Heroes of the Storm - Four players shouldn't lose points due to a fully disconnected player.

Four players shouldn't lose points due to a fully disconnected player.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 07:28 AM PST

Just played a match on Towers of Doom in which our mage (Jaina) didn't ever connect into the match post draft. This made it so that the AI, even when pinged, kept doing near suicidal decisions, and in general being easy pickings for the enemy dive heroes (Syvlanas, Illidan, etc). We simply lost because the AI was dead half the time.

Despite that, we played well and it was a fairly lengthy match. Why should the four of us be penalized for one player's negligence to rejoin the match? There ought to be an algorithim that factors in disconnects//timeplayed, thus halving, or removing potentially the points lost for teams without a fifth player. Something like 75% inactive, maybe?

submitted by /u/hungry-space-lizard
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With 2017 having been the Year of new Supports, can 2018 be the year of the villains?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 10:59 AM PST

2017 turned out to be a great year for support players. Many of the old and forgotten supports came back into the meta. We got a bunch of new supports, and support variety has never been better.

Can we do the same thing in 2018 to some of the more forgotten and left behind villains? Bring in an actual villain from overwatch such as Reaper or Sombra, Some burning legion and naga villains from warcraft, Someone besides just Diablo and Azmodan for Diablo demons.

Maybe even clean up and buff some of the more underperforming villains we already have. Arthas still needs a new model. Kerrigan could use some help. Brightwing still needs a few tweaks too.

2017 was a great year for supports. Can 2018 be a great year for us villain fans?

submitted by /u/AnemoneMeer
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While some of us are getting excited for performance-based MMR, the Overwatch team just removed it from Diamond tier and above. Thoughts? Worries? More hype?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 03:07 PM PST

Braxis Praise

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 05:56 AM PST

Just wanted to say how much I liked the brawl this week, in spite of never winning it, not once even coming close. Out of 20 or so attempts, I only had one bad game. I missed out on the non-heroic version and I'm sorry that I did. Please make more of these, Blizzpeople.

submitted by /u/JaxxisR
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meanwhile at our local art museum...

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 03:00 AM PST


here's some additional information. I'm expanding upon my post and submitting again so hopefully the bot won't remove it.

submitted by /u/opaco
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The Distilled Essence of Bronze HL

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 12:27 PM PST

HGC Playbook - a new videos series highlighting pro plays and explaining the context behind them!

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 05:48 AM PST

Hey everyone,

With great pleasure I want to share a new video project I've been working on for a while now. In HGC Playbook we take a look at key moments and exciting plays from the various HGC regions and explain them in a bit more detail.

For the first episode, we follow TheOne's HUGO (HGC China) and watch him wreak havoc on Illidan by stalling his Level 10 Heroic choice on purpose only to reveal it during an actual team fight.

Here's the link to the footage on YouTube:


For future episodes, we'll also include plays from NA, EU, and KR. If you have any plays that you think are worth highlighting, make sure to tweet @HeroesEsports and use the Hashtag #HGC or #HGCPlaybook

Enjoy the video and see you soon on the next HGC Playbook!

submitted by /u/KendricSwissh
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Anyone else want a PvE Throne of Destruction brawl for when Baal enters the Nexus?

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 07:01 AM PST

I think it would make for another cool PvE brawl, have the first section be the worldstone keep and the second part be the throne of destruction spawning all the waves from the original, and at the end you fight whatever version of Baal they end up implementing, except bigger and stronger.

submitted by /u/Odin527
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"Finally, an Alarak Megakill!" (feat. Ana)

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 07:23 AM PST

Perhaps, the silenced icon needs to dissappear

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 09:37 AM PST

I was just in a QM game leveling up a hero, when I was placed with a silenced player. All was going pretty standard until about 6 mins on blackhearts bay, and we enough coins to turn in. The silenced player whom was playing jaina, was in a lane soaking as the enemy team was level 7, and we were about 8/9th s? of level 6 and we need that last bit of xp. Our kerrigan engages despite this and her ETC friend followed to save her. They immediately start pinging the silenced player who after getting level 7 was on his way, they then called for everyone to report the silenced player for non participation and abusive chat so that "he can stay silenced". Jaina then pretty much laned most of the game and unsurprisingly we lost soon after. But we had half a fort to their 2 forts so it wasn't like a complete stomp.

My problem with this is, the jaina was doing the correct play of soaking and the team blamed him for it. Sure, he should have joined us and he did non participate afterwards, but this wasn't until after he was bullied and reported for it anyway. People who turn of chat don't have an Icon that says they can't chat, so I'm not sure why silenced players have an icon above them letting people know they're silenced. Right now it seems like an outlet for people to be toxic to these players, and then they tilt and throw, creating a cycle in which toxic players will bully silenced players and believe that their toxicity is justified because the player was silenced.

submitted by /u/ReinhardtEichenvalde
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Showerthought about the Alex & Hanzo cinematic

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 02:52 AM PST

Since the duel between them seems to be her testing him: Is she taking him through the Nexus tutorial?

Does that mean the last hero in takes the next through their tutorial?

What unlikely pairings would that have brought about that would be cool to see in a cinematic?

submitted by /u/Skore_Smogon
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Lucio Talents and Gameplay Guide

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 11:15 AM PST

Tempo Storm Kala - Coaching - Master Greymane

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 12:49 PM PST

Medivh’s Masters touch needs to be baseline or removed.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 07:18 AM PST

This is my credential As Medivh player. Can we talk about this frustrating talent, it feels mandatory and is obviously a talent trap, I do not understand why we have Masters touch and arcane charge at the same tier, one rewards for not dying the other rewards for hitting. I loathe Masters touch with a passion, since I have no true choices at level seven, I'm sure blizzard is looking at him for some rework, but this can be made sooner rather than later, it would have minor implications for him and make his talent tier feel more free for personal choice.

Can we also make "bird's eye view" on this trait as a D button instead?

Edit: I am not saying Master touch is hard, im saying its too good and must be taken, its not a question of difficulty completing it, but Mandatory!

submitted by /u/Gremob
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Queen of Ghosts Kerrigan – Character, Abilities and Quotes Lore

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 09:02 AM PST

Hey folks,

This week we'll be doing the last of our legendary skins relevant to StarCraft lore, Queen of Ghosts Kerrigan. Previously we went over Maraudin' Muradin and Infested Tychus, and sadly others like Mecha Tassadar don't have enough lore content to really get into. Queen of Ghosts is a bit odd though because unlike the other two which could reasonably fit into the StarCraft timeline, this one is a completely alternate universe. So we'll talk a bit about ghosts, go over Kerrigan's deinfestation, and then get into the special parts of the skin itself.

All previous Lore Of episodes

Ghosts in the Shadows

If you've played Heroes, you've run into plenty of ghosts. Aside from Kerrigan, Nova is an immensely powerful ghost agent, and they show up as the caster minions on the Braxis Holdout and Warhead Junction maps. But you may not know their history.

In StarCraft, the evolutionary path of all species leads to one of two "purities" as established by the xel'naga (creatures that form universes and passively generate life), purity of essence, capacity for great change, or purity of form, great psionic potential. Many species never achieve these, dying off or having that path atrophy before they could reach it. Some of them unlock one of those paths through their own genetic manipulation. Such was the case for humanity.

On Earth, the chaos of the 21st century after the complete destruction of communism lead to a period of geopolitical upheaval where businesses that practiced unrestrained genetic manipulation thrived, allowing humans to "perfect" themselves in what ways they saw fit. This manipulation also lead to unlocking the atrophied path for humanity that allowed some of them to use their minds to manipulate the world around them; psionics. Such a discovery shocked many humanist groups, and unrest, chaos, and terrorist actions broke out across the globe. With many nations on the verge of collapse, the former first world nations banded together into the United Powers League, established a one-world government (aside from some holdouts), and unofficially enacted a mandate named the "divinity of Mankind," semi-secretly forcing those considered genetically impure or deviant into concentration camps or just outright killing them. When 40,000 of these prisoners were horded into four ships and sent across the galaxy as part of an experiment (and overshot their intended target), the ships' supercomputer ATLAS noted that the manipulations that allowed for psionics were among the crew, and they would be in the genome of these Koprulu terrans within a few generations.

As the terrans who arrived in the Koprulu sector made their governments, they found that this psionic gene indeed manifested among some of them. The largest of the three terran governments, the Terran Confederacy, made a military program named the Ghost Program in the attempt to keep these psionics under their control. Those born with these gifts would be forced in the program, hunted down by low level psionics named wranglers who couldn't manifest powers but could sense the power of those around them. They would then be taken from their families, indoctrinated, put through a four-year Ghost Academy, and turned into deadly special operatives who could kill the enemies of the Confederacy covertly. To control them, many ghosts had their memories wiped regularly, and some like Kerrigan were given neural blockers and surgeries to limit their power.

Ghosts are combat experts and elite agents, skilled in most forms of weapons. Their most iconic weapon is the C-10 Canister Rifle, a sniper rifle that that can down most biological targets with deadly accuracy. The C-10 can be outfitted with a variety of rounds, including lockdown rounds that can shut down a single machine, or EMP rounds to disable the systems and shields of enemies in a small radius. The C-10 is also outfitted with a laser tracking device, which allows ghosts to "paint" targets for a tactical nuclear strike. Some elite ghosts, like Nova are outfitted with more advanced weapons, like the C-20A Canister Rifle, a much more powerful and flexible weapon.

Ghosts themselves are outfitted with a hostile environment suit, a lightweight and lightly armored skinsuit. Inside the suit is a Moebius Reactor, which powers a personal cloaking field. This refracts light in order to make the ghost literally disappear from sight. This makes the primary uses for ghosts assassination, reconnaissance, espionage, and intelligence gathering; missions that require a more subtle specialized hand.

The Terran Dominion, after toppling the Confederacy, took over the Ghost Program, but used it much the same to deal with its enemies both domestic and abroad, assassinating anyone who disagreed with the will of their emperor Arcturus Mengsk. Some attempts were made to improve ghosts with terrazine gas, but this made ghosts both unstable and immune to mind wipes, and these "spectres" that weren't killed rebelled against their commanders. After the death of Arcturus Mengsk, his son Valerian Mengsk reformed the Ghost Program, allowing agents to voluntary leave and loosening the forced recruitment policy.

The Bladed Ghost

The full story of Kerrigan is a long one, and if people want to check it out I have a whole story here. This section will focus on the deinfestation of Kerrigan, and the deviation from the timeline that made the Queen of Ghosts.

Through the conflict of the sector, a renegade xel'naga (creators of the protoss and zerg and progenitors of all life in the universe) that took the name Samir Duran manipulated the Terran Dominion and Jim Raynor in order to assemble a xel'naga relic named the Keystone, proposing it to the terrans as a way to undo infestation, playing on Jim's love for Kerrigan. This relic could convert matter, information, and energy between one another, and was initially a device used to lead sufficiently advanced races to awaken the xel'naga. However, Duran manipulated the device to absorb zerg biomatter and convert it to energy, and with sufficient energy he could bring his fallen xel'naga master Amon back into the material universe. Using his guise as Doctor Emil Narud of the Moebius Foundation (a terran science group), he led Raynor and the Dominion's crown prince Valerian Mengsk to use the Keystone on the zerg on Char, killing the majority of the broods and absorbing the energy of an infested Kerrigan. The resulting blast left her mostly human, though traces of zerg mutagen remained, manifesting physically in her zerg-like hair.

Raynor and Valerian took Kerrigan off Char, but were pursued by Arcturus Mengsk and the majority of the Dominion fleet, who used spies in their ranks to keep in their tail. They sought sanctuary with Duran/Narud and his Moebius Foundation, who instead took the Keystone and turned on them, letting Mengsk's fleet surround them and releasing experimental protoss/zerg hybrids on them in an attempt to remove Kerrigan as a complication. The group slipped out of the base and past the blockade, retreating to the terran nation of the Umojan Protectorate (a science based confederation constantly in a cold war with the Dominion). They tested Kerrigan to make sure there was little zerg mutagen left in her system and see if she wasn't the same murderess she has been in the past.

This is where the timeline diverges. Queen of Ghosts is Kerrigan if the Keystone manages to remove all the infestation from Kerrigan rather than just most of it. It appears because of this, the terrans were more readily willing to have her as an ally, something that canonically many feared was a mistake. Queen of Ghosts Kerrigan was outfitted with Umojan technology as well as designs from Valerian's chief weapons specialist Reigel (part of the Nova Covert Ops campaign), giving her a ghost hostile environment suit, and back blades that can pulse energy, as well as powerful capacitors that can surround her with energy and a massive robotic ultralisk, lovingly named the "robolisk." Her hair is tied back in a ponytail, similar to how it was when she was human in StarCraft 1.

Another variant in the timeline was the disappearance of Raynor. In the main timeline, a few weeks after they arrive in the Umojan Protectorate the Dominion sent Nova Terra with a force to capture Raynor and Kerrigan. Kerrigan escaped, but Nova cornered Raynor and nonfatally shot the him, incapacitating him and imprisoning him on one of their most secret prison ships, the Moros. However, Mengsk reported that Jim had died, causing Kerrigan to return to the Zerg Swarm in an attempt to get revenge on the emperor. In this timeline it appears that never happened, and the two work side by side to bring down Mengsk without the help of the zerg.

This skin also appears to be in the same universe as Infested Tychus, according to some of her quotes.


Not too much appears to be changed in the kit of Queen of Ghosts Kerrigan that's lore relevant. Her bone-like abilities have been replaced with metal terran spikes that change color depending on the skin, and her energy appears to be more blue than purple. The white sleek look of her armor and mount (Ghost Speeder) are the common Umojan motif, which is very white and sterile.

  • R2: Ultralisk – The ultralisk here is referred to as a "robolisk," and is a robotic zerg. In canon robotic "zerg-bots" appear in the Ghost Academy manga as one of the training exercises for Dominion ghosts, but they were limited to zerglings, hydralisks and defilers. In Co-op Missions, Stukov uses an ultralisk outfitted with thor armor named the Apocalisk, which while not a robot has robotic elements to it.
Poke Quotes

StarCraft 1 terran Kerrigan quotes

StarCraft II terran Kerrigan quotes

"Lieutenant Kerrigan reporting." – One of her StarCraft 1 select quotes. Kerrigan was a lieutenant in Arcturus Mengsk's revolutionary group the Sons of Korhal before he abandoned her to the zerg during their final attack on the Confederate capitol of Tarsonis.

"What now?" – One of her StarCraft 1 select quotes.

"Magistrate. I mean, commander. Wait, what do I call you again?" – In the StarCraft 1 terran campaign, the player is the former magistrate of the colony of Mar Sara, who defects to the Sons of Korhal and becomes a commander for them. Nobody knows what happened to that character in universe, but this is a poke that you as a player were that same character. Interestingly Kerrigan never met the magistrate before they were in the Sons of Korhal, so she always referred to them as "commander," though she was on Mar Sara investigating the colony when they were acting as magistrate.

"Still easily amused, huh?" – One of Kerrigan's SC1 poke quotes is "easily amused, huh?" Her infested Heroes character has a similar poke quote.

"I'm just glad Jim decided to help me take the fight to Mengsk. Can't imagine what I'd do without him." – Raynor and Kerrigan both want to bring down the Emperor of the Terran Dominion Arcturus Mengsk, who they helped defeat the Terran Confederacy before he abandoned Kerrigan to the zerg. This is a poke to how things unfold in Heart of the Swarm, where Mengsk captures Raynor and puts out a report saying he was killed, causing Kerrigan to return to the Zerg Swarm and reinfest herself in her quest to get revenge.

"The goggles? Yeah, they do nothing." – A reference to the old The Simpsons quote My eyes! The goggles do nothing!"

"It's been a while since I wore a hostile environment suit. When did they get all of these glowing lines?" – Hostile environment suits are the skintight armor ghosts wear to provide some protection while they infiltrate. Between StarCraft 1 and StarCraft II they changed the design a bit, and terran Kerrigan's suit in Heart of the Swarm was always wildly different (and much tighter) than the other suits, also having glowing lines on them, very helpful for stealth.

"Never had much love for Valerian, but I have to admit, his boys in the lab whipped up some neat toys. Remind me to thank that Reigel guy when I get a chance." – Valerian Mengsk is Arcturus Mengsk's son and the Crown Prince of the Terran Dominion (later Emperor), who helped Raynor use the Keystone to "redeem" Kerrigan both as a means to prove he was a better man than his father and also to help fulfill a xel'naga prophecy that said she was the key to adverting the end times. Reigel is Valerian Mengsk's weapons technician, a brilliant scientist who helped Nova during the Nova Covert Ops campaign and served as her weapons engineer and tactical advisor. He later abandoned the Dominion with Nova, becoming vigilantes who defend the Dominion outside of the chain of command.

"Considering how much they spent on these wings, you think they could have sprung for a cloaking device." – Ghosts use personal cloaking devices to sneak through enemy lines, but since she's based off of the Primal Kerrigan kit, Queen of Ghosts Kerrigan has no cloaking abilities.

"Reminds me of an old academy joke. What do you call a ghost who's not invisible? A corpse." – Ghosts are very lightly armored, and in-game have low health and die quickly to any amount of damage. Ghost Academy is the four-year program ghosts go through to master their psionic abilities, something not all ghosts pass or even survive. Also to explain the joke, ghosts and corpses are both dead things.

"It is nice to be human again, but you really can't make up your mind, can you Blizzard? What's next, a xel'naga? That'd be hilarious." – A continuation of the Heroes Kerrigan poke quote "Wait, aren't I supposed to be human now? Make up your mind Blizzard. Human, zerg, human, zerg, pick one!" Later in Legacy of the Void, Kerrigan's arc concludes when the xel'naga Ouros gives her his essence as she has both purify of form and essence, turning her into a xel'naga. Using this new power, she kills the xel'naga Amon, and assumingly takes Raynor away to live with her in the Void. A lot of people thought it was silly her xel'naga form was a fiery angel, but since the xel'naga are shapeshifters I always assumed she took the form terrans see as "godlike," with flaming angels being not uncommon in the Judeo-Christian mythology the Koprulu Sector terrans still had.

"You look stressed. Got something on your mind? …Uh, remind me not to ask you that again." – Kerrigan is a telepath, so she can read the thoughts of those around her. Quite often she doesn't like what she finds, including the rather sexual thoughts Jim Raynor had upon first meeting her.

"Yes, the idea of a robotic ultralisk is completely crazy. But have you seen how cool it looks?" – Ultralisks are large, and likely impractical to replicate for robotic design, but the Dominion using zerg robots is canon in StarCraft, and part of the Dominion's methods for training ghosts.

"It's not hair by the way, it's a series of tubes." – A reference to the American senator Ted Stevens in his attempt to oppose net neutrality back in 2006, where he described the internet as a "series of tubes." This became a meme for a while afterwards.

"I AM THE SWARM! Oh, sorry. It's a little tough getting the thoughts of an entire alien race out of your head, you know? EVOLVE, SURVIVE! Ugh, this is going to take a while." – The zerg are a hive mind, connected to one another, with Kerrigan at the top when she was the Queen of Blades. "I am the Swarm" was used by Kerrigan in the Heart of the Swarm opening and campaign, and "Evolve, survive" are two tenants of the Swarm's core philosophy.

Interaction Quotes

For the most part I won't go over quotes that are the same as her normal skins, or ones that basically mean the same thing. If you want to see her normal quotes, check out my thread on it.

(To Generic) Kerrigan: "Once Mengsk is dead, you're next." – After her deinfestation, Kerrigan was driven by a desire to kill Arcturus Mengsk, the man who used her to help him overthrow the Confederacy then abandoned her to the zerg. Kerrigan was also on the ghost team that killed his family. During Heart of the Swarm, Kerrigan finally gets her revenge on Mengsk with the help of Raynor, killing him with a psionic blast.

(To Abathur) Kerrigan: "Wow, you'd think I'd remember something like you." – When Kerrigan became human, she lost a lot of her memories as the Queen of Blades. This seems to be selective memory loss however, as she still remembers a lot of the protoss, the UED invasion and a lot of other major events and characters from her time as a zerg (though it's assumed she regained a lot of memories from her assistant Izsha). However, in the campaign she initially loses all memories of Abathur, even though they worked closely to evolve the Swarm between SC1 and SC2 and he was the one that modified her into a zerg.

(To Abathur) Kerrigan: "I'm not your queen. Get it through your exoskeleton." – Queen of Ghosts Kerrigan is human, and refuses to command the Zerg Swarm, but the zerg still seem to recognize her as their ruler.

(To Artanis) Kerrigan: "Artanis, is that you? Someone's been taking his vitamins." – At this point in the timeline last time Artanis and Kerrigan met was during the Brood War. In Brood War, Artanis's model was very different during SC1, being much skinnier and not wearing any armor.

(To Artanis) Kerrigan: "Just be glad I'm not the Queen of Blades, I've seen her around here you know. " – A poke at the multidimensional aspect of the Nexus, where Kerrigan usually shows up in her Queen of Blades form.

(To Dehaka) Kerrigan: "What are you? Some sort of dinosaur zerg? " / "No way, I know I'd remember someone as weird as you. " – Kerrigan only met Dehaka after returning to the Swarm after Raynor was captured by Mengsk, so in the Queen of Ghosts timeline she never invaded Zerus and met Dehaka. The primal zerg are supposed to be more dinosaur like than their more insect Swarm counterparts.

(To Infested Tychus) Kerrigan: "Tychus? Ew, god. What did they do to you? " / "Well, this is ironic." – Infested Tychus and Queen of Ghosts Kerrigan seem to be from the same timeline, where she becomes fully human. Tychus tried to kill Kerrigan as part of a deal he made with Mengsk, and instead was killed by Raynor. The irony is she is human now and he is zerg. The first quote may also be a reference to Raynor's first quote upon seeing infested Kerrigan, "mother of god… Kerrigan what have they done to you?"

(To Murky) Kerrigan: "Hold on, is one of our teammates a fish? Who do we report this to?" – Murky being small and weak doesn't exactly look like someone you'd fight beside. Also a jab that the Nexus is heroes fighting each other eternally, but they don't know who organizes it (in what little "plot" the game has).

(To Murky) Kerrigan: "You're alright kid, stick with me." – Kerrigan is telepathic, so she can read the thoughts of Murky and understand him. Both of them are driven by vengeance, Murky against Warcraft adventurers (player characters) and Kerrigan against Mengsk.

(To Nova) Kerrigan: "Hmmm, you look familiar, should I know you?" – Nova and Kerrigan never directly met, but their interactions are rather catty toward one another, Kerrigan rubbing in she was the better ghost, more powerful psionic and here the more recognized character.

Kerrigan: "It's you and me Jim, you ready?" Raynor: "Always." – In this timeline Raynor and Kerrigan both are on the same side, fighting against Mengsk without the help of the zerg. The inflection Raynor says "Always" in is similar to how he said it in Brood War in response to Kerrigan's comment "Still suspicious of my motives, Jimmy?"

Kerrigan: "I am not your enemy Tassadar, things have changed." Tassadar: "Yes, you radiate a purple glow now, how very different." – This one's a bit funny that it's unchanged, since Kerrigan only radiates a purple glow when she became the Primal Queen of Blades. Here she just radiates some blue energy.

(To Tychus) Kerrigan: "Well, now I'm kinda glad you end up infested." – Kerrigan seems to be from a timeline where the Infested Tychus skin happens.

(To Zagara) Kerrigan: "Zagara. If you're as tough and mean as I remember, this should be easy." – Zagara was the first Broodmother, subcommanders of Kerrigan who helped her command the zerg broods, and Kerrigan's second in command.

(To Zerg) Kerrigan: "Keep your claws away! I've had enough of the zerg for one lifetime." / "I'm done with you, go find a new queen." – When she was human in Heart of the Swarm, Kerrigan had a fear that controlling the zerg would lead her back into what she was before, a murderess. Though she did go back to the zerg canonically, here she abstained and remained human.

Kill Quotes

Abathur: "What was that thing?" – As mentioned Kerrigan had a selective memory about what parts of the Swarm she remembered after she was deinfested. In the campaign, one thing she forgets is the existence of Abathur, who she worked with to improve the Swarm after the Brood War and who shaped her into the Queen of Blades.

Prince Character: "A lot of bratty princes around here." – Likely a jab at Valerian Mengsk, who helped her become uninfested, and was initially rather stuck up and conceded.

Kerrigan: "Better you than me." – Kerrigan seems aware there are other Kerrigans in the Nexus (as shown in her Artanis quote).

Leoric: "Now you go be a ghost for a while." – When Leoric dies, he turns into a ghost. Kerrigan is in this iteration a ghost agent.

Nova: "I wear it better, blondie." – Both Nova and Kerrigan wear ghost hostile environment suits. Kerrigan wore it first though, and was the more powerful ghost and more well known character.

Protoss: ""Have fun in the Khala, or whatever you have now." – The Khala is the mind link of thoughts, emotions and memories all Khalai protoss shared between one another. In Legacy of the Void, this mind link is seized by the fallen xel'naga Amon in order to control all protoss connected to it, and in the end of the campaign the Khala was destroyed when enough protoss severed themselves from it. With nothing to inhabit, Amon's consciousness was pushed back into the Void, the home dimension of the xel'naga. To date nothing has replaced it, though the robotic Purifiers (protoss AI with the personalities of past heroes) have a data web that was supposed to replicate the Khala, but only they can use it.

Raynor: "Jim? No, I would never!" – Raynor and Kerrigan are in love, and in this part of the timeline she is fully human and sees him as the one person who believed in her even when the rest of the universe hated her (swearing to kill her and attempting several times to kill her notwithstanding).

Sylvanas: "That's what you get for cramping my style." – The stories of Sylvanas and Kerrigan are often compared, both being defenders of their race, corrupted by their enemy against their will and twisted to serve them, freed from their enslaver's control, and then brought up to lead the very faction that corrupted them. Kerrigan is poking fun at the fact that was her story first. Also Kerrigan here is the Queen of Ghosts, and Sylvanas is the Banshee Queen (thanks u/Soul_in_Shadow for pointing that out)

Terran: "Never get in the way of a ghost on a mission." – Ghosts are feared by terrans of the Koprulu Sector, with the Dominion Marine Corps Combat Handbook noting that no one unit provides more anxiety to terrans than "ghost" (though that's likely propaganda). Stealthy, skilled and merciless, ghosts can kill without the enemy even knowing they were there.

Zeratul: "Zeratul..." – While it's a lot to be taken from one word, given the inflection I took this as a now human Kerrigan expressing regret for the torture she put him through, manipulating him forcing him to kill his own Matriarch Raszagal in order to free her from her control.

Zerg: "Weird being on the other side of this." – Kerrigan used to be ruler of the zerg, but in this timeline she's back to terran. However, hunting and killing splinter is nothing new to Kerrigan, and she fought the entire Brood War against the renegade zerg, first controlled by cerebrates trying to make a new Overmind then the United Earth Directorate who took control of the Overmind.

Other Quotes

"I'm waiting on you." / "I gotcha." / "Thinking the same thing." / "I read ya, heh." / "It'd be a pleasure." – Quotes from her StarCraft 1 ghost unit.

"I'm back." / "I gotcha." / "Pushing ahead." / "Sweeping." / "Covering ground." / "Work to be done." / "Right." / "One woman army." / "Target identified." / "Time for some payback." – Quotes from her StarCraft II ghost unit.

"This one's mine." / "Press the attack." – Quotes from StarCraft II Kerrigan as the "terran queen" of the Zerg Swarm (after she takes over the zerg but before she becomes the Primal Queen of Blades).

"Saw this in a holo once." – Holos are the terran equivalent of films, holograms that are made to tell a story. Korhal is the cultural center of holos, where most of them are made and produced.

"Really missing that zerg regeneration thing right now." – In-game, zerg will very slowly recover health on all of their units and structures. Some zerg, like the roach, have accelerated regeneration.

"It's been a while." – Fully human Kerrigan hasn't been seen since the first terran campaign of StarCraft 1 back in 1998, though she was very different from what we see here.

"We're security detail, keep our ally alive." – Ghosts do a variety of jobs, including escorting VIPs.


Queen of Ghosts Kerrigan's base and first two skins match the Ghost Speeder, a mount released at the same time as this skin was.

  • Vespene – Vespene gas is one of the most valued resources in the Koprulu Sector, being a mix of hydrocarbons that creates the most plentiful high performance fuel in the galaxy. All three races require the gas: terrans use it to power their advanced ships and armor, zerg use it to produce advanced chemical reactions that allow for greater mutations, and protoss process it to power advanced warp-ins of heavier weapons and ships. They are mined from a geyser, which has a structure placed on top of it, then allowing a worker to collect from it. In-game, vespene gas is one of two resources players must collect (the other being minerals) and it allows players to build more advanced units. Kerrigan's tint here is green like the gas.

  • Cruel – The color scheme of Kerrigan's suit is similar to Asuka Soryu's suit from the anime series Evangelion, a show Heroes often references in its skins. The name is likely a reference to the theme song of the show "A Cruel Angel's Thesis."

  • MEKA – This skin changes Queen of Ghosts Kerrigan to have D.Va's color scheme, with a blue hostile environment suit, and pink blades and hair. Her face has the two pink painted "whiskers" D.Va also has. MEKA is the name of the combat walker D.Va uses. The symbols on her shoulder are a mix of D.Va's bunny symbol and a zerg hydralisk.

  • Templar – The Templar Caste is the warrior caste of the Khalai protoss society, those protoss who inhabited Aiur and were connected to the Khala. Artanis and Tassadar are two members of this caste. This skin changes Kerrigan's suit to be gold like most Khalai protoss armor, with blue highlights on her wings which is similar to their psionic energy. Her skin is more grey and eyes are blue much like a protoss, and her dreadlocks are colored to seem more like the solid nerve cords of the protoss, which they use to connect to the Khala.

That's all for this week! Next week is our last episode for this series, Zagara, Broodmother of the Swarm. After that we'll have done every episode possible for StarCraft related characters, skins and battlegrounds in the Nexus, every week since shortly after Stukov. Hope you all have liked this series so far an enjoy its last episode, I know it's been fun for me to do. See you all next week!

submitted by /u/Subsourian
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Best Brawl ever! Last weeks Brawl was a challenge. Challenge I want.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 04:19 PM PST

PvE brawl as a feature to stay. That is my vote.

submitted by /u/ChaosABC
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This game's lack of an in-depth tutorial is no bueno

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 04:13 PM PST


So like everyday there's a post on this sub about players not knowing how to do something, approaching an issue incorrectly, not knowing how to press advantages, not knowing how to use certain controls or use certain mechanics, not knowing how bad deaths are, etc etc etc.

I'm more and more convinced that this is a failure on the game's part, particularly in its lack of a tutorial to teach players how things work.

MOBAs are complicated, they've completely transcended their roots of a "casual mode of an RTS" and have developed into their own genre with their own depth and mechanics. It's more than fair to say they've garned themselves their own bonafied genre of competitive video gaming.

So where the hell am I supposed to learn how to play the game? The tutorial teaches you like....how to read the fucking descriptions and what killing a character looks like. After that you're basically on your own and forced to play the game with randoms who each have their own levels of mastery. Its not like its their job to teach me, and there's no tutorial or centralized pool of knowledge for new players to draw from. So...where?

Please Blizzard, you need to do it. At the very least, the tutorial needs to take players through a full game from start to finish, explain what happens in each "phase" and typical approach from the gates opening to a core being destroyed. The lack of accessible information is why after several years of your game being alive, the average knowledge level of your player base is so lacking in the fundamentals department.

submitted by /u/noahboah
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To diamond with Li Li

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 05:49 PM PST

Hey, im that lvl 200 Li Li, remember?

In my lvl 200 thread many of you accused me of ruining league matches just to lvl up. Well, i just went from plat 5 to diamond this season with playing just her exclusively. So, in your face, i guess? you adventureless meanies.

All that with "the worst healer", "the most useless pick", "random heals" or "the most boring hero". Neat hah?



(that auriel and rehgar are two games, where enemies picked or banned li li)

submitted by /u/Radiatorcz
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A sheet of the races and factions represented in Heroes of the Storm

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 03:15 AM PST

I was bronze at the end of 2nd season in May. Made it to platinum!

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 02:38 AM PST

Proof: https://i.imgur.com/j6ZwfZ0.png

So, tips... since people always want tips for getting out of bronze/silver, here's things i've put into practice that have helped me get out of those ranks:

  • Pick up those green orbs. Seriously. Kill the minion that drops them during fights to heal your team, grab them during fights if you see them. Don't dive towers to get them, but be sure to always get them. If you're at half mana, avoiding engagements and picking up two wave's worth of globes will get you back up pretty high.

  • Save your healing fountain taps for objectives. If you get hit hard in BoE, hearth. However, don't hearth if you're giving up solo lane exp - never hearth if it means you're losing soak. Play it safe and ask for a rotation if you'll losing soak by hearthing.

  • That brings me to soak - up to level 7, keep a hero in all lanes. That means if there's you're 3 mid and you notice top move out to do a camp or they die, you go pick up their lane until they can come back.

  • Part of soaking means taking out minions on your way to the objective. You're bot on shrines and the top shrine spawns? Finish your lane, and if mid is empty, kill the ranged minions on the way up. Killing ranged minions and NOT melee minions will stack a wave and passively push it while you're busy elsewhere.

  • Learn to draft. Play unranked. Watch HGC. Look at guides like psalm's map priority guide. Some heroes are stronger on maps than others. Some heroes synergize well. When it comes to drafting, synergy is way more important than a counter. Don't pick a counter to the enemy team unless you get a synergy out of it.

  • Be strong or at least competent in every role. No, not specialist. Offlaner, Ranged DPS, Tank, Support. If you want to get even pickier, as you learn to draft you can go further down the rabbit hole and learn when you need burst or sustain support. Then there's dive, poke, burst, or sustain damage. Warriors are not just bruisers and tanks. They all have things they are good at and things they are not good at. Learning to draft the right tank against the enemy comp, or for your own comp is pretty crucial.

  • Learn how to punish mistakes. If you kill four of the enemy team, it doesn't matter if your entire team of 5 is half or mostly dead. You push. You grab camps. Press your advantage or it may as well have never existed.

  • Learn to end the game. Again, if you are at level 20 and so is your opponent, and you kill 3 of them with a keep of theirs down - the game is over. Make it happen. Learn when it won't, like if your team is stupid - but if you're in the dragon knight or terror, just go kill the damn core.

submitted by /u/superradish
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Just in case anyone was curious, I calculated the odds for getting a specific piece of loot in a loot chest based on rarity.

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 08:38 PM PST

So, let's say a new skin comes out or an existing mount exists that you really want but don't have the shards to craft. The odds below are calculated based on the odds of receiving a particular rarity item and then the odds of getting the exact one you want in a single loot chest. (this is without event skins, event mounts, event sprays, gem only skins, default items, and promotional items)

Common - .2693% or 1 in 371

Rare - .1862% or 1 in 537

Epic - .0564% or 1 in 1773

Legendary - .0231% or 1 in 4323

And if you didn't care about tint than you would multiply the percentage by the number of tints that would be acceptable. For a frame of reference the odds of a 20 reel slot machine is 1 in 8000. If anyone is interested in the math behind it I can pull up my work.

submitted by /u/Jaxster37
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Valeera, by Prywinko

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 09:43 PM PST

Well played and Funny Moments #140

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 05:53 PM PST

AlexDidz "Reworking the Roles" - Making drafting a better, more intelligent experience

Posted: 08 Dec 2017 04:20 PM PST

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