Heroes of the Storm - Saturday Streaming Thread - Post your stream here! | December 30 - January 05

Saturday Streaming Thread - Post your stream here! | December 30 - January 05

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 09:00 AM PST

Are you a new streamer looking to get your name out there? Maybe you just need someone to watch after a long tiring week? Ask for recommendations on what streams to watch or promote your own stream in the comments.

Please be as detailed as possible on your streaming schedule, what kind of stream you have (teaching/pro play/fun/climbing ladder etc.) and any specific style or hero you might have.

Previous Streaming Threads

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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This has been the WORST season since I start playing

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 04:08 PM PST

I have been playing Hots off and on since it was in beta, this season has just been terrible. It seems that people who are suppose to be bronze, are in gold+. Currently sitting at 19-27 which is a god awful 41% winrate. Every single game has 1-2 people whom are toxic, and feeding, I mute and report them, and magically I get teamed with them 2-3 more times in a row. This is really turning me off to this game.

Edit: I get this is a negative post, but I really love this game, I have sunk 100s of hours into it, I just want it better..

submitted by /u/Chesterumble
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69 Shades of play: Mewn's untold story of friendship, trust and gameplay

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 09:35 AM PST

I would like to be able to see in numbers how much experience a hero needs to level in the Hero Select screen, rather than only through my profile and the end game screen

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 06:07 PM PST

Currently, and please inform me if there's an easier way, the only way you can see in numbers how much a hero needs to level is through the end game screen and by clicking "View Profile" on your player icon and selecting Roster, and then hovering your mouse over that hero's icon. I wish I could just do this in the Hero Select screen.

submitted by /u/fishesbishes
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butcher carrying chu8 with the calculated 1000 IQ play

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 06:42 PM PST

Jschritte on LATAM’s payment delays: “I’ve already had to loan money to a lot of players in LATAM”

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 11:41 AM PST

Not Today.

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 08:57 AM PST

I've decided on my new years present: Li-Ming Announcer

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 11:16 AM PST

Dear Dear Blizz, as a level 100+ Li-Ming player I would really really love a Li-Ming announcer. Now I know I didn't get it for christmas even tho I have been a good boy but please bring it to us as a new Years present :D I'm sure Grey would love to do it (and she can make a Nova announcer as well while she is in the studio :P)

submitted by /u/DoubleSneaky
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Blindfolded Mewnfare kills a Varian

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 09:33 AM PST

Trikslyr Attacks Mewnfare again with Dad Jokes (MFPallytime is amused)

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 12:45 PM PST

When you are going to fight Blaze as Junkrat

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 02:26 PM PST

The thought reminded me of this

submitted by /u/Nyalruko
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HotS real life trophy- woodcarved and painted with acrylics and lumino

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 03:30 AM PST

Heroes of the Storm logo, carved out of wood with glowing in the dark runes. HotS https://imgur.com/gallery/472ah

submitted by /u/Trollshut
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Game winning grenade.

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 05:36 PM PST

What's the meta now?

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 11:06 AM PST

I seem to really not understand this new meta. Is it all burst? I'm just totally lost.

submitted by /u/ehomba
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Heroes never die!

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 07:03 AM PST

Which hero gets the biggest power spike at 16?

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 03:48 AM PST

My contenders:

  • Medivh (suddenly, heals! a lot!)
  • mage Zul'jin (much, much faster stack generation and tons of bonus damage on top of that)
  • Cho (unstoppable on demand with a lot of healing behind it)
  • Malthael (shorter cooldown on main source of damage and sustain)

Honorary mention:

  • old Nazeebo and his homing spiders.
submitted by /u/vonBoomslang
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We Need Banners from the Nexus!

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 09:17 AM PST

We have the standard factions and holiday banners. But HotS is constantly adding themed skins like the heroes and villains of the Eternal Empire, or the Mistharbor Pirates or the Vampires of Raven's Court. When are these going to get banners?

Give us some Luxoria banners or Kaiju fighter banners so we can theme everything to the skin.

submitted by /u/CastleBravoXVC
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Make objectives relevant, increase structure damage and health

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 06:56 AM PST

As the title says really, I see so many teams now just completely ignore objectives because pushing a lane as a group gives more benefit than the actual objective. So as a couple of suggestions

1, increase structural health keeping them up for longer 2, increase the damage output of towers, maybe a good %Health like 30% per hit on heroes. Let them wreck you for getting to close to soon 3, I think these will make gaining objectives relevant again, because you'll have to get them to safely push.

I realise there are ranged dps/Specialist but with higher health they can't poke them down so fast

Anyways it's my opinion and I'm sure you have your own but one thing I think most will agree is that some form of change is needed from current state.

An edited addon after some comments

-I think the removal of ammo was positive -Minion camp changes I think are also a positive -Globes I originally thought would be a good Idea but now I'm thinking this needs to revert back.

submitted by /u/Sinthirteen
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Tiny little request - can we get more favorite heroes slots?

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 02:02 AM PST

It sounds a bit negligible, but personally, I use the favorite hero to mark the heroes I'm comfortable with, and having those in the top of the list would be really helpful during draft.

It sounds a bit silly, as usually you'd remember which heroes you're good at, or at the very least have them on a higher level than the other heroes, but for me it changes, I can play a lot with a certain hero, than have him drop from favor from some reason (meta, whim or whatever), or have a hero that I didn't play a lot, but suddenly take liking to it, so sorting by level doesn't make the cut.

submitted by /u/anhermon
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Level 100 Muradin! Only 858 games later.

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 08:51 PM PST

I am so excited that I finally got the best dwarf - I mean- character in the game to level 100!


Me streaming

Played since Alpha, got Muradin to 10 twice (2nd Alpha wipe). Got him to lvl 20 back when that was the cap. Played twice as many games on Muradin than I played on my lvl 20 Sylvanas, but he only got to lvl 56 in Heroes 2.0 despite the 600+ games I had. So just had one choice. Get on that hero grind.

Seriously though, we need more Muradin gear in the blizzard store, because I would buy all the things Muradin related.

WOOT level 100 Master taunt ftw!

submitted by /u/QuickTortuga
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Finally Masters!!!

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 06:50 PM PST

Finally hit masters! It may have been on my smurf account and I may have been playing Kael'thas release, but I have been stuck between mid diamond and low plat since the new system.

And I know this was out of placement matches but most of my games were vs other masters and I went 7-3.

But listening to the "Into the Nexus podcast" has really helped me mentally through the grind.

Thanks Garret, Kyle, Dunktrain & Jeff.

Aussie Uther!


Edit: I know some people are salty about someone getting into masters for the first time but if it's anything my hotslogs MMR is around diamond/Masters and I beat a number of full masters teams during placements.

hotslogs link

(Team League was with friends to help them get end of season rewards)

submitted by /u/Nerfmytotems
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Performance problem with the game

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 01:14 PM PST


I've played this game for quite a while now, and never had any problems. Since a few days ago the game sometimes switches to 30 FPS after a while, which can be fixed by alt-tabbing, it goes back to 60 after (i use vsync). Then after a few minutes, or sometimes seconds it goes back to 30 again. I tried setting the affinity to higher, closing every other program (that used to work fine running in the background), switching fullscreen settings. I might have missed a few.

I have an RX470 and an i5-3570k, 8 gigs or ram. Newest drivers.

I suspect that a possible reason could be the latest win10 update, I haven't downloaded any programs that could change performance. Other games run fine.

I'm writing here in hopes of finding someone who had this issue and managed to fix it. Thanks.

submitted by /u/Balint197
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Your one change

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 07:00 PM PST

What single change would make this game vastly better in your opinion?

Personally I would make Quick Match like League of Legends's or DotA's (or even an Overwatch esque style) Blind Draft instead

submitted by /u/BrunedockSaint
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Who would be excited for some HOTS Winter Olympic themed skins this year?

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 08:40 AM PST

I know Overwatch has done this in the past and has been pretty successful. I would be thrilled if HOTS took a page from that.

submitted by /u/GrahamCrackerDragon
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Coren Direbrew Hero Concept

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 09:28 AM PST

Because everyone wanted a shout-out to one of the most beloved deck archetypes in Hearthstone's history.

Coren Direbrew, the Grim Guzzler - Melee Warrior

Coren's attacks are a little faster than average(~1.2 per second) and do average damage.

D - Pile On! - Every three consecutive attacks on the same hero marks that hero for four seconds. The next allied hero other than Coren to target the marked hero with a melee attack lunges toward that hero from longer range and their attack stuns the target for 0.5 seconds.

Q - Count Me In! - Coren leaps into the air. After a short delay, he lands at the target location. If he lands near an enemy hero, he deals light damage to them, slows them by 20% for three seconds, and cools down Count Me In! by six seconds. 16s cooldown.

W - One-Two Punch - Coren's next attack strikes twice. 6s cooldown.

E - Grim Guzzler - Coren begins guzzling ale, which is a moving channel that lasts for four seconds and rapidly heals Coren while it persists. 6s cooldown, beginning when the channel ends.

R1 - Everyone! Get In Here! - Coren commands everyone to get in here, causing a loose wave of invulnerable grim patrons to fly at the targeted point from every direction in a wide radius, latching on to enemy heroes they cross, slowing them, and applying damage over time. This wave spawns patrons for four seconds, and its duration is reset whenever Pile On! triggers. 100s cooldown.

R2 - Massive Brawl - Sound a fight gong that expands out to the extent of its range. Ranged enemies it crosses are lightly damaged and marked with Pile On! At the extent of its range, a destructible wall is created that lasts for four seconds. 80s cooldown.

submitted by /u/equalsnil
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QM with friends

Posted: 30 Dec 2017 03:32 PM PST

This dude make 3 accs just to insult me and my frineds after losing QM. Its just a QM omg, he react like its end of the world. https://imgur.com/a/87zgp https://imgur.com/a/Uvamf

submitted by /u/LoonieKing
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