Pokémon GO - They'll never find me here...

They'll never find me here...

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 06:42 AM PST

[Art] "I know you're afraid, buddy, but those cavities are only going to get worse if we don't treat them... I'll hold your hand, ok?"

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 02:57 AM PST

[Humor] When the weather finally changes after four straight sunny days

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 06:08 PM PST

[Screenshot] As a Lvl 39 player, I just caught my first wild Dragonite!

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 11:29 AM PST


I'm level 39 (39.2 in a way), never spoofed, and played every day since 6 July 2016. This guy is the farthest thing from useful (Level 1, 15%IV, 45cp), but I'm keeping him! How long did you have to play before you got your first wild one?

submitted by /u/tsimneej
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[Screenshot] What I Have Waited Over a Year For.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 08:01 PM PST

I wish there was a way to get raid bosses without raiding

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 02:26 PM PST

I have tried, and failed to find a raiding community around here, but would really like to be able to complete the pokedex some day (or for that matter ever get a Dragonite). I was willing to walk 150 km to get my Gyrados. I'm willing to do the work - just don't get a chance to visit new places or get any raid bosses higher than level 2 cleared.

I don't expect it to be easy, but I sure would enjoy it if it was possible to encounter raid bosses in the wild - even if they're super rare and almost impossible to catch. I'd even be cool with it if they aren't available until the next generation releases.

submitted by /u/DrNO811
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Can we have pokecenters?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 10:33 AM PST

Where we could drop our dead mons and get them back healthy after a period of time depending from how many hp you're restoring?

submitted by /u/boringlyme
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So, It’s gen 3 already. Where did these 2 guys get lost? :)

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 11:50 PM PST

The wait for my first 100% Machamp was worth it!

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 05:00 PM PST

Thanks to the weather boost, I was lucky enough to catch my first 100% Machamp at level 25! :)


P.S: I used a Pinap berry instead of a Golden razzberry because I had no clue what the 100% CP was for Machamp beyond level 20. But thankfully it didn't backfire.

submitted by /u/DoctorBlackson
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[Art] "Oh, hey, buddy, are you hungr--"

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 08:55 PM PST

Fab Clefable

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 11:18 AM PST

Is it considered uncool to play Pokemon GO in your area?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 01:21 PM PST

There's almost no kids or teens who play Pokemon GO where I live. It's mostly just 30+ people or really young kids, like, less than 8 year old.

I was talking to a friends younger brother and basically what's happening is the same that happened with Facebook. Used to be only college and high school kids using that place, but then everyone's parents and grandparents joined, and the younger generation moved away from Facebook or became considerably less active.

I see a ton of really old people at raids or hanging out at lure spots. Basically my friend's younger brother thought that it was uncool to associate himself with old people like that in a game so him and his friends stopped playing once they saw how many old people were playing this game.

Is it the same at your place?

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Go-cha.co.uk updated to include video on how you will be able to update the firmware

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 05:59 PM PST

[Humor] Actual boosted types with Rain.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 02:30 AM PST

[AR SHOT] Well this is ominous

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 08:43 PM PST

[Discussion] Do you talk to strangers?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 06:18 PM PST

[Discussion] I dont mean random people. well kind of... You know when you are battling a gym and all of a sudden a car just drives up and parks ? Is it another player , are they doing a drug deal, or just waiting to finish listening to some show on NPR? Or after you put something on and it gets knocked right off... Do you go talk to that other person ? or Look for them ? Share some story? or treat them as the enemy ?

I personally like to find and talk to that rival , you never know who it will turn out to be. Ill admit it usually is awkward but hey its never turned out bad yet. I now recognize a few cars around town. anyway reply back and lets talk about it =)

submitted by /u/oombongo
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[Video] 3 Dragonites in one day??? Windy Weather is officially my favorite.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 04:35 PM PST

3 Dragonites in one day??? Windy weather is officially my favorite variant. https://youtu.be/sSKHiop_ThA

submitted by /u/Phobos_Mothership
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Pokémon Go: Then vs. Now (Short Video)

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 06:26 PM PST


I worked really hard on this video and would love if you check it out!

submitted by /u/ClarkKnight
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Damage breakpoints against fixed defender spreadsheet 4.0

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 04:27 PM PST

I have updated my breakpoints sheet to include new gen 3 moves and weather effects


You have to select the weather to see how the value change. I thought about adding a "best weather" column in the move damage columns, not sure if it would be better that way.

I'm letting this here since I am apparently shadowbanned on TSR (and people are asking for breakpoints spreadsheets), probably because I wasn't too happy with EX raids.

submitted by /u/sts_ssp
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[Discussion] Looking forward to Gen 4: the Mime Jr. problem

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 04:08 AM PST

I know Gen 3 just came out (and isn't fully out) but at the rate of Generation releases we should be seeing Gen 4 sometime late next year. Gen 4 should bring out some meta shifts and make use of a lot of saved up candy on currently useless Pokemon (looking at you Murkrow). But thinking ahead, I realized Mime Jr. is going to be a huge problem in terms of regional pokemon.

For those who don't know, Mime Jr. is a psychic/fairy baby pokemon which evolves into Mr. Mime. obviously Mr. Mime is the European region exclusive pokemon, which creates some problems. If Mime Jr. also became a region exclusive, it would mist likely be in an egg (as it's a baby pokemon) which means it would be extremely difficult to obtain outside of Europe, as travelers would rely on freeing up egg slots, spinning for eggs and then hatching them, which would be very frustrating if you traveled around the world and couldn't catch it. The only way to combat this would be to make it very common, which would annoy the hell out of European players who probably have far too much spare Mr. Mime candies. No other current regionals have any evolution/pre evolution, except a couple mega evolution in Gen 6, but who knows how these will be incorporated into the game.

The other baby Pokemon in Gen are Bonsly (Sudowoodo), Happiny (Chansey) and Budew (Roselia - although technically it's not a baby Pokemon just an unreleased preevolution). Niantic could make these regional, but that would cause the same issues as with Mime Jr., except worse as Happiny is likley to be in a 10k egg and whatever region gets that has a good advantage as it actually evolves into a useful pokemon.

This leads me to think perhaps eventually the Gen 1 regionals may no longer be regional soon, or at least events like the safari and recent Farfetch'd will become more common. This would satisfy the player base, help solve the problem with Mr. Mime and Mime Jr. and generally be good for the game. It's likely we'll get more region exclusives in Gen 3 and 4 anyway, so making some global would be nice.

I know this was just a random chain of thoughts, but I'm interested to hear what you think will change in future generations, and specifically what will happen with Mime Jr.

submitted by /u/ItzTango
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Very Strange Gengar Graphic Glitch

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 10:05 AM PST

I want to change my username and need some brainstorming ideas

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 06:29 PM PST

I have been wanting to change my username for a while and I have zero ideas. I was hoping all you people could help me do some brainstorming!

submitted by /u/X-lem
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[Story] After a Long and Arduous Journey....I Finally did it!!

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 03:05 AM PST


And fittingly it was the Gold Dragon Badge which was the last one (And by far the toughest) to obtain! Especially as i am a semi rural player and it took a lot of travelling to Dratini spawning areas and hard work to get there :) Some days i would roam along the beach for 2-3 hours with just 1 Dratini appearing and sometimes there were none but i never gave up :)


It has been quite a journey and as Ash always says, Its just the beginning :) I am sure i am extremely late in getting this haha ..so please be kind..Anyone who is still waiting to get them all?

submitted by /u/phoenix647391
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[Humour] Just gonna leave this here

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 03:05 AM PST


Spending a few days in a bigger city, as opposed to my normal small town of 6000 people. Spawns are constant. 100s of pokestops and gyms everywhere. Do some people really have it this good all the time?

submitted by /u/Jomifo
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[Discussion] Love the new update, hate the potion drought.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 01:21 PM PST

I love gyms, it's one of my favorite things to do. I love seeing my teams color as much as possible, but the extreme drought of potions (and max revives, revives aren't too bad) is seriously making me not want to play. It took me 4 hours to just revive my Pokémon from yesterday and I doubt I'll get enough today to do many gyms and that's extremely annoying. How's the drop rate for you guys? Out of the last 30 gyms I've hit I've gotten 5 potions 1 super potion 1 hyper potion 8 revives and 1 max revive.

submitted by /u/YahwehLikesHentai
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