the entire game.
  • The enemy Symmetra needs to play well enough to get three ultimates/both teams need to play well enough so that the match lasts long enough for Symmetra to get three teleporters.
  • The enemy Symmetra needs to place teleporters instead of shield generators, despite the latter being more useful most of the time.
  • Your team needs to ignore the teleporters so that you can destroy them yourself.

'The Path Is Closed' was designed at a time when Symmetra could only place teleporters. Even back then it was quite luck-dependent, but at least you knew destroying three ultimates would guarantee you the achievement.

It's disappointing destroying two teleporters, then finding out the Symmetra has placed a shield generator, when it takes so much luck just to get into this position in the first place.

(And yes, I know the name of the achievement would need to be changed. How about 'Came In Like A Wrecking Ball', since Sym is a builder and you are demolishing her 'buildings'.)

submitted by /u/Taylonic
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No, No Keep Going I'll Wait.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 04:48 PM PST

Sometimes I love this community

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 04:29 AM PST

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