Diablo - A Diablo themed cutting board I made. Just need some cheese.

A Diablo themed cutting board I made. Just need some cheese.

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 07:25 PM PST


Pyrography on a bamboo cutting board i burned.

submitted by /u/lilzombee
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The #1 monk on EU HC has slept for around 3 hours since the season started

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 11:50 PM PST

As in the title. His total time played is over 576 hours, while the season has been going on for 663 hours. That's just 3 hours sleep a day and playing Diablo 3 for the rest of the time.

Shame on you

submitted by /u/zerocool1901
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Gauging interest for free Puzzle Ring runs (NA)

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 02:15 PM PST

I have a full stash tab of Puzzle Rings (70) and would like to run them with the community. If people are interested, I plan on running all of these in one go. It does not matter what level you are-- I can do the DPS.

How many people are interested in doing the free Puzzle Ring runs with me? I know these runs can be boring and are not necessarily the most efficient way to farm.

If there is enough interest, I would start inviting people at around 6pm MST (NA servers) on a weekday. I will wait for responses (or lack there of) to determine the other details.

submitted by /u/Natilator
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D3 player plays D2 for the first time.

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 09:39 AM PST

So I started playing today and started trying out the necromancer because I had heard it was really good. I can't call that a lie and I'm really enjoying the game. Just got past the past where I saved Cain.

submitted by /u/Just_Shaded
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D3 Can I get help in hardcore?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 09:50 AM PST

Died a couple days ago. Looking for people to start new with. Psnid ComplexInsanity. Shoot me a message. On ps4 btw.

submitted by /u/SinnerAse
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100 hours played on my seasonal DH, GR101 cleared

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 10:26 PM PST

Kinda fun way to celebrate my 100th hour played. I'm mainly a solo player so I don't have any Diablo friend to celebrate with. Couldn't break into top 200. Oh well... just fucking failed all 4 upgrades at 60%. Here's the video if anyone wants to watch: https://youtu.be/JCgYXw27EvQ
Any comments? Tips or critique? I know I need to improve on positioning and wolf usage.

submitted by /u/Zall-Klos
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How to Properly make an alt?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 06:09 PM PST

So Ive played quite a bit on my DH and was wanting to try a new class but I'm unsure how to approach it.

The only success I had with my DH was getting my free natalya's set and since theres only 1 free set per season I dont know how I should start with getting a set from scratch (even on my DH i havent found a full set with 2-3 weeks of play)

Secondly should I make an alternate character a seasonal or regular character? Just curious on that regard.

Thank you in advance

submitted by /u/ArchaoticDota
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GR bug - RG not spawned after we hit 100%

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 05:42 PM PST

I was playing with my clanmates and we were doing some GRs. Everything went nice. We got 100% and then boom - RG was "half-spawned" and mobs haven't got despawned. We killed some of them for a while but nothing changed. We had to exit the rift and start a new game. Wasted a key.

Made a pic specially to post it here: https://imgur.com/a/4aoCd

This seems to be a very rare thing as I have never experienced it before.

submitted by /u/RadTang
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Crusader (Blessed Shield) - Gyrfalcon's Foote vs. Akkhan's Leniency in Cube

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 11:42 AM PST

Hi guys :)

So, I'm having a ton of fun with my Blessed Shield Crusader, slowly and steadily getting hold of the different equipment to progress.

I've Jekangbord, full Akkhan, Justice Lantern, Akkhan's Manacles and almost Compass/Pledge - and going with the following Legendary Gems: Gem of Efficacious Toxin, Pain Enhancer and Gogok of Swiftness

Passives (3/4): Towering Shield, Hold Your Ground, Holy Cause and ... yeah, onwards to the question.

The "problem" I've run into, is figuring out which of the following paths to follow:

1) Use's Akkhan's Leniency, cube Gyrfalcon's Foote - using Heavenly Strength. Seems like higher damage. 2) Use Gyrfalcon's Foote, cube Akkhan's Leniency - and not having to use Heavenly Strength, opening up for another Passive. Seems like lower damage.

Every guide I've seen seems to be using #2 as the goto method, but I'm struggling to see why, exactly, that is.

I'm assuming it's the expected higher attackspeed, along with the LGems doing their magic - but is there more to it than that? In that case, which other passive should I use?

submitted by /u/Gnueless
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Akkan’s Addendum for Condemn?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 04:38 PM PST

What do you guys think about Akkan's Addendum instead of Furnace? You get twice the wrath regen which = double the dps, and also the -12 seconds cooldown skill which is more law uptime and iron skin. Doesn't think offset the 50% elite and the higher weapon damage of furnace or am I missing something?

submitted by /u/ParagonAX
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Some text strings didn't get updated with the balance patch

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 05:30 AM PST

Noticed this today: https://imgur.com/a/DODyU
The Set Dungeon description doesn't match the item tooltip anymore.
It's only a minor bug. Sorry if this is already known. Anyone found anywhere else where this has happened?

submitted by /u/Aam1997
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Weekly Thursday Help Desk, Ask your newbie questions here - 12/07/17

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 06:00 AM PST

Welcome to week 238 of Thursday Help Desk.

This is a weekly thread for any quick/newbie/unsure questions you may have. No matter how dumb you may think the question is, now is your chance to have them answered! If you need help with your gear and build, post to the weekly Gear thread instead!

Check the Commonly Asked Questions page first before posting!

If you're not here to ask or answer questions, then this place is not for you. The mods will be resilient in removing posts and possibly even bans. Meta feedback about the weekly post is fine. Helpful people will be strongly considered for an ID scroll after a review of posting history.

Sort by new to answer the latest questions. Older questions most likely already have answers.

If you have any feedback for this specific weekly thread, just post it here or message the mods.

submitted by /u/GharbadTheWeak
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Which gloves for the Pesti-RGK?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 10:26 PM PST


I am very tempted to use the primal (+5.7% dps) but friend says the 5.1% stun is no good..

submitted by /u/earsensewoo
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D3 ROS Hardcore ps4

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 08:09 AM PST

Can anyone give me some modded items? I just wanna beat hardcore for the trophies.

submitted by /u/SinnerAse
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Why is EU servers are extremely laggy and the game keeps kicking me off to lobby?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 07:48 AM PST

Is this the same with everyone or just me? Trying to connect from Turkey.

submitted by /u/khorsus
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My vision for Diablo IV

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 10:44 AM PST

Let me start by saying I've been a fan of Diablo since I got my hands on a copy of the original back in the late 90's, and at this point I've beaten them all and continue to play Diablo II and III to this day. That said, I know that offering up opinions on what would make the perfect successor to the franchise is nothing new, but I just wanted to throw my hat into the ring. I also realize this is a really lengthy post, so I've tried to organize things a bit for easier reading, and I'll throw a TLDR at the end for those less inclined to go through the details.




First things first, the ending of Reaper of Souls left the door open for the Nephalem to become corrupted in some way, which is arguably the central theme of the franchise. With the seven evils being released back into Sanctuary after the destruction of the Black Soulstone, I wouldn't be opposed to seeing them seek to control and manipulate the now-all-powerful Nephalem, but I'd also be open to the Nephalem's power simply becoming too much for them to control.


Either way, I think we should once again see the hero or heroes from the previous installment become the antagonists. This also means we can ditch the overplayed teenage power fantasy that came along with Diablo III and get back to having our player characters be normal humans. Maybe the goal in Diablo IV is to reconstruct the Worldstone, or a new similar artifact that will weaken the Nephalem or cure them of their madness.





Another topic debated to death, the visuals of Diablo III disappointed a lot of fans. I actually don't count myself among them. I had a few minor gripes, but overall I didn't mind them. However, I was appalled at the lack of darkness and light radius. I can't emphasize enough how important I think light radius is to the Diablo formula. That feeling you get when you see a monster charge out of the darkness at you is hard to replicate when you can see clearly to the edge of your screen. And yes, I realize that darkness and light radius don't work in every area, but bring it back wherever possible.


Music & Sound

I don't know who thought composing a sweeping orchestral score for Diablo III was a good idea, but they clearly failed to understand what the soundtrack for a Diablo game should be. Matt Uelmen's Diablo I and II soundtracks absolutely nailed the foreboding ominous atmosphere that should accompany your character on their journey to hell and back. Bring this style back for Diablo IV. Please. I'm begging you.


Dialogue & Lore

We all remember finding the moldy tome in Diablo II and learning of the Countess' horrific deeds only to track her down without any additional help from NPCs. In contrast, we all remember having Azmodan and Diablo show up time and time again in Diablo III to divulge the entirety of their master plans to us. It's time to get back to subtle story telling and hidden lore in Diablo IV. Show, don't tell.




Combat & Pacing

I've come to realize that one of the biggest differences for me between Diablo II and Diablo III is the combat and the pacing. In Diablo II the flow of combat felt slower and more precise. It wasn't afraid to leave some areas empty to break up the action and hide a few environmental secrets. Diablo III did this as well, but it definitely leaned more towards the "monsters everywhere, exploding in blood and treasure" side of things. Along with the intense visual spectacle of player abilities, this creates a much more arcade-like experience that, while very visceral and satisfying, can quickly lead to fatigue. You need those moments of quiet to build dread and suspense, two things that I think are vital for a Diablo game.



I feel pretty strongly about removing the "boss instances" that were present in Diablo III. While they prevented people from continuously returning to town to heal and re-supply, they also made bosses much less intimidating in the process. I feel like having bosses in the normal environments makes for a much more intense and nerve-racking fight, despite the fact that retreat is a viable option. I also want to see a return of boss runs as a viable way of accruing experience in the end game.


Rifts & Bounties

I think we can all agree that this is one of the best things to be introduced in Diablo III. It introduced an infinite scaling difficulty while giving players an ever-changing way to kill monsters and get loot. Rifts should absolutely be kept, but as I said before, their difficulty should be uncoupled from the main difficulty settings present in the main game. Bounties should also make a return, as they allowed players to roam the world outside of the confines of the story while giving them fun goals and challenges to overcome.


Skills & Builds

While I understand why Blizzard opted to create a more flexible and customizable experience with the skills and runes in Diablo III, the lack of consequence or permanence of any kind really turned me off. I was never a fan of gaining skills automatically, as that robbed me of the choice of how I wanted to build my character. Sure, I could switch things around once I had unlocked all of them, but I want to feel like I'm progressing and making important decisions up until that point too, not just in the end-game.


I know a lot of folks want to see a more involved skill system in Diablo IV, similar to PoE, but I would prefer a return to the skill trees from Diablo II. I also think the added re-specs were a step in the right direction that added a bit of forgiveness for players that felt like they'd made mistakes in their skill or stat allocations. Let's either keep them gated behind difficulties or add a steep gold or material cost to them.




Offline Single Player

I realize that this probably won't happen, as most modern game companies are moving to create online-only games as a form of DRM and to prevent botting and hacking, but I'd still love to have a way to play without being online. A man can dream.



This was one of the most enjoyable parts of Diablo II, and needs to see some kind of return in Diablo IV. I'm aware that it spawned hordes of bots and created a pay-to-win market, but the game just isn't the same without a more flexible trading mechanic. Account bound items can still exist, but should be kept to a minimum.


Player vs Player

I think we all want this in Diablo IV after being promised that it would be in Diablo III. I don't really care what form it takes, as I was never a big fan of it in Diablo II, but it seems like it should be brought back to appease those that really enjoyed it.


Difficulty Settings

I'd like to see a return to the Normal, Nightmare, and Hell difficulties from Diablo II used for the majority of the game, but the infinite scaling for Rifts could also be present without adding a ton of excess difficulties to the main game. And of course, Hardcore mode should continue to be an option for those wanting a more intense experience.


Itemization & Loot

This is certainly a contentious topic within the community, and I'm inclined to say that Diablo IV should really try to find middle-ground between Diablo II and Diablo III's loot systems. I don't want to find 10 legendaries in five minutes only to scrap them all for crafting materials. This devalues loot as a whole and creates a very small subset of end-game worthy items.


I also don't want to see every stat on an item boiled down to "this is an upgrade" or "this isn't an upgrade". While this allows for a quick decision, it over simplifies things and removes a lot of the nuance and fun that comes from choosing your gear. All that said, I also don't want to wait forever to find a legendary only to have it be pretty useless as was often the case in Diablo II. There has to be a balance here.


Artisans & Crafting

I think the artisans and crafting system added in Diablo III have merit and would love to see them return in some fashion in Diablo III. I was skeptical of their usefulness in the original Diablo III, but since Reaper of Souls and numerous patches, I think they've refined the crafting to a point where it makes sense and enhances the gameplay.



The developers need to learn from their mistakes with Diablo III (which you could argue they already have) and remember why Diablo II was such a resounding success. Ditch the all-powerful Nephalem fantasy and get us back to feeling the terror of being an ordinary human fighting hordes of hellspawn. Use lighting, music, and writing to deliver a subtler, more suspenseful experience and bring back the systems and gameplay elements that created such a passionate, engaged community to begin with. Very long story short, if Diablo IV is going to be a success and a true successor to the franchise, it needs to take the best of both Diablo II and Diablo III and make them work together.

submitted by /u/Wispmage
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