Guild Wars 2 - Yogscast PoF discount code giveaway thread

Yogscast PoF discount code giveaway thread

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 07:21 PM PST

Bought the by bundle but dont need the code? Leave them here!

Took a code? Leave a comment saying so.

How to apply

submitted by /u/RandommUser
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Guild Wars 2 has the best mounts I have ever seen in an MMO. Scott Dickey's mount animations are a HUGE part of what makes our mounts the best!

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 02:44 PM PST

Living World Season 1: Scarlet's War - Full redesign idea

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 08:01 AM PST

You know what would be cool? Spectating alive group members when you are dead inside raids/dungeons

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 03:53 AM PST

alá GW1. It doesn't even need to show skills like the spectate cam in PvP. Just the cameras fixation

submitted by /u/Nekres
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[Art] Divinitys Reach in Divinity’s Reach! Commission of an elementalist.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 02:49 PM PST

Add elementalist conjure type skills to the ammo system!

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 03:37 PM PST

I think it's about time to make this change for all game modes. It would offer more space in playstyles, rotations, moving targets, etc. The change should lower the cooldown and remove the ground spawn of a second weapon. What do you guys think about it? Imagine, nobody can steal your conjures anymore, or pick it up by accident while trying to rezz a downed person. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

submitted by /u/Moorbazan
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Dear ANet: Can we get a lore-specific AMA? Please?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 07:26 AM PST

I genuinely am asking this in the nicest way I can.

You guys have done a great job in PoF touching on lore that was previously not given enough attention. For instance, I LOVE the Elite Specialization Mentors that were added. They give so much needed insight into the Specs that just add so much life to them. Something that many of the previous Elite Specs from HoTs do not have.

But, there are still so, so, so many more questions unanswered. Ones that would help immensely in understanding the lore better than we already do.

A big thing that is prompting me to ask this is this post here. It was highly upvoted in the AMA but given no answers by the Devs, which is a real shame in my opinion.

So, super mega ultra please can we get a lore-specific AMA. It just be so nice!

submitted by /u/-Wonder-Bread-
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Alternative advertisement, Anet. Again. Thanks.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 10:28 AM PST

[Design Opinion] If we ever get the chance to fight an Elder Dragon again, they shouldn't be represented by a targetable mob like Mordremoth's Mouth. They should be an Entire Zone

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 11:24 AM PST

When we fought Mordremoth, he was reduced to either a targetable Snake, or a giant-sized beast in his own dream. Technically, yes - the entire jungle was effectively Mordremoth - but I still feel like we were missing out on a sense of scale.

From the very beginning, from concept art, to descriptions of Elder dragons, we've been under the impression that these things are completely massive. Mordremoths simply lacked that sense of scale for me, because it was masked behind "He's in the ground, he IS the jungle".

Now that we have PoF - we actually have a rough representation of just how huge they are: (Credit Vyko.6953).

I don't see why we can't just represent one of these dragons by it's own entire zone. Xenoblade Chronicles 1 & 2 represent huge creatures by making them a zone:

If we're fighting it - we would have to go to sections of the body trying to destroy pieces of it to hinder it - it could be fully populated with mobs and Meta-Style events like Dragon Stand.

I feel like this treatment of the elder dragons would finally drive home the true scale and fear of an Elder Dragon.


submitted by /u/Mixchimmer
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Is the game down for anyone else?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 04:21 PM PST

Can't log in. Everything else works.

12 comments in the first 10 seconds of this post. Guess it's an issue for everyone.

submitted by /u/ApocalypseAryn8
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Toymaker Tixx and the Funwerks Krewe are boarding the Infinirarium: Wintersday returns to #GuildWars2 from December 12 until January 2! ~RB2

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 09:24 AM PST

A big bundle of PoF art being featured on Artstation

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 01:23 PM PST

Wife got a Aurene tattoo some time ago, which turnédatum out nicely in My opinon. ��

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 11:04 AM PST

Easy escort (Wing 5, 2nd event)

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 12:17 PM PST

So turns out Desmina can be stealthed. Naturally we had to test the limits.

submitted by /u/Particlar
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Despite the progress we've made in some areas of gear swapping, there's still a lot of criminally outdated systems.

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 04:20 PM PST

I'm a big advocate for ease-of-gear systems. I think it's stupid that we still refer to GW2 as the play-how-you want MMO when your gear (particularly ascended) essentially locks you into one build which can become invalidated any time the winds of balance shift in the wrong direction. Many times the changes aren't even that extreme and classes still have to redo their gear entirely. While I've always preferred the idea of switching to a more GW1-like system where max-rated armor is cheap and ubiquitous, I recognize that the GW2 system isn't going to change any time soon.

With that in mind, I appreciate the efforts Anet has added in the past to make gearing for specific stats easier. The biggest one, of course, is allowing us to re-forge weapons and armor in the Mystic forge in order to change it to a stat-appropriate type. To a lesser but-still-important extent we have various chests and acquisition methods that allow us to choose stats. For example, some raid drops used to only give you a specific armor weight with a specific prefix (assaulter, defender, etc), and that was changed to a box where you can choose any weight and any prefix.

But there's still at least two huge culprits that are totally archaic when it comes to gearing freedom: runes/sigils and trinkets.

My particular problems are:

  • There's no way to get runes and sigils out of armor and weapons without either buying the criminally overpriced upgrade extractor or destroying the item. This is completely counter-intuitive to the entire point of re-forging your items, as you need to physically have the items on-hand and thus can't salvage out the runes and sigils. While I recognize in many cases this is just a cost of re-gearing, such as buying a new rune set, there are still a lot of commonly used rune sets which can't simply be bought off the trading post. In the last patch the Healing Druid meta shifted from full Magi/Minstrel to full Harrier and yet both sets use Runes of the Monk which can't be acquired except by doing the Ascalon Catacombs. These runes are account bound and have no impact on the economy, yet you can't transfer them from one set to another simply because of the system they're attached to. The same would go for Chronomancers and Leadership runes, for example. If we can have cheap extractors to remove agony infusions (which carry gold value and are part of the economy), we should have cheap extractors to remove runes and sigils.

  • There's no re-rolling of trinket stats. This may have been less of a problem in the early days when there were numerous ways to acquire the core-stat rings for very modest prices. Everyone who did fractals remembers having extra inventories full of rings they'd never use. That's not the current landscape. We now have highly specific post-core stats to pick from, many or all of which come from currencies which are time-consuming to obtain. Were you one of the players who managed to obtain full Grieving trinkets for your Firebrand? Congratulations, they're now useless because Grieving is no longer a meta build on any class - you can't even give them to someone else who would find them useful. The only systems that exist for re-rolling trinkets are incredibly specific or archaic. I believe you can re-roll Blood Ruby items, but only those ones out of all the possible LS3 trinkets. You can also "re-roll" trinket stats by infusing them to select again, but if these trinkets are already infused or attuned up to their maximum then you're shit out of luck (also infusing/attuning requires you play fractals for mist essence, something not required by other types of gear re-rolling). This is also an inherently imbalanced system as re-rolling a ring via infusing is much, much less expensive than re-rolling a backpack which takes an entire stack of ecto to infuse.

The tl;dr is that GW2's gearing system has never been friendly to experimentation and has always been highly vulnerable to class balance changes. Recognizing that the system isn't going to be radically different any time soon, it's nice we've at least had a few ways to help us re-gear our characters at a relatively small fee. Despite that, there's still a few areas where re-gearing is either entirely impossible or so costly or cumbersome as to be effectively worthless. If you buy into ascended gear, you should be able to change that gear as-needed without destroying components which take time or effort to acquire and without having to abandon old gear which you invested into without the option of transmuting that gear. This is just as, if not more, important for players who are just getting into raiding or other end-game content as it is for established end-game players because the former may not have the means to re-gear themselves should their chosen class or build get swung the wrong way on balance changes.

submitted by /u/Charrikayu
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Gemstore Update - First Follower Desmina Outfit & Permanent Choya Finisher

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 08:00 AM PST

New Items

submitted by /u/dulfy
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Profession Color Wheel: Indigo Revenants

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 03:17 PM PST

Yogscast GW2 livestream (+ Humble bundle discount for POF)

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 03:16 AM PST

Yogscast are streaming gw2 and apparently you can get a discount on Pof if you buy their humble bundle (all money goes to charities).

Edit: Stream over. If you buy the bundle you get heroic edition + 25% discount on POF. Not sure when exactly you can get the codes. The bundle works like a countdown to christmas, each day one more game is unlocked (doesnt matter when you buy the bundle you get all the games)

submitted by /u/rhok
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Istan is amazing. :)

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 06:15 AM PST

I never played Guild Wars 1. I don't know what Istan looked like 250 years ago, or how much it's changed since. Nevertheless, I want to give a shout out to the developers, the writers, the artists and the not least the musicians and composers for having created this map. I can see myself spending more time here than I have in any previous LS map, and that's counting Bitterfrost frontier.

Here's hoping the next episodes will bring equally detailed and well-thought out maps for the remainder of the season. :)

submitted by /u/K0nfuzion
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Raid Wing 5 Bosses and Encounter Guides

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 09:24 AM PST

Hey everyone, here are guides for the two bosses and the mid boss encounters in Raid Wing 5 for those interested. Overall the raid is a step up in difficulty from previous wings with the last boss taking much longer to learn & kill.

Let me know if I left out anything

submitted by /u/dulfy
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[Art] Sylvari Reaper - "All things have a right to grow"

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 12:41 PM PST

Frequent hard freezes and occasional crashes

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 07:56 PM PST

Since the Halloween patch I have had more or less frequent hard freezes when I play the game. Lately I have had 1-3 freezes every day - they happen in every map, on mount and off mount, in populated and unpopulated areas - even while afk. I have not been able to find a single connection to what is going on. When the freeze occurs, I can't alt tab out, I can open the task manager but cant access it so I am forced to reboot the system or log out in order to shut down the game. The game sound is still working even during the freeze. Cursor freezes at times but not always.

I also get occasional crashes with the usual 7:11 error codes or "cant log in to the server" message.

I have drivers up-to-date, antivirus excluding GW2 and I am not experiencing issues with other games.

Note: issue has persisted both before and after the November 5th NVIDIA update.

PC specs: AMD FX-8350 8 cores 4,0 Ghz 16 GB RAM GTX 1060 Windows 10

Anyone else experiencing similar issues or have any ideas?

submitted by /u/cerioth
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State of the exotic rarity drops

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 07:38 AM PST

It's been a while that exotics aren't respecting in gold their drop rate, currently they are in par with rares in value even if they are "rarer"

Why we're not getting any update on this stuff? adding some extra globes to exotic items when salvaged, rework a little the stats [including viper's, celestial or minstrel drops may be a lot better than getting shaman\rabid\dire ones], removing the exotic without a proper skin and giving the named set a fancier look?

Getting an exotic from bosses, random drops and map completion should make us happier, am i right?

submitted by /u/uaitdevil
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PvP devs holding a discussion on PvP Systems starting Wednesday

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 08:51 PM PST

first time playing Guild Wars

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 02:13 AM PST

Hi, long time PC gamer here and long time WoW player. Started with Guild wars 2 yesterday for the first time and I have just a couple of short questions:

-is the leveling experience fun? Does it have some "new" mechanics which are not common in WoW? Will I experience some "woah" effect, or is this mmorpg the same "kill 10 boars" "collect 15 X" etc.

-the other question: Is it worth getting into guild wars 2 now? Will I have some fun in the end game content? Is it worth buying the first expansion or should I skip it, because everybody is playing the current expansion?

Thanks in advance!

EDIT: Maybe I should add that I think my "hardcore mmorpg" time is over. I especially wanna know if this game is fun on a casual basis?

EDIT2: Didnt expect everybody to write a wall of text. Speaks for the game, if the players are so dedicated to promote their game, even after all the years after the first release. Back in the day I was too commited to my character and my accomplishments in WoW to give it up, but I always loved the fact that gear is not so important in this game. For a PvP focused gamer who used to do 3-4 hours arena grinds Im excited to get further into this game.

EDIT 3: Guys! I need to take the time to read all your replies, but you already convinced me. :D A LOT of aspects you mentioned seem awesome so Im really excited to play the game. Perfect timing, too since my exams will start soon! Its gonna be a nice weekend! Thank you again for all your replies

Thank you guys for the replies.

submitted by /u/Ciruz
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