Heroes of the Storm - Megathread: Performance Based Matchmaking and Placement Feedback

Megathread: Performance Based Matchmaking and Placement Feedback

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 01:28 AM PST

Performance Based Matchmaking (PBM) just went live with the latest patch and there will probably be a lot of feedback regarding the new system.

Purpose of this thread is to gather information and links to threads about the new system, to make sure Blizzdevs get easy access to as much feedback as possible. This is not meant to replace those threads, but if you have additional information or want to share your own experiences without having to create a new thread, feel free to share in the comments.

Information about PBM:

Threads concerning PBM:


submitted by /u/mercm8
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You can now purchase Loot Boxes in Battle.Net and gift them to friends directly! (GET A FREE LOOT BOX RIGHT NOW)

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 07:46 PM PST

It seems like they heard my complaints and are now are letting us gift loot boxes through the Battle.Net client directly.

Also, to celebrate it, if you go to your Battle.Net client, you can get a free loot box. Just go to your battle.net client, click the claim gifts and you can find your free loot box.

I'm surprised they didn't announce this, but this is a pleasant surprise :D Give this an updoot so that everyone can see that they can get a free loot box.

submitted by /u/TophsYoutube
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Season Roll Placement Issue - HotS Forum Official Post

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 05:01 PM PST

The Hanzo Experience.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 03:40 PM PST


I think this right about sums up everyone's experiences with hanzo players the past few days.

submitted by /u/AnemoneMeer
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Heroes gameplay update

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 10:04 AM PST

Anyone else miss the green regen globes?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 07:05 PM PST

I really like the latest patch: (as someone who doesn't play the stealth heroes much) I like the stealth changes, I like the laning changes, I barely notice the missing stand alone towers, and I actually quite like Hanzo.

But blue regen globes? It's a really small thing, but they just feel wrong, and in the way that I always notice them and get weirded out a bit. Is it just me?

submitted by /u/Th3rdRaven
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I can't be the only person here who misses the Home Screen Easter Eggs...

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 03:59 PM PST

Am I...?

No really... Am I?

edit: b/c apparently i am grammatically challenged.

submitted by /u/Rewlu
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So a guy went 1 win-9 lose on his placement ...

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 07:01 AM PST

... and placed higher than he had ever been on his previous season.

He was Gold3 last season with over 100+ games played, now Platinum 1 with 1 win - 9 lose.


EDIT.: Since this post is on the top, i'll put the latest Blizzard response HERE about the solution

They will most likely reset the placements.

submitted by /u/Arkatrasz
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best hidden change of the patch

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 02:01 AM PST

you stay mounted when going into the mines in haunted mines

submitted by /u/digidomo
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Blizzard, Thanks for the Stealth Rework!

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 05:33 AM PST

This is so much better!

Playing QM under the new stealth system is way more fun. I've died to Valeera, Nova and Zeratul (no Samuro yet) and they all felt fun to play against and there were things I could have done to survive and/or kill them.

Is this what the game was like all along for people who could reliably see the shimmer? :-O

submitted by /u/domcamus
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Blizzard answer about the current placement matches problems

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 03:05 PM PST

Winions 100-0 the core at 12 minutes (!!) with the buffed Hellbats on Warhead Junction

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 08:16 AM PST

Bait Level: Master

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 03:39 PM PST

Suggestion: Let Hanzo jump oveer tassadar's walls

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 06:31 AM PST

I think it would be more fair and logic to let hanzo jump over tassadar walls too

submitted by /u/manzinix1
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Hot Fix for today

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 11:55 AM PST

Patch 29.4


Heroes of the Storm Hotfix Notes - December 13, 2017

We just released a new patch for Heroes of the Storm to apply a few bug fixes.

Bug Fixes


  • Fixed a crash that could occur after queuing for Heroes Brawl

Heroes, Abilities, and Talents

  • Brightwing: Fixed an issue that could allow Brightwing to cast Phase Shift on enemy Heroes

  • Samuro: Fixed an issue which allowed Mirror Image to be cast during Bladestorm.

Screenshot of the Notes

submitted by /u/Royalette
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TL:DW on the Performance Matchmaking System by Khaldor

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 08:40 AM PST

We need an "Event" section for Skins and Mounts.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 11:06 AM PST

Right now, if I want to browse the Winter Veil skins, I have to check the featured tints and then check every of these hero to see all alternatives.

Portraits and Emojis have a "Event" category and it would be super usefull for Skins and Mounts too. I understand the "Featured" sections are probably there for marketing purpose but there could be a second section listing all the event items. It would make it much easier to browse them.

EDIT : Actually, the "Event" section for Portraits and Emojis show items from every event so that could be improved to. Maybe making one for the current event and one for the past events.

submitted by /u/E-308
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Blizzard, a main part of Hanzo's gameplay is missing in his kit. It's completely breaking the impression this is the same Hanzo from Overwatch.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 12:43 PM PST

Being able to one-shot tanks on a 10s cooldown. Seriously Blizz, how could you mess up this rewarding element of gameplay from Overwatch that literally everyone loves? Suspension of disbelief ruined. GG. I want my gems back for hanzo.

submitted by /u/Salt_Salesman
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I love the new Performance Based Match Making System

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 07:56 AM PST

As a Bronze player before and after the PBMMS, I love this update. It allows me to see if I did well or not so well in a game(wish it gave more info). It makes, for me, dropping rank harder(since I usually perform well) and climbing easier(for performing well).

Before the match making system updates, I would average 54% to 58% win rate. But would often gain less than 200 points for wins and lose more than 215 for losses. Now, I am losing 175-183 per match or gaining 218 to 225 generally(except matches that I do poorly in).

I am still Bronze, and maybe for life, but now I feel like a 54% win rate will actually allow me to climb instead of staying stuck at 1 tier(was bronze 4-3 all season with a 54% win rate last season with over 250 games) .

Thanks Blizzard!

submitted by /u/MrMikeAZ
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If this doesn't show how weak Dragonstrike is I don't know what will.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 07:31 PM PST

Last night a player went 3-7 in placements and went from Plat 4 to master 1k, placements is broken atm. Here see for yourselves.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 12:26 PM PST

Ep.165 TownHall Heroes

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 01:22 PM PST

Allow me to buy one color tint of skin for gems, not whole bundle.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 03:42 AM PST

This might make more sense, than buying whole bundle for Alexstrasza and Hanzo skins, for example.

I'm intrested only on blue Hanzo Blood Elf color tint, not in whole bundle. I could even buy it by gems if i might buy it seperate, no whole bundle.

submitted by /u/Deso561
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Placements: Masters play with Golds

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 10:15 AM PST

Just watched some GM EU stream. His game was just awful, and he checked teammates profiles. One was Plat, other one was even Gold. Apparently, CrisHeroes also played with Silver 1 during his placement, on stream.

Something is clearly broken.

submitted by /u/Kamiyanstinx
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Catapults Still Target Stealthed Heroes, Even When Totally Invisible

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 04:49 PM PST

This happened to me as Valeera, sitting around in total-stealth mode, when a catapult hit me and i died :(

EDIT: I wasn't near anything when it happened. No forts, no minions, no heroes, nothin.

submitted by /u/funkyjives
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I'd love to see an option to disable the wall outlines.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 06:25 AM PST


I am not the biggest fan of the wall outlines, yet I can definitely see why some folks would appreciate them. With that in mind, I would really appreciate being given a Gameplay option where we can disable the outlines. Keep then on by default, just give us an option so that those of us that just want to stare at Hanzo's lovely ass can do so without the map distractions.


submitted by /u/Piranhado
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