Smite - Everyone wants Chef skins and I'm just over here like...

Everyone wants Chef skins and I'm just over here like...

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 05:33 PM PST

Pizza Delivery Xbalanque

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 07:53 AM PST

Pro player miraged perma banned

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 04:19 PM PST

in his post and follow up tweets he talked alot about abuse of power which i think needed to be talked about. Not gonna call anyone out here but what do you guys think about this ?

edit: Pro player Mirage perma banned ***

submitted by /u/TheHaithi
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"316 reports first time being suspended" - Hinduman admits that Smite's report system is indeed flawed

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 06:12 PM PST

While Hinduman tried to defend Mirage's suspension, he accidentally admitted that Smite's report system doesn't work AT ALL.

According to Hinduman, Mirage got reported a staggering 316 times, and nothing happened - until a Smite streamer (Mattypocket) who's affiliated with HiRez reported him.

This doesn't shed a good light on the business practices of HiRez

EDIT: Here's a fun little exchange between Weaken, Fdot, and a random about how easy it is for HiRez people to ban players:

submitted by /u/ratazengo
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Heaven's Grace Aphrodite Skin Concept

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 12:10 PM PST

Shots have been fired.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 08:08 PM PST

A nice Freya Cosplay

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 03:06 AM PST

When The Morrigan doesn't like your laughter

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 06:47 PM PST

Why do people seem so unprofessional at HiRez?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 08:54 PM PST

Let me start off by saying not trying to call someone out. Just generally curious.

Ok, so every time I see something about F. Or Hindu it's something bad. Which I see with responses that are extremely negative. Ima say I'm not the biggest up to date player of smite but honestly everything I do see just makes smite and hiRez look terrible. If I was new to the game and say a upper head telling fans what I've seen I'd be completely turned off by the game just because "if I ever get on there bad side oh boy"

I work and I know if I ever responded to a customer with a "I don't give a fuck." I would be fired on the spot and I'm the manager. I appreciate stealth and Isiah. They are wonderful community managers I also loved Savvy thought she was great. They listen and interacted with the community in a positive way even if the community was negative about it.

Do you guys think this kind of behavior is unacceptable from a somewhat semi big company like hiRez I really wanna know your guys thoughts.

Tho I do have to say it is very entertaining to say the very least lol.

submitted by /u/DrDuber
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FAN SKIN CONCEPT: Ballerina Discordia

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 10:50 AM PST

Suggestion: a surrender option were both teams vote for when the server is in a bad state

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 09:43 AM PST

We all have had some games where both your team and the enemy team are glitching over the map because the server is acting weird. I know there is an automatic system that detects a bad server state but most of the time it doen't work (I have had the notice before that the match would automatically end in 30s, but didn't). So I suggest that a new surrender method is added to target this issue, where both you and the enemy team should vote and if in both teams 4/5 people choose to surrender, the game stops and nobody loses or gains anything (so no kda or fp or rank).

submitted by /u/Squadtrooper
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Thoth, God of Wisdom [Fanart]

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 10:36 AM PST

Did I become bad at maths or...?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 07:55 AM PST

Pyromancer Nox Skin Concept

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 05:03 AM PST

Thought about having an inferno Nox skin.

This is the design I ended up sticking with. The Artwork is my own.

Obviously, C&C is welcomed, tell me what you think of it.

submitted by /u/Shaye95
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We actually won with this tramo comp. everyone role called jungle. I'm suprised that we actually won.They we're destroying us early to Mid but we dominated them Late Game.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 07:31 PM PST

I noticed Sobek being immune to things after landing his dash. So I tested it and I found out why i hate him so much

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 11:58 AM PST

Can we give old Nox taunt to Daji?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 08:09 AM PST

this is important, this discussion should take precedent over game balance!

submitted by /u/mcknightrider
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Ranked stats for 4.23 are live!

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 11:18 AM PST +/- bits are the changes from 4.22

Hello! The stats for the first 3 days of 4.23 Ranked Conquest are live on

Patch 4.23 Infographic here thanks to /u/BluesVult :

Gods changed in 4.23 Buff/Nerf Win Rate Pick+Ban rate
Camazotz BUFF 51.21% (+3.28%) 6.78% (+3.61%)
Kukulan BUFF 56.3% (+5.9%) 5.68% (-0.05%)
Medusa BUFF 51.61% (+5.3%) 12.54% (+3.6%)
Ra BUFF 53.5% (+5.63%) 9.16% (-1.86%)
Susano BUFF 47.87% 95.3% (+0.78%)
Discordia NERF 50.47% 70.89%
Fafnir NERF 46.25%(-1.47%) 31.31% (6.46%)

The statistics for the tables are for all ranks. To look at specific ranks go to

Highest Win Rates Highest Pick/Ban Rates
Nike 60.22% Artio 95.2%
Aphrodite 57.94% Cu Chulainn 93.66%
Ah Puch 57.14% Ullr 88.03%
Kali 56.89% Ganesha 86.32%
Kukulan 56.3% Raijin 83.88%

- Hovering on an item or relic on the god pages will now show the item/relic stats, the win rate, and matches played with that god.

Taking suggestions for new features! Thinking information on team comp by class might be interesting? Are double hunter comps OP? Are double assassin (jungle + solo) viable? Or no guardian comps?

Anything else you can think of let me know

submitted by /u/gesscu
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Suggestion: Stance switch abilities have different casting modes.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 01:03 PM PST

This is something that's fairly small within the game, but with someone like myself that play a lot of the stance switch gods, or gods that basically have more than 4 abilities, this is actually annoying occurrence...


It's moreso prevalent on Ullr, at least for me, especially after his changes, but I would like to see a change to these types of gods where EVERY ability has a different casting option. Currently, if you set Ullr's 1 to quick cast, both his Axe and Bladed Arrow will be quick cast, where in most situations I'd prefer maybe just Bladed Arrow to be quick cast or vice versa. It'd be just a small quality of life change that I think most would benefit from.


submitted by /u/Helixide
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SMITE Base Stats [4.23] (Kukulkan Buff)

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 02:10 PM PST

Not a whole lot of changes to the god list in the base 2 patches. Kukulkan Received a very small movement buff. from 350 -> 355.

Check our my comparison sheets to see all the differences between the gods and their base stats

submitted by /u/GiantB
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Posted: 08 Dec 2017 07:58 PM PST

So as a company Hirez get a pretty bad rep, and honestly, I've defended them and actually felt that as they're a small company comparatively to other big mobas it's difficult for them..

...However, after taking a quick look at r/paladins I realize Hirez just straight up dont care to improve their games - Ask a player and 9 times out of 10 they will say they're happy to wait longer for patches if it meant Hirez would fix many of the issues complained about (smite personalities like dukesloth have run polls that back this up).

Yes I appreciate the frequent updates Smite receives but I really do not appreciate the complete lack of acknowledgement to the completely terrible machmaking of the game, the useless report system and the bugs that have been blatantly known to them for years that they just dont change.

The game is just flat out unpolished and they dont correct it: Morrgian's ult is still a buggy mess, voice packs like He Bo's are still missing certain VGS commands, matchmaking is still a joke and the frequency of DCs is ridiculous and it's been this way for years.. I've been playing the game since it was in BETA and these issues have been present practically since then.

As someone who enjoys their game and have sunk a fair bit of money into it, I ask that Hirez actually takes a look at these issues instead of putting all their money into pumping out excessive amounts of skins and adventures.

EDIT: I first started to wonder about the company's lack of caring from looking at reviews from employees there on an external site, another reddit user linked me to this again in another post and I figured I'd put that here to help explain where I'm getting this view point from

submitted by /u/benglynstone97
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For those who care, the wiki is getting updated with skin screenshots (you can preview what the skins look like) again

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 06:41 AM PST

I need help.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 08:40 PM PST

I've been playing smite for close to 2 years and over the last summer, I hooked my friend on. The thing is, his favorite class is assassin's and all he builds Ninja Tabi, Rage, Deathbringer, Malice, Wind Demon, and Odysseus' Bow. I keep telling him that he should build other items like Bloodforge, or Jotunn's or at least penetration but he's so stubborn and insists that crit chance and attack speed is the only way to go. He also likes playing straight offense ymir and Is a rank 10 ymir only going offensive every game.

submitted by /u/pack_is_back
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Posted: 08 Dec 2017 08:18 AM PST

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