Pokémon GO - Pokeballs don't just grow on trees y'know [humor]

Pokeballs don't just grow on trees y'know [humor]

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 08:58 AM PST

Guys literally only want one thing and it's disgusting

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 02:40 PM PST

I think Eevee should be a Raid Boss.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:22 AM PST

Getting a decent Eevee is a freaking nightmare, and if you've used up your name trick then getting multiples of a specific evolution is a nightmare since Eevee's evolutions are randomized.

This is going to be made worse by the fact that there are 3 more Eeveelutions down the line and we have no idea how they're going to work.

Like, the least they could do is give Eevee the Magikarp treatment and make it a Tier 1 Raid boss so you could farm the thing for higher IV Eeveelutions. Right now it's just way too much of a shot in the dark. :/

submitted by /u/KHY
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Found this little guy while looking for a Christmas tree!

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 01:25 PM PST

Why is Niantic so hellbent on keeping the EX raid system?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 02:41 AM PST

With the last gym rework, you saw the community divided 50/50 between people who liked the new changes and people who hated them. That's usually how it goes with many new features.

But with the EX system, I have not seen a single person throughout /r/pokemongo, /r/thesilphroad, twitter, or facebook who said they liked the new EX raid or tried to defend it. Nor have I seen a single person locally at raids who talked in favor of the EX system.

It seems apparent that the entire community dislikes this system and has nothing good to say about it. And it's not like the community has been silent on this matter. Ever since the skepticism following the EX announcements in August and the first subsequent waves of invitations, the EX raids have been one of the consistent sources of criticism and complaining, and Niantic even acknowledged this criticism in their latest update to us.

With this feature being so universally hated by every corner of the community, why is Niantic so stubborn with keeping it in the game? Why don't they acknowledge that this system is not wanted by their consumers?

I think at this point the only explanation I can find is that Niantic has promised tons of revenue from this feature to their shareholders and obviously can't tell them it's not going to happen. Just like how outraged wall street became when EA turned off the cash cow that is micro transactions, I honestly get the feeling that Niantic's shareholders too will get angry if Niantic disable this feature, that will bring more players to sponsored gyms or have them spent more money in-game for raid passes in order to get a bigger chance at the eluded EX raids.

This whole ordeal sounds shady and puts Niantic in an extremely bad light.

submitted by /u/pokimonz
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Thank you NY. Finnaly caught the last regional missing on my dex! 251/251

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 02:07 PM PST

Unown letters R, A, I, D should be Raid Bosses

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 11:04 AM PST

This would be a good way for trainers to complete their Pokedex before Generation 3 arrives in the next week(s) and it would keep all the other unown letters remaining rare. Maybe these Unown raids could be only available through Premium or EX raid passes to still maintain some sort of rarity.

submitted by /u/team_aqua_
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[Art] "Error 233."

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 03:55 AM PST

Raid Battle Glitch has Been Fixed!

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:56 PM PST

[Complaint] EX-Raid Priority System Completely Non-Functional.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 04:38 AM PST

I think like everyone else, I breathed a sigh of relief when Niantic finally came out with their announcement on making the eligibility criterion for EX-Raids more transparent, and giving us a better understanding of what enabled selection for invites.

However, as of this latest round of invites (the first of which that are officially not labeled as "field tests") this new priority system seems completely non-functional.

I have a gym across the road from my house, I interact with it almost every day, and over the course of the raid system I have done roughly 40-50 raids there. In the past two weeks I have done at least 4-6. It is located in a park, and I have had a gold medal on it for almost 3 months now. I'm also Level 40 and have completed over 400 raids (161 regular, 279 legendary). According to the new selection criteria, I assumed that if an EX-Raid appeared there, I was in with a pretty solid chance of finally snagging an invite.

As we all know, the latest batch of invites was sent out roughly 14 hours ago, and I woke up to 4 different PM's from friends saying "It appeared at your gym, I didn't get an invite, but you did right?!?!" or words to that effect. I had to tell them all I hadn't. We then went to our Facebook Raid chats for our local area, and found that out of a group of over 500 players, ~100 of which would have raided there somewhat recently - 2 people received invites. Both of them had only raided at that gym once ever, and both had bronze medals, and both had done less than 50 raids each.

While this was certainly frustrating personally, as I really thought this was my chance, I also know at least 30+ people who equally deserved an invite, and not a single one managed to receive one. The system continues to target casual players almost intentionally, and ignores the players who put real time, effort, and money into the game.

I'm guessing I'm not the only person feeling powerless to influence invites in any way. It really did make me optimistic to see these new changes, but it would seem nothing has really changed at all. Is everyone else experiencing the exact same thing? This is really getting unbelievably frustrating.

TL;DR - The only EX-Raids received in my local area solely went to Bronze Medal, <Level 30, casual players. This is completely contrary to all the information they provided us with recently. Communication with the community is great, but it has to actually mean something and be backed up by actions.


The gym interaction of the player who received the invite:


My gym interaction with the gym in question:


My raid involvement:



submitted by /u/Dyzfunkshun
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Never thought I'd see this

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 09:20 PM PST

Took down a gym and have know been threatened

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 10:09 AM PST

I'll make this short, I took down a gym and this guy came up to me and a friend and threatened to jump us if we ever came near the park again in addition to other threats. He also said he was gonna make a bunch of accounts and emails to report me and try and get me banned. I already filled a police report because he threw stuff at my car, is there anything I can do about him trying to get me banned?

submitted by /u/Krognare
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[SCREENSHOT] Look what came out flying out of my Amazon order lol.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 08:37 PM PST

I've rewritten PidgeyCalc from the ground up, now with Gen 3

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 11:55 PM PST

Hey everyone - it's been quite a while since I've updated PidgeyCalc so I decided to completely rewrite the app, trying to make it more user friendly in the process.



Please let me know if you encounter any issues. Thanks!

submitted by /u/bchn
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[IDEA] Catch Practice

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 03:02 AM PST

This idea is mostly self-explanatory. It will work through the Pokedex in which there would be a button labelled along the lines of "Catch Practice" to allow Trainers to practice throws on any Pokemon they have seen (Doesn't have to be caught). It would work through giving the player an allowance of Pokeballs that would be taken away upon leaving the practice mode, much like how extra Premier Balls are taken away after catching a Raid Boss. This would essentially allow people to practice on their great or excellent curveballs without the fear of losing any Pokeballs through doing it and would help them when actually trying to catch Pokemon through allowing for a better throw chance through any practice they did. Seeing as it is only practice, the Pokemon wouldn't be able to be caught but the reward to this is an added catch-rate and experience bonus when actually catching a Pokemon out of the catch practice mode.

submitted by /u/Conquestriclaus
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[Possible workaround?] Bug: No catch / no re-battle after beating raid

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 11:42 AM PST

There's apparently a raid bug where you won't get to the catch phase and also won't be able re-attempt the raid.

So I was able to find a possible workaround to this situation (working with Android here although it may work for iOS too). It may not be possible for rural folk (not that you get any love from Niantic anyway) but if you live in an area where raids are very active than this may do the trick for you.

As the bug would have it my raid group defeated a Ho-oh. It froze before the rewards screen and so I restarted the app. Went back in to find out I couldn't catch the Pokemon nor redo the raid. I go to my app settings and clear data and cache. Open the app again but still nothing. So I log out and my uhhhh "friend" logs in. "He" does the raid and catches "his" Ho-oh. "He" logs out and now I log back in. I'm now able to redo the raid and was also granted the ability to catch the Ho-oh. And good thing too because I got a 98 percenter.

submitted by /u/sirbugzalot
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[Idea] Use Gym XP to recall defending Pokémon

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 09:45 PM PST

It's always seemed kind of pointless to me that Gym XP is collected even after you get a gold badge. My proposal is that Gym XP becomes a spendable resource used for a heavily requested feature: recalling defenders.

It only makes sense that if a Pokémon in the middle of nowhere is racking up XP for its gym, it should be put to use.

I don't quite know how the numbers would work, but it does balance itself by lowering items from spinning gyms.

But now for the big question - how does this make Niantic money?

Since Gym XP would be in higher demand, it would only make sense that people would want to do more raids, and as such buy raid passes.

I'd be glad to hear your thoughts and suggestions.

submitted by /u/TheHodag
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My first encounter with Ho-oh. (Locked park.)

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 08:48 PM PST

So, my buddy and I decided to hit a raid last minute. The very last one of the night. Only to realize that the park was locked. 😂


submitted by /u/InfamousBigSlob
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[Question] How do you grind stardust?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:54 PM PST

I have pogo+ and try to use it on most of my car rides and while walking the dog, but without double stardust events it is a terrible grind! What unique ways do you do to grind for stardust?

submitted by /u/Spookysaluki
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[idea] type candy

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:19 PM PST

So I was thinking of a new type of candy, and I came with the idea of the" type candy". It's one candy for all the pokemonss of the same time for example water candy. With this water candy you only can have a water pokemon candy instead of any pokemon.

The other idea would be a bank system (I don't know the exact word for this) something like catan when you change 4 of something for 1. For example 50 pidgey candys for 10 normal candys. This way you can power up your pokemons while farming other candys.

And with this you can make a daily reward more interesting like for example having a roulette of candys and every 7 days a 5 or 10 reward and everyday a 1 reward.

I think is a good mechanic cause would help to fill the pokedex and power up some rare pokemons cause even if you want a dragonite you have to farm dragon candys. The only problem that I found is that some pokemons are broken like blissey.

submitted by /u/sssmabsss
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Best Pokemon Nests

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 03:03 PM PST

There's a park by my work that I go to to play Pokemon. I enjoy watching the nests change. There have been Abras, machop, jigglypuff. The newest nest there is Syther and I'm really excited about it bc I still need to evolve one! What are your favorite Pokemon to see in a nesting area?

submitted by /u/error40424
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