Fortnite Save the World Dev Stream - Questions Thread

Save the World Dev Stream - Questions Thread

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 09:53 AM PST

Heya folks,

Wanted to get out ahead of our Developer Livestream we have next week to talk about "The Fortnite Guide to Holiday Survival" our Winter Event this year!

Drop in your questions or topics you would want us to cover on stream, Dec. 13th at 4PM EST :D

submitted by /u/JustMooney1
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Daily Llama Thread 08/Dec/2017 - It's a Llama llama

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 04:01 PM PST

Hello Storm Chasers! Today's Daily Llama can be found below posted by /u/stormshieldonebot in the comments below!

How likely is a Llama to show up?

Llama - Click for details Percent
Ranged 33%
Weapon 18%
People 13%
Trap 12%
Melee 10%
Legendary Troll Stash 3%
Super Ranged 3%
Super People 3%
Super Hero 3%
Super Melee 1%
Legendary Troll Truck 1%

Source - Storm Shield One

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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@EPICGAMES Could we have a preset/loadout feature?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 08:40 PM PST

I honestly hate switching heroes, since you also have to change your tactical and squad bonues each time, also gadgets very often. It's a disaster, I'd love to be able to quickly click a button to play a different hero and loadout, it should be at the "Launch" screen!

submitted by /u/Kuronekoz
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Lag has drastically worsened in pve but drastically improved in pvp

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 05:37 AM PST

Played STW for a few hours yesterday and the lag was horrible. There was even menu lag in the main screen while I was tinkering with the survivor squads. Afterwards I played pvp for a few games and the lag was improved by a mile. What's this all about?

submitted by /u/ic_md
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Transform/Schematic Reroll not coming in Winter Update

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 11:15 AM PST

Old bugs you say? Let us know here.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 09:49 AM PST


So I've been seeing a lot of players reporting that "old bugs" are back. Basically, ones that we have fixed previously but have risen once again.

If you have noticed any of these please provide some details of what you are experiencing below. We want to track as many as we can so we can get cracking on fixing them!

Also, remember if you experience any problems be sure to use the in-game function to report the bug and if you need further help open up a ticket here. It helps us a ton with gathering information needed to track down the root cause. Obviously, images and videos help out a lot as well. If it is just basic information like "increased lag" be sure to let us know that as well.

Thanks, everyone, and have a great weekend!

submitted by /u/MrPopoTFS
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game won’t let me sign in, internet connection is good and was playing an hour ago. Have uninstalled and reinstalled the game, nothing works. Pls help

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 05:19 PM PST

Medbot glitch

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 12:39 PM PST

Finding medbot in game are not counting toward the "Clear!" Quest mission


submitted by /u/prokiller_us
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Resources vanishing randomly(Wood in this case)

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 08:41 AM PST

Can you play PvE with just 2 people?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 06:43 PM PST

Or are you required to play with 4?

submitted by /u/JayWomble
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The "Which is Better?" Game!

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 07:15 PM PST

Ok ladies and gentleman, it's time for the "Which is better?" game!

Sorry for the super long post, but I though it would be better than multiple posts.

I'm most interested in the logic behind the choices - so I've added my thoughts to each choice, please let me know if my thinking makes sense.

Which grenade launcher?

-Thumper (legendary) 15% reload 14% crit chance 22.5% reload 21% crit chance 30% reload


-Blooper (epic) 15% reload 21% crit chance 28% crit chance 10% water with affliction

This one really stumps me. I'm not sure whether the fact that the thumper is legendary can make up for the fact that it doesn't have an element, while the blooper has an element and with affliction. But then I think... grenade launchers are for clearing trash more than anything right? So maybe the element doesn't matter so much?

Which rocket launcher?

-bazooka 10% damage 15% damage 22.5% reload 21% crit chance 60% crit damage


-Jack-o-launcher 14% crit chance 22.5% reload 10% fire with affliction 15% damage 30% crit damage

Similiar problem here, the bazooka doesn't have an element or affliction, but the jack-o-launcher ends up with 7% less crit chance and 30% less crit damage. I'm thinking the element with affliction is probably better than the crit chance and damage difference though?

Which sword?

-slice n'dice 15% dmg to slowed/snared 10% damage 15% damage 28% crit chance 10% fire with affliction


-stormblade (energy) 10% damage 30% crit damage 45% crit damage 60% crit damage 10% nature with affliction

So, the stormblade would be awesome because of the energy and nature with affliction combo, except it has no natural crit chance, so all that crit damage is useless. So even though the slice n'dice has the somewhat wasted 15% dmg to slowed/snared, my thinking is that the 25% damage and 28% crit chance more than makes up for the loss of the energy modifier.

Which hardware?

-doomhammer 10% damage 14% crit chance 21% crit chance 20% damage 10% fire NO affliction


-husk stomper 14% crit chance 15% dmg to slowed/snared 22.5% dmg to slowed/snared 28% crit chance 10% fire with affliction

Another tough one. The doomhammer has 7% less crit chance, and no affliction, but 30% all the time damage vs 37.5% damage while slowed/snared. So I guess I'm leaning a little toward the doomhammer.

For the rest, my favorite weapon is sniper rifles, so I'm partly wondering, out of all of the following which is strongest, but I've broken them up into categories as well.

Which shredder/super shredder?

-super shredder (legendary) 12% fire rate 10% durability 15% damage 30% reload speed 10% fire with affliction


-super shredder (legendary) 15% reload 15% damage 45% magazine size 30% reload 10% energy


-shredder (epic) 14% crit chance 18% fire rate 30% dmg to afflicted 10% nature with affliction

Here I don't know how much to penalize the shredder for not being legendary. It otherwise has pretty great rolls. The super with fire and affliction has the wasted durability perk, but otherwise is pretty solid though. The energy one seems all around good, but perhaps too much reload and no affliction. Forced to choose I think I'd probably end up with the legendary with wasted durability perk.

Which water sniper rifle?

-scoped dragonfly (legendary) 15% reload 15% dmg to slowed/snared 30% recoil 20% damage 10% water with affliction


-triple tap (legendary) 12% fire rate 10% durability 18% fire rate 60% crit damage 10% water with affliction


-scoped wasp 10% damage 15% dmg to afflicted 22.5% dmg to slowed/snared 10% water with affliction

Similiar question here, with epic vs legendary. Both the legendary have wasted perks (durability and recoil). But I guess the one with recoil does have 20% damage, so I guess that would be my choice.

On the next couple I've already leveled 1 of the 2 choices in each case, so kind of dual question, which is ultimately better? But also is it better enough to warrant leveling?

Which fire sniper rifle?

-Deathwing (lvl 1) 10% damage 30% crit damage 18% fire rate 30% dmg to stunned/staggered/knocked 10% fire with affliction


-One shot (lvl 30) 14% crit chance 21% crit chance 26.7% headshot damage 30% dmg to slowed/snared 10% fire NO affliction

These seem pretty close to me. I feel like the crit chance on the one shot makes up for the lack of affliction. Not sure which one is ultimately better, but having a hard time convincing myself it's worth farming the rain to upgrade the deathwing.

Which energy sniper rifle?

-scoped dragonfly (lvl 1) 14% crit chance 10% damage 22.5% dmg to slowed/snared 60% crit damage 10% energy with affliction


-sunsetter (lvl 30) 10% durability 22.5% reload 20% headshot damage 20% damage 10% energy NO affliction

Similiar situation here. I think probably the scoped dragonly is the better choide because of affliction and no wasted perk on durability. But I'm not sure it's worth the rain to upgrade at least until I have nothing else to spend the rain on. (Like a year from now? LOL)

As to which of ALL of the sniper rifles is the best... I really have no clue. Maybe the fire one shot? Because of the high crit chance and headshot damage.

Ok, if you made it this far I'm proud of you. If you take the time to write a response to one or more of these comparisons along with an explanation of the logic behind it, I'm sure there are more people out there than just me that will benefit from the learning! :)

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/matt3721
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Fan speed at main menu [PS4]

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 07:48 PM PST

Look it's a bird, it's a jet,'s my playstation at the main menu! For real though, there must be a fix to this.

submitted by /u/Wicked-Spade
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Save the World Dev Update #10 - Winter Event

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 07:26 AM PST

[Xbox One] Game often freezes and disconnects, kicking me off of Xbox Live in the process

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 08:14 PM PST

Inaccurate icons

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 08:00 AM PST

Anyone else seeing icons for missions that don't match the descriptions?

submitted by /u/thirstieryeti
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Explosives Specialist: How to become an artillery emplacement during SSD

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 11:07 AM PST

Lots of people aren't fans of support specialists because of the lack of DPS, but I may have found an interesting niche setup for one:

I was goofing off in a mission and happened to pickup a thumper. I thought, eh I'll hang onto it for now. A few missions later someone crafts me a Thumper. So now I have 2 Thumpers, but they are glass cannons and break VERY quickly. So I let it sit in my inventory while I continued to have fun with my ninja primary.

Later I was sitting in the hero screen reading through perks and noticed an interesting combo. I'll skip straight to the chase:

Hero Squad:

  • Primary: Marine Corpse Ramirez (Support Specialist)

    Waste not want not: Increases ammo capacity of all weapons by 40%. Warcry: 40% dmg + 40% attack speed Spoils of war: While War Cry is active, you have a 25% chance on damage with a ranged weapon to get the ammo fired back. There are many like it: Your weapon takes zero durability damage while affected by War Cry. Additional bonuses for stacking range damage, etc.

  • Squad support: Anyone who gives you waste not want not

    (additional 10% mag size)

  • Tactical support: Plasma shielder constructor:

    Gives you Plasma Grenades (Frag Grenade Afflicts targets, dealing 8% extra energy damage, every 0.5 seconds, for 3 seconds.)


  • Primary: Your favorite soldier's weapon (I use a crittacular Freedoms Herald)
  • Secondary: Thumper
  • Tertiary: Thumper
  • Gadget 1: Air Strike
  • Gadget 2: Whatever you like

How to perform a fire mission:

  • One: Find yourself a location that overlooks the spawn point, just slightly above the spawn plane. Preferably setup so that you look down the length of the mob spawn area.
  • Two: Pull out your first Thumper and then trigger your warcry. Rain down grenades until the mag is empty, before the reload sequence starts, quickly switch to Thumper #2. Continue to rain down hellfire upon all who oppose you, empty that mag. Because of the perk stack you get a 9 round magazine to begin with, plus a 25% chance that you won't consume a round when firing. So really you are getting 11-12 rounds from a Thumper before you need to reload. IE 22-24 rounds from both of your grenade launchers. At this point you should have only taken 1-2 hits of durability on the 2nd Thumper as warcry wears off.
  • Three: If anything is left standing, call in your airstrike; glass the place. Otherwise begin the lengthy task of reloading both grenade launchers. Once done switch to your primary. At this point you can spam your frag plasma grenades or use the airstrike (if not fired yet) in between blasting away with your primary or going commando and pulling your gattling gun.
  • Four: Rinse and repeat, once your warcry timer cools down (90 seconds) you are ready to unleash Armageddon once more. After about a bunch of cycles of this you will wear down your 2nd Thumper. Switch the position of the 2 Thumpers and you will have a fresh weapon in the second slot; repeat a bunch more until you break the Thumper, then burn up the last of the durability on the other.

It is a real party and you barely consume any resources when you do this. You can easily make a pair of weapons last a mission or two when doing this.

Enjoy folks!

submitted by /u/TheSeaShadow
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Game runs like a turd right now. I hate it. I want to play but it's garbage. Died twice doing an encampment because someone joined the game.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 04:18 AM PST

I swear OCE server is located on Mars or some BS. Because the lag is over 9000 turds per second.

submitted by /u/Randomguy1234_5
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Limited edition question

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 06:12 PM PST

I bought limited edition for PC and when I downloaded and launched the game, none of the other characters appear. what do I do?

submitted by /u/Berjus85
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Just bought the PvE game... too bad i cant play it...

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 09:52 PM PST

my pc isnt the problem the specs are great.... cant launch the second mission, what a fucking rip off...... any advice?

submitted by /u/aidinflood
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Are these rolls any good?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 09:44 PM PST

PSA: Survivalist Tactical perk does NOT stack with Survivalist Hero perk

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 05:55 PM PST

When I was testing the survivalist perk to see just how worthless it was, I discovered that it not only does not allow the Survivalist Tactical perk to stack, but that it PRIORITIZES the hero perk.

IE: Survivalist Hero perk (heals 5 per) + Survivalist Tactical Perk (heals 10 per)= heal 5 per kill

Also for those wondering, the formula for how much it heals is: (Health Station healing %)(Hero Healing Modifier %)(Survivalist Perk)=Health healed per kill

Aka, even if it did stack, at 3500 tech and 11.3 ability damage(apparently hero healing and ability damage are the same in 'see more stats' while hero card doesn't update with hero squad bonuses) you would still only heal 5.9k.

PS: Would be interesting to see if survivalist Jonesy would double the tactical perk as well as his base perk.

submitted by /u/TheSteamyPunk
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When you need to fill out a support Ticket or Complaint.. ONLY USE the EPIC WEB TICKET!!! I was essentially told Console support system does nothing.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 05:06 AM PST

I was reaching out to a Epic employee on here about a dupe I found involving a bug and crash. I told him i had filed a ticket via Console Support and it was implied that I shouldn't do that but instead only use the Epic Website Ticket system. At first I didn't think anything about this, but then it began to bug me.. Does this mean Console Tickets just go in the garbage? Or are broken? Ive always suspected they fell on deaf ears.. but maybe its something more? Epic can we have a system in console that allows us to generate a ticket number to an email? Just like the Website ticket system? Apologies in advance if I misunderstood something. (Stroke survivor here, so I see things a bit oddly)

Edit:: See Epics Response below.. Essentially Do a Ticket in both places if you need a response.

submitted by /u/brittleknight
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PSA: right joystick can change mission on map

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 09:04 AM PST

There seems to be lots of confusion around this issue since the recent patch. Hopefully I can explain it well enough here You can still select missions with the left analog stick but now the right stick allows you to freely move about the map and select mission (almost like an invisible cursor). The problem is that now sometimes when you use the left stick to slide over to a mission it doesn't line up quite right and you are hovering over a different mission. Use the right stick to move around and find the right mission Hope this helps

TLDR: use the right analog stick to select missions on the map

submitted by /u/Theunty
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Audio problems

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 08:48 PM PST

Idk if someone answered this question already but I just got the campaign version of fortnite and whenever I get a cutscene I have no audio just the sub titles but once I'm in game the audio comes back. Is anyone else having this problem and is there a way to fix it? I'm on ps4

submitted by /u/redstreak57
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Anyone else think its dumb you can delete an equipped item?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 08:11 PM PST

I was cleaning out my inventory and started marking survivors and lead survivors and I dont even remember marking the legendary survivor but after I hit confirm I saw my power level dropped so I went into survivor squads and saw theres a empty spot in my lead survivor slot. Now im just pissed at myself for deleting it without even realizing it, but honestly there should be a thing where it stops you from deleting equipped items like survivors defenders whatever. It should stop you and say hey you cant do that because you have it equipped if you want to retire the survivor unequip it first. Another thing that would be nice is to be able to see what you deleted and if you want it back you can pay for it with the xp or something. Im just really pissed off that it lets you delete items you have equipped.

submitted by /u/Fobics
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How do you give someone your 1 extra standard pack? [Console]

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 07:35 PM PST

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