Hearthstone - Twitch $30,000 Dungeon Run Challenge -- Announcement, Rules, and FAQ

Twitch $30,000 Dungeon Run Challenge -- Announcement, Rules, and FAQ

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:35 PM PST

Announcement, Ruleset and Info

Hey there, r/Hearthstone! Starting with the release of the new game mode for Kobolds and Catacombs on December 7th, Twitch is challenging ALL broadcasters to the $30,000 Dungeon Run Challenge.


The challenge is simple: obtain the Candle King cardback in the fewest attempts per class possible. The Candle King cardback is awarded for when you have cleared Dungeon Run with all 9 classes. Do you think you have the guts, the stamina, and the cunning to even post a perfect score of only 9 attempts?

The contest is broken down into two phases:

Phase 1 -- For 10 days upon expansion release, this will be an open call to all Twitch broadcasters to participate! Gather you best score by minimizing your attempts while clearing Dungeon Run. Every defeat or retire will count as an additional attempt for that class. Your final tally of attempts will be your score -- the lower, the better.

Phase 2 -- Upon verification of the top 10 scores, remaining finalists will qualify for the final Sudden Death survival round. Each finalist will have 24 hours to choose a class to clear the Dungeon run in as few attempts possible. The three best scores will be declared the winners! If necessary, in the event of a tie, survival rounds will repeat until a clear winner is determined.

Phase 1 of the Challenge begins at on December 7th the moment Kobolds and Catacombs releases on the Americas server and will conclude on December 17th at 11:59PM PST. Any submission after the deadline will be invalid. Phase 2 will be announced on a later date once the 10 finalists have been verified and contacted by Twitch.

Who can compete?

The Dungeon Run Challenge is open to everyone in most countries. Refer to the ruleset to see if your region is eligible to compete. The only requirement for sign-up is to stream your entire submission from beginning to end on Twitch.

When does it start? How long is the event?

The challenge upon immediate release of Kobolds and Catacombs.

On December 7th at 12pm PST, Kobolds and Catacombs will be dropping first on the Americas server. Europe and Asia server players can either start an Americas Hearthstone account to access the free Dungeon Run content (make sure to clear the tutorial first!) or simply wait for the expansion on their respective server on December 8th.

Phase 1 will end December 17th at 11:59PM PST, giving you a little more than 10 days for a submiss

How to Enter

To participate, simply use your Twitch account to broadcast the entirety of your submission under the "Dungeon Run Challenge" Community tab.

If you do not have a Twitch account, signing up is free and easy! We highly recommend you research how to stream on your own through the Twitch subreddit or other available resources online/posted at the bottom.

A valid submission must include:

  • A successful Dungeon Run completion with all nine (9) Hearthstone classes consecutively -- Druid, Hunter, Mage, Shaman, Paladin, Priest, Rogue, Warlock, Warrior. Order of class completion does not matter. Repeating a class dungeon will only add to the attempts counter. Be careful not to repeat unnecessarily!

  • Entirety of the runs must be fully broadcasted on Twitch under the proper "Dungeon Run Challenge" Community tab. Any partial completion offline will invalidate the submission. Recordings are only valid submissions if broadcasted on the Twitch channel in its entirety.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

When does Kobolds and Catacombs release?

December 7th for Americas server. December 8th for Europe and Asia Server.

I finished! How do I submit to verify if I have won anything?

Go on Twitter and tweet @Twitch with a link to your VODs. Make sure you include the #DungeonRunChallenge hashtag!

What if I disconnect halfway or my stream goes down?

You are responsible for your own internet connection. Triple check your settings and test stability before you start. Any partial runs will be reviewed for authenticity, so submitting with chopped up VODs is at your own risk. If it is verified that your disconnect caused a loss, that will unfortunately count as an attempt.

I cleared a couple classes/started a few practice runs before I began streaming. Do those runs count towards my score?

Yes, it unfortunately will be counted towards the score. Your score is your total attempts per class for the cardback and will be verified by Blizzard for authenticity. Your submission will also be invalid if the broadcast VODs do not all 9 classes cleared in Dungeon Mode.

I accidentally started another run on a class I already cleared. Does that count towards my score?

Yes, so make sure you carefully evaluate which classes you completed and which you have yet to start.

I found out about the challenge a few days after it started and I already did a few dungeon runs for fun. How can I still participate?

If you are unsatisfied with your current score, you may start fresh by playing on a different server or using another valid Hearthstone Battle.net account. Remember, it's the challenge is to obtain the cardback in fewest attempts per class possible -- so try to avoid practice runs and false starts on your official submission account.

Can I submit more than once?

No, you can only submit one time so make sure your best clear attempt is the one you submit!

Do I have to have an Americas account? What if I decide to switch servers in between?

Playing on Americas is only if you want to start the challenge immediately upon release of the expansion. You can participate on any server, but remember that any games played only count for that server since you are playing for the Candle King cardback. Switching to another region will begin an entirely new submission. The Dungeon Run content is free on all servers so all that is needed is to complete the tutorial for access to solo adventure content. There is no separate prizes for server accomplishments.

Can I do play on multiple accounts on the same time?

Each valid submission must show only 1 account being played at a time. Playing multiple servers or multiple accounts simultaneously will invalidate your run.

I got the best score, but I did not stream it. Can I claim the bounty?

Unfortunately, if you did not stream the completion of the challenge in its entirety, you are not eligible to win. However, if you record locally on your computer, you may broadcast the VOD on Twitch. However, you must accept that the run must first be streamed in its entirety before officially claiming the prize.

Can I have a friend on call or next to me?

Absolutely. It can be any sort of team effort, but we will credit it to the official owner (by email account) of the stream. Just don't drag us into the division of the spoils. :P

Rules are a bit overwhelming, do you have example scenarios of ways to mess up my score?

Example 1: Paul perfect clears 4 classes and finally loses on his Warlock dungeon run. He can choose to either switch to another class or try Warlock again. His minimum possible score is now 10 (2 for Warlock, 1 for each other class).

Example 2: Heather perfect clears 8 classes and accidentally retires early on the 7th run on Druid because she doesn't like her deck. Her minimum possible score is now 10 (2 for Druid, 1 for each other class).

Example 3: Jerry clears his first run on Hunter and accidentally chooses Hunter again for the Dungeon Run mode. His minimum possible score is now 10 (2 for Hunter, 1 for each other class).

Featured Streams

TSM Kripp

Tempo Trump

NRG Amaz

Disguised Toast

Follow the "Dungeon Run Challenge" Community tab on Twitch to see who else is participating!

Additional Tools and Resources

Twitch Help Center: Beginning Broadcasting

Twitch Help Center: How to Broadcast Games

Twitch Help Center: Streaming Broadcast Requirements

Twitch Hearthstone Directory

Hope you guys enjoy this fun challenge! If you have any feedback or suggestions, feel free to leave them here as a comment or DM me on Twitter!

Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor!

submitted by /u/FrodaN
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Kobolds and Catacombs Pack Opening Megathread

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 10:03 AM PST

Post all your treasures (or traps) here! Alternatively, you can post to /r/hspulls. All other pack opening posts will be removed for the next 24 hours.

submitted by /u/deviouskat89
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Posted: 07 Dec 2017 10:01 AM PST

The expansion rolled out at 19:00 here in Italy! Time to unpack, folks! What a great surprise.

Well... I don't wanna brag about it but... you know...

submitted by /u/theslash_
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Thijs goes full rapgod

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 02:48 AM PST

Blizzard's struggles with rogue weapons

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 08:09 AM PST

Of all the references to Dungeons and Dragons in K&C, this feels the most authentic.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 10:11 PM PST

(New Expansion Reminder!)Want to save time buying packs with gold? Remember you can double click here and input the number you want to buy!

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 05:18 AM PST


This works on (Some) iOS and tablets, but not all. It should work on Mac and PC just fine no problem. Good luck with pack RNG everyone!

submitted by /u/Zaskeu
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Posted: 07 Dec 2017 07:25 AM PST

When you get an amazing HS pack right before KoC launch.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 11:12 PM PST

Literally Unplayable

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 07:36 PM PST

"Did I ever tell you the story of when I single-handedly took down a 29/29 C'thun?" - Reno Jackson

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 02:27 PM PST

Hearthstone just made a posthumous homage to a Brazilian streamer

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 09:01 PM PST

This year, on September 9th, a Brazilian HS streamer, Érico Graça, passed away after a long struggle with cancer. His channel, The One Games, was very popular and active in the Brazilian community.

After his passing away, several players asked Blizzard to make a homage to him. They did, on the Brazilian version of the Hearthstone page... And now, after today's patch, the Innkeeper will say in Portuguese his catchphrase: "Fala galera, tá tudo sussa?" (Something along the lines of "Wazzup guys, is everything smooth?").

The video w/ the Innkeeper saying his famous phrase is here

Since this only happens if you play it in Brazilian Portuguese, most players will miss it. But for us Brazilian players it literally brought tears to my eyes. It's nice to see Blizzard paying attention to its community and keeping his memory alive.

submitted by /u/igorukun
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Does anyone else think that putting hearthstone on the switch would be a fantastic idea?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 05:20 AM PST

Whenever I run this game on my iPad or phone, it always crashes. It would be good to run it on a machine that can, and play in bed!

submitted by /u/cakejake1999
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r/HSPulls is a great sub to post your pack openings

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 11:15 PM PST

Hey guys, with the new expansion coming just wanted to shoutout r/HSPulls which would be a great place to post your sweet pack openings. Sometimes the front page of this sub gets filled with packs and if there's a masterthread (which there should be) your pack can get lost. So if you wanna share your hype pack, check this sub out!

submitted by /u/alskdj0
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Saw this on the Tube this morning [Kobolds&Catacombs]

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 01:46 AM PST

When the taunt CREATES Lethal

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 04:35 AM PST

This is a reminder about why frothing berserker is really the insane part of the grim patron combo.


submitted by /u/ibxtoycat
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Why does the 'Replace Cards' feature even exist!?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 07:08 AM PST

I am in for a surprise!!

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 07:24 AM PST

Later today I am going to open 60 packs and I haven't looked at single new card. I avoided this subredit like plague. I know there are legendary weapons and a dungeon.

Cannot wait to see what I open today!!

submitted by /u/gorays21
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This new card back looks awesome

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:22 PM PST

Better finish my daily quests before expansion is out. EU btw.

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 02:40 AM PST

When this post is 17 hours old, Kobolds and Catacombs will be live on NA. 21 hours for Asia, 26 for EU.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 07:01 PM PST

What's the first deck you're hoping to play? I'm excited to try OTK Hunter with Thaurissan, Leeroy, Carnivorous Cube, and play dead.

Edit: now live on NA and EU. Not sure about Asia.

I was just going along with the official press release with these times, no need to flame me.

submitted by /u/BigBadgerz
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I think Mike Donais has been pretty awesome during this reveal season

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 04:44 PM PST

I just wanted to give a big thanks to Mike Donais. I feel as though the level of community involvement we've been getting from Blizzard during this expansion is far greater than what we've seen in the past, and he has been at the forefront of that involvement. He's been making posts, clarifying cards, and asking for feedback. I feel as though this expansion must have been a real labour of love for him, and it's really great.

Thanks /u/mdonais

submitted by /u/catch22milo
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Am I an idiot?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 09:49 PM PST

I made a quest deck for tavern brawl. I knew it wouldn't be good but thought it might be fun. Where else am I going to use this druid quest right?

First match, huh, all three quests in my starting hand. I laugh it off because what do you expect playing joke decks?

Second match it happens again. What are the odds of that?! The universe really hates me today.

Third match starts and up come three quests. It was then that I realized I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed.

submitted by /u/sharkattackmiami
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The New K&C Theme for the subreddit is really nice.

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 09:22 AM PST

It looks pretty great, It feels far warmer than the Kft one. Pretty happy for the variety. Who does themes?

submitted by /u/mr_narwhalz
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kobolds and catacombs is live on US/NA server, now, blow the candles and dig in for the treasures

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 10:00 AM PST

kobolds and catacombs is live on US/NA server, now, blow the candles and dig in for the treasures

submitted by /u/dots_order
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Literally unplayable.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 02:44 PM PST

Using hydrologist as rogue right now get you nothing

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 08:25 PM PST

Hallucinated a hydrologist and no discover popped up! kind of funny, but I realized it's because it is trying to discover you the rogue secrets since they are in the game but also not. be warned!

submitted by /u/gumpythegreat
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