Hearthstone - Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

Newbie Tuesdays Weekly Discussion

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 04:11 PM PST

Hello members of the /r/hearthstone community,

This is part of a series of weekly threads aimed at both new and old players from the community. It is designed so that everybody may ask any and all questions regarding the game's mechanics, decks, strategies and more.

Please keep it clean and try to add more than just a one or two word response. As the goal of this post is to increase the community's knowledge, the thought process matters as much as the answer! There is also a Theorycrafting Thursday weekly post, for those who wish to discuss some of the more intricate aspects of the game.

Sticky Threads and Guides - Great resources for new players!

Note: I am a bot. Questions or feedback regarding this thread? Message the moderators.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Just can't unsee it, sorry.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 12:36 AM PST

A handy chart for the coming set

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 04:13 AM PST

Hail Ben Brode

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 05:14 AM PST

Kripp is onto Blizzard's shenanigans

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 09:12 PM PST

FrozenThrone.exe, a Hearthstone cartoon

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:38 PM PST

Problem with offline mode

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 12:15 AM PST

Ever since "appear offline" became an option, a lot more opponents appear as simply "Your Opponent" because they're using this feature.

This is all fine, the problem is that when this happens, the game also doesn't show you the opponent's class underneath "Your Opponent" as it would in any other case. That means when you're making choices about your mulligan if you didn't pay a whole lot of attention to the entrance animation then you have to squint at your opponent's obscured hero portrait to determine their class.

It's not a huge deal, since obviously you can do this, but it is kind of annoying and if Blizzard went about fixing it, it would definitely be appreciated.

submitted by /u/progman42
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Friendly suggestion: Don't buy into the hype. Wait 2 weeks to craft/DE your cards

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 06:30 AM PST

Right now your excitement is at its max... but just remember a lot of cards will fall flat (most recent example being the Hunter quest) and some will excel (most recent being Prince Keleseth). Just enjoy whatever you open for the first two weeks (and the free legendary weapon) before crafting or disenchanting anything else (I mean feel free to do commons or obvious filler... just not legendaries/epics). The meta will be in flux and have lots of fun/silly decks anyway so just enjoy it. Worry about optimal decks/crafts later so you don't waste dust.

To address some of the common rebuttals from last time around:

1) The first two weeks are the best most creative time to play and/or I enjoy solving the meta... not having it solved for me

Agreed... and this advice will not be for everyone so take it with a grain of salt ... but you can still enjoy the meta with your slightly sub optimal deck. If anything this pushes you into some fun/creative choices. I was playing a Hadronix-Taldaram Druid after the Frozen Knights release and it was great... and by great I mean fun... it did not perform stellar.... Further, this post is mainly for people who want to be playing all the time and not just right after releases. There is no reason you can't enjoy the diverse post release meta with what you open. You however will have a rough 4 months if you waste your dust on bad crafts or disenchanting stuff too soon. Plenty of decks come to life post release so there is always room for innovation.

2) Games are meant to be fun... don't be a killjoy.
Okay this advice is not for all but I do think the majority would benefit from this. I'd rather spend 2 weeks being creative and playing fun decks with what I opened (or exploring the new arena meta or dungeon rush mode) if that means the next 4 months will be alot more fun too. Still take this advice with a grain of salt if you know that's not how you roll.

3) This advice does not apply in the following cases:

......a) You KNOW you want a card just for fun regardles. Go ahead and craft. I crafted Yogg day one and never regretted it. He turned out to be good anyway but at the time this was unexpected.
......b) You are overflowing with dust and craft everything anyway... clearly this advice only applies to people who have limited dust and need to be careful with it
......c) You only play one class and just craft those legendaries all the time. So dust is not an issue for you and this does not apply.

4) Screw you I'm crafting Golden The Darkness anyway
You are my hero... I love that card.
EDIT: (fixing formatting and spelling)

submitted by /u/eflin202
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Shoutout to Bro[9], that stream was awesome!

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:38 PM PST

Just wanna say thanks to you guys as we usually complain a lot (myself included). That card reveal stream was so much fun!

In case you missed it, check out the video! I laughed so much during the games :)


submitted by /u/Voice_2016
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RIP Scalebane

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 02:31 PM PST

With the upcoming card Kobold Monk

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 04:49 PM PST

Kobolds & Catacombs Pre-Release Card Poll | Vicious Syndicate

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 07:25 AM PST

Now that all cards are out, how excited are you about the new expansion?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 02:45 AM PST

I must say that I am torn. On the one (negative) hand, I feel that the theme is not as exciting as in other expansions and that the cards again contain a lot of RNG. On the other (positive) hand, I like that they are not over-forcing certain themes or archetypes (at least not relative to other expansions), leaving more to the imagination and to creative deck-building.

submitted by /u/Beyonderr
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You are all mad because of what happened to Hunter, this card will make Hunter Tier 1 and you are all going to hate it.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 02:59 PM PST

New Neutral Legendary - The Darkness

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 12:11 PM PST

The Darkness

Rarity: Legendary

Class: Neutral

Mana Cost: 4

Attack: 20

Health: 20

Text: Starts Dormant. Battlecry: Shuffle 3 candles into your opponent's deck. When drawn, this awakens.

Source: Reveal Stream

Darkness Candle Text: Snuff out a candle. Draw a card. Cast this when drawn.

Phase 1, One candle drawn

No more phases shown, sorry. My guess is it just says 1 instead of 2.

EDIT: As I see this so much, no, the card cannot be silenced since it's not a minion until it's awaken, similar to Sherazin, Corpse Flower. And yes, the card will have summoning sickness the turn the minion is awaken. Yes, this is a nerf to evolve (unless u/mdonais tells us this is out of the evolve pool or something) and a buff to devolve.

EDIT2: Thanks u/deviouskat89 for this: If you recruit it then it is dormant, so it cannot attack until 3 candles are drawn. Also there are no candles if you recruit it so it is a bad card to put into a recruit deck. It is strong with Bran because you get 6 candles and need to draw 3 of them to activate. -Mike Donais

EDIT3: Another thing I've seen questioned here: Yes, the candles will mill if your opponent would mill the drawn card. So, if your opponent has 10 cards, and they draw a candle, The Darkness will be rendered useless unless you somehow add more candles to your opponents deck.

submitted by /u/Cukeds
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I voted with my wallet

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 11:09 PM PST

I pre-purchased the expansion because i enjoy the game, and i can afford to do so. I'm a responsible adult who doesn't live outside my means, so i purchase a reasonable amount of packs, based on my predicted expenditures for the month.

Furthermore I hope they continue to make content for the game, because it brings me joy to play for a modest amount of time.

Finally, I fully recognize my ability to find enjoyment elsewhere if this game doesn't suit my needs, my financial situation, or my capability for time commitment. I'm comfortable with the real disparity between individuals willing to spend more time and money towards the game, and try not to let it influence my enjoyment.

That's all. Looking forward to Thursday.

submitted by /u/MrEso
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[K&C] - New Neutral Epic - Shimmering Courser

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 12:17 PM PST

Back with the best of BOLD PREDICTIONS now that we know all the cards!

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 06:49 AM PST

So now that we have all the cards revealed, it is time to see who was right and who was wrong! I know this list is far from complete, but some were really far away from the theme and there was a lot of repeated in some topics (like freeze shaman and discard warlock). The predictions are in BOLD letters and I put some commentary after, hope you all enjoy.

/u/MornarPopaj - Warrior will get 2 mana weapon. Paladin will get new staple legendary and Shaman will get legendary totem. / Right about the warrior weapon (Bladed Gauntlet), maybe about the Paladin staple (i would bet Val'anyr, but who knows) but sadly no legendary totem.

/u/AdamComposer - Some sort of ice totem for Shaman, a snowtem. / We got some totem support, but no ice totem.

/u/HockeyBoyz3 - This is the expansion that Hunter gets some broken cards. / TO MY SIDE!!

/u/Meret123 - A card that will broke prep so they can HoF it. / Onyx Spellstone cost 5 and Secrets cost 2, I guess we are safe for now.

/u/VengarTheRedditor - Something along the lines of this tavern brawl where "if you have the mana, then you can cast the spell twice" mechanic will be used. I'm positive they used this brawl to test out that mechanic. / You got the basics! Unstable Evolution will let you keep casting as long you have mana.

/u/rend- - Hunter gets a bad epic weapon and a minion specifically to use with Toxic Arrow (and it will still be bad). / Well, Hunter got a questionable legendary weapon but you were DEADLY right on the Toxic Arrow minion (Cave Hydra).

/u/kingguy459 - They will try introduce more control cards, only to fail and become aggro taunts. The theme will probably another mountain or some shit. / I think the new warlock minions will be able to push a more aggro list. Anyone want to help with the early taunts that are used in aggro (like Righteous Protector)?

/u/TuntTun - If discard Warlock is viable I will eat my beans. / MAYBE Cataclysm can make the archetype less bad?

/u/mwieckhorst - Deck sizes will only be 28 cards since golakka crawler will be a 2 of in every deck. / Well, I think we are safe about new pirates improving the already deadly pirate list.

/u/jamsi - Rogue and Shaman are going to get unusable legendaries. Freeze Shaman will become Tier 1. Discard Warlock will become Tier 1./ So rogue got Sonya Shadowdancer (I think Kingsbane will be the one used), and Shaman have The Runespear (Grumble will probably be part of some tier 2 or 3 list). Freeze Shaman didn't got support, so we have to wait and see if the new cards will help in other ways, while Discolock got Cataclysm, lets see if it make the deck less bad.

/u/Athanatov - Despite not getting any good cards, Rogue will once again manage to leverage their base set and the neutrals to become Tier 1 somehow. / Good news: rogue got some good cards. Bad news: maybe it will be enough to push it over the top, at least on wild Kingsbane will be strong with oil.

/u/Wenpachi - 5+ Mana Pirates that will see play only in the first week because of hype but, then, Golakka will put them to rest. Neutral 3-mana Lifesteal Elemental. / No and no, sadly.

/u/Myrsephone – (…) 1. There will be a card or cards that make big changes to the mana cost of other cards, otherwise they wouldn't have bothered to standardize how multiple cost-changing effects stack 2. There is a card or cards with very powerful "after a spell is cast" effects, otherwise they wouldn't have bothered to clean up how these effects are triggered 3. There is a card that would be broken with Dreadsteed's original effect, so there is either a strong anti-Deathrattle card or a strong pro-Deathrattle card, otherwise they wouldn't have bothered changing Dreadsteed (and the Defile argument doesn't hold up because it already has a recast cap) / 1. Grumble comes to mind 2. Nothing comes to mind here. 3.Carnivorous Cube comes to mind.

/u/BananadiN - Some rare/epic overvalue card that will finally make Discard Lock viable. A Legendary card that destroy both hero powers. (AKA the 'we dont want to nerf DK's so we will just print something to break it.) / Cataclysm is Epic, so maybe you were right there, but nothing that destroy hero powers yet.

/u/pielover101 - Several freeze related cards for Shaman and Mage that will never, Ever, EVER see play. / Actually glad you were wrong here, not a big fan of freeze.

/u/EddieHorner - Warrior will get broken 2 drop to make up for FWA nerf / That 30 armor Bladed Gauntlet + Noggenfogger

/u/Camden_yardbird - Warrior gets a little arena love. / Drywhisker, Kobold Barbarian and MAYBE Woecleaver. I don't think this will be the xpac where "ARENAWARRIORMATTERS".

/u/bellic11 - Mage will get a "Do you people even play your own game?" legendary. / Thanks that the power level of Mage legendaries seems to be on par with others, but usually is the plethora of removal on rare and epic slots that makes our lives miserable.

/u/Patatokeftes - We will get a pathetic Razakus Priest "counter" card. / THE DARKNESS IS COMING MY FRIEND!

/u/GeotheHSLord - The Warlock Legendary is gonna let us choose which cards to discard. Not necessarily in this expansion but someday for sure. / I know you said about "someday for sure", but it wasn't in that one.

/u/maskdmirag - Bold prediction, in continuing to mine over arching idea from the paper TCG, we're going to get either Mounts or pets introduced as a class type. To go really bold, my prediction is that they will exist on the board, can't attack, will modify your hero power in some small way, but can be removed by the opponent by damage (attacking or targeting) serving as a soft taunt. / Well, Made, Warlock and Priest weapons sorta "exist" (but not on the board), you wont be able to (normally) attack with them, and while they don't modify your hero power, they sure make you play the game different.

/u/tortovsk - Priest will get a Dragon-synergy legendary. Quest Mage will get more support and become a tier 1 deck. Druid is getting more taunt-synergy cards than anything else There will be a 4 or 5 cost neutral legendary with a disruptive effect / Priest with Dragon synergy? Check. Quest Mage will get more support? Check. Druid with more taunt synergy? I think Grizzled Guardian is a check here too. The neutral legendary have Darkness disrupting Reno decks at 4 mana, and Togwaggle able to do some crazy things at 8, so I guess you are indeed from the future.

/u/Taxouck - Crackpot guess I've made elsewhere and reposting in this thread cuz' it fits: next expansion is un-MTG style. Expect bonkers-silly stuff. / I guess this one is THE MEME expansion, so you were right.

/u/Zoltarr777 - Well so far the themes of the expansions this year have been based on the Year of the Mammoth, Un'Goro being ancient, Frozen Throne being icy, and the picture they released has bones, which would fit as well. So it's something to do with archeology or finding buried treasure, so pirates fit but so do some other ideas. / "or finding buried treasure", damn right, son.

/u/MixesQJ - There will be a legendary card(s) central to the theme that people will initially include in every deck or build around only to eventually find out that it(they) are overrated a la Quests and Lich King. / First week will be ALL LEGENDARY WEAPONS!

/u/ZiggyZobby - Hunter is gonna get a 1 mana 1/3 that is gonna be a pain for the coming years. / Almost there, we got a 1 mana 1/3 neutral beast. Maybe it will be the start of something bigger?

/u/robiton - I feel like we are going to see Reno show up again. Though very unlikely with the same affect mind you. That whole we are going to be rich just speaks to these pictures. / I was waiting for this too, maybe his dragon version.

/u/Mescallan - Full board effects like world enchantments or landscape changes. Every set in recent memory has had a unique card to it old gods: c'thun MSOG: Tri Class Ungoro: quests KFT: Hero What dynamic have they not implemented yet? The next set will have a unique style card and the main aspect of the game that they haven't effected is the battlefield. / while it is not battlefield effects/cards, I guess this expansion have a lot of new and unique interactions.

/u/WiryJoe - Considering the new Warlock, I'm guessing a demon expansion / while not a demon expansion, we got for sure plenty of new demons, both warlock and neutral.

/u/shoobadinger - I think it will be Goblins vs Gnomes 2.0 to cash in on the nostalgia fator / Well, while not GvG, K&C have a silly, memeish theme going on, so I can see how they are related.

/u/richie_ea - Since Priest was shit 2 expansions ago... I think Priest will get another broken card in this set. / No way they are giving new board clears for priest, right?

/u/SuperBearMan - I have three predictions for this upcoming expansion. 1. Priest will not be tier 1 2. Shaman becomes tier 1 3. Hunter gets good enough cards to compete in the top tiers / Priest seems to keep just going on shooting people, I guess only raza will make it more reasonable. Shaman always have that aggro/midrange shell, so maybe a couple of cards can push it again. Hunter…I just don't…why?

/u/Atindelta - Hoping for some quality memes. / I guess it was one of the Team 5 mottos for thix expansion.

/u/AnotherPlebEnters - Naga tribe + a naga eating murloc They aren't here yet, sadly.

/u/CaesarMode - The expansion will bring a shitstorm that will plague the standard meta until the rotation. Mama, I'm scared. What if they create cards with mixed tribes, like Murloc Pirates, or Elemental Beasts? Or a single legendary card that has synergy with every tribe? / While it was not what you said, no doubt the community will quickly find the new "cancer" of the meta.

/u/Nuggabita - The legendary people will meme the most about will be a staple in a tier 1 or 2 deck. / Would it be Temporus? Rhok'delar? The Runespear?

/u/Starsam69 - Priest will get some broken ass cards to complement its weak basic set and Reno Priest in Wild will be the most broken deck of all time in any format of this game / Psychic Scream will for sure destroy decks on wild.

/u/Scrotom - I am hoping it'll be something about ogres but probably not. / Kobold Barbarian is the closest we will get

/u/xGearsOfToastx - Unexpecting 1 drops that completely dominate the meta like always. Another staplePaladin legendary that is too good to not include, but Paladin still won't be tier 1. A "crazy" Warlock legend that is seemingly crazy good, but way too niche and Zoo is the only viable Warlock deck. More Patches despite every other deck running Golakkas and that somehow isn't a problem apparently. Some Arena class is going to get an obviously busted card in the common/rare slot, and its going to be TalonPriest/Firelands Portal all over again, like always. Warrior gets a card similar to Bolster/Purify, somehow drops even lower than 30% winrate. They see this, say its on their radar for 2 months, then add an occurrence bonus to 3 mana Fiery War Axe for extra BM to Arena players. / 1 drops? Well, we have the new 1/3 beast, so who knows? Paladin may start to run Val'anyr. Crazy Warlock legendary that is too niche? Rin got you covered. Arena is getting some really strong drops. Warrior got some…questionable cards, but I don't think anything as low as Bolster/Purify.

/u/ToxDrawace - The did something pretty big for each of the last 2 xpacs - quests and then heroes. I'm really curious what new thing they will be adding for this one. Maybe every class will get a weapon, but they aren't used for attacking; instead the durability decreases from doing something else. Maybe Mage's will be something like "Spells cost 1 less mana. After you cast a spell, lose 1 durability." They mentioned wanting to help out the Warlock quest - maybe the weapon could be "When you discard a card, it will be added to your deck. Lose 1 durability." And since the theme is pirates, weapons make sense, too. / Nice prediction on weapons.

/u/mofaspombanabalaia - no pirate set, pirates will be a theme for some of the classes (i guess Rogue and Paladin) but the central theme of the expansion will be something else (i'd guess a westfall-stranglethorn-south sea expansion) there will be a legendary minion for each class, maybe we'll have some more hero cards or quests but i guess there will be some sort of faction or tri-class thing for the other legendaries, i don't think a completely new card type will come out if there will be any other tribes it will be either plants or something very specific like nerubians, kobolds or naga i guess they will explore some more deathrattle related mechanics, with the Druid Secret Deathrattle and turn-based deathrattle / SOMETHING VERY SPECIFIC LIKE KOBOLDS, oh man, right there. And yes, they indeed are exploring more deathrattle mechanics.

/u/flaggschiffen - They experimented with a couple of things: non minion permanents (Warlock Quest, Brawls), Mill (Gnomeferatu), Discard (Treachery + Howlfiend, Dirty Rat). Maybe we see another one of those or maybe another experiment with a mechanic we haven't seen in hearthstone before such as deck manipulation (if we do it's probably going to be overcosted aswell). I have the feeling these cards exist to test the waters. They also couldn't exactly have anticipated all the nerfs they did. I mean obviously all cards they nerfed were probably on a watch list, but still. So dispite the expansion seemingly having something to do with pirates (treasure and the fox guy) I doubt Pirate Warrior will get a lot of new toys. I also doubt Jade/ramp Druid will get much love this expansion after UI. On the other hand I doubt they could have forseen that the FWA and Innervate nerfs made room for Keleseth decks to the extend they did, maybe powerful tempo/agressive pirate synergy for Rogue's incoming. / Well, The Darkness is sorta a non-minion permanent while dormant, and for discard there is the whole Toggwagle+Explore Un'goro+Geist meme combo.

/u/WombatOfWar - If we're looking at Pirates I wouldn't be surprised to either see Ninjas of some variety, or otherwise the coin or coin variants as a card type Lacimaci - I want a full RNG based card like Yogg-Saron was. / While not Yogg, this expansion will have some nice RNG cards, like Rhok'delar, The Runespear, Geosculptor, Woecleaver, Marin, etc and recruit mechanics.

/u/CursedChi - Warlock discard mechanic will become OP and actually work in the meta. / With all those calls, if Cataclysm happens to push Discolock to tier 1, you people will be prophets.

/u/nothing_in_my_mind - We will see dual tribe cards, such as a Murloc/Pirate and a Mech/Pirate. / Still waiting for this one too.

/u/Lukeweizer - Discard will still suck. / I don't see Cataclysm really pushing the deck forward.

/u/rklimavicius - Since the word "Treasure" is everywhere in promo texts, I imagine some kind of a new mechanic Treasure, maybe a chest on the board with some special cards inside, which can be unlocked by any player midgame. / Well, the original thread is from before the reveal of Marin, so good job!

/u/M00SHMAN - Warrior 2 mana 3/2 weapon. With text "This weapon can only attack minions" / Well, tbf, you got it rignt the mana cost, durability and almost the text (but instead of only minions it says it cant attack heroes). Good job!

/u/Mystic511 - The first card revealed will enrage everyone in this subreddit Blizzard will push Discard mechanic for Warlock again Hunter will get some weird control card or mechanic that will confuse everyone Another class will get a ridiculous 10 mana card. It will be called Ultimate [Class Pun]. stringfold - Bold prediction -- they will announce that major changes will be coming to Hearthstone in 2018 -- either (finally) a new game mode, or (finally) a revamped client with additional features and which is easier to patch. Probably to coincide with the Hearthstone New Year (in April). / If only the first reveal was To My Side, this sub would implode.

/u/Ouroboros_Ent - Bold prediction: they'll give some really good cards to Hunter thinking they'll be used in a deathstalker control Hunter, but they'll turn out much better in a aggro Hunter so face Hunter will smorc its way back in the meta** / But you cant put minions in your deck!

/u/ShapedUniversal - Hunter shit legendary / Please, use the correct grammar. Shit LEGENDARIES

/u/KrWH1Z1 - there is a really bad 6 mana 4/4 Shaman legendary! / And 6 mana 7/7?

/u/lucon - Im waiting for that late game card for Mage that shuffles random secrets into the deck for you to pull out with glacial mysteries. / Well, you got it half right? But is random SPELLS, because of course.

/u/Pugnatwo - -Blizzard has learned from the Un'Goro and KoFT reveal seasons that going 2 (or more!) weeks after the initial reveal is too long. Instead they will likely be going with 1 week after Blizzcon to start the new reveal season (November the 13th) and likely make it last for 2 weeks, give 1 week to theory craft everything and release on the week of December 4th, likely on 12/7 in NA. -They are going to go back to 1 legendary per class and more neutral legendary minions. -Warrior gets a new low cost weapon and reddit F2P Master race will be displeased. -New tribe will be added. New Mechanic will be based on tribal synergy (think gain +1 attack and 1 Health for each Pirate and Murloc you have on the field type thing. Dual tribal cards. -New Reno Jackson Legendary for singleton decks to continue. -New Elise Type legendary with a treasure map to follow quite similar to the golden monkey. -Tone will be Very LoE based: Light hearted and fun to take a break from the serious nature of KoFT. / On point on the release date, bravo. Right on Warrior getting the weapon too.

/u/5132017402pm - Mage will get a card that makes their quest insane, and it will be nerfed 1.5 months after the interaction is discovered. / Lets see how Leyline Manipulator will really work in the game.

/u/69hailsatan - I really hope quests come back, having different quests with different rewards would be sweet. / While not a quest card, The Darkness trigger a quest in the game.

/u/pm_me_your_genetals - Hunter will get a secret that says when a minion attacks your hero it goes into your hand for 0 mana. / Right about a secret, just wrong about the effect.

/u/79rettuc - I predict that we'll have another expansion with 0 mechs. / Wrong by 1.

/u/MichaelDeucalion - Reno Hunter will continue to slowly increase in viability / But only if you have no minions!

/u/WarmheartHS - My prediction is: They would continue introducing new card types, tribes and mechanics, but those would linger for this expansion only. The tribes and cards introduced would never be mentioned again. We won't see any more Heroes, Quests. See also: Mechs, Dragons, Elementals, Inspire, Tri-class They would still continue pushing two "everybody's favorite" tribes, murlocs and pirates. At this point everybody hates them, but who cares, "murlocs are hi-la-ri-o-us! MRGLGLGL!" voinbobar - Druid will get another taunt unit, some sort of "gain X/X if you control a taunt". / This expansion have a quest mechanic (Darkness), Mech (Scorp-o-matci), Elementals (various), Dragons (even new legendary), even Joust is here again.

/u/bluntfaith - There will be new OP cards for Priest / Team 5 delivering

/u/freakuser - I am hoping for reprints of cards. Honestly there were some fun cards that used to be in standard / I know it is not the SAME, but Sewer Crawler is a reverse Razorfen

/u/xNuts -Rogue will get a spell for 4/5 mana that gives you a value (Hallucination,Burgle,Thistle Tea) / Onyx Spellstone will be a great card in some rogue lists, not wrong, mate!

/u/jmxd - I predict insane OP Hunter legendary They have 0 good legendaries and have been quite bad as a class lately / Laughs in rhok'delar

/u/THEREALSPARTAN9001 - We'll get a shitty taunt minion to balance Stonehill defender in arena. Fucking Lich king. / Something like Wax Elemental (hello hello).

/u/j0ssu - They will push more midrange-control Hunter cards / But only if you don't run minions

/u/djchrissym - 6 mana 3/3 battlecry: shuffle 2 copies of this card into both players decks / We are in 2017 and you are already in 3017 countering those Hunt Alone Hunters.

/u/0neToo - Discolock will be 100% OP or still 100% unplayable. No middle ground. / Now lets see what they brew with Cataclysm.

/u/YingYangYolo - Druid will get some broken taunt and/or taunt synergy minions to make up for the loss of jade / There is a new kind of taunt druid they are trying to push, so lets see what happen

/u/presto841 - They are going to print good 2-drops to try and get people to stop playing keleseth whenever they can / Quick everybody, any new 2 drops that you would run instead Keleseth?

/u/Planfive - The new set will be released on friday as well / Thursday!

/u/ItsPieManHD - They will stop trying to force discard Warlock / One more card, maybe the last one

/u/FlyBoyG - Rogue will get their first every taunt minion. / While it isn't the first taunt minion, they got secrets.

/u/JelloBisexual - Warrior gets an unusable epic / Don't know if they unusable, but Armor Warrior will need to rise for them (or Justicar in wild).

/u/Cranzy - The card reveal process will be a mess (again) and everyone on here will get upset(again) / Contrary to that, I think it was one of the best reveals.

/u/Exorrt - I predict a 6 mana 9/9 / But nobody expects the 4 mana 20/20!

Aishi_ - More shitty 6 mana 4/4's / How about a 9 mana 2/4?

/u/hahcore - Warlock will get vanilla stat minion with powerful effect for discard archetype / While the new discard card is a spell, maybe someone saw something nice to couple with discards.

/u/MacMoustache - The class legendaries will be weapons this time, Mage will get something that synergises with spells, Warrior will get some weird weapon involving armor and/or board clear and Priest will get a lifesteal weapon. / CRAZY! You were right about legendary weapons, Mage indeed got spell synergy (the new 1 drop, leyline, legendary), Warrior got a weapon involving armor (and a board clear) involving armor too. You only got Priest wrong, but wow!

/u/Omnifi - Priest will continue to get utter garbage early game drops when all I really want is a 2 mana 2/4. / They actually released a bunch of cards with 2/4 stats, so you were right there, one costing 3 for priest. But yeah, they didn't get that much early game love.

/u/Tsobaphomet - Warlock will get a discard card that randomly makes their hand worse / How about discard all your hand?

/u/carryApple - 1st neutral Spell called "You never know" Each turn this is in your hand, transform it into a random spell. / Almost there, but it isn't neutral, of course it is a mage spell (and can only become mage spells), but they got deck of wonders too, so it can be any spell. Blizz got you covered.

submitted by /u/Time2kill
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Decisions Decisions..

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 11:11 AM PST

Stancifka finds a 1-card OTK in the new expansion.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 04:23 PM PST

So why does the Deck of Wonders shuffle 5 Decks of Wonder instead of 5 scrolls into your deck?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 12:03 AM PST

Another GREAT Deck countered by Weasel Tunneler ....

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 05:37 PM PST

New Hunter Common Spell: Flanking Strike

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 11:21 AM PST

New Warlock Common Spell: Dark Pact

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 11:52 AM PST

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