Besiege Besiege Multiverse Update is LIVE (08/12/2017) - Restart Steam to Find Update

Besiege Multiverse Update is LIVE (08/12/2017) - Restart Steam to Find Update

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 11:21 AM PST

Multiverse is out!

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 11:18 AM PST

The game just updated, and finally, the level editor is here! Hype!

submitted by /u/Jackeea
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I cant work with planes, but I can build killer blimps. 104 bomb square blimp that fits inside the box. 564 parts

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 02:58 PM PST

Welcome to the Multiverse Special Trailer

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 12:46 PM PST

Server for people with no besiege friends

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 02:04 PM PST

Hello - I don't know anyone who plays besiege so if you want to join a server I would be willing to set one up. If there's any interest whilst I'm around I'll start something running. Can't wait for the madness!

submitted by /u/Jonathan8888
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Steam Workshop :: 1/4 Mile Dragstrip

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 11:28 AM PST

robot wars tournament sign-up + rule set

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 12:02 PM PST

hello ladies and gentlemen this tournament will be for Wight classes of ant (16 blocks), beetle (32 blocks) , lightweight (50 blocks) and tournament will start on the first of February 2018 get your entries by the day before by the latest.


-each person can only enter 1 robot per weight category but may enter all weight categories.

-only blocks that come in the base game are allowed no moded items/ mods or anything like that basicly stock stuff only 9the reason is to give everyone a chance keep everyone on a balanced playing field

-no projectiles, bombs, flamethrowers,

-no flying machines or hoverbots

  • you can not enter someone else's machine as your own

the weight categories: in besiege there is a block count. each item is counted as 1 block so the weight limit will basically be a block limit (including the block you start with)

ligthweight :12-16


heavyweight: 45-50

true walkers get + 20 block limit to work with (Walker - A robot whose final drive output rotates through less than 180 degrees (e.g. legs))

a Shufflebot gets + 10 block limit - (A robot that rests on part of its body during the recovery phase of its leg movement.)

clusterbot (A robot which consists of two or more parts (e.g. two half sized robots)) are allowed and do not need to start connected but the combined blocks of all clusters must add up to the same as a normal robot In that category you enter.

the size limit of each catagory is to stop people enter massive things that brake the game (x, y, z)

light weights: 9,9,11

middle weights: 15, 15, 20

heavy weights: 25,25, 50

how fights work: all fights will be 3 minutes long.

you will immediately be declared defeated if your vehicle has been rendered immobile (un-able to move for more then 10 seconds), has entirely left the combat volume e.g been flipped out of the arena.

no robot can hold another robot to a wall, trap or have them tangled for longer then 10 seconds.

If both vehicles are immobilized, the robot that has the capacity to shall be required to release the other robot after a period of ten seconds has elapsed. In cases where neither robot controls mobility, it will go to the judges .

if neither robot has become immobile after the full 3 minutes. 3 judges will score the fight on control, damage, aggression (all fights will be scored out of 15 points)

the tournament will be a knock out tournament. The number of rounds will be determined when i have the full list of bots entered.

you enter any robots to any weight catories by giving a few things: -a link to your steam account
-a team name
-a pic/ vid of the robot/ robots
-name of the robot/robots
- stating with weight category it is for and clearly showing that it does apply to all the rules and such also I will be taking part and give a example entry for any who like Idea of what a entry should look like.

-steam name sirponyalot link below( )
-team name: team cardboard pony
-ant: micro-mare2 (picture link:
-beetle: duck duck goose ( )
-light: tank killer ( )

if you would like to info that is not posted here please pm me i am happy for info and such i am also looking for 5 judges (the judges can have robot competing but can not judge their own fights)

submitted by /u/scorpion1m
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Besiege server thread

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 02:12 PM PST

Just made a reddit account to post this Put your servers here I'll start / port 7777

submitted by /u/teodor6140
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