Civilization - I dont know how my scout got into this situation..

I dont know how my scout got into this situation..

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 06:54 AM PST

Château Frontenac in Rise and Fall?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 11:56 AM PST

Here are the golden rules of our Multiplayer Civilization games. What are yours?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 02:13 PM PST

(OffTopic) This study argues that, historically, the success of a civilization stems from the right compromise between the ability to produce economic surplus and to protect it. As a civ gamer I immediately felt it (GPT vs. army size).

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 04:25 AM PST

My units are merely passing through.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 01:10 AM PST

I hope Arabia declares war on me soon, i’ll need the production bonus...

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 12:11 PM PST

Having a rough day on Alien lands...

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 03:47 PM PST

Is there any example from history of a real life civ experiencing a "heroic age"?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:16 AM PST

Since we're getting heroic ages for the Rise and Fall expansion to Civ VI, I was curious to know if there was any real life civ that had a "dark age" and then crawled back up on its feet stronger than before. We have plenty of examples for civs having "golden ages", and some that arguably experienced "dark ages".

Keep a good mind that heroic ages are different from golden ages in that a golden age proceeds a normal age while a heroic age proceeds a dark age. Also normal ages proceeding a dark age don't count as those are just examples of things returning to normal rather than reaching a sense of greatness.

I hope this all makes sense.

submitted by /u/NewMe43893
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Polygon's top 500 best games of all times. Civ 2 #19, Civ 5 #56, Civ 4 #159

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 01:47 PM PST

Earliest War I've Ever Fought!

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 11:19 AM PST

I just started a new default game (Prince, Standard speed, Small Continents) as Macedon and spawned directly next to Arabia's units. My warrior was adjacent to his settler so... well, you know. The great Arabian Massacre of 4000 BC is now the quickest I've ever eliminated an opponent. I have two cities on turn 4.

Has anybody else seen that in this or other versions of Civ?

submitted by /u/iandaprix
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MONTHLY CHALLENGE - The World's Greatest Wingman**

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 11:20 AM PST

Monthly Challenge December 2017 - The World's Greatest Wingman

There are people who fight to get power, or love, or great riches. You, on the contrary, only fight to help your friends, and today your Best Friend has asked you for the hardest task of all: help converting the world to their religion.

Immediately, and without a doubt, you ask your people to start constructing M'banzas, and send your apostles to the foreign lands. Because you realize that you won't only be helping your friend, but the entire world, by finally receiving the blessing of the true gods.


  • You must play with Mvemba a Nzinga (Kongo), in a team with a religion-oriented leader. This is your Best Friend (BF).

  • The oposing civs will also be in teams of 2, and you must ensure at least one leader of each team is religion-oriented.

    • If all religion-oriented leaders are used, then ensure there are not two religion-avoiding leaders in the same team.
  • Any map settings, minimum size Standard, all victory conditions enabled (except time if you want).

  • Once you have a city following your BF's religion, you must spread it to all your other cities. Once your civ follows your BF's religion, you must never stop following it.

  • You must make sure that your Best Friend's capital and holy city are never lost to invaders.

  • You win the challenge when your Best Friend wins a Religious Victory. You cannot win yourself (unless as a consequence of your BF winning). Post images of the religious victory screen (any any other images you think interesting) to claim your victory!

  • Play on whatever difficulty you normally play on. It's supposed to be a challenge!


  • The religion-oriented leaders are: Gandhi, Phillip, Saladin and Jadwiga. The religion-avoiding leaders are: Gilgamesh, Gorgo, Pericles, Qin, Trajan, Roosevelt, Victoria, Alexander and Curtin. (Source:

  • Mvemba a Nzinga receives an Apostle each time he finishes a M'banza (neighbourhood replacement) or Theater Square. Take advantage of them to make your Best Friend happy!


  • Peace and Love: win the challenge without military conquest.

  • The Playbook: use at least four different methods to convert a civ to your BF's religion. For example: conquest of infidel cities, giving out a religious city, religious battles, etc.

  • Prayers of Steel: pick a religion-avoiding leader as Best Friend and win the challenge.

Check the Wiki for the other Civ 6 Monthly Challenges.

submitted by /u/egofarek
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Rise and Fall available for Pre-order already

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 02:58 PM PST

I multiplayer with randoms always so toxic?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:33 PM PST

I've played single player in Civ for a very long time but just recently tried my first online game in Civ VI; we had like three players who did nothing but spam stuff like "ezpz dumbass", "yall are stupid motherfuckers" the whole time. Is this how it normally is with randoms in online games? I thought the Civ community was better than this.

submitted by /u/krasnovian
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Is there any way to check the map while negotiating peace? (civ 6)

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 02:27 PM PST

I can never remember all of the city names and sometimes I end up getting a city that is so far I can't really use it..

submitted by /u/wakeshima
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Rise and Fall DLC leader speculation: Rome

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:08 PM PST

So it's been said they'll be adding 9 new leaders and 8 new civilizations, I decided to look through the existing leaders and it seemed to me Rome was the likely + non-controversial candidate for the newest secondary leader.

They would fit with the theme of the pack as it's been presented through thumbnails and trailers- combined with the lack current of a few roman wonders which appeared in previous games which may be some of the new unseen wonders.

Both Carthage and Byzantium have been represented in the past- perhaps another split off of the Roman Empire will make an appearance? And who could they be?

I'd like to hear others theories on who it could be!

submitted by /u/poonslyr69
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Civ 2 no workers option

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 11:55 AM PST

I play as russia, don't have workers as option. Is this normal?

submitted by /u/Sibor2000
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Never seen this before

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 04:22 AM PST

Civ 5 any help appreciated, new player and a bit confused

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 11:44 AM PST

I played my first game ever last night and it was awesome, got a decent hang of it but there are some stuff I couldn't figure out. The only game like this I played was stellaris and I couldn't even come close to knowing what was going on.

But anyway, I was wondering, are there any meta strategies I should be learning as I go in this game? Me and my friends found that we had almost no money and were going into the negative. I was better off though, building cities seemed to get me more money. Is there a best leader to pick at the start? I chose Alexander the great I think, Greek people whoever that was, or does it not matter.

I'm going to keep playing so if i don't get any answers that's fine, maybe this kind of thread isn't cool around here. Just looking for some starter tips. Thanks anyways ! Also if anyone wants to add me on steam my name is MoleSole

submitted by /u/into-thesky
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Anyone proud of some of their high scores?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 06:40 AM PST

Is there a mod overlay that tells you how to best optimize city layout, improvements, district placement, etc.?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 01:34 PM PST

[Civ 5] Why is Venice Good

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 08:50 AM PST

Some people said that Venice is OP in single player but shit in Multiplayer. Why is it so strong in Singleplayer ? Can it win on deity?

submitted by /u/jameswan1302
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[Civ IV | Mod: A New Dawn] Meteor strike

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 08:45 PM PST

Beginning to mod Civ VI, not too sure of the coding language and how it works

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 06:19 PM PST

Hi redditors, I'm looking to make a Tamil Kingdoms mod for Civ VI, as a challenge for a friend and I who are really obsessed with ancient history. I recently downloaded the dev kit and visual studio so I can get this going, but I have no idea how to do the coding language for the traits and abilities.

The traits would go as follows (not 100% sure on the rates yet)

LEADER: RajaRaja I

LEADER ABILITY: Naval trade routes provide +2 faith and +2 gold. Naval units get +1 combat strength for each trade route you have.

CIVILIZATION: Tamil Kingdoms

CIVILIZATION ABILITY: Traders have an additional 50% range, can trade over coast instantly, and have 1 additional movement per turn

UNIQUE UNIT: (replaces scout): Can embark instantly, +1 visibility whilst embarked

UNIQUE BUILDING: (replaces market): +1 gold for each type of luxury resource you have in that city, as well as +1 gold normally. +1 trade route capacity.

If you know how this would be coded or if there is a resource that I can use to learn to code this that would be amazing. Also if you think a certain ability is over/underpowered please recommend a change

submitted by /u/pygmyrhino990
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