Dota 2 - Hero Discussion of the Day: Zet, the Arc Warden (December 5th, 2017)

Hero Discussion of the Day: Zet, the Arc Warden (December 5th, 2017)

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 01:47 PM PST

Zet, the Arc Warden

Zet, the Arc Warden, is a ranged agility hero that requires micromanagement and farm to spiral out of control. In the early stages of the game, it is a very powerful nuker. Its first ability, Flux, allows Arc Warden to cripple an enemy down and deal large amounts of damage. It and other allied heroes or buildings can be protected from physical attacks with its second ability Magnetic Field, while gaining swift attack speed. Similar to Techies' Land Mines, Arc Warden's third ability, Spark Wraith, allows it to place wraiths that attack when an enemy goes near them, potentially dealing large amounts of magical damage. Finally, thanks to its ultimate, Tempest Double, which allows it to make a perfect copy of itself that can use all of Arc Warden's spells and item abilities, it can spam all of its other abilities and most items twice and easily take down fragile heroes in the early game, or keep itself or its team doubly sustained through certain buffing or healing items. This makes Arc Warden very powerful in both early and late game if given enough farm, from magical nuker to physical carry, or if the time calls it, a very potent support.


Before the beginning of all, there existed a presence: a primordial mind, infinite, awesome, and set to inscrutable purpose. As the universe thundered into being, this mind was fragmented and scattered. Two among its greater fragments--who would come to be named Radiant and Dire--found themselves locked in vicious opposition, and began twisting all of creation to serve their conflict.

As war and cataclysm threatened the nascent cosmos, the will of a third fragment made itself known. Naming itself Zet, this intellect sought to resolve the disharmony and return all to perfect unity. Appalled by its kin's conflicting nature, Zet gathered the sum of its power. In a sudden flash, it overwhelmed its siblings, and fused the warring aspects into a stellar sphere before hurling them into the darkness to orbit a nondescript world. Harmony was restored, though only the barest fraction of Zet's strength remained. Setting its gaze on the prison, Zet chose to use its weakened power to serve as watchful warden until time's end. For uncounted aeons, this vigil stood.

Life flourished upon the world below, oblivious to the dangers imprisoned within the softly glowing moon, or of Zet's struggles to contain them. As the captives' eternal clash reverberated within, the surface of the prison shuddered, over time beginning to crack. Ultimately, Zet's depleted power proved insufficient to contain the breach, and at last the moon was shattered. The prison's ancient inhabitants had escaped to sow their conflict anew.

Flung to the farthest reaches by the prison's explosion, Zet was transformed by the dissonant energies of its former captives. No longer of single form and thought, its presence had become split among many--some lesser, some greater--each connected by a fleeting arc of consciousness. Struggling to suppress its own disunity, Zet sped toward the burgeoning conflict of its siblings, bending its fractured wills toward a singular conclusion: the aspects of the primordial mind must be made to reunite, or all must be destroyed lest the conflict spread further…

Roles: Carry, Escape, Nuker

Strength: 24 + 3.0

Agility: 15 + 1.8

Intelligence: 24 + 2.6


Damage: 44-54

Armor: 0.5

Movement Speed: 280

Attack Range: 625

Missile Speed: 800

Base Attack Time: 1.7

Sight Range: 1800 (Day) / 800 (Night)

Turn Rate: 0.6



Infuses a lone enemy unit with swirling, volatile energy, slowing its movement speed and dealing damage over time. The effect is muted if another enemy unit is near the target.

Level Manacost Cooldown Casting Range Area Duration Effects
1 75 18 500 225 6s Attacks an enemy for 15 damage per second for 6 seconds while applying a 20% movement slow. The effect is muted when the target has a friendly unit nearby.
2 75 18 600 225 6s Attacks an enemy for 30 damage per second for 6 seconds while applying a 30% movement slow. The effect is muted when the target has a friendly unit nearby.
3 75 18 700 225 6s Attacks an enemy for 45 damage per second for 6 seconds while applying a 40% movement slow. The effect is muted when the target has a friendly unit nearby.
4 75 18 800 225 6s Attacks an enemy for 60 damage per second for 6 seconds while applying a 50% movement slow. The effect is muted when the target has a friendly unit nearby.
  • Magical damage

  • Dispellable

  • If the target has allies or neutral creeps within a 225 radius, the spell temporarily stops slowing and damaging the target, until it is alone again.

  • Checks for enemies and neutrals in 0.5 second intervals, beginning instantly upon cast. The slow updates based on the result of the checks.

  • Also deals damage in the same intervals, based on the checks, dealing 7.5/15/22.5/30 damage, resulting in 13 (with talent: 17) possible instances.

  • While Flux is muted, the particle effects on the target vanish, with only a red glow remaining on the unit, indicating the debuff is still there.

  • Nearby buildings, wards and hidden units are ignored and do not mute the effects. Invulnerable units, however, are not ignored.

  • Can deal up to 97.5/195/292.5/390 (with talent: 127.5/255/382.5/510) damage to the target if all instances are applied (before reductions).

  • Multiple casts on the same target fully stack, with all instances working independently from each other.

  • Choosing the duration upgrading talent does not upgrade any of Arc Warden's currently active Flux debuffs.

An infinitesimal fraction of the power which imprisoned the Ancients.


Magnetic Field

Generates a circular distortion field of magnetic energy that protects allied heroes and buildings within it by evading attacks coming from outside the field.

Level Manacost Cooldown Casting Range Area Duration Effects
1 80 35 900 275 3.5 Creates a field that provides 100% evasion and 50 attack speed bonus for 3.5 seconds.
2 90 30 900 275 4.5 Creates a field that provides 100% evasion and 60 attack speed bonus for 4.5 seconds.
3 100 25 900 275 5.5 Creates a field that provides 100% evasion and 70 attack speed bonus for 5.5 seconds.
4 110 20 900 275 6.5 Creates a field that provides 100% evasion and 80 attack speed bonus for 6.5 seconds.
  • Undispellable

  • Applies an attack speed bonus and evasion to allies within the radius.

  • The effects are provided by an aura. Its buff lingers for 0.1 seconds.

  • Does not evade attacks landing on allies when the source of the attack is within the field.

  • Affects heroes (including illusions and clones), creep-heroes and buildings. All other units are completely unaffected.

  • Does not affect invulnerable units, so buildings are only affected when attackable.

Time and space are of little consequence to one as old as Zet.


Spark Wraith

Summons a Spark Wraith that slowly materializes and patrols a targeted area until an enemy comes within its range. Once a target has been found the wraith fuses with them, dealing magical damage and slowing the unit.

Level Manacost Cooldown Casting Range Area Duration Effects
1 80 4 2000 375 50s Summons a patrolling wraith that attacks the first found enemy for 100 damage while slowing them for 0.4 seconds.
2 80 4 2000 375 50s Summons a patrolling wraith that attacks the first found enemy for 160 damage while slowing them for 0.5 seconds.
3 80 4 2000 375 50s Summons a patrolling wraith that attacks the first found enemy for 220 damage while slowing them for 0.6 seconds.
4 80 4 2000 375 50s Summons a patrolling wraith that attacks the first found enemy for 280 damage while slowing them for 0.7 seconds.
  • The Spark Wraith travels at a speed of 400.

  • Activation delay is 2 seconds.

  • Once the activation delay is over, it checks for enemies (including neutral creeps) in 0.2 second intervals and launches towards the first registered enemy.

  • If multiple enemies are within range after the delay, the closest enemy is targeted.

  • Deals damage based on the level upon cast of the ability. Leveling up Spark Wraith does not update the damage of already placed Spark Wraiths.

  • The Spark Wraith is fully visible to the enemy.

  • Fully affects invisible units. Can target units inside the Fog of War, but not invulnerable or hidden units.

  • The activation delay is not included in the wraith's duration.

  • Provides 300 radius ground vision for its full duration. The vision does not linger.

  • The launched projectile also provides the same vision, which lingers for 3.34 seconds after reaching the target.

  • Choosing the damage upgrading talent immediately upgrades all already placed wraiths, including ones which already seek a target.

Lesser fragments of Zet's original self.


Tempest Double


Briefly refocusing its fractured elements into a single form, the Arc Warden is able to create a perfect electrical duplication of itself. The duplicate can use all of Arc Warden's current items and spells, except consumables and items that drop on death. The duplicate has separate item and ability cooldowns.

Level Mana Cost Cooldown Casting Range Area Duration Effects
1 N/A 60 N/A N/A 14s Summons a controllable duplicate of the hero itself that lasts 14 seconds. The double has its separate item and ability cooldowns.
2 N/A 50 N/A N/A 16s Summons a controllable duplicate of the hero itself that lasts 16 seconds. The double has its separate item and ability cooldowns.
3 N/A 40 N/A N/A 18s Summons a controllable duplicate of the hero itself that lasts 18 seconds. The double has its separate item and ability cooldowns.
  • The Tempest Double always spawns with Arc Warden's current mana and health.

  • On the first cast of Tempest Double, the double is actually summoned. On every following cast, it is just healed or revived.

    • This means it is impossible to create more than one double at a time, since recasting Tempest Double merely refreshes the one from the previous cast.
    • The double also gets fully dispelled, getting freed from absolutely every buff and debuff, including usually undispellable ones.
    • Its cooldowns are not refreshed upon getting re-summoned, so all cooldowns from the previous cast carry over.
    • Resummoning the Tempest Double does not disjoint projectiles.
  • Arc Warden and his clone are represented by an icon with health and mana bars for each on the top left corner of the screen.

    • When a Zet is selected, its icon becomes brighter. When a Zet takes damage, its icon blinks red.
  • The Tempest Double is visually distinguishable from the original Zet for enemies, just like how it is for allies.

  • The buffs of a consumed Moon Shard and an Aghanim's Scepter granted by Alchemist are copied as well.

    • However, other permanent buffs (e.g. Duel, Glaives of Intelligence Steal) are not.
    • Any Duel victory damage the double gains during its uptime is lost upon death.
  • The double itself is treated exactly like a hero by all spells, since it is not an illusion.

  • The double has a fixed 180 gold and a 180 experience bounty. It does not change based on level and is only granted to the killing unit.

  • Spell effects, that grant bonuses when an enemy unit dies (such as Death Pulse), do not grant any bonuses for killing the double.

    • This non-crediting also prevents Duel from granting damage when the double loses.
    • It does not grant any Track bounty either when it dies while tracked.
    • The upgraded version of Wrath of Nature only spawns a regular Treant (not a Greater Treant) when the double dies.
  • The Tempest Double does not gain any experience like heroes usually do, so it does not leech experience.

  • The double has its own, independent inventory, carrying the same item as the original Arc Warden does.

  • On each cast, the double's inventory gets updated and adapted to that of Arc Warden. This also sets all charges of charge-based spells to match the charges on Arc Warden, no matter how many the double had left the last time it was summoned.

  • The double can neither pick up, nor drop any items. It cannot be given items by allies or Arc Warden directly either.

Warped by the power of its peers, Arc Warden becomes what it despises most: disharmony.

Talent Tree

Level Option 1 Option 2
25 +350 Spark Wraith Damage OR 30% Lifesteal (+1.1%)
20 +100 Attack Range OR 10% Cooldown Reduction (+4.1%)
15 +2s Flux Duration OR +350 Health (+0.6%)
10 +25 Attack Speed (+2.4%) OR +5 Armor


Best against

Opponent hero Advantage
Underlord 3.52%
Shadow Fiend 3.40%
Techies 3.37%
Venomancer 3.23%
Razor 3.15%

Worst against

Opponent hero Advantage
Meepo -7.85%
Broodmother -6.14%
Oracle -4.79%
Batrider -4.26%
Phantom Lancer -4.19%

Recent Changelog


  • Reduced movement speed from 285 to 280.

  • Increased base health regeneration from 0 to 1.5.

  • Increased base mana regeneration from 0.01 to 0.9.

  • Reworked talents:

    • Level 10: 25 attack speed or 5 armor
    • Level 15: +2s Flux duration or +350 health
    • Level 20: +100 attack range or 10% cooldown reduction
    • Level 25: +350 Spark Wraith damage or 30% lifesteal


  • Increased turn rate from 0.4 to 0.6.


  • Increased strength gain from 2.7 to 3.

  • Reduced base health regeneration from 0.25 to 0.


  • Increased strength gain from 2.3 to 2.7.


  • Reduced Magnetic Field mana cost from 110 on each level to 80/90/100/110.

  • Increased Tempest Double duration from 12/14/16 to 14/16/18.

  • Level 25 left talent: Increased Spark Wraith damage bonus from 175 to 250.


  • Level 10 right talent: Replaced +125 health with +20 Flux damage per second.

  • Level 15 left talent: Replaced +8 strength with +200 Health.

Previous hero related threads

Hero tips for Arc Warden

Previous hero discussion

Anti-Mage (November 28th, 2017)

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submitted by /u/Laccnow
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Sheever: Lymph nodes are clean

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 07:38 AM PST

I liked the fusion heroes so I fused clinkz and wraith King

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 09:13 AM PST

I fused heroes together for maximum monkaS

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 04:57 AM PST

Dota 2 Update - MAIN CLIENT - December 6, 2017

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 10:22 AM PST

A new patch has been dispatched for the main client. More info will be edited in as I analyze the patch.

Analysis Status: Done

Official Changelog

  • Fixed a bug where Ability Draft had Turbo Mode activated Ability Draft: Now uses none of the turbo mode game mechanics

Patch Overview

Patch Size: 28.4 MB (with Tools)

submitted by /u/SirBelvedere
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Void immortal changes backtrack color to red!

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 05:21 AM PST

Meteor Hammer suggestion

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:27 AM PST

Make it like Windrunners powershot ability, where you can interrupt the channel for lesser effect (max effect being the current). So longer channel = more damage and longer stun, vice versa.

I think this could make it more viable for more heroes, as well as working better in teamfights. I think it would still be balanced provided that the channel time to damage/stun ratio is well adjusted.

What do you think?

Edit: As people in the comments suggested, it's probably better if the stun only is applied on max channel. This way the item wouldn't have the ability to instantly ministun in and aoe, canceling tps and whatnot.

submitted by /u/jackthehackerr
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I done made a Night Stalker mask

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 10:24 AM PST

12.5.17 RIP Ability Draft Turbo Mode Engages

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 04:10 PM PST

So now that the turbo mode changes are active AD is unplayable for anyone that played the game for the interesting synergies you could create. There is zero strategy when people are level 15 7 minutes into the game. Did the community ask for this change? Why was there no dev communications on if the playerbase that used this mode was something they needed? Just because it was a custom game-mode did not mean the game has to take literally all the skill out since games are decided at 10 minutes.. RIP AD

EDIT: Less than 24 hours later We did it REDDIT. p.s. maybe a free courier next update ;)

submitted by /u/TheCrestfallenKnight
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Suggestion: Remove existing backpack penalties on items upon reaching a shop

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 03:31 AM PST

I'm sure many of you have experienced situations like this - you really need to TP somewhere immediately but your TP is in your backpack, thankfully you're only a few steps away from the sideshop. You go there but you accidentally make the item exchange for TP without being within shop range, and the 6s backpack penalty is applied to your TP. At this point you can't even fix this by repeating the process while being within shop range, so you have no choice but to wait extra 6s before you can teleport and have your teammates flame you for your absence during the process.

Since there isn't an indicator for shop ranges, it's quite hard to fully utilize the shop's backpack penalty negate feature when you're in a hurry, and on top of that the punishment for failing it is quite severe. I don't think it's a bad idea to just have shops reset the 6s penalties on all your items upon reaching one. At least make it possible to remove the timer by putting the item in and out of backpack again, it really makes no sense for it not do so.

EDIT: For those who think this is will be a redundant feature, I suggest thinking about it this way: It's a given feature that shops allow you to freely move items in/out of backpacks without penalty, and that's a strategical advantage these shop areas provide players. So for what reason should the game punish a player by having him to wait 6s when he's already at the shop?

I feel like this is kinda similar to the change to the bottling runes mechanic that was made in the trasition from DotA to Dota 2. In DotA you actually need to activate your empty bottle and target the rune in order to bottle it when in Dota 2 as we all know it's much easier and makes much more sense, since in almost no circumstances would you rather not bottle a rune when you possess a bottle. Similarly, in almost no circumstances would you rather have your item continue being on CD when you're already within shop range. It would be a completely user-friendly change for all players without drawbacks.

submitted by /u/suiseseki
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Can we get rid of this please?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 11:20 PM PST

SEA Dota

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 12:24 AM PST

Xyclopz ma boy finally made it!

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 05:46 PM PST

DotA 2 - Improvement Ideas 4.0

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 03:44 PM PST

I made a Pangolier Pepe

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 05:43 PM PST

Bulldog sick aegis snatch

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:06 AM PST

Fnatic is the final invite to ESL One Genting 2018

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 03:04 AM PST

Cap would not be amused by Singsing's build

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 07:10 AM PST

Santa Roshan is back! Thx volvo

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 12:43 PM PST

Valve is the only reason I'm still not 9k — this settings not working

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 03:34 AM PST

My wallpaper now :D

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 08:43 AM PST

SEA Dota

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 02:40 AM PST

Now that PMS doesnt exist anymore, why can't we have stout shield on the side shop?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 06:03 PM PST

Or would it be OP, since it builds into 6 stout shields? Krappa

submitted by /u/TinyMontana
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WE DID IT!!!(Ignore the middle article)

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 10:37 AM PST

VG invited to ESL One Genting 2018.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:30 AM PST

Was it worth it?

Posted: 05 Dec 2017 09:55 PM PST

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