Learn Dota 2 - What is Timbersaw supposed to do late game?

What is Timbersaw supposed to do late game?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 12:36 PM PST

It seems like none of his abilities scale well into the late game, with all of them doing pure, but low amounts of damage, and he can't tank well since people do so much damage he only gets 7-8 stacks of armor on before having to retreat. What role does late game Timber fill?

submitted by /u/C0ncept8
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How to find farm as support/Low last hits

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 02:55 PM PST

Hey Guys,

As someone that got into Dota and Moba's in general very recently, I've constantly been playing hard support to learn some general mechanics behind the game along with the role itself of course.

A common problem I seem to be facing in-games is a very low level of last hits, we're talking 20-30'ish by late game. I don't really have a problem actually last hitting and I definitely get more when playing another role obviously, but I can't seem to get enough when playing support. I fully understand that a hard support is essentially the lowest when it comes to farm priority, but seeing other people getting over 75 last hits as a hard support makes me think that I could be doing more.

Generally speaking I pull the camp whenever needed and get a last hit or two, but apart from finding an empty creep wave I'm not sure how to actually get more farm/last hits and this ends up leaving me underleveled and not able to afford basic items such as wards. (An example would be something like still being Level 5 when the majority are Level 8/9)

Bear in mind I tend to play with no position 4 on the team due to it being a low MMR and unranked so this doesn't even help one bit.

Big thanks to anyone who read this.

submitted by /u/jason9901
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Tip: If you want to force staff or pounce over or onto a ledge, click right next to the ledge, NOT on your intended destination

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 09:55 AM PST

If you click on your destination, it will turn you to the closest path, potentially turning you and causing you to miss. Clicking next to the ledge will get you as close as possible without turning.

submitted by /u/Narwhalbaconguy
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Microing mentality - Mechanical Aspect

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 07:30 PM PST


So I've seen a couple of posts about this already and sorry if it may seem like I'm simply bringing up a topic that's been beaten about a million times, this is mostly with regards to the mechanical side of micro.

I'm aware that most people use control groups which is obviously the most ideal way to micro in my opinion, however how would you go about actually microing in a sense of commands issued/camera placement and stuff? I'm starting to think that shift queueing commands might be ideal since you could look at other units/map but I'd like to know some more information on this, I know for a fact that you can easily shift queue the jungle for farming for instance, but could this be used in other ways for efficiency?

submitted by /u/seczobb
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Terrorblade: Boots of Travel or Powertreads

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 06:37 PM PST

I've been playing a lot of terrorblade, but I've always questioned which boots to get. I see guides saying both. BoT give extra farm speed while Treads give better stats. I can't really decide which is more important.

submitted by /u/Classy8anana
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Item wise what should I change to win this game

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 08:30 AM PST

I was the AM and I often have games like this where I got to a point where it was only pickoffs that were successful and I feel that I could have done a lot more had I different items, but I haven't played enough where lategame was tough but winnable to really get the feel for different item builds on AM or what changes in specific scenarios
Here are a few thoughts I had, any other suggestions would be welcome
* BOT's + Deso and commit to split?
* Nullifier and SE and tried to just shutdown the Ursa and the LS more? (If this would even work)
* Committed more to lockdown with a Vyse?
* Hotd and purge creep(If this works against Omni well)?
* Lightnings for damage during Omni ult?

submitted by /u/Doug_Step
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Difference between games at higher mmr averages?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 04:45 PM PST

Hey all. So, if any of you follow reddit drama you probably have heard the constant complaints about this ranking system. You can see players like rtz and singsing complain about their teammates and how the games are so "bad". I remember rime making a point about how there is a HUGE difference between a 6k avg and a 7k avg game. My question is: what is this difference? How are games so variable across mmr ranges. How do 3k and 4k games differ? 4k and 5k? What fundamental aspects between the players change that make these games so drastically different?

I am really intrigued by this idea of 10 players in one game playing on a whole other level when compared to 10 players that are 1k mmr less. Also, I'm wondering if I can notice these flaws in my shitty 3.5k games and use it to boost my gameplay.

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/iKnowButWhy
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any tips to improve AA core build?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 10:32 AM PST

trying out AA mid core in bots and a few pubs. i usually go nulls and salve at first and go tranquils and midas then i rush euls, aghs, kaya, and octarine. i know sumail and other pros do the build with maelstrom but with the addition of kaya and the level 10 talent, building magic amp is too good to pass. any tips?

submitted by /u/yakuzakid
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Is EarthShaker a good offlane in this patch?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 08:13 AM PST

I don't see him mentioned anytime people ask for good offlaners. Is he way worse than what he was last patch?

submitted by /u/raff100
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Very high APM stats in OpenDota

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 03:09 PM PST

Hi, I'm fairly new to dota (173hrs), I mostly know basic concept like last hitting, positioning, skill, etc. At least I know what I do when in match.
I mainly play support and occasionally carry. Lately I have very high APM (Action per Minutes) in open dota, about 300 apm in my last 10 match where other player just 150-200 apm. Is it good habit or bad habit?.
If it is bad habit, how can I fix that?. I felt I'm still bad at cs-ing and get killed a lot because bad positioning. Need advice to be better.
PS: I'm uncalibrated but often paired with heralds, so may be I'm in herald level.
edit: here is my opendota link

submitted by /u/z4raki
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Im playing in the finals of the Learn Dota 2 League. Here's a diss track I made for the other team

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 09:48 AM PST

Best Heroes for Offlane on patch 7.07 ?

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 09:11 PM PST

Winning solo ranked (High archon / legend 2)

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 08:48 PM PST

I've played 90% of my ranked with group, as a hardlaner / midlaner, knowing I'm going to have an existing roamer and a carry that will eventually wake up. I (we) climbed to 2K7 like this.

Then I started playing solo (I was 3K3 top, now 3K0 since 7.07). I could hard win my lane, me carry's gonna be 0/11 and we'll lose.

I can destroy their carry hardlane and both mid and safe will hardloose and we'll lose. On the other hand, I can sit my ass in the woods, and half an hour later, +25MMR.

I know it's not just my mates, but I lack every solo player reflex.

here's my DB: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/108824527

submitted by /u/itsfeykro
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What happened to all pick?

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 09:08 PM PST

I'm asking here because I can't find anything regarding this for the patch notes in 7.07c.

I introduced one of my friends to Dota2. Since she went diamond in league as twitch, I suggested she try weaver, since it's very slippery and hard to catch once one gets good at it.

I gave her the rundown of the basics, and when we jumped into unranked all pick, it apparently told her that she must win 20 games to unlock the full hero pool.

After being stomped for a couple more games, I told her to try drow, and I would support her with venge. I spent about 30 minutes explaining to her how drow's abilities worked, and how it synergizes with venge in the lane, and when we got into the game, it didn't let her pick drow either, even though she was not banned.

What the actual fuck happened to All pick this patch?

submitted by /u/Fruit-Dealer
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