Destiny - [D2] Daily Reset Thread [2017-12-17]

[D2] Daily Reset Thread [2017-12-17]

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 09:05 AM PST

Note: At this time, the Destiny 2 API does not provide any of the info below. We have put placeholder data until the API is available and it is grabbed automatically. In the meantime, please feel free to post in the comments and we'll update the thread.

Planetary Challenges

Planet Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3

Strike Challenges

Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3

Crucible Challenges

Mode Challenge 1 Challenge 2 Challenge 3
submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Guys, if someone is AFK in the strike just report him and leave the strike.. It will probably do more good than doing all the work for this AFK guy.

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 05:06 AM PST

Bungie, a ONE YEAR exclusive window is flat out insane. Insane.

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 11:25 AM PST

I was just about to make a post about the dam in the EDZ. I was speculating that it would be a future mission area, because from our vantage point it looks really cool, and I want to go there.

I decided to take a few minutes to look it up before making my post, and discovered that it was part of the Lake of Shadows strike.

It blows my mind that I will have to wait another nine months to play the strIke.

It is ridiculous.

submitted by /u/NeroJoe
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Deej just tweeted about 3oC

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 09:30 AM PST

here is the tweet

"Our Player Support team is investigating feedback about Three of Coins. We'll share some details on our findings on Monday."

submitted by /u/dave4g4e
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For the love of god stop killing the mercury PE boss before his second shield or you dont get heroic credit!

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 03:25 AM PST

I am sick to death of only getting normal completions for 90% of these events because people keep nuking the boss before he does his second shield and you then don't get heroic completion for it!

I end up not shooting the boss AT ALL and people are still nuking it so fast the second shield never appears and all you get is normal completion for it.

To clarify, this has nothing to do with triggering the heroic in the first place (by shooting the diamonds on the first island platform), it is a bug which prevents heroic completion after you have already activated it. Eventually, some time in the next decade, bungie might fix it (this was identiffied on the first day of CoO).

I have discovered another related bug. If someone completes the second island to trigger the boss before the heroic has been triggered on the first island, you never get the text saying it is now a heroic once it is triggered, but it WILL be heroic anyway and this time it doesn't mater whether you get to his second shield or not, you will get heroic completion regardless.

So fair to say it's riddled with bugs.

submitted by /u/Wokmeister
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Argos Killed In A Single Shield Break - 25 Second Kill!

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 09:03 AM PST


Previous videos posted here and elsewhere have claimed to "one phase" Argos. All of these previous videos required two damage phases before the "void energy rises" stagger/wipe mechanic. No team had actually managed to kill Argos in a single damage phase - a single shield break. Until now.

We used six hunters. We only attempted damage from the Void damage plate, to pool orbs. One player (SSScrub) would generate a huge pile of orbs using Orpheus Rigs. He would tether at least 7 enemies to instantly refill his super, and then keep tethering that same group of enemies repeatedly. Before we started the damage phase, SSScrub would have to enter his inventory to switch to Gunslinger, unequip Orpheus Rigs, and equip Celestial Nighthawk. He was then responsible for shooting the "top" orb of the energy barrier to break the shield. The reason why SSScrub has this responsibility is because successfully shooting one of the shield orbs rewards you with a significant amount of super energy.

Immediately as the shield breaks, players with full supers would drop their vex cranium and activate their golden gun so we were not losing time to the super animation. As soon as the Unstable Energy damage buff appeared on screen, a precision golden gun shot with Celestial Nighthawk would start off the damage. From there, which "combo" of actions required depends on if that player was a shield breaker or on the damage team. The shield breakers (lH o v a and Textbook1987) would only have about 14 ticks of ammo in their vex craniums so they would deplete those after the first golden gun. For the damage team players (Ouch MS, Cruelty It, Mighty Edwinn), they would have a full 40 ticks of ammo in their vex craniums, so ideally they would pick up and use 20 ticks after their first golden gun, drop the vex cranium to use their second golden gun, and then pick up the vex cranium again to use the rest. The highest priority for everybody for damage was golden gun precision shots. For this to be possible, the 5 main damage dealers each had to get off 5 damage-buffed precision golden gun shots. SSScrub would not be able to get as many because there are less orbs for him to pick up. We considered having 2 hunters use Orpheus Rigs before switching to gunslinger+nighthawk so that SSScrub would have enough orbs to get off more golden guns, but it was simpler to just have one person dedicated to orb generation.

Our "damage team" players (Ouch MS, Cruelty It, Mighty Edwinn) had the opportunity to deal the most amount of damage. For a successful kill, they needed to deal about 2.4 million in damage. I believe the highest damage we saw on a failed attempt was 2.6 million. Textbook1987 and lH o v a could deal slightly less damage because they would only have about 10 to 15 ticks of ammo remaining in the vex cranium after breaking the shield. Their best damage output was around 2.4 million. SSScrub had the least opportunity for massive damage, as nobody else was generating orbs for him before the shield break. Orbs would be generated from the golden gun precision shots during the damage phase, so he could get off a few golden guns as well, but later than the rest of the team.

Here is the full team, with individual points of view.

Team Euros:

submitted by /u/3nippledman
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The pyramidion's "Brakion, the genesis mind" boss instant kill!

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 06:08 AM PST

Pyramidion brakion instant kill -

It's me, your friendly neighborhood vex offender, back at it again.

This time the victim is brakion, the genesis mind and he gets insta melted! I will also be updating this once it rolls around to be the nightfall again. Previous melts include

Savathun's Song nightfall instant kill -

Inverted Spire nightfall instant kill -

You can keep track of my stuff with the links in the video descriptions :)

Stay tuned in the meantime.

1 Sunbreaker

1 Voidwalker

1 GG Nighthawk

2 curtain calls & 1 wardcliff

EDIT - GIF Version via u/Mblim771_Kyle

submitted by /u/RegisterVexOffender
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Reduce the Masterwork Cores required to change the weapon tracker from crucible to vanguard, vice versa.

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 03:55 AM PST

Edit: For clarity, this isn't a suggestion to reduce the amount of Masterwork Cores required to switch a legendary weapon into a Masterwork.

submitted by /u/acinonyx-jubatus
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Benedict 99-40 needs Lair armor in his pool

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 11:16 AM PST

I have not seen any major discussion on this but the lair armor is not in the pool for Benedict 99-40. Each time I have finished the Lair I would go back and use the tokens to rank up in order to check what he has offered. Still normal Leviathan raid drops. Considering we still get the same tokens as a reward, and more often than actual drops, should at least the armor set not be part of the pool of rewards?

submitted by /u/SilentBoiSoul
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"Thanks For Being My Guardian"

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 08:07 AM PST

Real talk Bungie. Forget all the cheesy humor and dumb-ed down basic lore-telling. Forget the crap. Forget it all.

Give us moments like this!

submitted by /u/LondonDude123
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So why are no kiosks? If they can't have kiosks why is vault only for 200 items which includes all of inventory and gear?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 09:22 AM PST

Why is Bungie like this? After 3 years why are they doing this?

I can't even collect the sets I want to because everything is limited

This is such a huge mistake or missed opportunity I don't know but this hurts how Bungie can't improve from D1---> D2

submitted by /u/PsychoactiveTHICC
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There's a bug with Ophidian Aspects reload perk.

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 09:42 AM PST

Tried these out for the first time and during my strike I noticed they were acting up a lot. Decided to test it a bit and found that when switching to my energy pulse rifle it would lose it's reload buff. If I kept the pulse equipped and swapped gloves off then back on I would regain the buff until I switched to my primary then back to my energy. Made the mistake of not switching energy weapons, so I can't be sure if it is the gloves or the new trials weapon.

Edit: Ran tests on some other energy weapons (not new trials weapons) and it seemed to work as it should.

Edit 2: After more testing it appears it was related to the quick draw perk on the pulse and this doesnt occur when you select another perk. (media)

submitted by /u/DarrowS
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Don't be afraid to make exotics powerful

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 10:19 AM PST

Just got the Vesper of Radius and man was I excited, the description sounded so great and powerful. I understand in PvP this shouldn't one shot players but in PvE the damage this does is so trivial that most enemies just laugh it off. I would really prefer this damage be buffed or it stuns enemies as well.

It just seems like a lot of the exotics you guys are bringing in are underwhelming, don't be afraid to make them stronger. Am I saying this shockwave should oneshot yellow bars? Definitely not, but should it clear out clusters of red bar enemies (that aren't tanky) I think so. Especially with how rift is designed it could really give warlocks a nice extra boost.

If you change this to a stun then it suits the second part of the perk better but as it stands now this exotic was just a huge let down and I am really tired or feeling this way about exotics when in D1 I remember getting so many that made me feel powerful.

submitted by /u/GandalfTheyGay
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If you hold E / L2 / LT while looking at your mods in your inventory, you can see what slot they go into (including what specific class each "Class Item" mod is for)!

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 12:37 PM PST

Just as in the title. If you're holding E (PC default) / L2 (PS4 default) / LT (XB1 default) in your inventory while looking at your mods, these icons appear showing you what armor slot each mod goes into at a glance. In the image, I've highlighted the class icons that show up when looking at Class Item mods (which still show up when looking at mods that show a generic "Class Item Mod" label).

This isn't terribly useful outside of quickly differentiating between duplicate mods (i.e. counting how many Kinetic Munition Loader mods you have for your Arms, Chest, and Titan Mark individually) and for knowing which Class Item mods go where, but is otherwise a neat functionality you have that isn't telegraphed to you by the UI!

As a side note: you can see these same icons any time you obtain a mod.

submitted by /u/Storb
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Can we get some nightfall armor?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 05:53 AM PST

Come on Bungie you said you wanted prestige Nightfalls to be the most challenging as your reasoning as moving it up to 330. But all we get is a tracking emblem and a weekly aura for doing them.

Prestige Nightfall is challenging enough to get its own emblem and aura but its tied to the same armor as regular 170 PL strikes? I would grind for a whole set and its ornaments. All you have to do is make it look good and have good stats

submitted by /u/Patches318
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12 hours of strikes with 3oC...

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 01:57 AM PST


I ran Heroic Strikes with 3oC for 12 hours. I was keeping a list of which strikes came up on the rotation but it effectively levelled out so it's pointless writing it here.

I only used 3oC and no medallions or any other boost or modifier. I immediately used another 3oC when one ran out.

I got 2 exotics in 12 hours. I also got 35 legendaries but with the soft power cap they're just shard fodder although I got 2 masterwork weapons from them.

It's not a scientific study by any means but I certainly won't be buying anymore. Feeling a bit cheesed off at being suckered in by Bungie once again though.


submitted by /u/StonehengeMan
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Nosism's Destiny 2 Improvement List v2.1// hopefully a positive, precise spin on constructive criticism

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 08:17 AM PST

I have high hopes that Bungie keeps working hard to give the community what it wants. A lot of what we asked for made it to Destiny 1 eventually.

In this post, I try to be very, very specific about the game we want so Bungie gets it right. Here is my best effort-- made better by all the wordsmiths who have been suggesting better phrasing and who have even written a few sections under PvP better than I could have.

This had been updated to take into account Curse of Osiris and to remove any sections that had become less relevant. A big focus in this update was on returning the fun gameplay of special weapons to PVE and on enhancing the subclasses.

Nosism's Destiny 2 Improvement List v2.1

Click Here to Visit:

We all want Destiny 2 to be great. Here is a list I have curated on improvements Bungie should focus their time and energy on. I want this to be a perfect game and I want to contribute my thinking and organization to make this easier for Bungie.

Table of Contents:

  1. Gameplay: Increasing the Power Fantasy of Weapons

  2. Gameplay: Improving the Power Fantasy

  3. Game Design: Players Should Work For Exotic Loot

  4. PVE: A Large, Living Open World

  5. PVP: Enhancing Gameplay & Progression

  6. Game Design: Progression, Rewards & Customization

  7. PVP: Balancing The Meta (WIP)

  8. Technical, Cosmetic, UI Improvements

  9. PC-Specific Improvements

  10. Emergency Section: Re-earning the Community's Faith 12/7

  11. Essential Long Term Design Shifts (WIP)

Original Thread:

My favorite sections are:

Increasing the Power Fantasy of Weapons:

Players Should Work For Exotic Loot:

PVP: Ranks, Squad & Commander Systems

submitted by /u/Nosism
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The evolution of Bungie's stance on writing: Bungie's commercials.

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 11:50 AM PST

Before, when Bungie had a new game on the horizon would get stuff like this:

Now we get:

You would think a game with apocalyptic themes and tones as dark as destiny wouldn't be treated like a light hearted comedy... so how did Bungie go from a company that makes moving and compelling content to le epic funny memes and shlock?

That Museum trailer from Halo 3 still makes me feel.

submitted by /u/Modshroom128
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How did Destiny 2's dialog get to be so bad?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 09:33 AM PST

I didn't complain too much about D2's dialog (except for CoO), but I went back and played some Destiny 1 today and the dialog is SO MUCH BETTER. Even though it has less emotion and character, it's not cringey. I actually enjoy Ghost's companionship. Cayde actually has more than just comic relief. The other characters don't make jokes every 2 seconds. The tone is serious and actually makes the missions feel dangerous.

Where did it all go wrong Bungie?

submitted by /u/DuktorAlecus
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I'm actually perplexed they brought back Helm of Saint-14.

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 06:37 PM PST

In D1, it was stellar.

  • Ward of Dawn was your Super, period.
  • You could get it hella quick.
  • You didn't always have huge health during Ward of Dawn (if you chose Blessing/Weapons of Light) so the effect really helped then.
  • Ward of Dawn could last longer and was harder to destroy.

But now? I just don't see how it can be anything other than incredibly niche.

  • Using Ward of Dawn 'sacrifices' Sentinel Shield
  • It takes much longer to charge your Super
  • Ward of Dawn has no team-buffing effects to incentivize using it
  • Ward of Dawn is shorter and easier to kill
  • If you have Sentinel Shield and are that close to enemy, why block and blind them when you could just kill them with Sentinel Shield outright?

As it is no one really uses Ward of Dawn except on objectives in PvP (Countdown, Control) and in that case just the fact that you have Armor of Light is usually enough to be unkillable. When using Sentinel Shield who wants to take the time to block when you could be killing?

I don't see this as making much difference except in a very niche situation of being surrounded by adds and you needing to drop the shield and blind them to revive someone or do some Raid mechanic that doesn't exist yet.

This is the one returning Exotic that disappoints me, the rest are fine because of the different sandbox or because they have new applications.

EDIT: Just to clarify, I am happy with Ward of Dawn in general, and I don't feel like we've "lost the power fantasy" or anything like that. This isn't a salt post about D2 overall. I'm just unhappy about this particular Exotic because it worked with Defender in the old system but not really Sentinel in this new system.

And I think all the ideas for buffs to Ward of Dawn are failing to take into account the Countdown mode in Crucible especially since that's a Trials mode. Ward of Dawn wins Trials games so long as they check to make sure your team doesn't have a Super first.

submitted by /u/Faust_8
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Make bright dust a purchasable currency and sell Eververse items for bright dust

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 10:52 PM PST

This is the best thing that can happen to the micro-transaction aspect of the game right now. You'd get bright dust from levels instead of bright engrams. At least this way people know exactly what they are paying for. RNG boxes are a fucking cancer that need to be regulated and taken out of games.

submitted by /u/Towerrrr
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I HATE FARMING FOR Paradox Amplifier!!!

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 08:23 AM PST

Okay Bungie, thank you for making us grind for these things, I personally find them fun. But, the only, and I mean ONLY, thing I hate about these things is that is not a guaranteed!! It's completely freaking random at times and won't give them to you! I was this close to throwing my controller to the tv after not getting one from Crucible!! I have a Monday through Friday job with a wife and kid and don't have much time to play this game for me to be grinding for hours! The one time I have a chance to play, no one is On to play heroic missions and don't like playing Heroic strikes because it takes long, so the only thing there is left for me to do is play Crucible. Great. I'm grinding for almost two hours, I had to sacrifice my sleep to get up at 5 am in the morning on a weekend to get ahem 30 Paradox Amplifiers, to make three perfected ones! I'm so tired of this particular grind because you aren't fully rewarded at times and makes me play more Crucible matches when I hate Crucible! Oh man...

I think i feel better just typing all this out. Even if it didn't make any sense. I just hate grinding an activity I dislike the most and not getting what I want at the end. I've lost my patience now days. Don't have much friends to play with. I'm in love with this game and the friends that I once played Raids with in D1 have left. I don't Raid anymore. It isn't the same without my team who I enjoy playing with the most. With a baby, it's now even harder for me to grind these activities. I love my family and wish I didn't have to grind this much to get 30 Paradox Amplifiers.

Edit: I LOVE the grind! Just please give us what we ask for. I don't mind doing 30 Crucible or a lot of strikes! Just please at least give us one per activity!

submitted by /u/PapaBlessDestiny
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The chest at the end of a strike is more filled with loot than the raid ones

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:59 PM PST

So with my Clan we got our first Argos kill tonight. After breezing through the first parts of the raid we spend 3 hours on Argos itslef, slowly improving until we managed to finally kill it. It was super fun, it remind me a lot of Aksis HM due to the amount of communication & movement required. It's, IMHO, a far more interesting Raid boss than Calus.

But once we arrived to the chest we found 2 purple items lying on the floor waiting for us, like after Calus. And I have to say it's a bit underwhelming.

When you do a basic strike and kill the boss, the chest spawn and a lot of stuffs pop out of it. Yeah sure it's only tokens, a couple of blues & glimmer, but the visual effect of those items jumping from the chest feels more rewarding.

What if the chest would open when all 6 players arrive, and have a lot of stuffs coming out of it as well ? No need to be a shower of purples, but maybe a sh*t load of glimmer, some tokens from the Flashpoint planet of the week, few more Calus' tokens, a couple of blues, some raid shaders, a purple raid engram and a decent chance for an exotic ?

Seeing the chest explode with loot would give a nice rewarding feeling after downing a raid boss, and be the icing on the cake of a fun raid night with friends.

edit : frontpage, hi mom !

submitted by /u/fantino93
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Use the Suros Modular shaders on your forge weapons if you miss SIVA-themed weapons!

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 11:35 AM PST

Not a true SGA, but if you're like me and loved Wrath of the Machine's aesthetic, you can have some fun this way. Cheers! :)

Pics here:

submitted by /u/GermanMenswear
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Saturday night Primetime US. Just matched the same team 3 games in a row in Trials. PC population is on life support.

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 07:25 PM PST

Like the title says. Just matched the same exact team in Trials 3 games in a row. Looked at Destinytrials report and see that only 19,000 people have participated this weekend. Looked on Twitch and the highest channel has 500 people watching on Saturday night. How is this game going to survive for another few months, and don't forget Bungies 3 week vacation!

Where the hell are the updates to make the game more interesting? PUBG and fortnite get updated weekly. It's crazy how such a big company as Bungie is so slow to update the game.

submitted by /u/Bcider
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