Learn Dota 2 - Does Kaya amplify radiance and shiva's damage?

Does Kaya amplify radiance and shiva's damage?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 05:54 AM PST

Is Brewmaster really good or am I just getting lucky?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 08:10 AM PST

So I started playing offlane brew a few days ago and so far I've won 6 games and lost 0 on it. It seems like I'm winning my games by simply not letting the enemy safelaner farm (by spamming my W which seems to be op as fuck in lane). However I haven't faced a trilane yet so that might have something to do with it but yeah. Brew seems to be very good this patch from my experience (currently Legend) but I've got no idea whether this would work in any higher mmr games?

submitted by /u/PuscOverDose
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broodmother itemization: when to make orchid, deso or radiance, mana issues and other questions

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 03:54 PM PST

I've been having fun with the new brood, the permanent free movement is amazing.

I've got several questions

  • when do you make orchid vs deso vs radiance?

  • if you get deso or radiance what do you build to help with your mana issues besides soul ring so you can spam q off cooldown?

  • what should i get for starting items

for mana issues ive thought about solar crest, it helps a little bit

what about echo sabre? Necro? euls?? linkens? Urn? meteor hammer possibly?

Also! Just a bunch of item questions:

Should i buy mom?

How is sange and yasha?

Is blademail good?

Is there anything i want to make with a energy booster so i can make arcanes?

Should i make full boots or just keep brown boots so i can upgrade to travels later?

Should i make pipe for my spiders?

How well would diffuse work?

Also, when do i use bkb? Sometimes i get it and it doesn't feel that useful because of a bunch of right clickers.

submitted by /u/-VwO-
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Have you rebound your main spellcasting keys, QWER, to anything else? In general, what item/spell hotkeys setups do you use and do you have any tricks that can help newer players?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 12:57 PM PST

I was watching BSJ's Gameleap video on hotkeys, and started wondering if it was worth it to rebind the main spell binds on any heroes.

I've never been a WASD player in video games anyway, and it seems to me that QWER is intended for people who are used to WASD setups. I usually use ESDF as my movement keys in other games, so it feels weird to rest my hand naturally on QWE. I was thinking about rebinding the buttons for my main heroes to have Q as the passive, R as the main active offensive ability, E as the second-most used ability, and W as the ultimate. Then I would use the index finger for R and middle finger for E. A would still be force attack (I'm used to it from Brood War and WC3), and D would likely be my tread switch/phase button. I'm not too worried about relearning muscle memory, as I'm pretty new (less than 250 games) and low MMR anyway.

Do you think this would work? What kind of item/spell hotkey setups have you found that work well for you?

submitted by /u/ak1247
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What are some things to examine about my playing to improve when I'm not sure what I need to work on?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 01:26 PM PST

I feel like I have played long enough to have a strong handle on the basics and the gist of what to do and what not to do(ie: lane equilibrium, countering heros, watching the minimap, etc)

Clearly, I'm no where near the best Dota2 player in the world, so obviously there's a ton I still need to learn. However, I'm just not sure what I can really practice on besides gaining more experience by playing more games

submitted by /u/MelodicFacade
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Kaya Silencer

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 07:31 PM PST

Silencer can be played everywhere and does have some mana issue. Kaya even boosts up pure damage. What u guys think about Kaya for Silencer?

submitted by /u/profHam
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What's the difference between a pos 4's role and a pos 5's role in a match?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 07:20 PM PST

I know they're both supports, but are pos 4s always supposed to be a roaming support?

submitted by /u/wdlmlol
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What is wrong with my Morphling?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 03:23 PM PST

I have been trying to play Morphling and it isn't going well. I am 1k. In 11 games I have lost 8 times. My first 4 losses are because I didn't know how to play the hero or my team choked the game away, myself included. However I feel like the last 4 losses would have been wins if my teammates had not fed the other team. This excuse is given a lot and is usually wrong so hopefully somebody can tell me if these games were winnable (without me having to play like a 9k player) and what I am doing wrong, or if this is just an unlucky streak of bad teammates. It is a small sample after all.

I think I am pretty good at laning (compared to other 1k players, I know I'm not good at it) since I usually have the most last hits at 10 minutes and I don't die in lane much. I think I am bad at knowing when to fight and usually don't leave my lane unless I cannot farm it anymore, even when the other lanes are getting run over. I also have terrible map awareness and am pretty clueless when it comes to late game strategy.

Could I have won these games or is it just an unlucky streak?

Here is the Dotabuff: https://www.dotabuff.com/players/109026390/matches?hero=morphling

submitted by /u/TremendousTiger
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Legend [1] 3546 MMR: AM game

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 06:52 PM PST

I played AM with some low skill friends. 'Tis the match. By low skill, I mean their highest was Archon 2. I was highest ranked. Other than teammates' lack of understanding of mechanics, I know I did a lot wrong (or we would've won). AM was not the best pick and I realized this after they picked the heroes with plentiful disables. I was second pick, our first pick was BH. They only had Dark Willow locked in. i mean my teammates weren't picking >:( . 17 minute BF, the same time they were seiging of highground. Maybe advice on what I could've done pre-base seiging.

Edit: I did not "win" top. According to Dotabuff, it says I did. At most, I drew even with the solo Omni. In addition to my complaining, Jakiro was jungling/roaming. I was chased down in my safelane. Leading to my lack of farm. Everywhere was unsafe farm.

submitted by /u/mortyecruteak
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Good roam duos

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 06:27 PM PST

I'm usually playing with a few friends, many of us have reasonably low MMR. After trying it a while ago we had decent success with two roamers at the start of the game and a self sufficient carry (lycan, brood, Lone Druid, ...) as many players are quite unprepared for that.

What would be good roam duos for that? Obviously anything that brings a reliable stun is great (sand king, ...), but are there any in particular? Also ths is less relevant for most games, but what would you trigger to draft multiple roamers besides maybe very gankable mid/offlane heroes?

submitted by /u/Calandas
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Is it worth buying an (uncalibrated ) account to skip leveling?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 06:19 PM PST

I'm level 15 on my account and am pretty sick of playing with people that have no idea what they're doing. I'm coming from league and have a decent grasp of the basic MOBA principles, and have been trying to learn dota, primarily through watching purge.

What really makes me angry is that if I want to play a carry in the safe lane, nobody knows how to support. They take farm, don't harass my lane opponent, take exp etc. It's really a disaster.

I feel that I'd learn a lot more if I could actually play with people at the same skill level as me. I'm not even really sure if account buying is legit like it is in LoL. Does anybody do it?

submitted by /u/AZXXZAZXQ
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Working on a written warding guide. Any possibility 3-4 people could message me so I can send them a draft and get feedback before I post it here?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 06:11 PM PST

Basically the title.

Working on a written warding guide. Any possibility 3-4 people could message me so I can send them a draft and get feedback?

Haven't done any major written guide content since my first written piece blew up and got millions of views.

Also: hope a thread like this is ok. Just don't want to randomly post something bad and get railed in the comments rather have a few unbiased eyes. Will just delete the thread once a few ppl message me if they'd be so kind.

submitted by /u/henry_rd
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How to quickly view guides in game?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 09:55 AM PST

so i was wondering if there was a way of quickly gettingf the guide up instead of going to store and then the 'view all guides'

Is there a hotkey or something that i could use? I use the guide to help me on tghe progression path

submitted by /u/Ares_24
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What mid heroes to play this patch?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 05:13 PM PST

Hey, I'm coming back from a 4 month break and have no idea what is good any more, the pro games I have seen seem to like dusa mid a lot but I don't like picking anything that greedy mid. Other than that I have seen razor, DP, and storm get some attention but I was wondering what you guys thought was good this patch. I'm tired of losing on what I feel is a weak hero this patch since I picked it not really knowing how well the game would go. Any options on the matter would be helpful, thanks in advance guys.

submitted by /u/Laxbro9285
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Magic Resistance - Perk

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 09:09 AM PST

For Int heroes does the extra magic resistance perk stack additively or multiplicatively with other magic resistances?

Presumably its multiplicatively like other sources? Otherwise OD would be an absolute beast.

submitted by /u/LeperMessiah11
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Do you think it's worth learning to use camera grip?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 04:41 AM PST

Been using edge pan since wc3 and seeing how accurate camera grip can be I thought it migth be worth a shot. Right now it feels so awkward so I have my doubts...

submitted by /u/blazingfear
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How to deal with ranged carries as an offlaner?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 10:09 PM PST

Tbh almost every offlaner I commonly play could be considered "good against melee heroes" - Tide with his Q, Legion/SK/Axe with their passives, Dark Seer with Ion shell etc. What I'm slightly unsure about is that which heroes would be considered good specifically against ranged carries, if any, since every now and then I'll have to play against safelane Lunas, Drows, Dusa's and the odd Snipers and I get a bit confused on what to pick. The only ones I can think of are Brew who can use his W to avoid constant rightclick harass, and NP since ranged heroes dont go Stout/Quelling and thus have a hard time dealing with treants.

Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/EL3kTr1C
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Does spell amp like Kaya increase damage of all spells? even those that deal non magic type spell damage?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 08:26 AM PST

examples: Arcane orb(pure spell damage) or omnislash(physical spell damage)

Does spell amp affect these kinds of skills or is it only applicable to spells with the magic damage type?

submitted by /u/Remiu
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Any good resources for semi advanced players?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 08:03 AM PST

I know this sub is mostly used by newer players, but I'm always trying to get better and was wondering if there were any advanced videos or guides for people that are around 4k?

submitted by /u/Prof_Patrick_MD
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Offlane in 7.07c and Veno questions

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 04:13 AM PST

Soooo, I came back after 1++ year of inactivity, have been out of touch with competitive meta as well.

What are the heroes that are good in solo offlane currently?

I went 8 - 2 with Venomancer offlane (solo), but I felt that it was very lackluster, and caliberated at Legend 4 (3.9k mmr), SEA server.

I have also some issues with keeping up with farm and levels, it's extremely alarming to see my pos 4/5 supports outleveling and outfarming me for some reason.

Does this patch encourage aggression? I seem to always get behind in farm if I go defensive and farm some camps with Veno.

How do I play an aggressive Venomancer? It's quite annoying to try to gank with an extremely slow movement speed. Tranqs kinda solves the slow issue for abit...but I can't even catch up to my faster teamates. It gets worse if I'm shoved to a support position where I have no farm.

submitted by /u/Agent0fChaoZ
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Why do Medusas keep mana shield turned off?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 12:20 AM PST

I've been seeing this a lot these days, now that Medusa is in the meta. I can understand toggling mana shield off in the lane because you want to keep the mana but I see players keeping it off while farming jungle at virtually full HP and mana. Wouldn't it be easier to live through surprise blink initiations if it was always on? Is there any benefit in keeping it off when mana pool is not an issue?

submitted by /u/dizzy___
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Skull Basher on Sniper?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 03:49 AM PST

Does it make any sense? Now that MKB doesn't mini bash anymore can Skull Basher be justified on Sniper for whatever reason? I know the proc chance is just 10% but given how fast Sniper's attack speed is it should still proc pretty easily every time it's off cooldown?

submitted by /u/TheWbarletta
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Laning vs Kunkka mid? heroes?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 03:47 AM PST

invoker was the way to go for me before, but now he s hella weak due to no mana for anything. Cant really outharass him

Viper is good enough i guess, maybe sniper

Anything else?

submitted by /u/GROM_GROZA
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Ta match review [request]

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 04:47 AM PST

Hey guys, I recently played this match as TA and i felt pretty good about it while playing.

but upon rewatching it i felt like i missed alot of chances to do better. i missed CS i shouldnt have, i could have rotated more effectively carry a tp more often.

and that got me wondering what else i could do better, the game is around divine rank.

  • thanks ghostwolf
submitted by /u/theredghostwolf
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How about going Diffusal Blade on OD?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 11:59 PM PST

I have been wondering for quite a while that why not go diffusal blade on OD. Diffusal Blade offers way too many things for a 3.1k item.

With diffusal on OD you can have a 4sec 100% ms slow which allows you to get free hits on enemies, 100 mana burn along with arcane orb, 50 dmg too, and all this with some attack speed and some armor. It can also be a good pick for kiting heroes too.

So why don't ppl go for it? I haven't seen my friends appreciating this item ever. What could be the condition or scenario for going diffusal on OD?

submitted by /u/ThisIsntMyId
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