Overwatch - Jeff Kaplan: New Year changes and OWL team announcement

Jeff Kaplan: New Year changes and OWL team announcement

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 10:10 AM PST

[Theory] Why hero 27 is Ares and who hacked Jeff.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 11:46 AM PST

There is a chain of hints: Doomfist was hinted in Orisa's whole update, Moira was hinted in Doomfist's comic. So, as I think, next hero should be hinted in something from Moira's update. The guy/robot/costume in Moira's Origin Story video is a good candidate because there should be a reason why Blizzard changed original art without this guy to version with him.

What the goal of Talon? They want to start a new war between humans and omnics. To do so they need more power. What thing is very powerful in OW universe? God-programs! Currently we know about only two of them: the good one Athene on side of Overwatch and contaminated one Anubis guarded by Helix. From Pharah's comic we know that Anubis was able to take control over omnics. That sound like a good tool for Talon to start a new war. And we also see that all currently known God-programs are called like actual gods from myths. And then we got an Ares name from Jeff's words orcA killeR whalE gratouitouS. And we also know from Athene that Talon was active in ruins of Illios and that Talon stole some "artifacts" from these ruins.

So my theory is that Talon is building their own God-program and they want to give him a body. Think of Ultron from Avengers. So Ares will be that Talon God-program.

And the final piece: Jeff wanted to tell us about Ares during his Christmas stream but he was hacked. Hacked by who? By Sombra! Why? Because she works for Talon! What is her motive? She does not want us to know about Ares! Why? Because Ares is a Talon god-program!

Also, community asked for an evil omnic for ages and we know that devs are listening to us.

submitted by /u/Shnobz
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Let's address the elephant in the room: The lore is painfully slow.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 04:25 AM PST

First of all, I am going to say that I love the game's story. It is full of hope and mysteries. It is exciting.

What is the problem then?

It is going nowhere.

While Blizzard is giving the illusion that the story is moving forward, it really is not.

The story at launch: (the TL;DR version at least):

The world is on the brink of a war, after the shutdown of overwatch, an organization that protected the world against a robo-threat. The terrorist organization Talon, with members being Widowmaker and Reaper (formerly know as Gabriel Reyes who also coincidently had a fight with Morrison that caused the downfall of overwatch) is trying to start the war... Because they are evil? Winston sends out a recall signal to all overwatch members, and it is now up to them to decide what side they are going to choose. Tracer, Genji, and Winston are currently the only ones that have answered.

Now I know, I left out a lot of things, but you will get the point. This is the main storyline. Half of the characters are miles away from the main story.

Now here is the story after more then 1,5 years:

The world is at the brink of a war (Still after 1,5 years of time in-lore), after the shutdown of overwatch(and Blackwatch-lead by Edgelord), an organization that protected the world against a robo-threat (God-AIs - maybe?). The terrorist organization Talon, with members being Widowmaker and Reaper (formerly know as Gabriel Reyes who also coinsidently had a fight with Morrison that caused the downfall of overwatch), Dommfist (who is this guy who puches things), Moira(lunatic who believes morality limits science), Maximillian (he is so inportant, so far he had like 8 lines of dialogue) and Sombra (who blackmailed a russian lady and has second thoughts) is trying to start the war... (Because punchy guy believes wars help humanity). Winston sends out a recall signal to all overwatch members, and it is now up to them to decide what side they are going to choose. Tracer, Genji, and Winston and Reinhardt and Mei are currently the only ones that have answered. The others did not, either because they didn't want to, or they are blind and deaf since if you cant answer a skype call for 1,5 years you probably are either blind and deaf or dead.

New hero storylines:

Ana: second command in OW, met up with S:76 aaaand was kinda presumed dead for a while.

Sombra: hacker who likes to blackmail Russian people and has a spiderweb of the lore that Blizzard isn't telling us

Orisa: they just gave up on the whole story thing

Doomfist: He likes to punch things, is the big baddy

Moira: lunatic who thinks science is limited by morality

Also, Widowmaker maybe has second thoughts with her emotions coming back and all... But we still have no clue really.

Okay.... so with that said... I think you can see that the main story has still not developed. All we really got is character development. Yes, I left out the side storylines(Trob, Bastion, Zarya, D.va, Lucio, Junk, Road etc.). This is the MAIN storyline. And it is painfully slow.

I tried to post this on the forums first, but it exceeded the 60-word limit so RIP.

If you disagree or have any thoughts just leave it in the comments.

Edit 1: Thanks for all the upvotes. I am glad I am not alone with this!

Edit 2: Formatting

Edit 3: Formatting of the formatting

submitted by /u/Fonix42
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Bullying Roadhogs since 2K17.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 05:08 AM PST

A Letter from the Father of Dennis "INTERNETHULK" Hawelka

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 12:20 PM PST

Overwatch ship search trends on Google

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 12:02 PM PST

This is one of those games where you have to be okay with losing.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 08:45 AM PST

It doesn't automatically mean you're bad, even if you play bad that match it doesn't mean you're bad at the game. The highest I've hit was 33somthin' before a God awful 2 day losing streak. Right now I sit at 26somthin'. I usually sit somewhere around 2900.

I know my skill is decent at best and eh at worst. I know I'm probably better, game sense, than most of my teammates, but I don't dilute myself and I know there are people on my team better than me. Same goes for the opponents.

Even if it's a squash match and you lose horribly, don't rage. It's okay. It happens. Even top ranked MMA fighters get their shit rocked every now and then. It's not about how you lose, it's about how you handle losing. Keep playing, and have fun with the people in your chat. Be nice. Say nice job if you see a teammate on the killfeed twice in a row. Say "yeah we should group up" if you see three teammates killed in a row instead of flaming them.

It's a lot harder to be nice in the face of defeat than it is to be mean. Challenge yourself to be nicer.

submitted by /u/respectmyfarts
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Posted: 28 Dec 2017 10:20 AM PST

Doomfist is just way too much fun sometimes.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 12:10 PM PST

How cool would a Cruella de Vil skin for Moira be!?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 06:24 AM PST

I was mildly hyped over the post I saw earlier today to put some dogs in victory poses and thought how wonderful it would be to have some Dalmatians, I know they aren't at all close to Moiras heritage but I just thought it'd be brilliant to have the iconic Cruella de Vil with dalmations, and Moira surprisingly really fits her silhouette. The sleeves, the hair, how intimidating she is, the mildly insane personality. The only thing I'm unsure of is Moiras weeb run. It wouldn't suit =(

I'm not an artist by any means so i'm unable to provide you with how the skin would look, but here's a few pictures of the wonderful Disney villainess Cruella de Vil if you can't quite place your finger on the name!

And some of Moira for the comparison

Hell. Moiras tubes and shit could just be a dead Dalmation puppy or something else equally horrifying

Moira de Vil by Vmat Sorry guys, didn't realise someone had already thought of it, let alone made art of it! Thanks @catsonlyluvu4food

submitted by /u/Saafia
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Gamemode Idea: Junkrat Tire Races

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 03:01 PM PST

Everyone starts out as a Junkrat in a line with full ult charge. You have to race around the course and get back to blow up the other junkrats. It'd be set in australia, obviously! And Omnics try to attack your tire and blow it up!

Wholesome fun for the whole family!

submitted by /u/EndlessArgument
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CAIRO MAP (Payload) | Fan-Made Map | Unreal Engine 4

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 09:07 PM PST

I knew that looked familiar

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 12:57 PM PST

The best game mode

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 10:53 AM PST

https://m.imgur.com/a/MxsrK? Château deathmatch is best deathmatch

submitted by /u/voltage02
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Can Sombra have a “Hack Counter” for her EMP?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 04:31 AM PST

Remember the old Mercy Ult where theres a counter to show how many dead teammates there are you can revive. Can Sombra have that too? Her achievement will be a lot more easier to get

submitted by /u/xXxEdgeLord76xXx
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Orisa's Puppy Emote is great at combating negativity among teammates. Blizzard should look into more animal emotes.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 06:37 AM PST

I should preface by saying this is on Xbox One and not PC, so I don't know if others here have seen this at all. I think its adifferent environment, we almost only use voice comms. Comp on weekdays, especially during a school break, is what I would say is like 75% children on Xbox One and it can be a chore. I am low plat so all these kids think they are the next top prospect and any problems are their teams fault. I try to remain level headed as there is enough fighting among the groups as is. I usually solo or duo queue with my little bro.

This may sound quite ridiculous, but I have had great experiences so far using Orisa's puppy emote (got it out of my 5th loot box) to stop teammates from fighting one another, or at least distract them long enough to forget about whatever made them so pissy. Three separate instances last night where teammates in comp were either arguing over team comp or strategy where I popped my Puppy emote and people got so distracted and mesmerized that they ended up not arguing and actually becoming quite friendly to one another.

The worst instsance was a "Genji main" (must have been like an 11 year old kid) and a junkrat guy were both flaming each other for being the 3rd DPS on defense on Lunar when I was the only tank. They were really going at it, threatening to throw, telling each other they are trash over voice comms, etc.

I went to the center of A and popped my puppy emote next to the Mercy who was sitting down, and almost instantly the junkrat was fawning over how cute it was and the Genji was admitting he was being a dick and then they both began to apologize to one another.

We held off the attackers at B after the "genji main" finally went D.Va and won the next round on attack, and by the end everyone was wishing each other happy new year and good luck in next seasons comp.

Another instance where 2 double stacks were fighting over where to push on Numbani offense because they were a Mercy / Solider and Zen / D.V. They refused to group up and we ended up getting wiped a few times, we only managed to get 2 ticks and morale was very low on defense. They kept arguing and blaming one another instead of communicating or even waiting to push as a group.

So again I popped the puppy emote on defense, and the Soldier began to absolutely lose it (I guess he never saw it before), asking me if all characters have the puppy, how to get it, price, etc. The roadhog on our team kept blasting the puppy with his shotty, and we all had a good chuckle about how though we were arguing, at least we are dog lovers, and not a psycho like the Hog. It was heartwarming and funny, and we actually held them at around 50% and again we won. This time people were making calls, warning each other about enemy positioning, calling where and when the enemies were attacking, and generally maintaining good team work.

The third instance was more of the same of the first, with a reaper and zen double stack absolutely ragging on the team comp and calling this other kid (D.Va) on the team a Christmas noob because he had no stars(he was level 88 so I doubt it lol) and making him feel bad. It really got me mad because its like 23 hours before comp ends, just relax. I popped the emote and the kid cheered up and was laughing, I told the reaper and zen to keep it to themselves unless they want to be positive because its not worth it life to be so negative. I made a little joke about how I wish I could get a gold puppy instead of a gun with my comp points. They mumbled a little bit and went on with the game. He got a triple D.Va bomb and I told him he was doing a good job, he kept eating Moria's orbs and didn't feed to much. We ended up drawing in OT, but the two bullies were being kind by the end and I was again asked about the emote and I popped it for the D.VA and Zen to get a video capture, one kid wanted to show his little sister, and as an older brother with sisters it warmed my heart a lot.

I know its a long, stupid, and worthless post but any little step we can take to combat the negativity flowing from some of the people in this game is a worthwhile act. And for adults we need to be an example for the kids, they can and will imitate us. A lot of the time, the negativity and anger expressed towards teammates in this game is unfounded and makes the team play worse. This emote is a good idea from Blizzard, because people love animals (generally, though its hard for me to trust people who don't like dogs or cats, etc) and that is something to bond over and forget the arguments and attacks.

We have enough negativity and hatred in our world today that its nice to see it washed away by teamwork and friendliness.

Tl/Dr - Puppy Emote distracts people in comp long enough so they stop bickering over dumb shit.

submitted by /u/redeyedreams
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Moira's gets a dance emote!

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 04:01 PM PST

Season 7 is over and this was probably my best contribution to it...

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 01:47 PM PST

Teamwork? In MY Quick Play? It's more likely than you think.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 11:27 AM PST

If Mercy is so easy to play, why do i keep hearing "i can't mercy" ?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 02:24 PM PST

It just seems funny to me how DPS mains say mercy takes no skill, and their hero is much harder, and yet they can't hold m1 because "it's so easy".

submitted by /u/PikachusThugAssUncle
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Zarya ult + Tires = A scary ride to be on

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 03:07 AM PST

Where did the weapons go?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 02:04 PM PST

https://imgur.com/a/NweOa but now... https://imgur.com/a/G6wRL I don't think I saw anybody else talk about this before! And the time for a new hero is comiing up, and Jeff said it was hinted at already!

submitted by /u/Quantum_Slime
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“tracer can you switch to hitscan for the phar...”

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 12:18 AM PST

200IQ Play by IDDQD

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 07:51 AM PST

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