Guild Wars 2 - Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - December 02, 2017

Weekly /r/GuildWars2 Question Thread - December 02, 2017

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 05:09 AM PST

This thread is dedicated to questions that you've never really felt the need to start a thread for, but would still like to see answered/discussed.


Please also consider sorting the comments in this thread by "new" so that the newest comments are at the top, since those are most likely to still need answers.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Comic: Kormir’s Geat Legacy

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 11:47 AM PST

Daybreak: 52 achievements, 133 AP. Average of 2.5 AP per achievement. AP rewards are getting even worse, but why?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 04:09 AM PST

I don't think there is any logic. A well rewarding set of achievements would keep people playing, both the casuals and the hardcore. The casuals won't be getting off their butt right now for some 2 AP little thing when they get more from their daily. Higher AP would only encourage people to play more and do more across the breadth of the game.

The argument that there are no skins beyond 42k or whatever is irrelevant. Give alternative rewards. Finishers, auras, miniatures, increased gold rewards, a choice of an extra larger serving of laurels/map currencies/whatever. There is tons of stuff that people want that could be added here. At the moment, people will have to play for a year to gain 1000 permanent AP from the Living story and festivals. This just isn't right.

submitted by /u/myd3account
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This is horrible design

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 09:47 AM PST

Changes made to the world-map

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 05:37 AM PST

Hello everybody,

As you probably have noticed ArenaNet updated the world map in the latest patch and they've made some subtle and not so subtle changes to it. I've already updated my Historical Guide with the updated files so you can get an idea what's there.


Updated tiles

The map uses a tile system of 512x512 pixel images that are placed next to each other to form a map, in this update they changed about 150 of them:

Charr Homelands

A very subtle change was made to the northern part of the map, right at the spot where Kralkatorrik was sleeping for thousands of years.


Even more subtle where the changes made to Dajkah, these are almost indistinguishable to the naked eye but a lot of the sea textures around the inlet have been changed.

Mahnkelon Waterworks

The main buildings from an important story mission in Guild Wars 1 suddenly showed up on the map

Fortress of Jahai

The Fortress of Jahai prevented Guild Wars 1 players from traveling directly from Kourna to Vabbi, forcing them to take the long way around.

Bokoss Prison

The prison where Kormir got locked up after the failed attack on Gandara and should've stayed.


Edit: Added a high resolution explored map as well

submitted by /u/that_shaman
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[Spoiler] Daybreak Gates

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 11:52 AM PST

Hello everybody,

In the last story instance in Fahranur our beloved overlord and ruler Taimi Joko sends his minions to invade Tyria via a bunch of Inquest gates. I've tracked down the images that show where these gates lead to and located them on the map, except for one, an unknown inquest base.


submitted by /u/that_shaman
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Daybreak is realy one of the best release since 2012

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 03:34 PM PST

Yes yes, this is purely subjective and doesn't mean much, but we had a lot of content, new story, new map, new raid, new fractal.

But outside of that, à lot of great changes to fractals. A lot of good changes to old raids. The key ring, a lot of qol changes (necro life force, and druid astral thingy for exemple). They fix things faster than necro's life force decreases. We said to them the meteors couldn't be harvest in time, they changed that in a matter of 3 days. They even communicate with us, Ben, as usual, and even the PR team (see related post).

I don't know, I'm realy optimistic about the season 4, seing how good the first episode is.

submitted by /u/Demeth54000
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Does anyone else find it weird that we SAILED from Amnoon to Istan... as opposed to using an airship?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 06:08 AM PST

Yogscast will be playing GW2 on the 5th of December - Marketing opportunity - Via WoodenPotatoes Reddit

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 09:46 AM PST

Yogscast, a big YouTube channel will be playing Guild Wars 2 according to someone on the /r/woodenpotatoes Reddit. Somehow I couldn't crosspost this but here is what he said:

The fifth of August the Yogscast, a large youtube channel/media production company, will be doing GW2 for 3 hours as part of their December charity livestreams. I thought it might be a great chance for WP to reach out to them and perhaps stream together. It could help garner some interest for the game, boost WP's channel and get GW2 players to donate to charity. A win-win-win, no? Edit 1: thought I'd add the link to their donation page and give everyone an idea what it's about. Jingle Jam Humble Bundle


Edit: I've been getting some hate because I mentioned WP in my post. I don't know why exactly. I found this on his Reddit and wanted to give the OP u/RipCazza credit for it.

submitted by /u/Yosika
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Ran into this guy today, now I need eye surgery :(

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 12:46 PM PST

I really like Aurene's new appearance. *.* [spoilers]

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 12:18 PM PST

Plx Anet, Tonic Collection tab

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 04:25 AM PST

Plx Anet, Give us a Tonic collection tab like miniatures and finishers. More and more tonics are added ingame and they only stack up inside inventory and bank slots. Give us a tab where we could collect and use different tonics. It would be a perfect touch if there could also be a hotkey to use the selected (or random) tonic. And maybe divide combat tonics from normal tonics.

Here is an image how I would like this tab to be (dont mind my bad PS editting).

I am waiting for this for so long already and by this I hope Anet will do something about it.

submitted by /u/Fowidner
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Just finished Daybreak and...

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 03:34 PM PST

... I have to say that it was one of the best episodes I played yet. I so glad that Taimi had har plot armour for this one. I realized how much I like Taimi as the character during this episode. I never felt sad for a gw2 character before. Eir just stood there and watched the as the monster impaled her. I was cursing Anet for the whole time because they made Taimi suffer and I had to listen to this amazing voice actress doing her job so well. I was pissed at this rotting asshat that he attacked her. Come at someone your own size. Also, why the hell is Scruffy so op? The map is above the average imo. The Skimmer race was very fun to participate in. Interesting meta design with bazillion loot crates scattered everywhere, so you have to run around and fight for them since there are enemies shooting at you.

If you keep this up Anet, then i'll buy even more gems.

submitted by /u/Ryuggu
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Your one GW2 Christmas wish.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 04:06 PM PST

You log in on Christmas morning to find the game has been patched, and ArenaNet has added the one feature or change you've wanted most. What is it?

My wish would be for weapons to no longer be locked to an elite specialization. I'd love to run Sword/Warhorn Tempest.

submitted by /u/viralseed
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(SPOILERS) Hero of Istan

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 05:45 PM PST

Loved the 1st episode of LWS4, was awesome. I main a Rev, so obviously thats who I did the story on. Anyways, when you get imprisoned in the Great Hall in order to break the Spearmarshal out, I got a little whisper from our majestic Joko upon interacting with the jail bars, after which my special action skill appeared which allowed me to draw the Legendary Lich Stance (just this once), using which I successfully broke the bars. Now firstly, I thought that was pretty awesome as far as jail breaks go. Secondly, for those who played through the episode on other professions - did you break out using the same method, or was this one revenant specific ? And lastly, could this have something to do with Joko breaking out of the Domain of the Lost?

submitted by /u/Stormchester
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I love my main so much, I've played all my other characters a negative amount of time!

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 01:38 AM PST

Caithe seems to have gotten some visitors

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:37 PM PST

You will never unsee

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 04:55 AM PST

To these squad commanders in Istan

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 02:28 PM PST


I just want to raise a certain awareness concerning circumstances I've witnessed a lot with the appearance of the multiloot case.

Context: I join a squad, then there are some kind of commands like "MOVE YOURSELF TO 1" "MOVE YOURSELF TO X" and if we don't, we get kicked.

Or instances if you ask "unnecessary questions" you can also be kicked.

I understand that these commanders want things to be organized and efficient, but let's not forget the following:

1- It's a game

2- It's an open world map, aka the main content of the game, not a raid

3- Not everyone understand things the way you do

4- Among these people you kick there might be new players

I'm an active players and I got confused myself at the various directions while playing in the new map. Hell 30 min ago I joined a squad and while I was switching character before the Palawadan raid started, I got kicked for "not listening". Gotta love these mind reading skills I must have when I'm in the middle of a loading screen.

I can take it, I don't mind, but these situations made me think of my fellow classmates who joined the game recently with PoF and might get even more confused than I did and it can give them a bad impression of the community.

As commanders of PVE world map, you represent the atmosphere encountered in game for meta-events. I understand you want to be efficient, but like I said, let's not forget it's a game and if you want that kind of efficiency, say it so in your LFG. It's not fun to join a lfg titled "Palawadan raid squad" only to be kicked seconds of joining in because there were apparently some important rules. It's also not fun to think you moved yourself into the right instance yet to be again kicked. I have other things to do than mass clicking "join squad" nor subject myself to a borderline control freak behaviorism.

When we join a squad, we don't join for that kind of experience. We're all here to have fun. And this happened to me four time in two days. That's a lot. I didn't even know I could move my name around in the squad window and I joined five years ago.

It's just a bit of sensitivity and self-awareness I'm trying to bring. We all have our reasons and objectives, but let's not forget others shall we?

Thank you. ♥

Edit: Okay so apparently this turned into the following:

1- It's my problem

2- Their squad their rules

3- I should stop whining

4- Not their problem

5- Should just do other content

And so on.

I'll disable in-box replies. I stated my point, I don't see what else I can get.

submitted by /u/Chabb
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There's something familiar about it but I can't quite put my finger on it...

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 02:45 AM PST

Where's the old hangout spot in Kamadan in the new map?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 10:34 AM PST

I'm trying to place where exactly that area was near the Xunlai Chests in GW1, but I can't recognize where everything is, even with the help of that shaman's map.

It doesn't help much because the gw1 map overlay is just a blob over the new area, and doesn't highlight where old features of gw1 map terrain were.

submitted by /u/imagine_that
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+9AR/+5 attribute infusions disassembly [Suggestion]

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 04:03 PM PST


Dear Arena Net developers:

With the introduction of account bound agony, +9AR/+5 attribute infusions are no longer required with as much frequency. The old efficient method with 18 infusion slots required 6 +7AR/+5 attribute infusions, and 12 +9AR/+5 attribute infusions to reach maximum AR rating.

The new most efficient methods require significantly less +9AR/+5 attribute infusions. Myself, I'm aiming for 130, since the agony impedance account upgrade is reasonably attained. (I'm ignoring Mist attunement for now, since the total cost for all 4 tiers is about 2 legendaries worth-- more than a set of legendary armor.)

Assuming 130 max AR, I only need 2 +9AR/+5 attribute infusions, and 16 +7AR/+5 attribute infusions to hit the cap. Thus I am left with a plethora of +9AR/+5 attribute infusions, that I don't even want to stat swap because they are only used 2 per toon.

Suggestion Part

We already have infusion reduction for regular +X agony infusions to break them down in their lower forms. However, if they are +9AR/+5 attribute infusions, they cannot be broken down into 4 +7AR/+5 attribute infusions, and they are account bound, so they can't be sold to recoup their value to purchase new infusions.

Please add another tab to the infusion breakdown vendor in fractals to let us disassemble them. It makes sense now, especially considering we can turn 4 +7AR/+5 attribute infusions into +9AR/+5 attribute infusions through the vendor already.

TL;DR: I'm left feeling like I've wasted money I can't recoup because +9AR/+5 attribute infusions created through fractals are account bound. While I'm completely ok with this, I want to break them down into +7AR/+5 attribute infusions now that I don't need as many.

submitted by /u/Gropapanda
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HUEvember art

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:42 PM PST

Hello everyone!
Over the month of November, I participated in the HUEvember challenge where every day you draw a picture with a main colour selected from a predetermined colour wheel. (Not every picture follows the rules) All of the places I drew are based on actual locations in the game. They are displayed in order top to bottom (left to right).


If you want a better look at the individual pieces you can check out my GW2 art tumblr: I also did a GW2 themed Inktober and there is lots of other GW2 art there.

submitted by /u/AlexanderHaroo
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[Raid Spoiler] Hall of Chains feedback

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 10:00 AM PST

Hey guys,

The last few days have been pretty intense for me since the release of Hall of Chains (Raid 3 or Wing 5 as some people call it) and after a very exciting Soulless Horror Challenge mote and clutch Dhuum kill last night I felt like looking back at these new encounters and writing my thoughts about them, for myself but also to give some feeback to ArenaNet if they are interested.

Part 1 : Encounters design (gameplay and aesthetics)

  • Boss 1 : Soulless Horror (Desmina)

I'm not gonna lie, my first thought when seeing this boss was "another boring upscaled human model". I'm really not a big fan of this kind of bosses, they are disappointing models after seeing the gorgeous creatures in Bastion of the Penitent and to be honest we can't even see what's happening around her during the fight because of her size.

However, both the normal and challenge mote fights were very fun to play, very fast paced and dynamic and I had a blast both from a healer and a DPS perspective. The mechanics are pretty straight forward although the window to execute them is well measured. The golems and walls are very punishing and keep the players on the edge until the last second which I like a lot and I think is important to create difficult encounters in a game where you can simply ressurect people after most mistakes. I like that we get to use pushbacks again after the bugfix/nerf of Samarog's add phase and can make Warriors contribute to some mechanics and not being just the usual banner slave. The coordination of Warriors, Druids and Chronos to succesfully push a golem as far as possible out of the platform feels very satisfying.

A case could be made about the walls that seem to be RNG so far and the source of a lot of frustration. On one hand I'm not a big fan of RNG elements in raid design because it can create very unfair situations between groups in a competitive environment (thinking about KC). But on the other hand, if the walls were to appear on a set pattern, the fight would quickly be simplified to a few movements like MO or Xera right now and reach a very easy and boring state pretty fast for players. So all in all, I think the RNG route is the best solution to keep this new boss fresh and interesting for a longer time, even tho it raises the required reaction time to succeed and/or forces emergency solutions like Scourge's portals.

  • Event 1 : River of Souls

This event was also a very fun one for me. The combination of rifts that sucks us out of the ledge, kind of bombs on the players to drop behind the group, mobs to CC, mobs to burst to bring back the bubble, small adds invading the back, more walls... made for a fast paced and fun event to cross the River of Souls. Thumbs up for this one.

One minor critic tho, the walls could definitely use a more distinguishable color. Also I'm not sure why we are rewarded with a LI for such a simple event, this was a surprise and felt a bit over the top.

  • Event 2 : Statues of Grenth

This one is a bit difficult to talk about since it bugged pretty badly for us. Like many groups we evaporated the Eater of Souls without seeing a single mechanic from him and had to stop our first raid night because of the Statue of Darkness event failing to complete. What can I say... This was very frustrating and could definitely have been tested more thoroughly. At least the Statue of Ice worked as intended and gave a pretty intense fight for our healers.

Again, not sure if the LI reward was really necessary but at least it felt like a bigger task than escorting Desmina on the River of Souls so why not... Looking forward to the fixed versions of those next week.

  • Boss 2 : Dhuum (The Voice in the Void)

Ok, lots to talk about on this one. First thing first, woah this guy looks cool. o_o A big, threatening, fallen god in a badass armor with a badass scythe so big it reaches half the room when it swings it, now that's what I call a raid boss.

However, training on this boss felt pretty horrible because of the unnecessarily long "pre-event" before Dhuum itself joins the fight. I was the first of our group to take care of the kiting of the messengers and to say I did not have fun for many hours would be an understatement to be honest. I will not include this pre-event when judging the Dhuum fight because I think it's a misstep in the design of the encounter. I cannot fathom why this "kiting role" was brought again in a raid fight after the bad reception of the "hand-kiter" role against Deimos. Now I can understand why this event exists, to let us familiarize with the Reapers sacrifices rotation and the red bubbles floating in the air, but having to repeat the same 2 minutes of pre-event every single attempt is just tedious. Learning about this mechanic during the encounter against the Eater of Souls should be enough as an introduction.

On that note, I want to add that the size difference between the regular bubbles and the "enforcers" bubbles is not a very clear hint for this "hidden" mechanic and I think many groups would have never realized it can actually influence the spawn of enforcers. Using different colors or a more important size would have been a better choice imo.

Now that the pre-event rant is out of the way, let's talk about the good part of the encounter: actually fighting Dhuum. Fighting against such a huge enemy makes the fight very thrilling on its own and after being struck by a few scythe attacks it's pretty obvious that the guy will be a tough opponent. I can safely say I enjoyed all the mechanics. The bombs to begin with force us to move out, stay aware of everybody's health status and communicate with the healers, it's a nuisance we have to dance with in the middle of the other mechanics. The various scythe attacks like the rifts or the big bad red circle that almost one-shots break the safety of the damage dealers in the back of the boss. The shackles punish tunnel vision on your DPS rotation. The whole room requires another level of awareness from the whole squad to protect and heal the Reapers throughout the fight, with players stepping out of the safe comfort of the group to attend their own obligations, green circles, spiders, messengers... The communication and coordination to complete all these tasks felt amazing.

But my favorite attack was the Greater Deathmark, stripping us of our souls, forcing us to react with emergency positioning, heals and cleanses, trying to stay grouped or ress friends while being pulled towards the threatening whirling scythe and then stripping the boss of our stolen boons to fight him again... It caused us so many wipes and adjustements to survive and it felt great. Changing builds and utility skills to find an answer to this new mechanic was just great.

The only shadow in the picture was the last attack unlocked at 20%. Compared to other attacks it feels too easy to sidestep and not as punishing as we expected the last ability unlocked to be.

The last 10% phase however was the cherry on the cake. The very hostile surroundings and the clock ticking caused a big adrenaline rush for all of us, lots of mistakes were made in this part of course, but it was also the most exciting minute of the fight. The beginning of the cinematic, confirming our success, was a huge relief inducing a few nerd screams as is customary. ;)

Part 2 : Story and lore

Story wise, this new raid felt lackluster to me. I fail to see the connection with the current events happening in Tyria and can't help but think this gloomy-god-themed raid should have been shipped with Siren's Landing because it shares the same ambience. Maybe it was intended this way but got delayed?

As a non-GW1 player I don't know anything about the Underworld and still don't after clearing this raid while Bastion of the Penitent did a better job at telling me the story of Saul D'Alessio. Glenna has barely anything to say and after coming back to Desmina she doesn't appear to be very talkative either, probably by design.

I can imagine I missed some key dialogues or informations so feel free to enlighten me. How come we gain access to the Underworld? What happened in Tyria for Dhuum to be released suddenly? What's Desmina's story? Are these questions actually answered in the game and am I blind (very likely)?

I know the story is not a big deal for raiders most of the time, me included, but I have to say this release felt a bit too much disconnected from the rest of the game. I guess I'll just wait for WoodPotatoes to teach me all there is to know about this place!


Hall of Chains is the best raid wing to date in my opinion. I was a bit sceptical after Bastion of the Penitent which base difficulty was very disappointing but instead I had a lot of fun right from the start of this new wing. The mechanics are numerous but they all make sense and do not feel like stacking random mechanics just for the sake of making something borderline impossible. I definitely enjoyed the fast pace of these new encounters and the raise in difficulty compared to past releases is a big part of it.

I absolutely loved the Dhuum fight if I ignore the first couple minutes. This very fine-tuned level of difficulty to push our group coordination offered me my best moment in GW2 to date just yesterday night and is the reason why I felt like making this thread, to thank and congratulate the developpers who built this encounter. Hopefully your amazing work won't get nerfed too soon under the pressure of the playerbase. Althought I wouldn't mind scrapping the pre-event part and reducing the enrage timer as a consequence of course because tedious does not equal difficult.

Thanks for reading (I know you only read the conclusion, that's what I would have done as well). :D

submitted by /u/Beanna
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