Elder Scrolls Online - Mages Guild Monday - Share Your ESO Knowledge, Ask Questions, Get Info If You're New!

Mages Guild Monday - Share Your ESO Knowledge, Ask Questions, Get Info If You're New!

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:00 AM PST

Hey folks,

Welcome to Mages Guild Monday, a community-building, regularly occurring thread on the subreddit!

Mages Guild Monday is a thread aimed at sharing tips, tricks, knowledge and information about the game.

Know of a place that yields a particularly good reward? Got a tip about how to most efficiently accomplish quests? Have some good intel on good ways to serve your alliance in PvP? Let the community know!

In addition, if you're new to following the game, this thread is your chance to ask questions and get help from veteran players.

Please keep in mind the 'no personal attacks' rule in our sidebar, disagree respectfully with others, and know that a repeated or seemingly obvious bit of knowledge may not be obvious to everyone.

We look forward to your contributions!  

I was programmed to write posts automatically by /u/Woeler. If you have any questions or suggestions about me or my posts, please contact him.

submitted by /u/The_Dwemer_Automaton
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Came to show off my RNG

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 04:15 PM PST

To people now attempting dungeons for the loot boxes...

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 10:37 AM PST

I'm honestly glad to see you guys. It's nice to see people stepping out of their comfort zone and tackling content for the first time, even if it means you might be a little clueless about it. We were all new once.

I know a lot of players are out to just sprint from boss to boss and leave immediately because they're trying to run through 15 characters, but I have no problem taking it slow and doing the quest and explaining mechanics if you need that. I'm getting shit all from the loot boxes anyway.

I'm on PC NA, send me a message if you want a hand. Always glad to help, if I can.

submitted by /u/Shrykos
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To this day I still don't know what style shield this is...

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 06:33 PM PST

this game nees more housing NPCs

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 02:23 AM PST

Hello everyone :)

This is probably something that has been brought back in the past, but I think housing could be much improved with addition of NPCS to do various roles in houses. Maybe have specific slots for them, so small houses could use 1, medium 5, big houses 15 and manors 30 or something like that.

I would definitely appreciate having a style material vendor npc, a stablemaster to train horses, a bard NPC to play songs, a butler NPC, and obviously, guard NPCs, that can be either stationery or patrolling the courtyard. Customizable, so you can buy your specific set of guards, like Dunmer, Altmer or Imperial, depending on your housing style or preference.

Housing is nice and I enjoy it very much, but as it is, looks a bit desolate when you visit your house, just you and your trophies / furniture. Should feel more like an animated manor, that isn't frozen in time between your visits.

submitted by /u/TheVisionBleak
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Is a "leveled" world the only way an MMO can survive in the future?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 01:51 PM PST

I played WOW for a few years, from BC through Cataclysm. Quit for good about four months into Cataclysm after raiding as a priest. I think that was seven years ago.

Besides the demands of raiding which were pretty hardcore, the basic problem with WOW was that whenever there was a new expansion, all your raiding gear was pretty much wiped out within the first or second zone, and you had to start the grind ALL. OVER. AGAIN. (It's a pretty big and obvious slap in the face, but as players, we knew that there was no other way.)

What does this do to the world? None of the old zones have any value, they become a ghost town, and everyone hangs in the new expansion hub doing dailies. Thats IT. The rest of the map has zero value except for farming.

Wow is a semi-flimsy role playing experience the first time you play through, but once you have reached to level cap, the rest of the world has little value. I suppose you have to run through it again if you want alternate toons, but I remember they were allowing people to bypass lower zones by starting at a high level...

ESO has opened my eyes to a better way. Because the world is "leveled", they can keep building content "on top" of previous content and the old world stays relevant.

Also, you can go back and run content that you missed earlier with your high level characters.

A new MMO could start with a "de-leveled" world, but by the third expansion, the majority of world content is going to be useless.


I miss the fact that there are never ANY places that you can't go (because you are too weak), but the trade off seems to keep the rest of the world viable. Maybe in the future ESO will have some "hard" areas that are always balanced to the highest tier gear and characters.

submitted by /u/Chris00008
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Dungeon Event: Day 4 Plunder Log (56 boxes opened, kill me)

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 08:16 PM PST

Hello all,

Posting my plunder log from day four. Worst day yet, but... I guess I'm not allowed to complain since it's free. My personal hope for getting cool stuff has vanished, but I will finish the race. Congrats to all who have had some great results so far!

  • Alchemist Survey: Reaper's March
  • Crown Experience Scroll
  • Crown Mimic Stone
  • Crown Mimic Stone
  • Crown Mimic Stone
  • Crown Mimic Stone
  • Crown Repair Kit
  • Crown Repair Kit
  • Crown Repair Kit
  • Crown Repair Kit
  • Crown Tri-Restoration Potion x5
  • Crown Tri-Restoration Potion x5
  • Crown Tri-Restoration Potion x5
  • Diagram: Clockwork Stool, Practical (Green - 8k)
  • Dye Stamp: Metallic: Muddy Puddle
  • Treasure Map: Bleakrock I
  • Treasure Map: Clockwork City I
  • Treasure Map: Craglorn I
  • Treasure Map: Grahtwood I
  • Treasure Map: Malabal Tor II
  • Treasure Map: Orsinium I
  • Undaunted Key
  • Undaunted Key
  • Undaunted Plunder (1,000g)
  • Undaunted Plunder (1,000g)
  • Undaunted Plunder (1,000g)
submitted by /u/McAnnex
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Not too shabby

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 12:26 PM PST

[Suggestion] I would really like the option to re-play quests using a journal.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 03:43 AM PST

So before the Clockwork City Patch, a lot of unique weapons/armor pieces with special names and sometimes descriptions were glossed over during build making because of the trait. Now that any item can be re-rolled any trait, I would really appreciate the ability to re-obtain those items at max gear level (currently that's cp160.) Without having to buy them from a guild trader, or re-run the quest on a completely different character. Your thoughts? Do you think this feature is rather pointless? Or do you agree? If you agree, how do we implement such a thing? Shalidor's library? Cadwell's Almanac?

submitted by /u/HeroNomuga
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[Guide] Detailed Trial/Dungeon Stamplar build 42k+ DPS on 6M Dummy

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 06:36 PM PST

It's really awesome how interactive the envoirment is!

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 01:18 PM PST

I just downloaded the free trial on Steam and I'm surprised how interactive things are for an MMO. I would dare to say it's even more interactive than the Skyrim in terms of searchable objects.

Like in the prologue area where I am currently - a bit of spoiler warning now - there are those cages before you met Prophet. I would never thought of them being a searchable things, but just because I like exploring and taking things slow, I found out they are and got myself some fish baits and junk to sell. Same with those weird triangular altars at beginning where you left cell. There's a lot of baskets lying around that contain things as well.

I even found a potion on the table where you met a Prophet for first time. A small potion, that is really hard to spot, but it's there lol. I really like such details. It gives you some immersion and enjoyment when you find those.

I hope the entire game is just like that, where it rewards you for exploring your surrondings. I'm really certian I will buy the game next week.


submitted by /u/Wenex
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[PC] Just a few noobie questions about the game.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:51 AM PST

  • What PVE content besides quests & crafting is there before endgame?

I think I tried queuing for a dungeon but I probably messed up setting roles or something. I know there a public dungeons and "Delves" ? I think they're called but how exactly do those work?

  • How does gear work in later levels / endgame?

I know the game is a leveled world but I've looked at the guild trader / store (?) in some cities and level 50 cp 160 gear doesn't seem to have much higher base stats than the gear I was using, I'm probably doing something wrong though.

  • How does the economy work?

Is there a global marketplace? I know there a "trading guilds" and such but what exactly does that mean. Can I only sell items on an auction house to other people in trading guilds? Just need some good explanation on the economy system.

  • Is it possible to max out everything?

You seem to get a lot of skill points from doing quests, skyshards, leveling up. But there is just so many skills in other trees that I want to get. Is the number of skill points you get in total too limited to do this?

  • I'm aware of there being vampires and werewolves but I wanted some more details on them.

If I become a vampire can I be cured? and if I am then do my skills / skill line get reset? Same question goes for werewolf. Was also curious if there was a way to possibly alternate between the two.

  • Later on is it possible to just powerlevel an unused skill tree?

Say if I was mainly heavy armor but I wanted to level light armor later on but it's at a really low level. Does it take forever to get the skill line up or can I just powerlevel it when my character is already a high level?

Overall I'm loving the game and planning on buying the gold edition considering I'm already 30+ hours in on the free trial. Thanks a lot for anyone who helps answer my questions :P

submitted by /u/Josedude
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Mystery Box from Dungeon event... have I just hit the jackpot ?!? Item worth 1.15million?!?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 10:26 AM PST

I'm going to be here a while...

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 04:20 PM PST

Is there any general advice on how to handle inventory management?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:00 AM PST


I just started playing last night and I am really loving the game. My only issue is that I'm like a magpie in a jewellery store - I can stop myself picking everything up but I can only carry so much.

Is there any general advice about managing my inventory space? I got the first inventory upgrade and wondering if I should save my early game gold for further upgrades? I only found the bank after about 3.5 hours of playing...

Interested to hear what other people have done to manage their space better.

submitted by /u/king_starscreem
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Would anyone like to join me?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 12:59 AM PST

I am just starting out a new character and was wondering if anyone else would like to play with me on XB1 on American servers.

submitted by /u/TheRevanchist_
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Nightblade tank?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 07:51 PM PST

Hello, I would like to start off by saying this is my first time posting. So I have been playing eso on and off for about a year now but have only recently have been taking my time invested into the game seriously. I was wondering if it is possible to be a nightblade tank. My first character was a Breton Nightlblade, and I have grown attached to her, but the people I play with really needed a tank. Honestly when I am by myself playing with my build and set up I do wonderful, I would even say better than I play dps nightblade. My issue and question mostly comes from actual dungeons. When ever I enter a dungeon with a party and we start dieing I'm always the first to be blamed. I have really good sustain as a nightblade and catch every bit of agro and tank all the hits just fine but when ever the team dies people will leave and send me really angry messages. I've never had any real constructive feedback before. So I wanted to know is it my class? Is the nightblade not supposed to ever be a tank? Or could it just be my gear and underdeveloped build? Thank you and if you feel like roasting me on it please just throw in some advice too!

submitted by /u/Grimowl
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murder kitty.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 07:29 AM PST

How can I join a guilds ?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 04:16 AM PST

What kind of guilds are there? Can you join them in game or is there a website for that?

And I would like to know when I should start crafting staff for my own. Playing magSorcerer lvl 20

submitted by /u/Daksos
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Posted: 04 Dec 2017 04:12 AM PST

40 Hours (lvl 16), only touched tip of Daggerfall. Should I go somewhere else?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 07:28 PM PST

It seems like if I want to complete the DLC quests, I'm pretty much stuck in the area (for the time being). Are there any other places to go that wont break too many questlines?

I've been doing the provisioning quests, can I get them elsewhere?

I'm not complaining, I'm having a blast, its just that there have to be other things out there for a developing character.

submitted by /u/Chris00008
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Pvp respect

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 03:57 AM PST

What is the class you have the most respect for in pvp? I was thinking of the stamina sorcerer

submitted by /u/Werkbv
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A little help from the Reddit.. <3

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 03:56 AM PST

Hello! So I started my ESO journey on xbox one launch day, played on and off and quite casual for a few month before realising I wasn't enjoying playing on console, so I built myself a PC (which I had been planning for months anyway, not for the sole purpose of ESO) but ended up returning to WoW after quitting just before Cata. So here we are several years later and finally got around to trying ESO again, have to say it looks stunning, the game play is nice and the combat feels good, I've rolled a Bosmer as I have in every Elder Scrolls and joined up with the Ebonheart (I don't follow standard Bosmer tradition;) I'm going Nightblade, Dual Dagger and Bow, I know I know it's not a viable spec, I've been told over and over, but I'm here enjoy the game and I'm having a great time with the spec.

Now my issue is I'm not wanting to just fly along doing quests and side quests I really want to branch out and just try different things but I don't know how much they will benefit me. Take Bleakfall, I started the first few quests and cracked on a bit but now I'm going off the beaten path and mining Ore, collecting wood, kind of avoided picking up Runes because I'm completely stumped as to what they do, my main questions are what does it take to become a good crafter/gatherer, not necessarily wanting to craft myself but it's a possibility, is there a gain to mining lots of ore and wood and what are my options once I have decent quantities, I'm trying to go at a slow pace with leveling so if I can make some coin on the way that would be great!

TL:DR What are the benefits of mining resource such as Ore and Wood and how fun is crafting/trading in ESO. Is the economy good.

submitted by /u/NStraid
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Any way to turn off enemy healthbars?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 12:01 AM PST

I'm thinking of starting a new character, but I want to attempt to play through quests with as little ui as possible. The toggle ui key gets rid of most everything, however there a few things that remain on, such as the health bars over their heads, the red/yellow/white glow to indicate their attitude toward you, and the following icon over the head of an npc if they follow you for the quest. Anyone know of a way to turn these off or at least make them less noticeable?

submitted by /u/-Keroth-
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When do they usually update the crown store?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 03:41 AM PST

I'd like to buy some Storm Atronach crates, which should be available today, but when are they gonna actually update the store?

submitted by /u/DeliCreep
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