Learn Dota 2 - When I play PL he feels squishy as anything, but when there's a PL on the enemy team he often seems like UBER SUPER IMBA TANK OF DEATH. Why? What am I doing wrong?

When I play PL he feels squishy as anything, but when there's a PL on the enemy team he often seems like UBER SUPER IMBA TANK OF DEATH. Why? What am I doing wrong?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:54 AM PST


I quite like playing PL but like I say, I always find he's squishy and I die a lot on him. Yet when the enemy team has a PL I often find that towards the late game he's just unkillable and a right pain in the backside in teamfights. Not my experience playing him.

I build things like Diffusal, Heart, Butterfly, and Skadi. I also just had a game trying his Aghs, and I found I quite liked it -- I can see it might be a nice pickup in games where the enemy team deathballs. Yet I still felt squishy.

I don't buy BKB unless in a real need for it, because it marks out the real PL.

What am I doing wrong?

It could of course be that I'm playing him wrong, rather than building him wrong. I try not to be the first into fights, but once in a fight I try to focus down squishier targets. Maybe I should get the main PL into fights less, instead just micro'ing him away and letting illusions do it? I don't think this is the case because he needs to be hitting things to create illusions, but I thought I'd raise the possibility.

Or something else I'm not thinking of?

I'd really appreciate some help here. I'd like to feel like I'm playing well on PL, rather than just going into fights and dying.

(I also tend to find I don't get kills, instead racking up a lot of assists. That's annoying -- again, enemy PLs seem to get a lot of kills. Don't know what I'm doing wrong there either.)

submitted by /u/Ninja_Hedgehog
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How the hell do you counter chaos Knight?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 04:41 PM PST

He's tanky so he's just hard to kill overall, but then he has illusions which make him impossible to disable. What the fuck??? How do you kill this fucker?

submitted by /u/OmniscientShadow
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TIL, what goes around comes around (MMR)

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 08:26 AM PST

Just wanted to point out an annoying thing this sub does when discussion heroes.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 07:26 PM PST

Example. We may see a post like these:

"Why is SF so strong atm?"

With a reply like: "He's strong because he's able to do 900+ magic damage at level 8! He's got extremely high attack damage and he also has the ability to one shot a hero with euls + blink.

Good job. You just mentioned the heroes strengths WHICH CAN BE DONE WITH ANY HERO IN THE GAME.

Or we can have a post like this: "Why is SF picked so little atm?"

With a reply like this: "He's weak because he lacks escape mechanisms or defensive capabilities like other traditional mid laners. He's easy to shut down in lane and also easy to gank when his jungle is warded". Congrats, you just mentioned the hero's weaknesses. WHICH CAN BE DONE WITH ANY HERO IN THE GAME.

Okay sure, this can sometimes be a good explanation for a hero when they're really broken in the meta i.e release MK (literally one shotting an entire team with jingu passived Q). Instead of answering a question in a generic fucking stupid way like this you can instead look at third party synergies, hero counters, meta shifts, pro picks, strategies.

submitted by /u/Invokationz
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Please clarify something for me about tinker...

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 07:03 PM PST

So with march of the machines...

You TP to lane, and you march, killing enemy creeps. But...your creeps get damaged in the short time they're fighting.

Your creeps go on down the lane and then...they meet the next wave. But they are weaker than the enemy wave because of the small amount of damage they do..

Thus, they lose the wave and it starts to push back.

I don't understand how to use march effectively...

submitted by /u/CentralConflict
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Proper blocking in mid

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:39 AM PST

Hello all. Just a very simple question about mid creep blocking.

I know the impact of creep blocking and I can block well and aggro and stuff. My problem when I look back is that I usually block the creep so well that my creeps are on my high ground. For the first wave that's a huge advantage. But due to the enemy ranged creep are at the low ground, they usually deal less damage especially to my ranged creep ( that is assuming enemy mid does not even aggro ) and the second wave usually push towards the enemy. It is even worse if I decided to forcefully box him out of range. In this case do I have to aggro the creeps to kill my ranged creep ? I find that if I do that, it's slightly harder to maintain equilibrium so I generally don't do that unless the creeps are nearer to their tower.

Are there any "best practice" for mid lane equilibrium? Thanks!

submitted by /u/Luvboo
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How to convert wins with Lifestealer?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:31 PM PST

I just cannot seem to pull wins together with this hero, he is the epitome of "win lane lose game" for me. He feels more like a mid than a carry to me in the fact that he has this peachy early game window where you are just invincible and godly strong but if you don't snowball/crush the enemy at this point you're going to get outscaled by every single carry in the game 10 minutes later. For instance, he doesn't farm fast, he doesn't hit hard without armlet and deso, he is easily kited without lockdown items, his ult is basically detrimental to your farm if your team mates aren't half good or you don't have a proper gap closing way of initiating. He just doesn't feel like a carry at all, the only thing that is kinda nice is the bkb (which hardly matters because he needs 1000 items and fast anyway) and that if you happen to get yourself in a 1v1 and no one on the entire map is around you might be able to 1v1 heroes that can't usually be 1v1'd, but that's about it.

So in summary I feel like he is only any good as an early-mid game fighter, but unlike someone like gyro, he relies entirely on his team mates in the early-mid game fights to get maximum potential and if your initiator is shit you either waste time with infest or you don't get all of his potential.

Tl;Dr he is outscaled by everyone and has to rely on rng (team mates being competent) to win

submitted by /u/venomlove
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Psychology Question: How to deal with the "soft-quit"

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 11:19 AM PST

I play quite a lot of support (Crusader 0) and I find that I am usually quite good (or at least I think I am) at securing farm for my carries in the early-mid game.

However, sometimes the carries don't farm well enough, or don't understand how to fight with their heroes and so, the mid game goes south and it feels there is an inevitable loss.

My question is how to deal with giving up on the game at this point. Obviously there is still a chance to win, but it's slim. I find myself no long actively wanting to help these carries as they have thrown away the advantage I worked for in the early game.

As a support player, who feels there is little you can do at this point in the game...how would you advise I think of my play at this point in the game?

Also - what can I do as a support at this point to help my team? It feels like it's a bit pointless to help them, and I'd rather try for another game with another carry who maybe has a better chance...

This could just be a 1.5k thing and I need to stop thinking about helping carries and more disrupting enemy play?

submitted by /u/CentralConflict
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Legion Commander in 7.07

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 05:06 PM PST

I've been a big fan of LC since she was released in Dota 2, but since 7.07 she has seemed a lot weaker. The offlane has become super hard with denies being buffed, and she isn't really a safelane carry since she wants to roam after blink dagger or a mid character. Is she just bad in this meta or is there something I'm missing?

submitted by /u/ExplodingGodhand
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Pos 5 support farming time

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:17 AM PST

When does the right time for a pos 5 support make gold for supporting item?

submitted by /u/macoyyy12
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Why isn't octarine good on necro with radiance?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 04:42 PM PST

Extra heart stopper Aura and further decreasing the cooldown of his ultimate

submitted by /u/OmniscientShadow
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How do you deal with getting caged in base?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 04:29 PM PST

I'm talking about those 50 minutes scenarios, where enemy was leading, manages to get mega creeps, and you then win every fight, while they get a little bit if your base at a time, leaving you at a ticking clock You can't push since you need to leave one or two to defend, and the enemy will probably respawn/ have buybacks by the time you reach their base.

The only thing I can think of is trying to get an offensive ward, catching a hero and then fighting as 3 cores trying to win. So, what so you do in those scenarios?

submitted by /u/dannyjayes1
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Lone Druid itembuild and playstyle

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 03:30 AM PST

I'm seeing a lot of people building 2x brown boots, Radiance, AC, Aghs Lone Druid currently, and using the Bear as the real hero, but I have some questions.

First: Lone Druid optimal lane. As a safe lane hero, he doesn't provide much until level 5 and being with support mean this level will take longer ; as a mid lane hero, you lack the burst damage/disables a mid lane classically has, like SF/Puck ; as a offlaner, you will take longer for getting the desired farm for Radiance and risk not having a initiator-like or imba teamfight hero, like DS/Centaur would be. So how to use the best of each lane?

Second, why people don't buy lesser items? 7.07 has given the opportunity of stacking Aquila and Vladmir, so LD could get early RoB/RoA to increase his damage and have some armor aura, or even RoB after getting Radiance, without losing the idea of immediately fightning after Radiance. Another item is Phase Boots, I've seen people losing the Bear a lot of times due to lack of better MS, or even getting creep blocked.

Third: Understanding the choice between Aghs or AC. Immediately after Rad, I see some people going for Aghs, and some people going for AC. In which situations having this early Aghs is more advantageous than having AC? Also, where does Vladmir fit?

Fourth: Extension items for late game(after Rad-AC-Aghs). I've read that with Rad-AC-Aghs-Deso and Rabid+Battle Cry, LD is able to overcome the backdoor protection. So besides it, what items are also good on lategame?

Fifth: How should I use Lone Druid (the hero) during teamfights, and after Aghs? I see people using it most to resummon the Bear, but what to do if the Bear is dead and it is on cooldown for significant time? Should I use LD for Savage Roar allies or go back and safe until Summon Bear is ready again? And after Aghs the Bear is an independent unit, so how should I change my positioning?

submitted by /u/Marconidas
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Winning Games with Death Prophet in 7.07

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:29 AM PST

Death Prophet feels very strong right now, especially if you go the right build, but many of the in-game guides send you down the wrong path. Below is an excerpt from the guide I created. Any feedback is always appreciated.

The guide can be found at: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1216335298


Death Prophet is a strong laner that can take over the midgame, melt towers and become an unkillable raid boss. But before you wreak havoc on your enemies, you first have to shore up a few weaknesses.

Problem 1 - Mana Regen. Your spells are expensive and you can't buy Mana Boots, because you need Phase Boots to chase. So you get a Eul's scepter, and you get it fast. Eul's is the perfect item for her--solves the mana regen problem, gives you move speed to chase down enemies, and keeps you invulnerable in fights while Exorcism rips apart your foes.

Problem 2 - Armor. You need to stay close in teamfights and not die, and you don't have much armor. Solar crest, Shiva's, or even a casual Platemail are a must. I usually decide between Solar Crest and Shiva's, but if you're up against a lot of physical damage, it's okay to buy both.

Problem 3 - Magical Burst. If you can get bursted down by spells (Tinker, Lina, Invoker etc.), your hero is useless. Get a Hood after Eul's if you need to, or just buy BKB.

Solve these problems in the mid game, and everyone on the enemy team will just look like food. Once you hit your timing (Phase + Eul's + armor or magic resist item + at least lvl 12), take towers, take Rosh if you can, and force teamfights. Once the fight starts, press R, land a 3-4 person silence, then come in with the Spirit Siphons and Crypt Swarm. They will melt and cry. Take the gold from these objectives and build BKB or Octarine Core. Go highground and end the game by 35 minutes. Let your team know when Exorcism is up, and convince them to push and take objectives if you can. Death Prophet is not going to win games on solo pickoffs--you need some coordination to get to the W.


Drafts -- Illusion heroes (CK, PL etc.) can be a big problem, since the illusions soak a lot of damage from Exorcism. I generally avoid picking her into them, but the real problem is Sniper (see below). On the positive side, if you see tanky melee heroes on the other team (Centaur, Ursa, Tide etc.), it's usually a good game. On your team, heroes with crowd control (Void, Dark Willow, Tide) seem to work well, but also heroes with saves (Dazzle, Oracle, Omni etc.).

Mid Lane -- Death Prophet wins or ties most mid lane matchups. Viper is not fun to deal with, but the real cancer is Sniper. Ban this hero. If you have to play against him, play very aggressive early in the lane. In teamfights, try to get your teammates to prioritize bursting Sniper or at least chasing him away. Otherwise he will sit outside of Exorcism and whittle you down. As for starting items, if your supports won't pool you tangoes, you have no choice but to ditch the branches and buy tangoes instead. Double Null Talisman is standard now, even if you will never buy Veil. Some players are skipping bottle, but I like it for the mana regen pre-Eul's scepter.

Items -- Phase --> Eul's --> Armor --> BKB or Hood/Pipe (if necessary) --> Octarine. If you complete this progression by 25-30 minutes, your enemies will start to wonder if it's even possible to kill you. Good luck and have fun.

submitted by /u/Convex_Mirror
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Elder Titan's Insane Win Rate at 5k+

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:33 AM PST

I only recently started spamming Elder Titan after seeing YapzOr's performance on the hero for Team Secret, during my learning phase I went on dotabuff to look at the hero's counters and alternative builds, where I noticed the hero has a 68.97% win rate in the 5k+ bracket, that stat is astonishing to me, are there any players here with substantial understanding of and experience with the hero who can explain why he's so strong right now.

submitted by /u/Mickleton_Mouseroo
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What the fuck am I supposed to do against a fully-leveled/fully-farmed Anti-Mage and Invoker as a PL?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:37 PM PST

It's an "enemy abandons actually helps enemy team" episode. They got unfairly accelerated farm and I can't do shitfuckpissall against either of them. I literally always have zero mana. I can't push at all as AM can pretty much always be wherever I am. Meanwhile the rest of my team decides to piss about and not do anything productive.

submitted by /u/Robotigan
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When is it appropriate to pick Broodmother offlane?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 07:32 AM PST

Just started learning her, so I'm not sure when she would do better than Brewmaster or Timbersaw (other two offlaners I'm comfortable on). Also any general tips for Brood would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/rapedbyaslothAMA
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Lane equilibrium [carry]

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 04:41 AM PST

Can someone give me some advanced lane equilibrium tips? I somehow always end up with two range creep and the lane pushing

submitted by /u/Braxtapose
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How to get the same levels and gold as a laner as a roaming support?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:23 PM PST

I've been playing es and kunnka religiously lately and ive been having troubles keeping up with enemy level and gold as a pos 4. What can i do to better myself as a roamer? dotabuff

submitted by /u/kelbimonster
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Troll Warlord

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:38 AM PST

So no one ever really talks about this guy, but I have been enjoying him for a few games now. I support like 80% of the time especially since most of the time I play with friends who all are more experienced so I usually just support them. And if no one wants to play support when I solo I do it because it is funner than people think.

But when I do get to carry Troll has been a good time. Any suggestions for him in general? What is the best opening combo out of shadow blade?

Any help would be awesome!

submitted by /u/danktuna4
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Where Does the Fifth Guy Go?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 12:11 PM PST

So I mainly play LoL but i go to Dota if i need a break. In LoL there's five very distinct roles: Carry, Mid, Offlane, Support, and Jungler. In Dota, especially with the removal of Iron Talon, I can't figure out the lanes. I know there's an off laner, a hard carry, a support, and a mid. So my question to you is: Where does the fifth guy go? What is his role? what kind of hero is he? Is he a support? core? Help me out please!

submitted by /u/LunaUmbra52
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So, enemy picks Spectre, Anti-mage and Shadow Shaman. What do you DO?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 02:25 PM PST

What would be optimal response? Hard carries are hard for a reason. Shaman keeps dropping ults at towers and keeping you busy, while those horrible heroes get fat somewhere. They are impossible to take down even if you dominate early-midgame. It feels like there's no answer to such draft.

...Or is there?

submitted by /u/FinalBosss
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