Episode 3 Release Times Life is Strange: Before the Storm

Episode 3 Release Times

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 09:02 AM PST

It's only one week till the season finale of Before the Storm releases!

You may remember that for the previous two episodes of Before the Storm, the game was released using a rolling midnight launch on consoles and a single, slightly later, time on PC (Steam). Unfortunately this meant that many of our players were able to play the game only after spoilers for the episode starting showing up and being posted.

So for episode three we're doing things a little differently. This time everyone across Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC (Steam) will be receiving the game at a single global launch time as below.

This time is shortly after the first time-zones pass midnight on the 20th of December and it essentially means that the majority of you will be able to play Before the Storm early!

We can't wait to reveal this final episode to you next week. If any of your friends have been waiting for the release of the full season, do remind them that this weekend will be their final chance to catch up with everyone else and be ready to talk about the finale at launch!

See you then,

The Life is Strange team

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