Fortnite Daily Llama Thread 22/Dec/2017 - It's a Llama llama

Daily Llama Thread 22/Dec/2017 - It's a Llama llama

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 04:01 PM PST

Hello Storm Chasers! Today's Daily Llama can be found below posted by /u/stormshieldonebot in the comments below!

How likely is a Llama to show up?

Llama - Click for details Percent
Ranged 33%
Weapon 18%
People 13%
Trap 12%
Melee 10%
Legendary Troll Stash 3%
Super Ranged 3%
Super People 3%
Super Hero 3%
Super Melee 1%
Legendary Troll Truck 1%

Source - Storm Shield One

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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My dad’s friend works at Epic Games. He dropped by and gave me this cap as a gift

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 01:26 PM PST

Fortnite's Winter Olympics - "Stone" Skipping event

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 06:25 AM PST

Will there ever be clans?

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 12:50 PM PST

As the title says, having clans will make it more easy to team up.

submitted by /u/TopSloth
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Do you think the game is moving in the right direction to make purchasing it justifiable?

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 09:33 AM PST

I know this answer is subjective but still want to hear some experienced player's opinions...I'm fairly new to the standard edition (code was given to me). I'm enjoying the game and am considering buying the limited upgrade for half off, which would be $55. But I also just finished Stonewood and it seems that the game turns more into work during/after Plankerton.

During the recent update they added new ways to get loot like the snowflake tickets and seasonal gold, which a lot of people are applauding, but I dont really have the experience to compare it to before the update. So for me it, it feels like I'm progressing somewhat quickly and with minimal grind. And now there seems to be plenty of options in terms of gaining what is required to progress in game.

Basically I don't mind paying for the game (with it's current 50% discount) if it remains as much fun as Stonewood, and to support a developer that appears to listen to it's players opinions. But I also don't want to support a P2W system and find myself feeling like the fun may run out soon (based on my current status of the game).

Sorry if this was asked a million times but I guess I feel that my decision needs to be made relatively soon because the discount is the only way I'll make the purchase. So if they continue to implement ways to progress without eventually needing to buy llamas or feel like I have to work to have fun, I'm in. But if you feel that is the nature of the game, and that after Christmas time it's back to buying llamas exclusively thru v bucks and the grind becomes unbearable, I'm out.


submitted by /u/Raiser2256
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A Special Fortnite PvE Experience: n0VaGER's Jump 'n' Fun Obstacle Course

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 11:49 AM PST

Check out the teaser I made for this parcour:

Fortnite provides well working movement mechanics (despite stamina flaws). Take the journey and discover new sides of this game. Be aware that it's challenging and may teach you a lesson in patience. Only the best of the best will make it to the end, but the experience is worth it.

I had so much fun in creating both the parcour and video. Testing it sounds boring but it was actually pretty enjoyable to see what's working and what's not. Each obstacle is unique and it feels like there are endless possibilities.

Thanks to:

  • Bipka for being my stunt double and making this video possible :)
  • Ridentlor for reminding me how cool custom made "platformers" are
  • moonteryJack and ThatsAmazing for completing all stages (including bonus) without throwing their PCs out of the window :)
  • Many testers helping me to make it a much more enjoyable experience.

Add me ingame or via Epic Games Launcher if you want to try it out for yourself.

If you like challenges you'll like it.


submitted by /u/n0VaGER
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Epic, would you please consider

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 02:10 PM PST

Also discounting the Ultimate Edition for all the fans who already bought the Legendary Edition? Make it a merry Christmas for the fans as you guys enter the year the game is set to go f2p.

submitted by /u/StuckOnPandora
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Is the Founder Packs Worth it at this Point?

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 09:21 PM PST

I've just started playing this game today and I've really enjoyed it. I was thinking about getting a founders pack, possibly the "Super Deluxe" one which is on sale for $44.99 on PlayStation right now, but I see that the "Save the World" Campaign will be free in 2018. So my question is, with it being so close to 2018 now, should I just wait for it to be free? And even if the game is free soon is the other stuff in the pack worth it anyways?

submitted by /u/UltimateBooDog
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Staggered = Knockback?

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 05:15 PM PST

I have Mr. Red, which has "good knockback potential." It also does +15% Damage to stunned, staggered, and knocked down targets.

I'm still learning some of the mechanics of the game. Does knocking the husk back count as staggering them?

submitted by /u/BRwithCheese
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A true constructor becomes one with the base

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 01:37 AM PST

What are the best items I should buy from this weekly and event items.

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 07:07 PM PST

Bugged soundbytes (Vampirsm)

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 12:11 PM PST

Holy cow i am starting to get a headache from those anoyying sounds whenever a husk is lifestealing some health.. par that with a horde of husks and you have a galore of cancermusic

please fix this asap, it really hurts my ears at this point € apparently this sound bug isnt limited to one affix but more, like explosive husks etc

submitted by /u/Shaniilol
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Merry Christmas!

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 09:51 PM PST

Any kind people here that have a spare key for PVE, can you spare me a key cant buy it from where I came from. THANKS!

submitted by /u/Pukoy
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Is Limited Edition PvE worth it?

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 05:55 PM PST

Considering getting it 50% off for $75. Is it worth buying it, or should I stick with the $20 PvE?

submitted by /u/Ceilea
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Thinking of making a challenge alternate account for Fortnite. Thoughts?

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 09:17 PM PST

I've found myself in early Canny being a bit bored, and I'm thinking about making an alternate account to experience the game in a different way in the form of a challenge.
Though, I want to know which would be the most interesting/sadistic/whatever to have me do. I've come up with some challenges, but I want some more input before I commit to anything. I plan to play through this new account all the way through Plankerton.

The Challenges:

Craftless (schematics):
Self-explanatory. The account will not be allowed to craft anything, with the exception of ammo and permanent schematics. (Handmade Assault Rifle, Defender Post, Jump Pads) This account will not be able to receive gifts from other players, except for ammo/resources (Wood, Stone, Metal)

Vow of Blue:
The account will not be allowed to craft Legendary and Epic Schematics. Common, Uncommon, and Rare ones are fair game. This account will also be restricted to receiving gifts, but with the addition of looting things rare or below being allowed.

The account will not be allowed to have assistance from other players in ANY way. It will not be allowed to have friends, nor will it be allowed to play in any way other than soloing. Just like how I normally play but without randoms

No Support/Tactical slots:
Again, Self-Explanatory. No Support or Tactical Heroes allowed of any kind.

Glass cannon:
No slotting survivors into any squad that boosts resistance or fortitude. Unavoidable Skill Tree nodes for certain progression (Hero Evolution, Weapon Evolution, some gadgets) will still be allowed. Research Trees however will be completely avoided for the two defensive stats.

No Research:
No nodes on the Research Trees will be allowed to be purchased. Unless it's forced for progression. (Which as far as I know it isn't)

Skill and Research Trees are only allowed to have the number of nodes purchased to progress to the next one.

I don't have anything official or set up yet, but any feedback for more challenges/adjustments would be appreciated!

submitted by /u/iceclimorz
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Is the Deluxe edition worth the extra $10?

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 09:15 PM PST

I wanna get pve but I'm short on cash. Is it worth getting the deluxe for extra items or will I get them all over time?

submitted by /u/Krazion
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LF Friends - XBOne - OL20

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 05:23 PM PST

As the title says, just looking for some people to play with, trade guns, generally hang out.

Add me if you're interested!

GT: DirtyHarryCarey

Edit: PL20

submitted by /u/Dirty_Harry_Carey
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This doesn't seem right - are those random rolls, or is Sarah Claus just bugged?

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 02:49 PM PST

Help Downloading Epic Games Launcher!!

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 08:40 PM PST

I apologize if this is the wrong place to ask this, and if so, please point me in the right direction. I've been trying to download the Epic Games Launcher, but during the update, it stops, and this message pops up.

I've tried reinstalling the installer multiple times, to no help. If you know a solution, please let me know.

submitted by /u/YaBoi987
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Vacuum tube Axe is that last perk normal?

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 12:57 PM PST

Question to those with console exclusive heroes.

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 08:28 PM PST

Can you upgrade the rarity on these console exclusive heroes? If so, do they retain their look or does something change?

Also, to Epic, I wish there was a way to get the PS4 heroes on a PC account that has their PSN linked. Plz

(I know they're reskins of existing heroes but I would like them for their aesthetics)

submitted by /u/blueruckus
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Posted: 22 Dec 2017 08:14 PM PST

Just got PvE and I am getting frustrated. Running our of ammo. I can't seem to equip some weapons. Anyone have a link to a video somewhere that can help me with the basics. I'm liking it so far but not happy with the learning curve.

submitted by /u/504play
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If I get the PvE on PS4, will I also have it on PC?

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 07:00 PM PST

If yes, then does PvE progress carry over as well?

submitted by /u/Ricarad
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Is Epic Getting it Right?

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 11:24 AM PST

Looking back over previous posts, I see that Epic is addressing/has addressed some of the core concerns and QOL requests from months of Reddit posts. Even six weeks ago, there were almost as many comments about how salty this sub was as about the game itself. A few recent changes:

*Hero rarity upgrades *Higher quality rewards - primarily tied to events *Bosses (although these aren't quite what I had in mind) *Direct purchases of heroes, schematics, rain and whatnot (earned with seasonal gold, not bought with v-bucks) *SS storage access from Homebase (returning after a bug fix, but being addressed) *Hero rebalancing (seems pretty good these days) *New heros - Xmas has some interesting ones *Other iterative updates I can't recall *And finally proof-positive that PvE isn't dead and that the dev team isn't just one underpaid guy with a Commodore 64. This most recent update had loads of big improvements.

submitted by /u/alolio
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Which llama is best llama?

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 12:35 PM PST

I'm willing to spend a few dollars to support the dev team, but I'm curious which llama would really give me the best bang for my buck? I've Googled around only to find a lot of outdated and conflicting opinions. Which one really fits the description these days?

submitted by /u/Fistedfartbox
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Drop rates of legendary heros

Posted: 22 Dec 2017 06:05 PM PST

Hi all just posting quick question, I think they have nerfed the drop rates considerably especially when compared to hex. I've just managed to pull my first lengendary event hero from an event llama. Was wondering if anyone else is having similiar luck?

submitted by /u/brankoz11
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