League of Legends - Looking For Group Megathread - Clash Edition

Looking For Group Megathread - Clash Edition

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 08:57 AM PST


Since the New Tournament Style Mode is out on select servers, a lot of people will be looking for people to play League with. Here's a thread for people to help people out with finding and connecting with one another.

If you're looking to get recruited to a team, use this format:

Summoner Name:


Main role/champs:

Time available to play:

Preferred method of communication (if applicable):

If you're recruiting players to a team, make sure to state your summoner name, the roles/ranks you're looking for, and any other information you may find applicable.

As well, remember that the Subreddit has a Discord Server available for those looking to chat and find teammates in real time.

submitted by /u/hey_its_griff
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Galio is Diana if she was designed by a 5 year old

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 09:04 AM PST

Diana passive: Every 3 attacks I slash the air with moonlight.

Galio passive: Every 3 attacks I PUNCH the ground so it EXPLODES!

Diana Q: I shoot a moonbeam.

Galio Q: I shoot TWO moonbeams and they EXPLODE!

Diana W: I shield myself and damage nearby enemies.

Galio W: I MIND CONTROL people to hit me, but they can't, because I SHIELD myself for ALL THE DAMAGE IN THE WORLD and then I EXPLODE!

Diana R: I dash to an enemy.

Galio E: I CHARGE at them REALLY FAST and then I PUNCH them into the SKY!

Diana E: I pull nearby enemies towards me, and for 2 seconds they get-

Galio R: AND THEN AND THEN I TELEPORT RIGHT NEXT TO one of my SUPER COOL FRIENDS and then I EXPLODE so all the bad guys get BLOWN UP!!!

submitted by /u/Staehr
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Patch 7.24b notes

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 11:07 AM PST

FNATIC 2018 - Roster Announcement

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 07:02 AM PST

No more ''Have this icon equiped'' to complete missions

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 12:00 AM PST

With the new snowdown event, you dont have to equip any specific icon to complete missions. :)

submitted by /u/TheManUnderTheBridge
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The most bronze ending to a game I have ever seen

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 03:43 AM PST

The new health bars show which shaco is a clone and which is real

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 09:00 AM PST

If you see a shaco R at around 75% hp or lower, the clone spawns at full HP and then gets the animation as if it just took heavy damage, making it very obvious that it isn't the real shaco.

submitted by /u/KILLERCRACK
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Why can Zoe change her Q direction while stunned, when Vel'koz can't do the same?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 06:07 AM PST

As a Vel'koz main i was pretty mad when i played Zoe and found out she can recast her Q while being stunned. I know Vel'koz can't do the same thing, not sure about other champions with similar spells.

edit: apperently Anivia can't recast Q while stunned either, ty /u/Driffa.

submitted by /u/Le_Beaver69
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Misfits Coach, Hussain Moosvi, Explains Misfits' Off-Season and Situation with Ignar

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 08:33 AM PST

ARURF has been on pbe for almost 24 day but live servers won't even get it for 15 days.

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 01:17 AM PST

Why do they hate this gutted version of URF/AURF?

submitted by /u/Randomqss
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Faker hides on bush

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 08:18 AM PST

HeaQ, we choose you! ��

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 01:23 PM PST

A guide to support (in S8) - I'm back again!

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 08:53 AM PST

Hello and greetings. Note: I am not the actual Wadid, it's a fan who just likes Wadid. My other new account is u/G2-Aiten and I'm known as Aiten. I'm not the pro. Sorry for the confusion. You can check out my other post "analysis of G2's bottom lane" to know more about me before the analysis there.


Preseason is still currently upon us, and with a whirlwind of changes comes the whirlwind of ELO gain and losses. But fear not, it is the holiday season and URF is right around the corner! But if Ranked is more your jam, there is still ways to make others jelly! Well, that is if you are a Support main, because that is what this guide/analysis is about. But also, no worries! You can actually use this and transition it to almost any lane! (except ADC cause I don't play whack a mole; I jest).


The support meta is always a wide variety, even more so than any other lane besides maybe mid lane. Most champions in this role can function in some form so you one trick ponies out there (I see you Utility Tryndamere support I had last week which was totally not me playing it… it's op ok?!), just as long as you know… You are actually trying to play the role and you didn't just get autofilled and locked an ADC either way cause "I know ADC in insert generic elo is trash".


But you may ask yourself… "G2-Wadid (please it's Aiten I just am a fan boy), how do you even play support? Aphro just said 'Support is so easy' and then became an LCS top player!" well, because we don't have his good looks, so we may not be LCS but we can aim high as support players none the less!!!! So if you keep reading and can get over me thinking I am semi-hilarious, then I will try to do my best to explain it as any redditer can. But seriously, watch some streams, the support players in the LCS are gods and really good, even better than some carry players!


Without further ado, the "Support is so easy" guide/description:

1.) Know your role:

I know, support. But like, what "really" is your role? Are you a healer, a peeler, an all-around initiator? I know I said anything can be played in the role, which… technically it can, but if you want to actually win, you got to know what your champion can provide in terms of utility and kit to best benefit not only your ADC, but also your team and the team comp.


Example: With the introduction of Comet and Aerie, poke champions in the support role have returned (Ardent never left, it just pulled a Kha'zix and adapted and evolved.). Karma, Sona, even Xerath support (It stuns so it is a support). Your role then becomes to poke out the enemy ADC in lane phase, you let your adc freeze as you zone with your harass, or you push with the ADC (but try not to take the last hits) and help chunk the towers. Now if you are Karma your extra win condition is to get ardent and other support items to make your ADC unkillable, AOE shield your allies, and be annoying.


Example Two: You are Leona, you are in the enemies face, that Draven wants an axe? You smack him in the face. That Ez wants to Q the last hit on the canon, you block that weak thing and deny him the CS. That Ashe wants to walk up to a last hit you've been zoning them off of, you smack them in the face and make that 1 CS cost an arm and a leg (make them bleed). For the team, you are rushing mobis and running mid to keep that Zoe in place and remind her that her place is kindergarten and not the rift. You use your ult in every choke and you give them a giant, radiating sign the size of the sun. They need a sign to go in? YOU ARE THE GO SIGN!


Example Three: Cause the first two are more normal, how about this. I am a One-Trick Tryn player and I get autofilled, I already dodged so many times and this is the game I need to get into promos. Well, I could pick up Thresh, and maybe miss all the hooks ever. Janna is a dog champ, maybe I could just play her (but last time I ulted the kills away and ulted the junglers INTO my carry. PTSD says no). I lock in Tryn as support. Now what? DO I go long sword and just last hit and say "sorry auto attack is on in settings, I didn't click" or "You would have missed it anyway" for the 20th time? No. I pick up Coin or Relic shield. I get gold income because I know Tryn requires gold to be relevant, but since I am actually a smart player (only smart people play Tryn duh.) I know that when maxed first, my W is pretty much a mini exhaust that can hit multiple people. I know when that Leona dives on my carry because my carry can't dodge, my W will slow, and reduce attack speed and attack damage from both the AD and the support. I know I can get crits even with no AD the more I smack their ADC. So Leona comes at mine, I E and start whaling on theirs. W into exhaust for the Gragas that is ganking for us? Free kill if done right. Would a hook have been better? Yeah if I wasn't autofilled, could land it and was a coward! But no, my right arm is stronger than my left arm, and thus, I win even as support. That is totally how it works, look, Support is so EASY!


The biggest thing any support main sees, (or a good one anyway) is how the enemy support plays. You can tell they are either A.) new, B.) bad, C.) autofilled when you see a Blitzcrank sitting behind their carry, when you see a Leona sitting BEHIND THEIR CARRY. You see a Thresh sitting INSIDE THE MINION WAVE, and you see a Xerath in melee range of your Leona. Why is Xerath standing infront of you? WHY AREN'T YOU SMACKING HIM YET?!? Jeez these Leona's man.


But seriously, know your role. If your team has plenty of engage, do not flash for a stun as Xerath and put a target on your back. Most likely your AD is looking at the giant tree and the fat man to engage, not the mage of infinite power that somehow has to be 'flash'y.


Also, not saying off-meta support picks are 100%, you will need to communicate with your team in lobby, do not blind side them. It works best when you explain autofill and try to swap, if you do end up playing off-meta and off-role champions, just make sure that your team with the wider champion pool can possibly adjust and work with the pick. It is a team game, and mute all doesn't always work in a duo lane.



2.) Warding

Not just a solo game anymore, all your team can and should ward, but you're the one with the sightstone. Right? Wait… What the hell do you mean your Tryndamere support doesn't need a sightstone?! Well… No, it doesn't do damage but, wards means you can not die. (I KNOW YOU HAVE A BUTTON TO PREVENT THAT BUT IT HAS A CD!). Seriously, buy a sightstone. The CDR, the wards, it is nice. Wards win games. Sweepers win games.


Vary your ward placements. The one biggest pet peeve I see in my games is the fact that ADC can only put their wards in 3 places. Guess where the enemy support sweeps? 3 places. Place the ward near dragon, near the jungle entrance, get a view of the blasting cone and see if someone uses that too. Not only is it harder to sweep for (before upgraded sweeper and even in lane I don't see Supports going that far up even if they should), you also get an earlier detection and thus, you can react faster.


Know your enemy's team comp. You may ask, why does that play into warding? Well, for one because if they have a malphite top, you better be sweeping behind you for that flank ward that may have been left after you backed for your ADC to buy BF sword, or maybe they have a Fiddlesticks or a Zac? Then it may be a good idea to ward that tribrush behind your turret (or theirs) depending on side and how the wave is pushed.


Know objective timers. If their blue was seen to be taken, ward it 45 seconds before it is up, prep the area, inform your jungler and you can contest that. With the vision, you can push up with your AD, invade the blue, and make their farm-dependent Vayne decide between a fight where you are set up and they are not, and a huge wave under tower. Same with dragons and barons, set up is KEY. These small things can decide fights.


Set up teleport wards for your laners. When your mid and top both have TP, the reason the LCS loves it, is it is oppressive. But that is only when the wards are there. Otherwise you have an Ekko tping to the turret or a minion and has to walk to the fight and that wasted time means you died. Your kids died. Tyler1 is still in dark binding prison (damn Riot Morgana.)



3.) Communication

No.. I am serious. Chat. Use the pings. You keep pinging that Ashe's flash is down and has no escape like no-skill Ezreals. You know when that exhaust is down so that you as Support Tryndamere can show them true fear. Same with the jungler, you need to be communicating with them, roam with them to gank mid. Communicate with the ADC and say that you're in a power spike and that you can zone their Vayne off CS if they will just freeze and not push. Deny as much CS as you can. Remember 15-20 cs is pretty much a kill.


There isn't some handy, be a pro to this, just takes time and your own style, but do not be shy. Ping. Ping. PING. Spam that ping and make your presence known.



4.) Know the map, play the map, be the map

This thing is your friend, your best friend. You would have an affair with this thing over your sightstone. Sorry Sightstone Waifu, forgive me! In all seriousness though, this thing is a life saver, literally. Mid lane is too busy watching the blue buff timer, jungler is to busy invading without vision to realize he is being collapsed on (Map would save you buddy, or a ward. I mean you have 2 ready on trinket but sure, no sightstone, GG report support for not warding top at 3 minutes). And ADC knows that map doesn't give gold so not worth their time. Constantly look at this thing, and ping the shit out of it. Click it out like it's your late night when the parents are gone and you're feeling lonely cause you chose League over women.


Ontop of just looking at the map, READ the map. Predict with how the map is, where the jungler last was, and the state of the lanes, be able to ask yourself "what happens if….". The reason Mata is so good (and it is not because Deft can just 1 v 2 – even though he can – It is because he is able to see the top lane freeze as the wave is being stacked, and he also saw the Lee Sin just leave mid lane towards red buff. The path shows he will go top, and with a stacked wave, and a Maokai, can dive that poor Teemo. Now, if you put aside your hatred for Satan, you can find your inner demon and leave your bot lane Caitlyn to farm safely in that freeze you asked her to do, and you can rotate top and prevent that dive, and allow and help Teemo get that huge wave of Exp and gold (maybe tax one or two, and the experience will be nice for you as your ADC gets solo experience.)


You can do more than just support the ADC, remember that.



5.) Do not be afraid to innovate!

Lemonnation, Aphro, they all become these big names because they were able to try new stuff and transition it into professional play. Think like that! Try Guardian on Sona instead of Comet. Sure you lose out on extra poke but the main reason people avoid Sona is the lack of tankiness and without runes she perma-dies, but what about an extra shield for being next to an ally like you already do because of Aura's? Is Annie back in the meta? With Spellbook you can take ignite for the first blood then exhaust for teamfights, and the reduced CD on flash allows for you to bear hug so many squishies! Support is not tied down, there is so many champions and the new runes opens even more possibility. Season 8 is not a bad year as a support player, so experiment in normal and good luck in your placements.





This is just the tip of the iceberg, there is unique combos and synergies that can be dissected, certain ways to play a lane when you have a certain combo of champions, (i.E Cait/Karma, Ashe/Zyra). And that is why support is not that bad.


I will answer any questions below, sorry that this is a bit long but I want to give more stuff and I want to try to be more vocal on reddit because I am passionate about the game. (read the G2 analysis bot lane for more about me as a person). No shameless twitch plug or anything and I am not out here just for free karma, I could care less about Karma (I made a new account from my old one so shows how much that number means to me), I just see support players and know that there are some with some common mistakes, and some interested in trying to get better. Hell, I am not perfect and I am learning new things every day and that is why I love this game so much.


So with this, looking forward to discussions! :3

submitted by /u/G2-Wadid
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12/14 PBE Update: God Staff Jax Splash

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 12:31 PM PST

Locodoco: why Breaking Point wasn't the full story and his new professional approach to coaching

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 09:00 AM PST

How does it Feel Zoe?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 10:36 AM PST

Fnatic 2018 roster

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 07:03 AM PST

Faker plays Zoe really well

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 06:40 AM PST

European Scouting Grounds By Copenhagen Flames

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 09:06 AM PST

Hello everyone, I'm Daniel Vorborg, and I am part of Copenhagen Flames, who are now hosting our third Scouting Grounds event.

The games are casted by:

Mike "Wickd" Petersen

Henning Eklund

Daniel McHugh

And I'll be hosting our analyst desk.

The participants have been chosen from over 100 applicants, and the full list (containing both rookies, and known free agents) can be found here: http://copenhagenflames.com/participants/

More information on the format can be found here: http://copenhagenflames.com/scouting-grounds/

The event will be broadcasted:

Friday 15th, starting at 18cet

Saturday 16th starting at 18cet

Sunday 17th starting at 18cet

I'll be answering any questions posted here.

submitted by /u/vorborgd
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Something cool about Zoe

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 10:11 PM PST

I haven't seen anything on it but I've been playing Zoe a lot recently and I noticed something interesting about her walking animations. If you press ctrl + 5 while Zoe is moving, you can cycle through her three different walking animations. I thought it was pretty neat and I just wanted to share with you guys! Good luck on the Rift!

submitted by /u/TimelessKindred
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Happy Birthday Ahri!

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 06:51 PM PST

6 Years ago Ahri joined this game that we play and love as a champion.

I can safely say Ahri is probably one of the reasons (if not the only reason) I even play this wonderful game.

I would like to thank Riot Ezreal and Zeronis for their wonderful design and ofc other artists and staff at riot who made her and her skins possible! ❤

And lastly, I commissioned a peice of art for this occasion!

Here it is!

By Chubymi

submitted by /u/Mistress_Ahri
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Who is your main champion and why do you main them?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 04:26 AM PST

The new snowdown map for the colorblind.

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 02:34 AM PST

I have red and green color blindness, I don't know for others but for me it is very difficult to discern minion hp. All I see is a blank bar. I have color blind mode on but it is very troubling since I have to turn it back to the vanilla map.

I'm just sad I cant use the snowdown map.

submitted by /u/Qwentur
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Wouldn't it be better if Manaflow Band showed a timer instead of total mana refunded in the in-game panel?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 05:06 PM PST

Currently, when you press C and it shows you all your stats and your runes' stats, it Manaflow Band shows total mana refunded. I never really thought in-game "hey, I wonder how much mana I saved with this rune. Oh boy! 235? Awesome! Thanks panel!", but many times I'd want to see a timer before my rune is off cooldown. What do you think?

submitted by /u/Cold_for_Teacher
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[Interview] kt Rolster Mata: "I'm still one of the best at macro."

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 01:20 AM PST

Why do only some Empowered Autos cancel when enemies Flash

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 01:23 AM PST

Yorick Q = Enemies Flash and lose the Auto
Nasus Q = Enemies Flash and still die.

Why can people flash from some and not others?

Edit Video Link : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VrrpTLIMuyk

Characters who get canceled

Garen, Yorick, Xin

Character whose autos do not get canceled.

Nasus, Darius, Jax, Morde, Wukong, Vi, Blitz, Renekton, Shyvana, Kassadin


Cho Gath, Illaoi

Volibear used to be fine too but now that skill is buggy as fuck. You used to be able to flip Ezreal back to where you grabbed him.

submitted by /u/Prefix-NA
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