True Dota 2 - What are the top 3 problematic heroes for you in this patch? (Include your skill bracket)

What are the top 3 problematic heroes for you in this patch? (Include your skill bracket)

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 08:57 AM PST

Dota 2 Behavior Survey 2(Research Proposal Assignment)

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 03:24 PM PST

This is my second survey for my project. It's longer than the first, but it's still simple and short.

Please and Thanks!

submitted by /u/_TrashMan_
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Supporting offlane without taking xp gold?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 03:12 PM PST

In safe lane you can stay almost exclusively outside of lane letting your carry essentially take all gold and xp from the lane. This is easy because you have bounty runes and camps that are being killed by the pulled lane. How do you support an offlaner in a 2-1-2 match up? Does anyone have a good video they may be able to share?

submitted by /u/Inous
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What are today's bonus heroes?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 01:23 PM PST

And is there a website that keeps track of this? My searches haven't come up with anything

submitted by /u/Ace_InTheSleeve
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I'm seeing way more trilanes now, and tbh it's a bit stale already

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 12:58 PM PST

I don't play mid, I usually play offlaner/support/roamer. Game after game, I have a trilane for my carry, and the enemy has a trilane for their carry as well.

Part of the game is using wards effectively to block camps and see incoming kills, but having to play such a shitty scenario over and over isn't interesting. Every time there's a pudge, he just afk's in the trees to make sure the offlaner gets 0 xp. It's this weird thing where one team just abandons their offlane, and piles their resources all into the safelane. It's annoying for me as a support player, because stacking camps and looking for kill opportunities isn't interesting.

The offlaner now is basically just a rat stuck in the wall and you're on guard duty for the first 8 minutes of the game, making sure he doesn't come out. As a support, dual vs dual lanes are more interesting. As a roamer, not sitting in the safelane is more interesting. As an offlaner, it's obviously boring as shit.

I'm not complaining about if I can win or not. I am winning my games. Most of the time, I just starve myself of xp, and the enemy offlaner ends up feeding himself so that he doesn't commit suicide from boredom. Even if the enemy team is hurting itself by dedicating 3 heroes to the safelane while our roamer ganks mid, it's not fun.

Sometimes, I just instapick lich if they have some cancerous safelane carry like viper, or some faggoty ogre+oov retard who won't get off my dick. Fuck you trilane, I'm eating your goddam ranged creep.

Also, make the side shop not as useless as the human resources department. Holy fuck there are no items there anymore.

submitted by /u/reportpeople
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Why does nobody ever get Kaya on OD?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 03:48 PM PST

On paper Kaya seems perfect for OD, why is it basically ignored? If gotten early it would make it much easier to spam Arcane Orb without worrying about mana. Every stat of Kaya amplifies Arcane Orb's damage too.

If people often get a Midas or Drums on this hero, why not get a Kaya?

submitted by /u/Ekierkad
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Thoughts on morphing strategy, builds and timings?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 05:39 AM PST


I'm 3.5k and trying to learn morphing and finding that here are a lot of decisions to make including:

  1. How much HP to have at level 1? More generally when laning? I suppose the answer is as little as you can get away with but wondering what people are experiencing.

  2. How much HP to walk around with? Do people walk around full agi early/mid game? Seems risky.

  3. How much regen do you take to lane?

  4. Basi first? Wraithband first? Boots first?

  5. Boots before Aquila?

  6. Always go treads? Greed out BoTs? If you go treads do you also go bottle?

  7. Too many quality items: Dragonlance/Hurricane Pike, Linkens, BKB, Manta, Ethereal Blade, Skadi, Butterfly, and even diffusal blade, MKB, Satanic... Finding this bit a bit overwhelming and wondering what people are experiencing. Obviously everything is situational (Shotgun build if it's early enough and the enemy is squishy, MKB vs PA, Diffusal vs Medusa, Linkens if they have hex or silence, etc.) but some builds must be better than others?

  8. Is it ever ok to skip ulti until level 14?

  9. How to use ulti most effectively? I generally use it to copy a QoP and blink out. Are there times when it's better to stay morphed (say if you morphed into terror blade with metamorphisis)?

  10. When I'm in full agi, I never use the stun except to interrupt channeling or tps. Is this right? I often find myself using yet when I've been jumped and shifted everything to strength. Any thoughts?

  11. I always go talentwise: Extra waveform range, waveform deals autoattacks, Morph affects allies, waveform has 2 charges. Any thoughts?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/MCLondon
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Questions about Vipers Q and Skill Build

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 10:07 AM PST

there's two parts to his Q, the move and attack speed slow and the damage per missing health. His old spell for damage per missing health was passive meaning every auto attack would apply this. Now with the rework, is that still the same? Or does it only do the damage per missing health when you cast Q which would mean at level 1 you can only do it every 6 seconds? Up until now, I thought that by casting Q i will cast the poison effect for slow but if i don't and just auto attack, I will still get the damage per missing health every time like a passive. But now i'm thinking I might be wrong.

Also, with the rework on his spells, what's the best way to skill his abilities? I guess it's situational but what's the "most of the time" skill build?

submitted by /u/Wallshington
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Lategame Medusa decisions

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 09:25 AM PST

Obligatory OpenDota.

I've been interested in Medusa for awhile now, and I was really excited to see the changes she received in 7.07. It was buffs all around, but the most exciting part was her lvl 25 talent. I'd like to have a discussion about the two options available and their pros and cons. Everyone talks about Split-shot uses modifiers, and for good reason; I feel like this alone makes Medusa unbelievably powerful. The ability to crit and proc mkb gives her crazy damage, the ability to lifesteal with a satanic gives her even higher durability, skadi gives what amounts to an AoE slow, Mjollnir can proc every time Medusa shoots a volley, silveredge can hit everyone, and the list goes on. But I never see anyone talk about the other talent, +7 split-shot targets. This gives Medusa the ability to hit a massive 11 targets with split-shot. I can see this being extraordinarily useful against mega creeps, for one. It also means that she doesn't necessarily have to buy aghs against illusion heroes since she can hit everyone anyway, and I feel that it would be especially potent against heroes who swarm in fights, like Naga Siren, Chaos Knight, and PL. Of course, the argument can also be made that landing massive crits on every arrow will wipe illusions and megas much faster than hitting more targets. What are everyone's thoughts?

submitted by /u/TheNeuronCollective
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Spectre Role

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 08:27 PM PST

Is she just an agility tank hero? It seems that she needs farm and yet her damage isn't that good early-mid game for an agi hero. Her desolate true damage doesn't scale that well but the damage reflect does. Her stat growth is also bad, strength gain is better than agility for some reason.

It also seems that radiance is probably the best farming item for her. Battlefury looks good but her mobility isn't that good if compared to anti-mage.

I posted this since I want to see some discussion about the hero. I recently watched some competitions/ tournament and I dont remember anyone pick her.

submitted by /u/bot_yea
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Storm Spirit late game decisionmaking?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 10:09 AM PST

My storm spirit early game is impeccable. I can usually net a couple ganks and win the CS game, if not outright harass the midlaner out.

But mid and late game, I kind of flounder. I'm not sure how to capitalize on my mobility outside of team fights and prioritizing certain enemies in said teamfights. Whether I should splitpush, guard someone, ward, etc.

submitted by /u/TheZettt
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I don't know how to fight? (Positioning/teamfight help)

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 05:58 PM PST

I'm a noob 3k player and I like to play offlane carry or mid. I think I understand the game pretty well I am just very poor at execution/positioning. I usually am pretty high in GPM/XPM in my games because I am pretty good at knowing when to farm and to fight, it's just that when I get into a fight it shows how awful I am.

When I was playing Dota a whole lot, I read a lot about itemization/skills and I can say I have a very good idea in this field. I'd say I usually have very good farm for my skill bracket.

Everytime I get into skirmishes/fights I choke up and I'm not sure what to do. I'm not sure im standing in the right place or if im targeting the rigt person For example, as a carry there's so much stuff to hit I don't know what to target first.

I have recently been playing more storm spirit lately because he's pretty easy to position.

How can i improve my positioning??

submitted by /u/alabamanigs
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What makes a hero a good split pusher? What are some good split pushers beyond the obvious ones?

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 09:34 PM PST

In a recent video, BSJ talked about knowing your role on the team based on the hero composition. Meaning, each person on the team should know if it's their responsibility to set up ganks (initiation), provide damage for the gank as follow up to the initiation, split push the map and defend towers, go high ground, etc. He said that in party play, players should draft based on having all the roles covered within their party.

So, what heroes are good split pushers? I know obvious ones like AM, Prophet, Lycan, etc. In BSJ's example, he said that in the 3-man party his students had (Nyx, Sniper, Wyvern) it would be the Wyvern's job to keep lanes pushed out since Nyx and Sniper couldn't really do it and Wyvern provided nothing to gank attempts. When I'm playing with friends, what are some good heroes that can split push, or split push and do one of the other roles?

Or, for example, if I have a friend playing the initiator role (, what kind of hero should I draft with it?

submitted by /u/ak1247
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I wanted to learn how to play treant protector

Posted: 12 Dec 2017 06:08 PM PST

Can anyone who spams treant on this patch explain to me its skill build, itemisation, and talent build? Since the last post on him was 1 year ago, I'm not sure whether it is valid anymore. Also, I'm in archon bracket. Any help from you guys is greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/zarulseohyun
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Help with Dota2 Graphics problem

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 03:10 AM PST

Sorry, I know this isn't the right place to post this. But I tried r/dota2 and received no help so I'm trying here.

I recently upgraded my OS from win7 32bit to win7 64 bit. And my CPU is able to run a 64bit OS. After this, I can't see tower range indicator, spell range indicator, neutral camp spawn box and some spells' visual such as Grave and Pango's Q hit direction (that vector thing).

So, any idea what to do?

submitted by /u/str_d2
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