Diablo - Seasonal diablo 3 play needs a paragon cap if you want to give less of a reason for people to endlessly bot. infinite main stat is not a well thought out game design for an ARPG that already has an infinite item crawl.

Seasonal diablo 3 play needs a paragon cap if you want to give less of a reason for people to endlessly bot. infinite main stat is not a well thought out game design for an ARPG that already has an infinite item crawl.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 06:41 AM PST

To put it simply: if main stat was capped out at let's say paragon 2000 (ONLY FOR SEASONAL PLAY, NS would still be infinite to give everyone the ability to REALLY see how high a character can go) we would not have such an overwhelming amount of bots in d3 currently for seasonal play. (as that is a high ceiling for someone not botting at all throughout a season or the average person with a family, job, children, etc, however someone that no lifes d3 can actually hit 2k pretty easily over the course of a season. it's also a nice round number. it's also not a massive advantage over a 1500 paragon player, which is much easier for the typical player to hit without botting.)

Let's put it like this, people enjoy pushing the leaderboards. Clan X is a complete clan of scumbags, using bots to farm keys, no life playing it up to speed all day, running d3 helper to have an automated 3rd party program click their skills for them (creating an extra element of efficiency for the true degenerate), and using endless bounty bots while at keys, earning 700~ mats in an 8 hour play day, every day.

What element does the majority of this grind play into? the paragon system.

d3 helper is helping you obtain an extra 10-15% xp if you're not the best player at making decisions within a rift.

a bot is getting you endless keys, killing one of the most monotonous tasks in the game, giving you the ability to only run speeds or gem ups.

hud is making everything more efficient, which is cool in my eyes minus that whole "showing most of the map layout" thing. tbh blizz should just make half the features of hud baseline (exp/hr, dps, minimap mob progress, basically most features but the map) and people wouldn't even grab hud.

so the "elite" player uses all this nonsense to grind that mainstat paragon all season, simply to clear a little higher. this game should be about focusing on items and then individual skill. sure, bounty bots would still be a problem, but at least you wouldn't have the level of degeneracy i've seen in friends and ex clan mates this season.

if people want to really see what their character is capable of with 10,000 paragon, that's cool too, because non season would have infinitely stacking paragon the same way it has it now. However, seasons should be capped and it would create a much more fun, less of an endless grind type of environment, where casual players don't feel like they are completely fucked due to not being able to keep up with paragon-3000-in-the-first-month-players.

this game should be about individual skill and the item crawl way way way before worrying about the advantage that endless main stat gives you in a seasonal environment.

plus, you'd probably have less people that were vehemently against botting for a very long time giving into the hype, no names mentioned.

tldr; average gamer would not give in to botting if they felt like they could keep up by playing legit. paragon cap allows them to keep up, only put in for the seasonal leagues.

see: path of exile capping their system at level 100 with no additional layers to that onion. meta game is items/trading/pushing maps/shader. d3 should simply be an item/GR grind, fuck the paragon treadmill. shorten seasons from 3 months to 2 months if you have to for the turbo nerds

edit- one simple solution is for the seasonal ladder to stop assigning paragon points after p2000 or a well received paragon cap, however you can still obtain xp, so that when you transfer over to the non season ladder at the end of season your Ns character will stop obtain all of the xp/paragon you were able to grind during the season -> this creates an even playing ground from start to finish on the seasonal leaderboard, while people who want to see the true cap of builds in diablo will be able to push that on the NS leaderboard, giving many people actual reason to play both season and non season, while keeping season as an even playing field.

submitted by /u/tomatosaucin
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A look at Invoker's flaws, and how Blizzard could fix them

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 04:10 PM PST

I personally love the concept of the Invoker set, and I've been using it so far this season, but it proves underwhelming in a number of ways. I wish to take the time to list the build's glaring flaws, and also provide a few ideas on how the build could be improved.

Problems with Invoker

1. The Invoker set has poor capabilities against trash mobs.
While the Invoker set can quickly rip up bosses, elites, and Rift Guardians, it just doesn't do well against trash at higher difficulties, primarily due to the lack of a "crowd clearing" move. Despite that the build has some synergy with Bombardment, the Barrels of Spikes rune is far too weak and doesn't add any meaningful damage even when used with Invoker. It's also hampered by the fact that the 6pc bonus only applies that Thorns-based bonus damage to the first enemy you hit with any use of Punish or Slash, rendering Slash as ineffective and forcing the player to take Punish for its defensive boosts.

2. The Invoker set lacks any sort of "perfect weapon".
When the current BiS for the Invoker set is the Pig Sticker, which only gets the slot because of its attack speed and 5 affixes, you know there's a problem. Even the Hack axe doesn't do very well because its application of Thorns to your attacks is really meant for other classes, not the Crusader. The amount of Thorns applied via Hack is far too weak to be of use to an Invoker. Meanwhile, other build like the Condemn Akkhan build each have a "perfect weapon" that unlocks the build's true potential; in the case of the Condemn build, it's the Blade of Prophecy. But Invoker has no such weapon. This is a serious flaw, and one that must be corrected.

3. Many skill runes that employ Thorns are underwhelming.
Examples include Steed Charge - Spiked Barding, the aforementioned Bombardment - Barrels of Spikes, and Consecration - Bed of Nails. These all add Thorns damage to the abilities, but are all so weak that you barely notice any damage at all, even on some lower GRs. Most glaring is the Bombardment rune, as Bombardment is a part of the Invoker set's 4pc bonus. You'd think that a Thorns-related rune would work better with Invoker, but it doesn't.

4. Invoker's clearing capabilities are highly dependent on the enemies you are facing.
The Invoker's 2pc Thorn procs are highly dependent on what enemies you are facing, being highly ineffective against slow, hard-hitting enemies, and strong against enemies that use rapid attacks. At higher GR's, this matters a lot, and getting a floor with a bunch of Mallet Lords, Dark Berserkers, etc., is a lot more frustrating than a floor with a bunch of Dust Imps, Tormented Stingers, etc. This also applies to enemy Elites and Champions, though to a lesser extent. The issue is that it makes Invoker clears highly inconsistent and far more luck-based than any other set, something that many find frustrating.

Now I will list some ideas on how Invoker's issues could be addressed.

Solutions for Invoker

1. Add a new weapon that works extremely well with Invoker.
Reworking the Hack axe is something others feel would be inappropriate, as other classes make use of it to employ Thorn builds (i.e. Thorn Barbarians, Thorn Necromancers). To accommodate them, it would be best if Blizzard makes an entirely new weapon that works wonders when used with Invoker. Here is an example for a legendary effect that would work:

Upon taunting an enemy, deal physical damage to all enemies within 15 yards equal to X% of your Thorns.

This effect would allow Provoke to become a staple skill in the Invoker set for more than just attracting enemy attacks, and would significantly improve the set's trash-clearing ability while not significantly impacting its effectiveness against bosses and Rift Guardians. All you'd need to do is find a dense pack of enemies, bunch them up, and then use Provoke to unload a huge amount of damage on everything around you.

2. Update the 6pc effect of Invoker to apply the bonus damage to all enemies hit by your Punish and Slash, not just the first.
This would allow Slash to be a viable option by letting you do some cleave with your Thorns damage, and would acceptably come at a price of using Punish in any real builds. Punish would still be the better option for taking out bosses and Rift Guardians, but Slash would be better if your goal is taking out trash mobs. Plus this would allow for some excellent synergy with the Omnislash belt.

3. Upgrade the 4pc bonus to apply the Barrels of Spikes rune to Bombardment and also increase the Thorns bonus to Bombardment.
Bombardment plays a big part in Invoker by providing damage resistance, but it could also serve as a viable damage source. Modifying the 4pc bonus (or maybe just upgrading the Barrels of Spikes rune) to make Bombardment deadlier would help a lot with the Invoker build's weakness against trash. This one is not as critical or necessary, but would still be worthwhile.

Any discussion on this would be appreciated. It'd also be great if we could get a word or two from the devs.

submitted by /u/darkdill
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Era 9 GR124 2man EU #2 [14:07] w/ Star Pact Wiz

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 09:21 AM PST

Is there any reason why the density of "high density rifts" isn't the baseline?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 02:47 AM PST

I fail to see any downsides.

submitted by /u/IMplyingSC2
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Best leveling areas of Act I | Hardcore

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 09:04 PM PST

Season 12 Video GR 100 clear Demon Hunter n6m4 Sentry Cluster Arrow. Clip from my stream. *Cheers*

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 04:24 PM PST

Considering swapping a passive on Rathma necro

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 02:56 PM PST

Right now I'm running a singularity focused Rathma necro that has both a curse (usually decreptify) and 30 second simulacrum. I'm finding now that I'm pushing well up in to GR 90's that I do very minimal damage outside simulacrum, but have piss poor simu uptime (37% to 46%, depending on number of decreptify stacks).

I'm considering swapping out a passive for blood is power, since that would give me substantially better simu uptime (46% to 57% depending on decreptify stacks) with the damage from simu itself proccing it.

That's really significant. With the way resivoir simulacrum interacts with the shadowhook and singularity, you're doing 4 times the damage for the same number of mages, and I always have more mages up with simu.

But what do I sacrifice for this? If I drop overwhelming essence, I'm losing 12% of both singularity power AND shadowhook power. I'll need to do the math, but I feel like the overall damage will decrease even counting increased simu uptime.

I could also consider dropping final service because let's be honest, it's the worst cheat death in the game killing your command skeletons and a few mages to boot. My 5 topazes in gear currently account for about 9% of my int, so swapping those out for diamonds and relying on surviving.

Is that simu uptime worth that drop in DPS (it will decrease from 9% as I level up paragon and augments too) if I have to still potentially worry about death?

submitted by /u/NICKisICE
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How were the heroes so powerful when the World Stone was still standing?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 02:48 PM PST

We know in Diablo III that the Nephalem are empowered again after the World stone was destroyed.

How come the heroes in D I and DII were able to defeat the prime evils?

submitted by /u/Ekudar
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Looking to play through Diablo 2 again with friends? Join a team now!

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 07:09 AM PST

Hey everyone! I know one of the best memories in Diablo 2 was running through the new ladder reset with a bunch of friends. As the game has gotten older this has been harder and harder to do, but luckily there are still nerds like me who play this game way too often. So! I have created a sign up sheet where you can join up with other players to experience this playthrough one more time.


The reset is on Dec 12th at 7PM CST!! this is when servers go down, and we have no clue when they come back up so be patient. Sometimes it takes 10 minutes, other times it takes a couple of hours.

We will be meeting in my discord channel. I will have voice channels setup for each team on ladder reset day. https://discord.gg/89dNrHy

Now there is a decent chance not everyone on your team shows up at reset. Life gets in the way sometimes, so if this happens I will also have an "alternates" channel where you can go grab people who didn't sign up for a team. Worst case you just run with 1 or 2 less people though. If you wish to be an alternate you can just not sign up now and just be in the discord in that channel when the ladder resets.

If you have any questions let me know!

submitted by /u/MrLlamaSC
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Resource Question

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 04:40 PM PST

I'm currently playing a crusader and looking a good build to maintain wrath. Right now I am working towards getting the last two pieces of Season 12 gear. I have a piece of bis gear mentioned in icy veins builds but nothing to replenish wrath over time when I use Blessed Hammer. Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/thegulo13
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Upgrade two handed maces on Barb or Crusader for higher chance of a good Furnace?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 10:39 AM PST

Was wondering is it better to upgrade two handed maces on Barb or Crusader for a higher chance of a Furnace. Want to keep upgrading until I get a better strength Furnace.

submitted by /u/LeanBrox
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What Char to Team up in HC with a SkelMageNecro?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 08:44 AM PST

My son and I have been running HC GRs on our own and now we wanna team up. I'm rolling a SkelMage Necro, what character best teams/synergizes with my build?

submitted by /u/Armyballer
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What can my friend do to improve his build?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 10:53 AM PST

He is a Demon hunter running the multishot build. He can Solo 84 then he sturggles please in the simplest way possible explain what he could do to improve his build.


Link: https://eu.battle.net/d3/en/profile/iioptikzz-2443/hero/101915322

submitted by /u/KeeponrunningAgility
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Idea for a new Legendary Gem: Bane of Brotherhood

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 02:02 PM PST

looking for speedfarm barb build

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 07:16 AM PST

I found this build and thread from two months ago here on reddit

is this still a good build for speedfarming or do I have to change some things, maybe use a better one, HoTA is great for gr's but it's not really fast, also the build that I linked is using some gold releted stuff but in gr's there is no gold is there some sort of replacement for items and gems if I would like to upgrade legendary gems

submitted by /u/mkkuc
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[PC/EU] Searchin for players to start new seasonal

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 07:04 AM PST

Hey guys,
after a long break, I wanted to get back into the game and start a new seasonal hero. That's why I am searching for someone to play with, who wants to start new as well.
I am playing on PC one the EU Server. We could play in the evening (UTC +1).
BT: VaIcon#2574


submitted by /u/D4rkSentinel
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Hota barb with a question about my followers

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 07:53 AM PST

Which follower should I be using and what gear should they have?? Running t12 solo fyi

submitted by /u/itsvermillion
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Diablo 3 Battle chest on PS4

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 05:45 AM PST


I've recently bought a PS4 console and I already own a digital Diablo III battle chest which I played on my PC. Is there any way I could play it on my console?

submitted by /u/Szesan
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New to diablo3, leveling a HC char with GF. Some questions.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 03:26 AM PST

Hello, currently leveling a Wizard, and having a blast. Really fun to just blow up everything so quick. But tthere's some questions I have.

  • I understand that the actual game, alike other blizzard games(more specifically, WoW), starts at level cap, and I'm not there yet, but I'm hyped for it. But googling around, most of the things I read are about sets, which you seemingly farm, but couldn't quite find where? I suppose it's not an issue until later on, which sort of brings me to another question.

  • Greater rifts, torrments, bounties err, these things are probably googleable, but I'll add it here, if someone can explain them more in context. What are they? will I play campain until level 70 and then go into these things? Is there farming prior to it?

  • Some less related questions to those above, when I compare items in my inventory, it mgiht say 2% damage increase, or 0%, but does these percentages take everything into account? Because it sometimes feels like it doesn't take into account specific ability or elemental bonuses, which are conditional damage increases. And isn't on-hit healing a tad broken? Sitting on about 2-3k per hit with 50k health or so and aoe abilities just heals me from half hp to top instantly. I think I have a decent amount of hp and possibly resistance for my level(48 atm), so it just seems 1 shots(PoE flashbacks) and long CC will kill me. Is this normal?
    Edit: Came to the conclusion that this might only be a good thing while leveling, while I'm still killing things extremely quickly, and maybe offensive stats are more desirable later on?

  • Also, why is there no option for combat text to show EXP gain? It really sucks...

Any further information that would help me is greatly appreciated. I have some time on my hands before I can play again, since we play together.

submitted by /u/licorices
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Future of diablo 3

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 12:40 AM PST

Diablo is currently In maintenance mode, and future patches will most likely only be done to make all the builds as equal as possible so they can leave the game development wise.. Dont expect to see too many future updates, and i dont think that any future classes will be released. ^ These are my opinions ^ What do you people think? Will they fully balance the game and leave it or do you think that there is another future for diablo?

submitted by /u/Sodapuff
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