Fallout - Fallout mini playing cards (incomplete)

Fallout mini playing cards (incomplete)

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 06:07 AM PST

Update: This post has gotten some traction, so I'll have to close the offering as of 18:00 (CET). I'll split up the cards between those of you who send me your addresses in a PM. Thanks!

Hi to who sees this post;

Because of reasons the mini playing cards I've made of Fallout are useless to me and I'm wondering if anyone is interested in getting these.

They're printed on some type of clear "paper" and incomplete because thankfully for me I saw my mistake on time. There are 18 of them and since I'm in a festive mood I'm willing to ship them for free.

Sorry if I did something wrong/illegal, don't want to just throw these out

submitted by /u/NevillesHowler
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Lore Experts, any idea why Vegas has more advanced weapons?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 11:11 AM PST

It might just be me, but it seems that the weapons in New Vegas are vastly more technologically advanced than their Eastern Cousins. Is there an explanation, or is this just me being an ole crazy?

submitted by /u/WryWilliam
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Bethesda's authentication appears to be down

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 11:39 AM PST

Can anyone else confirm?

submitted by /u/Lethean_Waves
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I'm a life long Fallout fan who hated (and never finished) Fallout 4. Just bought Fallout4VR today and it's amazing.

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 02:33 PM PST

Since the original Fallout I've played and loved every Fallout game in the main series of games. With the exception of FO4. By the time I got power armor in FO4 I was already bored with the game and very disappointed as I was expecting game of the year material.

I forced myself to play another 10 hours or so hoping it would get better but it never did. I eventually abandoned it and FO4 became the first Fallout game I started but didn't finish. And also the first Fallout game I haven't spent hundreds of hours playing multiple times.

With the recent release of FO4VR I figured I would give it a chance since I hadn't used my Vive in a while. Worst case I could always refund it if it was bad. But I got to say this feels like the definite way to experience Fallout. It is just so much damn fun. For me the extra fun and immersion from playing in VR completely offsets any of the bad aspects of FO4. All of the things that bothered me about the 2D version don't even rate anymore because I'm having so much fun being IN the world.

There were apparently lots of issues on release day (typical Bethesda) but they all seem to be fixed by now. I've had 0 issues or performance problems with the default settings. And I only have a GTX970. Game looks pretty good too. Things really far away (like way off in the distance) look a little blurry but that is typical in VR games and close up everything looks great.

submitted by /u/Sekerah
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Who was your favourite character for each of Fallout 4's three biggest DLCs and why?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 08:19 AM PST

Automatron - Ada Kinda blissfully innocent of most situations and i loved how she always tried to express emotions as best she could as a robot. As a companion, she also complimented my hoarder playstyle.

Far Harbor - Dima Although i never got around to bringing Nick with me, Dima was extremely well thought-out in story, history and design. He had a lot of heart and was a sort of mediator to the people and synths of Far Harbor.

Nuka-world - Cito I dont know why but i really liked Cito. I think it was because of his unique "dumb" and "oblivious" attitude to everything that made him really interesting. I guess what also did it for me was his dedication to the ghoul-rillas that raised him and how much he loved and protected them. Shame his story was a tad short.

submitted by /u/OsmiumSpoon
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Does fallout 4 get easier as you progress?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 01:03 PM PST

I started on normal, and I could barely survive. Every gunfight was difficult. I went down to easy and it was a good fit for me for a while. Now I'm around level 20 and every fight is not remotely a challenge so I put it back to normal, which is still a bit easy with my current equipment.

Anybody else feel this way?

submitted by /u/Mac2663
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New Vegas mods to make combat more like FO4?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 01:47 PM PST

I love New Vegas so much, but it's tough to go back to it's clunky combat after playing FO4. Any mods that change NV's combat to make it more like 4's?

submitted by /u/Ah_The_Elusive_4chan
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F4SE 1.10.50 crashes

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 03:16 PM PST

I just updated to 1.10.50 version of F4SE and now I cannot play fallout 4 at all. The game will launch and go to a black screen and the ctd. I can get fallout 4 to start and run through the normal launcher, but for what ever reason f4se is giving me nothing but trouble. Does anyone have any possible solutions?

submitted by /u/lightningstorm112
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How powerful are you in Fallout 4?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 12:51 AM PST

How powerful am I As of now? I'm the head of the Minutemen and The Institute, Paladin in the BOS, and I'm in the railroad. Plus I own fair amount of land. To top it off I have 7 suits of power armor and shitload of guns. I assume once you finish the game, I assume you will be the most powerful person in the Commonwealth.

submitted by /u/lazyjew555
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What's the cheapest way to get the Fallout 4 DLCs for PS4?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 02:01 PM PST

Sorry if this question has been asked a thousand times before. I have Fallout 4 on PS4 and I want to get the DLCs. I'm only interested in story DLCs and not the settlement stuff.

What's the cheapest way to get the Fallout 4 DLCs? The Game of the Year edition, just downloading the DLCs, or..?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/sandwich_breath
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Fallout 4 (steam) not installing

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 11:12 AM PST

I tried installing fallout 4ntoday and it's not working. I know it's not my internet because I uninstalled and reinstalled S.T.A.L.K.E.R. clear sky and Hotline Miami and it worked fine. Has anyone else experienced similar issues?

submitted by /u/Colehorowitz12
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Do you guys have a favorite Fallout YouTuber?

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 05:23 PM PST

If so, what do you like about them/their videos ? Many a True Nerd is pretty awesome in my opinion, would be cool to know what you guys are into for Fallout videos.

submitted by /u/Tjray4
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Weird companion bug

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 10:18 AM PST


I have this weird bug with Preston where he appears to be with me, but he won't listen to commands or follow me. When I'm looking at him it shows E) Command. I'm able to talk to him and all (and trade). When I tell him to follow me he doesn't do it just walks off. When I try to dismiss him I can't send him anywhere.

If I recruit someone else with me he won't leave. He just stays in Sanctuary all the times.

I hope I explained well enough PS: I'm on PC

submitted by /u/GatheringAgate
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Fallout New Vegas console disable achievments or not?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 12:23 PM PST

Title. When i was googling an answer i have seen a lot of conflicting answers.

submitted by /u/kissofthehell
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Unmodded, fresh FO4 install crashing to desktop on main menu, please help

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 07:44 AM PST

So, I wanted to return to this game, and now after installing it, a second after I press a button after the startup video, the game crashes to desktop. And for the life of me I don't know what to do. Tried windowed/fullscreen, disabled antivirus, deleted ini files, verified files...

Anyone had similar issues? Win10, gtx970, i7 4790k

EDIT: Blocking the game's internet access via the firewall fixed it

submitted by /u/beti88
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Fallout 4 VR keyboard support?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 03:52 AM PST


Any mods that allow Fallout 4 VR to be played with a keyboard?

submitted by /u/fiberkanin
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Tired of unlocking terminals? Try this!

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 01:28 PM PST

I was playing with mods just a while back on PS4, and I had one of those 'unlock terminals with one word' mods on. After I was done with mods, I turned them off and went into the game. I found that while none of my cheat-esque effects had stayed, the terminal cheat had. So I decided to reload the game manually, and sure enough, no one-word terminals. So I added the mod again, the game refreshed its data. I turned it off and it re-refreshed, I went back into the game, and... wait what? The terminals were unlockable with one word!

Tl;dr to unlock terminals from 1 word choice:

  1. Install 'Unlock Any Terminal' mod

  2. Disable all mods in load order (don't uninstall!)

  3. Wait for the game to refresh

  4. Go into the game.

You receive all achievements still, and with the added bonus of having easily-unlockable terminals, though perk level stays the same. So no hacking master-rank terminals at tier 1 of the hacker perk.

Hope this works for people not on PS4 tho! :D

submitted by /u/haydenbjyoung
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Everyone always says they don't want to go into "Deathclaw Sanctuary" or "Walking box Cavern" on New Vegas but my nightmare?

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 10:37 PM PST

Is the Mysterious Cave in Big Mountain. That beast has killed so many of my players so many times.

submitted by /u/ozymandias9999
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FO3: Feels so great to be wandering the Wastelands again

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 07:47 PM PST


Having a blast rediscovering the Wastelands with my first playthrough after about 7 years.

One thing I've forgotten about: man does amo run out quickly. I really have to choose my battles and can't afford to shoot at every enemy I come across. I find it really cool to be honest. The apocalypse isn't going to have amo lying around everywhere - things are scarce and you gotta scavenge to survive.

submitted by /u/morrowindnostalgia
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How does farming work and best place(s) for farming in fallout 4

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 11:06 PM PST

What are the aleins in Fallout?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 12:07 AM PST

I am really confused on where the aleins in Fallout 3, Fallout New Vegas, and Fallout 4 fit in. In Fallout 3 it proves the existence of aleins with mother ship zeta, while Fallout New Vegas just plays it off as a wacky occurrence. But then Fallout 4 has animatronic aleins that are look very similar to the aleins in the past games, even the Lazer they have are the exact same design in Fallout 3, and New Vegas. I don't understand the alien lore in Fallout, please help.

submitted by /u/AtomRudy64
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What mods or modpacks do you use alongside FROST?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 03:09 AM PST

What mods or modpacks do you use alongside FROST?

submitted by /u/MadMaxNZ
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