Heroes of the Storm - Thursday Teaching Thread - Beginners encouraged to ask questions here! | November 30 - December 06

Thursday Teaching Thread - Beginners encouraged to ask questions here! | November 30 - December 06

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 09:01 AM PST

Welcome to the latest Thursday Teaching Thread, where you the community get to ask your questions and share your knowledge.

This is an opportunity for the more experienced HotS players here to share some of your wisdom with those with less expertise. This thread will be a weekly safehaven for those "noobish" questions you may have been too scared to ask for fear of downvotes, but also can be a great place for in depth discussion if you so wish. So, don't hold back, get your game related questions ready and post away, and hopefully someone can answer them!

If you wish to just view top level comments (ie questions) add ?depth=1 to the end of the page url. If you have any additional questions, /r/nexusnewbies is happy to help.

Previous Teaching Threads

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Just played my first match ever and was told I have Down's. As an overwatch player trying a new game out...

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 05:57 PM PST

feels like home.

submitted by /u/thismortyisarick
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It's been a while since the Mega-Bundles were here. Blizzard, can we get some sort of hero bundle so I can get my friends to play?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 08:55 AM PST

Megabundles with 2.0 were great! However, I have a few friends who would love to try HotS now, yet they can't because they don't own heroes, and they want to try a variety of heroes now.

I think Blizzard needs to bring megabundles or something similar back, even if it costs money. There's not even Hero only bundles in the store anymore, they are diluted with skins!

Of course that aside, free megabundles would be great. I don't care if you limit it to players who have never picked up a megabundle, this isn't about me, this is about wanting to get friends and new people to join me so I have more friends to queue up with!

TL;DR ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIVE MEGABUNDLES ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

submitted by /u/TophsYoutube
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Currently installing HotS. My first MOBA experience!

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 11:22 AM PST

Hi all,

Just wanted to say I'm super excited to start playing HotS after work. After a close look at what each of the popular MOBAs had to offer, Heroes seemed like the best fit for me.

I have been a pretty devoted Overwatch and Hearthstone player at various times in the past, so I'm excited to see how Blizzard has made this format its own.


PS: Pls don't gank me.

Jk. I know you'll gank me.

submitted by /u/Jacques_Plantir
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Low elo players...

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 03:58 AM PST


I hope they start seeing the light with the new changes, tho.

Edit: thank you for the top of the first page. Jesus dudes, we should raise regen globes awareness!

submitted by /u/jal243
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TIL: Abathur's Ultimate Evolution Clones have their own voicelines

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 07:39 AM PST

Playing the new brawl has made me realize just how little teamwork most people have

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 09:32 AM PST

I've beaten it, but I can't tell you how many games a random illidan or falstad just zip ahead into certain doom. Or how people think its a good idea to split up and clear both paths at the same time....

I think this brawl could be a useful evaluative tool for people to improve their play, because if you can't beat the ai as a team you aren't working together. No, it isn't the comp.

EDIT: Thank for all the interesting comments (yes I read them all). I do have one piece of advice I haven't read: Use this Brawl as an opportunity to learn quick cast. I forget how much that helps! Take Sonya and build her seismic slam, taking self healing stuff on the off upgrades with no slam option. Take the dmg mitigation at 20 and the Berserker mode at 10.

submitted by /u/marxr87
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New HOTS Esports show--Entry Level Esports with me, TrentEsports, airing pilot episode live at 3pm eastern.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 11:41 AM PST

We've been working behind the scenes on a new recorded show for a while now, and the Gold Club patch situation has created a perfect opportunity to showcase our new concept.

If you want to check it out live, drop by https://www.twitch.tv/trollsgg

If you missed it, don't worry--the show is intended to be recorded and will be up on the TrollsGG YouTube channel later today! This is basically my chance to explain the Gold Club situation, share some of my thoughts, and do a test run of the show. Your feedback is super appreciated!

Edit: Video is live!!!!!!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2fadMQP1oRU

submitted by /u/trent_esports
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Dekay: Playing Ducks have STARTED to pay HotS players backdated salary

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 10:18 AM PST

[Alarak of the Storm] Support group hug

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 09:41 AM PST

TL;DR What we learned from Blizzard Q&A

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 06:41 AM PST

If you want a TL;DR of the TL;DR tough beans.

On Niche vs Generalist heroes, and if HOTS has too many niche heroes… Both have their pros/cons and both are valuable to have but they say it's possible they have erred too much on niche/unique heroes.

On Rework Timings… Sgt. Hammer is a good example of how reworks have a "brand new pipeline" and will occur paired with otherwise more minor patches.

On Explanations for Performance MMR… In the future descriptions for exactly why PMMR is positive/negative is a desired addition.

On Recent Low-Self-Heal Healers… Ana and Alex for example were partially gradual, partially adding specific weaknesses to otherwise powerful healers, but is an example of "room for improvement".

On PTR Incentives… They would love more PTR participation but don't want to "deprioritize" the live version of the game.

On Tyrande Nerfed But Medivh Not… They decided to do more of a blanket style nerf but more specific changes are "likely" despite the 5% not "hurting" some as much as others.

On Performance MMR Encouraging One-Tricks… HOTS wins look different from Overwatch wins. One-Tricks are considered to self-gimp themselves in other ways and winning still matters most for rating.

On Support Nerfs Live But Stealth/Macro Changes Not… They wanted to avoid HGC but also wanted a window to judge support nerfs independently of massive Gameplay update, this was the best time.

On PTR Camera vs Live Camera Creating Confusion… Camera change coming with Hanzo "Soon"

On Talent Tiers Having "Themes"… It's hard to balance otherwise (e.g. Illidan survival talents will win over aggression talents every time and pick rates become one-sided) although they like the feeling of "builds". Initially they just wanted cool radical talents and over time they shy away from that. Currently they are aiming for the "middle" with themes to some extent but without being boring.

On Abilites as Passive Traits… It's fine. Raynor update "at some point" with "likely" an active.

On Varian Rework… Simple "Yes" will happen. No timeline.

On Volskaya/Hanamura Hate… Volskaya release seen as "successful". A small mech change currently in testing. Hanamura rework will be "major", play "very different".

On Possible Sylvanas Changes… No. Ammo/Gameplay changes only for now.

On Globe Talent Changes… None for now. Change is major, they want to wait and see.

On Upcoming Abathur Winrate… Already some PTR buffs, will be monitoring.

On Kerrigan Bland Talents… Kerrigan is "reasonably high" on rework list but not currently worked on, so no timeline.

On Potential Specialist Changes… Aside from Aba no changes planned at the moment. In future, making Specs less frustrating to play vs and more viable in compositions some goals.

On Main Ammo Rationale… To Increase laning phase length, and make tower's impact more clear-cut.

On Unrevealable Becoming Regular Stealth… Unrevealable was initially just a specific help for Samuro/Valeera to avoid annoyance, new way achieves "same gameplay" in more "friendly" way.

On Expected Imbalance Upcoming… A "reactionary patch" already planned to be safe just in case, hope is for only a tweaks but scale of problem will be related to speed of patch.

On Non-Solo Supports… True that some heroes "overly specialized". Will be kept in mind.

On Semi-Supports… (Namely Aba/Zarya/Medivh) Medivh will have talents "looked at". For now, changes are for healers only.

On Lightning Bond Removal… Mixed feelings, but still felt that team-fight damage boost was also too high (not just wave clear).

On Low Thrall Pick-Rate… Sonya's dominance one reason, reliance on quick kills hindered by double support, and fewer openings in team compositions. Mostly applies to "high-level Hero League".

On Arcturus Mengsk… "He ded."

On Stealth Shimmer Ranges… Shader always on unless Invisible.

On Additional 2018 Gameplay Update Content… No surprises beyond what's on PTR.

On Balance Changes Opening Up New Heroes… Almost never take away things from hero(es) to "make room" for upcoming one, although reworks won't actively infringe.

On Heal-Reduction As Double-Support Counter… Potentially help but not "main tool" and can take months to do properly for full effect, so only "sprinkling" of the talents perhaps.

On Removal of Side-Towers… More collision = more predictable Hero pathing, ally body-blocks. Also power added to main Forts/Keeps. Longest tested of all the gameplay changes.

On Clan Update… "Still on our list for the future", other bigger things took priority.

On Medivh/TLV/Diablo Rarely Updated… ONE is currently confirmed to be part of active rework.

On "Chen Rants"… Balances usually done around top levels of play. At the top Chen has 49.3% winrate (good) and talent balance is "one of the healthiest in the game". Chen not forgotten and some further "paper designs" getting ready for testing.

On Wall Removal… They eat attack clicks, they randomly give vision, they don't get attacked by minions ever, their destruction can cause contention within team, the walls can provide "degenerative gameplay" with no opposition recourse, and the initial reason for inclusion was merely to provide "safe area" which is no longer needed after tower kill.

On Camera Zoom Rationale… They want as much info in player hands as possible. Long-discussed change.

On Lower-Rank Support Appeal… "Minigames" are helpful. Future reworks will make healing "more interactive". Also want to clarify low-waveclear as innate disadvantage to double healer.

On Li Li Buff… Her winrate was "far lower" than expected for post-rework hero.

On Lethal Decoy "Safe and Easy"… Desire is for multiple fun builds, will monitor to ensure. Baseline Decoy damage unlocks multiple playstyles,

On Competitive Viability For All… Somewhat conflicting answers from two devs. Goal is for all to show up at least once in a while, but also "all right" if not all do. Unique strategies always to see in pro play however. Also, having heroes that "showcase player skill" a factor too.

On Match Duration… Expected not to change. Changes will try to preserve current times.

On More Cleanse Abilities (That Reward Timing)… We will see them.

On MMR Decay ETA… No plans. Most players bounce back to 50% quickly after absence.

On Reddit Misconceptions… D.Va is not weak. She has same winrate as Muradin, just lower pick-rate. Same for Chen. True even when comparing for "equal proficiency" which is what is used for most of the internal winrate stats.

On Sylvanas Trait Rework… "Gamebreaking" mechanics discussed frequently. It has been "thought about".

On Possible Trial Map Releases… Decided against maps released only for certain modes. Different modes lead to different strategies and they want to get content in player hands faster.

On Viewable MMR… "MMR chasing" is negative for everyone, but in future, they want to make it visible. However, not a high priority. Matchmaker currently combines MMR and Rank both when creating games (Rank is separate).

On Performance MMR for AI/TL… Every "queue" has separate MMR.

On Base Kit Active Abilites… Mixed opinion from two designers. Adds mechanical depth but easier and better to add to reworks as opposed to new heroes. Sometimes fun talents/playstyles can evolve into main kit. Overall putting them on QWER is seen as preferable and "cleaner design".

submitted by /u/cheesecakegood
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Heroic Difficulty brawl is so much fun!

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 11:39 AM PST

I feel like the new Escape from Braxis is exactly what I expected from this brawl. It's much more challenging, but winnable with decent teamwork. I grabbed a group of 4 random players (recommended) and we went at it.

We managed to complete the brawl with Kharazim/Varian/Sonya/Lucio/Greymane and Illidan/Valla/Xul/Sonya/Lucio (last one was very clutch).

Definitely the most fun I've ever had in a brawl! Thanks Blizzard!

submitted by /u/MrHarp9
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Hammer rework is on the right track, but feels undertuned

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 01:02 PM PST

I enjoy how the new Hammer embraces her fantasy of making a big deal out of siege mode. However, despite her increases to her defenses, she isn't tough enough to survive getting focused in siege mode.

I don't think that's a problem, but it means that one needs to siege and unsiege a lot to position. This is especially true because her unsieged form is so weak with the new nerfed range, so being in siege mode often is very important. She needs to be able to have more value during those precious moments that siege is available between repositioning.

I think the biggest issue is that Hammer's single target damage feels too weak. Without maelstrom, she has a hard time threatening enemy heroes, which makes her an easy dive target.

I like the choice at 1 between maelstrom and splash damage, but I think Hammer's base attack needs a slight dps increase so that she is more of a threat even when maelstrom isn't available.

Her current max dps with maelstrom up is fine, so I would be fine with a nerf to that talent and her splash damage if it meant that her single target threat could consistently be a little stronger. It might help ambush be more competitive too, because with the loss of the extra burst from focused attacks, ambush doesn't really feel viable right now.

Thanks for the fun rework!

submitted by /u/Mike_DT
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Falstad has an awkward encounter... [R20 vs FNC GCWC]

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 05:05 AM PST

Suggestion: Alarak, Artanis and Tassadar should also have Nerazim, Taldarim and High Templar skins.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 01:02 PM PST

I would really like to see how Alarak would look like as a High Templar, Artanis as Nerazim or Tassadar as Taldarim. For now, only Zeratul has a High Templar and an Executor skin or a Taldarim tint (Zerg Hunter). It would be really nice to have such skins (or at LEAST tints) also for our other Protoss!

edit: forgot about the Purifier Artanis skin

submitted by /u/YugoBetrugo17
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What We Learned GCWC Day 4: Dignitas Tho?!

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 11:44 AM PST

This game need a better bot and reconnect system.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 06:09 PM PST

I've lost a game because the stupid disconnect systeam and baindead bots. Anub'rak had a lag spike , was disconnected , bot anub tried to fight against 3 and after that stupid freaking bot died to freaking minion before a obejetive after ignore our ping ( after 10 minutes our Anubarak returned after bot death, nice reconnected system btw) . We lost the game because of that. That not fair and i piss rn. We played well entire game and because of that stupíd braindead bot we lost a game with the enemy core at 27% of HP because of that stupid AI.. (That game don't want let me win with Malthael , not matter what. I try to play malthael and even playing well i lost geez)

submitted by /u/dishonoredbr
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New to the game: Ranked looks like complete bullshit

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 09:57 AM PST

I mean, i am bronze, i am noob. That's my level, too bad.

But i lost my last 5 games for one single reason:

Everytime, we had a leaver at the very start of the game, in the first minion wave.

I win a game, i get less than 200 points.

I lose a game because of a leaver, -220 points.

How it works here? I was just unlucky?

At least in overwatch the match is canceled if there is a leaver at the start.

Going on for an entire game of hots after a draft and wasting time because of 1 leaver, and being penalized for it, looks not so awesome to me.

How do you cope with that? Do you think it's ok?

I mean, wow

submitted by /u/justicecantakeanap
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Why can Alexstrasza's Q target minions?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 10:24 AM PST

Topic. Spending 15% of your health and a cooldown on a minion sucks, and the opportunity cost is so much greater for Alex than it is for most other supports who are capable of accidentally healing minions (Malfurion, Morales, Tyrande, Uther).

Alexstrasza should be an exception and her Q should not be castable on minions.

submitted by /u/smoresfire
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Look Blizz, I get that you nerfed supports to stop the double support meta, that's fine and all...

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 06:05 AM PST

Lili is awesome

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 12:04 PM PST

I've never been gold. I'm not great at the game but this season I've logged 330ish games which is the most in any season.

Slowly making the push and then last night after patch I won 4 games in a row to make gold. Solely playing Lili.

I always healed 100k when the other healers from bw, alex, and Morales were around 50 to 60k. Only one was a blowout and the last match on shrines Sonya was our mt.

So now I'm gold and I am prepared to worship at the altar of lili.

Is she now, as I believe, the best healer? Or am I wrong?

submitted by /u/Chaulmers
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Autoattacking out of stealth happening automatically

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 10:46 AM PST

I just played a game as Nova and noticed I was breaking stealth a lot without intending to. I started paying closer attention and it looks like while I used to be able to stand still and let enemies pass me, now Nova will autoattack them just for being nearby, thereby breaking her stealth.

Anyone know what accounts for this change, and if there's a way to revert it?

submitted by /u/Mortuis
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Tempo Storm Kala - Coaching - Diamond Lunara

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 09:46 AM PST

"Give Boss, 3v5" - Except Boss is on our team apparently.

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 08:42 PM PST

I've been here for years, how did ever I miss this gem?!

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 02:30 PM PST


Now I can't get it out of my head :/

submitted by /u/Titanroll
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Win traders in EU masters confirmed

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 10:18 PM PST

after some suspicious activitys lately as tonight i can with 100% say i found 2 guys wintrading in masters HL on the european server, after the 1st game we had 1 guy 1st picking vikings on tomb of spider queen, and then he ran around eating bombs from the enemy KT player just to intentionally spread them around among his own team, i looked up this viking player on hotslogs and i could find a clear connection to the KT player on the enemy team, next game the repeated what they did game before, if there is intrests ill drop replays later.

submitted by /u/kentorriz
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