Fallout - PSA: Fallout VR laser musket crank is bound to the same button as grenades.

PSA: Fallout VR laser musket crank is bound to the same button as grenades.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 01:30 AM PST

I stopped using laser muskets altogether after I repeatedly set myself on fire with Molotovs.

submitted by /u/octatone
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The new vegas soundtrack is probably the best i've ever heard

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 11:13 AM PST

Gets you really immersed

submitted by /u/Depressed_horse
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Preston Hate Meeting

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 06:24 AM PST

get all your hatred for Preston out here it's like an AA meeting but for Preston's victims.

submitted by /u/Cmacreeper
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Is it just me or is the VR kind of... underwhelming?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 03:43 AM PST

While I understand that because of Fallout 4's wonky engine constraints, many of the things I'm going to mention probably just couldn't be done without some major overhauls of previously existing systems, but I'm really not that impressed with the VR installment so far after a few hours of play.

Aside from head tracking, using the Vive controller to shoot, and randomly picking up objects in the world, it just doesn't feel like there's anything that actually takes advantage of the capabilities of virtual reality and a Vive system. Most actions in-game are completed by simple button presses and feel pretty lackluster.

Instead of engagingly moving a bobby pin around in a lock and twisting a screwdriver to pick a lock using the motion controls, I simply swipe around on the touchpad and then pull the trigger. Instead of bringing my left hand up to crank my laser musket, or swap out a magazine, I press the grip button. Performing actions in the VR version of the game feels just about the same as performing them in the standard version—I'm just pressing buttons on a controller.

I think the most egregious offense is the usage of the left hand, or more appropriately the lack thereof. Especially when I have the weapons I'm going to use bound to the right hand touchpad, and have direct movement enabled, there's a very stark few things you can do with your left hand. I spend almost all of my time playing the game one-handed, since the only thing I'm ever doing with the left hand is swiping around on the touchpad. It feels extremely disappointing to have a virtual reality game with two absolutely amazingly capable motion controllers, and relegating one of them to mere button presses and swipes, with the very occasional raise of my arm to look at the pip-boy.

I don't intend to say the game isn't good or is unenjoyable. When I'm immersed in the world of Fallout and get to walk around the wasteland and get an up close and personal view of everything, it's really cool, and an amazing experience, but it's disappointing to me when I often end up feeling more immersed in a gun simulator with walking hot dogs than I do in a post-apocalyptic RPG game. I was expecting a crazy experience where I could uniquely interact with things in the world around me, and instead got the basic Fallout with some cool head-tracking.

submitted by /u/Or1g1nOfDeath
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You've been hired to work on a customer support phone for robbco or general atomics! Whats the first call you get?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 04:21 AM PST

Fo4: Something about the institute that fucked me up.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 11:20 AM PST

I was going through the main quest again, and found myself going through Kellogg's memories. For the first time, I actually stopped and listened to a lot of the memories. I ended up in the part where Nora gets shot and Shaun gets stolen, and I realized that all the other vault dwellers woke up in that moment. I activated one and Kellogg's brain made a comment about not refreezing every other vault dweller besides me. I realized that it wasn't random chance that I was the sole survivor, Father killed everyone else just so he could have his sick experiment.

submitted by /u/ElTacoLord
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Why Old Ben is the epitome of New Vegas' wonderful storytelling

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 06:55 PM PST

Old Ben seems to be one of the few NPCs in NV that I completely exhaust dialogue with in the game. And for good reason.

Firstly, he has no relevance to any quests besides Wang Dang Atomic Tango. With this in mind, you'd expect his dialogue to be stale and quite short, really.

He's terrific since he embodies your first impression of the strip. He runs up to you, warning of you the greeter. Then proceeds to enlighten the courier with his life story, specifically his previous professions. Now what's interesting about his professions (Especially the Butcher and Male Escort jobs since these occupations aren't necessarily exposed to us in the game) is you can't help but imagine what these jobs are like in the wasteland, which in turn closes up that disconnect between real life and the game itself. This is what NV is so good at. It sets up this hierarchy of township. The Strip is clearly a far more superior place to be than its degrading door-step. But you can't help but feel there's so much life in Freeside.

You could argue that yes, Old Ben might not be the most interesting character in the game (I would 150% agree with that argument) but he's succinct; to the point. He has a history, and this history can be completely skipped if the player desires. He's an average joe, a jack-of-all-trades. This is what we need more of in future titles, more exposition through dialogue, and let the player formulate their own sense of the world.

submitted by /u/ReflexezJack
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6-7 years on since FNV: Dead Money. How do you feel about it now?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 03:15 PM PST

Hadn't played Dead Money until now after firing up NV again and am a couple hours intoit. So far pretty great, IMO, but I still remember the hate it got when it came out. Have opinions changed?

submitted by /u/ElysiumUK
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What’s your favorite weapon in Fallout 4?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 04:31 AM PST

For me it is the assault rifle. Even though it takes a while to obtain I almost don't use any other weapon once I have it.

submitted by /u/PrinceGodBodyXI
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What Fallout fans should know about the Fallout board game

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 11:44 AM PST

Important things you should know if you're interested in the new Fallout board game that just came out, especially if you're not a board gamer.

Anyone else played it yet?

submitted by /u/MrSlyMe
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Crafting and modding

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 12:53 PM PST

Hi All - has anybody gone through the entire game without crafting or modding? Would it be too difficult or random drops, finds and purchases be sufficient for weaponry? The reason is I'd like to do a realistic inventory play through where I'm limited just a main and secondary gun plus a realistic amount of ammo and meds. I'd like to not lug along all the extra gear to break-down for the sake of crafting - Thanks

Edit: FO4 with Far Harbour

submitted by /u/civgarth
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I’m obsessed with The Mechanist.

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 04:37 PM PST

And I don't know why. Is it the awesome 60's bucket-head robot costume? Is it the superhero angle? Is it the story?

I fear not being able to don the helmet in future incarnations of Fallout. I was thrilled to see the Automatron dlc for 4, and don't think I've RP'd as long or as many different times as I have as The Mechanist. And now I get the bonus of the lair and as many robots as I can collect scrap to build?! Hell yes!

Am I the only one? I know I'd give Derek Pacion a run for the title of Biggest Fan. I really think it's borderline unhealthy.

submitted by /u/Soju_Fett
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How blowing up Megaton (or not) could be improved to be a real moral dilemma

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 01:59 PM PST

Megaton would be founded close to a gigantic old war facility that in the absence of humans has been taken over by nature. Megaton and the sorrounding areas would be constantly attacked by ants that have used the buildings as a nest, and traders would be driven away. This quest would have 4 outcomes:

1) The player arms the bomb, and convinces the people in Megaton to settle somewhere else through various skill checks, which considering the loss of all their property, would be quite hard.

2) The player arms the bomb, but fails to convince the people of Megaton, killing them all.

3) The player goes through the hardest and biggest dungeon in the game to destroy the nest and disarms the bomb.

4) The player completes the dungeon but doesn't disarm the bomb, and so during the main quest when a certain trigger is hit, Megaton explodes.

To have even more options, Megaton could have a dark history with a nearby town, and the player could convince this town to explode the bomb with the pretense they are helping the wasteland get rid of the nest.

submitted by /u/seler24
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Are Fallout 1 and 2 censored in Canada?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 01:59 PM PST

I'm looking into buying Fallout 1 and 2 after playing New Vegas and 3. But i've been seeing people say that children were removed from the steam versions of the game. Is this true in all countries or just some, and if it is censored should i get it on GoG?

submitted by /u/IntracranialDenial
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'There's something wrong with me'

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 10:58 AM PST

Hi, like two months ago I saw a 'new meme format' post on /r/MemeEconomy. It was a screenshot of a Fallout character saying something like "Let's face the obvious. There's something wrong with me." I think it looked like NV, but I don't remember it clearly. Who's that character? And where to find him?

submitted by /u/Lithium1024
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What kinds of ballistic firearms should be in the Fallout universe?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 11:58 AM PST

Should it be WWI/WWII-era firearms? Vietnam War-era? A few modern firearms (e.g., FN P90 or H&K MP5)? What kind of firearms do you want to see in Fallout that haven't been seen yet in either the series or video games in general? This can go for weapons in the original two games as well.

submitted by /u/TheForlornGamer
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Fallout 3. I have a problem with The Pitt and Operation Anchorage add-on pack.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 07:51 AM PST

I am playing this on Xbox One.

I have the disc version of TP and OA add-on for the 360. The base game disc works fine, the other 3 dlcs I bought on 360 work fine, but not the add-on pack.

I inserted the disc into my Xbox One, select it, and let the dlcs install. However, when I swapped discs with the base game one and I went to the Downloads section in the main menu I saw that TP and OA was not there. Looking under additional content showed me that I have to buy the dlcs. And looking in the main store, even with the add-on pack in the Xbox One, still showed me I had to buy them. Any help will be appreciated!

submitted by /u/TheSiegeHowitzer
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Hi, i just started Fallout 4 and id l wonder what are the best mods available

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 11:30 AM PST

Hi dudes, i have only played a few hours and i like it so far, but i have a little problem: i dont really like the whole settlement thing, i think is insteresting but building and managing every single aspect of the settlement can get a bit boring.

So, i was wondering, do you recommend any mods? please be aware that this is my first playthrough, so i dont want anything game-breaking. Im specially interested in mods that improve the settlement management.

Thank you! :)

submitted by /u/SeniorSepia
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What's your worst "well that was a waste of time" moment in Fallout?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 09:08 PM PST

I just spent 3 minutes listening to some raiders in backstreet apparel (Fo4) tell each other a thoroughly dramatic story with a thoroughly nondramatic ending. I don't know what I expected, really.

submitted by /u/MtMcK
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Confused about NPC behavior in Fallout 3

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 08:03 AM PST

I'm more familiar with New Vegas than Fallout 3, so I'm not sure if I did something wrong, or if this is just standard NPC behavior. I went in Billy Creel's house (when he & Maggie were home, and when the door was marked as okay to go in) and spoke to both of them. No problems. After awhile of snooping around but NOT stealing anything, both Billy and Maggie began chasing me around. Then Billy went hostile and attacked me. Sorry if this is a dumb question, but I tried searching and all I could find were threads about what happens when you get caught breaking into locked houses/objects. Is there a time limit on lingering in NPC's houses even if you entered when it was not trespassing?

submitted by /u/electric-eel-stew
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Can A HP Compaq 6710b Laptop Run Fallout And Fallout 2 ?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 07:31 AM PST

It has a intel core 2 duo t8100 along with 2gb of memory and a intel gma x3100.

submitted by /u/felinewitcher
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Does anyone here know how to stop New Vegas from crashing.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 06:05 AM PST

After I enter a building for 2/3 times it just crashes me back to desktop. Anyone know any solutions?

Edit: sorry, I forgot a question mark.

Edit2: aaaaaaaand now it just hard crash my pc.

submitted by /u/Turkishdenzo
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Windows 10 doesn't recognise FO:Tactics discs, any solutions?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 06:52 AM PST

Recently bought FO:Tactics just to give a try (it was on sale cheap) and it's the 3 disc collection, however when I put them into my PC nothing happens, I go to my PC Drives and nothing comes up, anyone know if there is a fix for this?

submitted by /u/Razsta
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