League of Legends - Disgusting Orianna + Rengar 5 man Shockwave

Disgusting Orianna + Rengar 5 man Shockwave

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 07:26 AM PST

The next Lissandra skin should be golden/yellow

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 04:15 AM PST

First of all yes you do know who Lissandra is.

All of Lissandra's skins (including her base skin) represent the new runes: base is sorcery; bloodstone is domination; blade queen is resolve and program is inspiration.

So what should the next skin be? Ladies and gentlemen in the category of.... butch queen, Arclight Lissandra. What do you think it should be?

submitted by /u/kurikurimix49
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Isn't it time to change some champion titles?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 06:20 AM PST

Like Miss Fortune. Why is she still called 'the bounty hunter'? She's now the queen of Bilgewater or Ashe 'the frost archer' when she's clearly one of the queens of Freljord.

Also Varus is called 'the arrow of retribution' when he's now a darkin related to pestilence or Diana called 'the scorn of the moon'. She's not a psychotic heretic anymore but more like a priestess who travels around Runaterra looking for lunaris.

submitted by /u/dariemf1998
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Final EU and NA LCS rosters

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 03:08 AM PST

NALCS import number: 18

EULCS import number: 6

G2 Wunder Jankos Perkz Hjarnan Wadid
Splyce Odoamne Xerxe Nisqy Kobbe KaSing
Fnatic Soaz Broxah Caps Rekkles Hyllisang
Misfits Alphari Maxlore Sencux Hans Sama Mikyx
Schalke 04 Vizicsacsi Pridestalker Nukeduck Upset Vander
Vitality Cabochard Gillius Jiizuke Minitroupax Jactroll
H2K SmittyJ Santorin Caedrel Sheriff Sprattel
Giants Ruin Djoko Betsy Steelback Targamas
UOL WhiteKnight Kold Exileh Samux Totoro
Roccat Profit Memento Blanc HeaQ Norskeren

TSM Hauntzer MikeYeung Bjergsen Zven Mithy
CLG Darshan Reignover Huhi Stixxay Biofrost
Echo Fox Huni Dardoch Fenix Altec Adrian
Team Liquid Impact Xmithie Pobelter Doublelift Olleh
100 Thieves SSumday Meteos Ryu Cody Sun Aphromoo
Cloud 9 Licorice Svenskeren Jensen Sneaky Smoothie
Clutch Gaming Solo Lira Febiven Apollo Hakuho
OpTic Zig Akaadian PoE Arrow Lemon
GGS Lourlo Contractz Hai Deftly Matt
Flyquest Flame AnDa Fly WildTurtle Stunt

NOTE: Bolded players are imports.

submitted by /u/D4rkPhoen1x
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Golden Guardians' head of esports on fielding an all-NA roster, the "add" carry incident

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:42 AM PST

I hit D2 maining support Rek'sai AMA

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 10:20 PM PST

Not sure how much people will care about this, but I hit D2 queuing support/fill as a Rek'sai main.

The OP.GG is: http://na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Rek%CB%86Sa%C3%AD I climbed the account originally by playing Jinx then got stuck in high plat with it before swapping back to Rek'sai.

I'm free to ask any questions anybody may have.

Edit: A few people are asking for my stream link and somebody recommended editing it in so here it is https://www.twitch.tv/shadarek/ I haven't streamed lately but I'll start up again in a couple days here when I have free time again.

Edit 2: I have to go to sleep soon(ish), and will be unable to answer questions. Thanks for coming and asking!

submitted by /u/LoLPandaren
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IMT/DIG win ESPN “Biggest Disappointment” eSports award

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 12:40 AM PST

2017 ESPN Esports Awards - Moment of the Year

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 10:30 AM PST

[Humor] And the award of best snowball in urf mode goes too...

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 01:22 PM PST


He is just the best...

submitted by /u/Ana22895
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Will Riot ever delete a champion?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 05:53 AM PST

Riot Deleted maps, Summoner spells,reworked champions. But would they ever delete a champion? Someone like Nunu or so?

submitted by /u/NTMazit
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Since you guys like "sponsored cakes", here is another one!

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 06:26 AM PST

The cake isn't a lie

One of our supporter @JohanaYurmind made this cake for her little brother this year and shared it with us.

submitted by /u/Team_Vitality
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1907 Fenerbahce Frozen: “When I joined Turkey, I swore to myself that I will either win TCL or retire and join the army”

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 03:33 AM PST

Who is the guy in all the summoner spells?

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 10:44 PM PST

While looking at old summoner spell images I noticed there was the same guy in all of them or appeared to be. You can see him in : Heal, Exhaust, Teleport, Flash, Ghost and Cleanse It can be argued that all the spells feature him or his body parts, so who is he? Could it be helmet bro? https://imgur.com/gallery/jhwLT

submitted by /u/Nustra
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Pro tip: If your jungler pings you away from Dragon or Baron he usually has a good reasons for it and you should react.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:26 AM PST

As someone who started to jungle more often recently, this is probably one of the most frustrating things to happen.

Baron gets started, enemy team is around the corner, you ping your team away from the objective because you can easily fight them, but they don't give a shit, continue to fight Baron and Baron gets stolen/your team gets cleaned up by the enemies.

Just had a situation where I got flamed for not commiting to a Baron that could have been completely free if half of my team hadn't ignored my 10+ pings..

TL;DR: Listen to your junglers pings!

submitted by /u/MemoireStar
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Any updates on appear offline?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 07:35 AM PST

riot has been "researching" appear offline for two years, at this point a simple yes or no would be great


submitted by /u/Bloobomber
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Just an Urgot helping Thresh to get out

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 10:03 AM PST


Im proud, for a Bronze V to do such a play

submitted by /u/alfaaaGTX
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Former G2 Player Emperor Joins Rox Tigers as a Coach

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 12:04 AM PST

Movie? Honor Opponents? URF? - Hiring more devs, URF, a League movie, honoring opponents, and eating poros.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 01:14 PM PST

Jinx Q sound on new skin is switched, and its really anoying.

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 05:03 AM PST

Don't know if there already is a post about this. but as a jinx main it really makes that skin unplayable. When you press Q and hear the sound of your fishbones, then walk up to an enemy you try kite because your ranges is smaller than you expected.

I don't have clips of them but you can check the skinspotlights.

submitted by /u/roskejens
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What's the oldest screenshot or meme you have of League of Legends?

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 11:58 AM PST

i have this image saved in the deep of my PC and i don't know what to think or why i had this. https://imgur.com/A8Pz6b0


plus not my oldest screenshot but this is me trying to catch Foxfire Ahri panty. https://imgur.com/bNbjkNS

submitted by /u/SirKraken
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URF Janna Alley-oop

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 12:26 AM PST

How to play league in SEA/GPL

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 12:24 AM PST

Hello, you fellow benighted bastards forced to play in the toxic hell that is Garena league of legends. I'm here to give you a few tips on what to do not necessarily to win but maybe to lower your chances of losing.


It's very important to start the game by letting the toxic Singaporean children know that you aren't going to gank their lane if they've decided to feed 9 kills to talon level 1. However, since they only understand force you should translate your normal English to Singaporean gamerspeak. Try something like "listen up, you shitflinging boosted monkey trash. If you feed your fucking ass off don't come boo-hooing to me when your laner whips out his cock."


If you're an ADC, remember that a support that doesn't do damage isn't a support. Please flame your support for picking something weird and crazy like Nami or Lulu until they pick a normal GPL support like Xerath or Syndra or Darius or Yasuo.


Remember to ward for the level 4 ten man bot lane mosh pit. This is a normal occurrence. You can even prepare for this by buying more damage items. If you're an engage support like thresh or blitzcrank, start working on Lich bane or Phantom Dancer before your ADC flames you for it.

Mid lane.

As mid laner in GPL, you have two jobs: flame the jungler for never ganking the Zed you've been feeding since you decided to pick sona, and steal as many of his camps as possible while farming at 4cs a minute. Bonus points if you decide to solo rift herald at 13 minutes and get gangbanged by the entire enemy team. Remember, it's never your fault, it's always the fucking jungler never ganking report jungle lah.

Top Lane

Whatever you do, you must never pick a tank. Also, there's no such thing as a top laner so just pick whoever the fuck you want, like caitlyn or Zilean or Orianna. As top laner your job is to disconnect every three minutes for the next 45 minutes. If this requires you put your router in a banana tree and play on your sister's Leap Frog laptop, please do. This ensures your teammates have enough rage to carry them through the game.

In the event your internet connect somehow holds, make do by stealing krugs from your jungler as many times as possible. If the jungler ganks for you, that is your cue to run as far away as possible or just farm.

There you have it, a quick and dirty guide to playing league in Singapore, the worst server in the entire world.

submitted by /u/11protons
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NA LCS players that gained/lost a starting spot in 2018

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 01:31 PM PST

Compared the week 9 starters with new roster announced starters. If a player played in the NA LCS at some point in NA in summer 2017 but wasnt a starter in week 9 then his name is in italic.

I think overall this is a pretty big talent upgrade for NA.

i sorted them by position but not by who replaced who as its hard to tell due to all the team changes

. 2017 (out) 2018 (in)
TOP seraph huni
. balls licorice
. brandini solo
JG shrimp reignover
. omargod meteos
. moon anda
MID nisqy fenix
. keane ryu
. pirean febiven
. mickey power of evil
. froggen fly
AD mash zven
. piglet deftly
SUP xpecial mithy
. gate stunt
submitted by /u/KoalArtichaut
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Froggen - An Update for 2018 (ACTUAL LEAKED FOOTAGE)

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 10:12 PM PST

This is ACTUAL DELETED LEAKED FOOTAGE from Froggen's update video. We need to raise awareness and send help boys. o_o

submitted by /u/emrahpeskovic
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Understanding ID Bans

Posted: 27 Dec 2017 07:03 PM PST

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