Dark and Light December Holiday Update - Patch Notes Posted: 13 Dec 2017 07:53 PM PST Dark and Light Holiday Update - Patch Notes Season's greetings Adventurers! Archos is gearing up for a cold winter, and all of the exciting (and occasionally dangerous) festivities that go along with it! We're checking our list twice to make sure everything is working as it should before unleashing winter's wrath on Archos, but we're planning on having this patch live at 1:00AM PST on Thursday, December 14th, so finish up your tames and make sure to log out ahead of time to avoid data loss! Patch Notes Seasonal Content - Winter is here! Cool off from your excursions in The Scalding Abyss - make a snow wraith, take a dip in a freezing lake, or gather presents around town!
- Talos, Estel, and Ironfast Winter Decorations:
- Each of Archos's major cities has been redecorated for the winter holidays. Enjoy the festive atmosphere and gather presents around town for some special limited-time items!
 Reindeer Games: - Reindeer have been spotted around Archos! These red-nosed creatures only show up when the weather is at its coldest, and they have the mysterious ability to fly, despite not having any wings! They seem to really enjoy eating carrots, and not much else, so be sure to stock up if you plan on taming one!
 Holiday Humbug - Krampus: - A vile demon known as Krampus has made its way to Archos, just in time for the holidays. He'll show up on the outskirts of Talos, Estel, and Ironfast, attacking unsuspecting adventurers on sight. Form a party to take on Krampus and his vicious snowman guards, and you may be able to earn some exclusive new items!
 Take the Holidays Home: - New holiday schemas have been added in the Decor Knowledge node. Just like during Gobboween, any holiday items you craft will remain permanently, even after the event ends.
General Updates - Fresh Coat of Paint: Get your smocks and brushes ready, because Dyes are coming to Archos!
- Added Paint Wand and several Dye Schemas to the Decor Knowledge node.
- Certain Dyes are only available as drops from creatures around the world, as well as from farmer vendors around Talos, Estel, and Ironfast. Keep an eye out for rare dyes!
- New Crop Type - Carrots:
- Carrot Seeds can now be planted in Crop Plots to grow Carrots, which can be consumed or used to craft new holiday-themed Decor Knowledge Schemas.
- City Rearrangement - Slums:
- As part of our efforts to continue optimizing Archos's cities, we're moving the slum areas in each city to the outskirts. Relocation areas are designated by a glowing indicator circle, so if you have any structures within an indicator circle, make sure to relocate before the next patch, or they'll be automatically destroyed when the area changes. Sorry for the inconvenience for any players set up in these areas - this is going to be our last city rearrangement for now while we plan new structures and merchant types, so feel free to set up shop anywhere around the city after the patch goes live.
Additional Minor Updates: - Shields: Can now be held up with RMB while moving.
- Warmth Energy: Bottles can now be filled with a unique consumable, Warmth Energy, from the Volcanic Hot Spring.
- Centaur Camp: Made slight adjustments to the arrangement of the Centaur Camp to prevent the Centaur Chieftain and players from getting stuck.
- Resurrection UI: Resurrection Altars are now more clearly visible when resurrecting.
- Water Elementals: Gained the ability to swim.
- Talos and Estel Cleanup: Removed some errant structures that were left from the relocated stables.
- Molten Tiger: Now has a lower chance of spawning near the Volcanic Hot Springs.
- Meteors: Now have a lower chance of landing near the Volcanic Hot Springs.
- Wind Elemental: Now considered as a flying creature for Knowledge experience gains.
- Divine Blessing: Added SFX when firing the spell.
Bug Fixes: - Fixed a bug where characters would be forced underground after death by certain creatures.
- Fixed a bug where it was occasionally impossible to tame a Unicorn.
- Fixed a bug where it occasionally wouldn't turn dark at night.
- Fixed some bugged terrain near The Sacred Grove (giant tree in the center of the map).
- Fixed a bug where players wouldn't suffer a respawn timer penalty when killed by city guards.
- Fixed a bug where Small Spell Towers would still cause collision after being picked up.
- Fixed a bug where Pegasi and Unicorns could have infinite HP.
- Fixed a bug where a Medical Flag would still heal allies even after being destroyed.
- Fixed a bug where Turkeys wouldn't play proper SFX for certain interactions.
- Fixed a bug where Bramblehoppers' ears would stretch out (more than normal).
- Fixed a bug where Orthrus's body would become distorted after being killed.
- Fixed a bug where Stone Foundation material was replaced by the material for Wood Foundations.
- Fixed a bug where the Infernus Dragon's glowing material was replaced by an incorrect material.
- Fixed a bug where some characters were unable to unlock higher levels of Light Magic Knowledge.
- Fixed a bug where an Elite Dark Wraith's body would become distorted randomly.
- Fixed a bug where Goblins in the Wheat Field were dealing more damage than intended with their health drain debuff.
- Fixed a bug where an Elk's body would become distorted after being killed.
- Fixed a bug where some areas in The Scalding Abyss were the incorrect temperature.
- Fixed a bug where it would occasionally rain inside of The Scalding Abyss.
- Fixed a bug where some Soul Nodes were floating above the terrain.
Future Update Preview: Finally, we have a little teaser for our next major update - Goblin Technology has been advancing at an alarming rate around Archos, and they're just about ready to unveil their latest invention - Airships!  We planned on having airships ready for this update, but it takes a while to get something so heavy up in the air. We're going to be ramping up production in our Goblin factories all throughout the holidays to get these out by our next major patch, so start gathering materials and planning out your base's ground to air defenses now!  |
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