Dead by Daylight Guess i'll die

Guess i'll die

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 04:19 AM PST

OK, If You Say So...

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 10:18 AM PST

Mystery GiftBoxes Don't Always Give What They're Supposed To Rarity-wise

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 01:00 AM PST

'Right now, data tells us that Freddy is in the exact-right position'

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 10:43 AM PST

PSA : Devs added poisoned chests with 1.8.3 Update

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 09:17 AM PST


I couldn't find anything about this new feature in 1.8.3 patchnotes...

submitted by /u/Trollfarceur
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Let's say that someone brings in a flashlight with a White Ward. That person gets sacrificed, but a different survivor picks up the flashlight and survives. Has the flashlight effectively been duplicated?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 12:46 PM PST

The White Ward ensures that the first survivor keeps the flashlight, but the second survivor picked it up and took it home. So they both have it now?

submitted by /u/FrankWest21CP
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Unlocking a crafting system once you reach P3

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 09:59 AM PST

The only reason to go for P3 is for the clothes and slightly better bloodweb. (and if you enjoy playing one specific killer/survivor)

But what if a crafting system is unlocked when you reach P3.

That crafting system will allow you to disenchant the addons/offerings you don't need and craft the ones you want.

We know that once you reach P3 it is pain in the ass to get addons. It is expensive and not worth it.

A crafting system will change this and then maybe more people will be interested and motivated to level their favorite survivor/killer to P3.

This is just an idea. But I think there should be more rewards for the end-game aka once you reach P3.

submitted by /u/Sally-the-Nurse
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"pallet looping isn't fun for survivors either" starter pack

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:03 PM PST

Post-Match Suprise Buttsecks

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 03:01 AM PST

Meanwhile at the North Pole.

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 12:17 PM PST

Baby-Nurse is real???

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 12:34 PM PST

A Zen-Like Retrospective on DBD

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 07:17 AM PST

I've played DBD for a good long time. Not an outrageous amount, and I haven't been here since the beginning, but I've been around the block. I've paid my dues; R1 survivor, R1 killer, got pretty much every cheevo in the book. I've plundered the salt-mines, delivered many-a-tilt and been tilted myself, and I'm proud to say my sanity is intact (mostly). Just wanted to write a few words of advice here for players, new and old, about how I think this game is meant to be played now that I have a bit of experience under my belt, and the mindset you should have so that you, too, can keep your sanity intact (mostly). I've seen many, many threads similar to this, but I don't think they've really gotten the point across that I would like to convey to you now.

The only rule: Exploits and hacks aside, nothing is off-limits. And I mean nothing. I'm not talking about taking OP perks, I'm talking about gamesmanship, and doing whatever it takes to accomplish what you're trying to do.


You want to do the gens and get out? You want to BM and tilt the killer? You want to pull off sick spinz for your Youtube highlight reel? Do what you need to do. Last-second switch 4 insta-blinds in the lobby, fuck em, if killers want Franklin's and LB they can either have it on all the time or not ready up in lobbies before survivors do. You care about your fun, not theirs. Leave the match when you're getting mori'd, or when you're about to lose a good item, or when you're the first person found, or when you see iridescent heads on huntress, stay on comms with your SWF team and call out where the killer is so you can always hide when he/she is coming, hide in a locker when a Myers is going for the 4k tombstone achievement so he can't kill you with his M1, farm your teammates off the hook, teabag at every pallet loop, tell the killer he's shit at the game after every match (and stop there and go no further. Some trash talk can be fun, but harassment is never okay) run DS, BT, SC, and SB/DH on every single member of your 4-man SWF team, pallet loop till the sun comes up, run keys and BNPs, run whatever you need to play the game the way you want to play it. If the killer ree's at you in post-game chat for being toxic, just gg and move on.


You want to get a 4k every match? You want to tunnel? You want to meme and mess with the survivors before letting them all waltz out the exit gates? You want to go full try-hard? You do you. Close lobbies if you see survivors with private profiles, if you suspect they're SWF, or if they don't ready up by the time there's only ~10 seconds left so they can't swap items in. Queues are long for survivors but fuck em, they can wait, SWF is stupid broken, there's no punishment for dodging lobbies and it's your fun you care about, not theirs. Unless you do care about their fun. Because that's okay, too. If someone does last-second swap in an insta blind, tunnel and camp him to death right off the bat as punishment, run moris and iridescent heads and kings, run BBQ Billy on the cornfields and spooky Myers on Lery's, trap the house windows on Haddonfield, put 10 phantasm traps around every hooked survivor, insidious camp the basement with Leatherface, insidious facecamp anyone on any hook with any killer for no reason at all, don't give the last guy the hatch, hard patrol 3 close gens the entire game with a distressing/overcharge/unnerving doctor build, slug with Freddy, play NOED nurse, run ruin and BBQ and nurse's and whispers and any other perk that breaks stealth, again, run whatever you need to play the game the way you want to play it, and if the survivors are tilted at you or DC, it means you're probably doing a pretty good job so far.

And one last point to consider: If any of these things make the game unfun for anyone, remember; don't hate the player for using the tools available to them. Hate the game. It's the devs' fault any of these tactics are available to either side, not the survivor's, and not the killer's.

If you think I sound jaded and cynical, I absolutely am, but don't get it twisted: I do not rage in Dead by Daylight. I no longer let myself get tilted. I don't blame anyone for doing anything that breaks the balance of the game and I don't let them shame me for doing the same. There are no crutch perks or noob strategies. Don't let the salt get to you friends, there are worse fates than not surviving or not 4k-ing. When I see you in the fog, I will do everything I can to get an advantage over you and I will show you no mercy. I expect you to do the same.

submitted by /u/V_Concerned
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Fix auto aiming a non sleep survivor

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 07:35 AM PST

Like seriously I was about to down someone at the gate the guy wasn't even blocking her when I swung at her freddy automatically turned to the survivor that was awake. Like did a full turn around. Come on FIX IT

submitted by /u/ghostman0128
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So invisible tall one use only hooks are a thing now

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 08:44 AM PST

Why haven't the Slightly / Tremendously descriptions been changed to their percent values?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 12:03 PM PST

Wouldn't doing so eliminate ambiguity about how much of an increase you're getting from your items / addons?

submitted by /u/Empty_String
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Trapper does the 'Pallet Ballet'

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 12:58 PM PST

Totem aura brightness increase?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 09:02 AM PST

Just a small thought. Anyone else have a problem sometimes where no matter how much you squint you cant see your totems aura? It gets so bad on some maps due to the colors that I occasionally have to run into a wall and rotate my camera around to try and single it out. And this usually ends with it being cleansed and me finding out it wasnt even behind a gen aura. Just a small QoL fix I think that could help killers a bit. Ps camera angle aound bug is still there on xbox.

submitted by /u/gibblywibblywoo123
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"I take Xtreme hide n seek too seriously" starter pack

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 02:47 AM PST

Anyone else think ruin is mandatory?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 06:08 AM PST

I was playing Myers today and had the game of my life (32k points, 4K) and I was really trying to waste as much of the survivors time as possible, I had ruin too but it was gone after 2 hooks.

After that I switched out ruin for enduring.

(I normally run ruin/enduring, deerstalker, bbq and nurses on my Myers) and I was doing the same. Keeping Gens close, survivors injured,breaking a few pallets here and there etc. But sadly 2 escaped, the gens were just to fast.(only bcs of d-strike + dead hard at an open exit)

I feel like without ruin, the games go way to quick and If I had ruin last match I would have probably 4kd.

submitted by /u/Error_X
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I think Self-Care might be detrimental to teamwork.

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 06:37 PM PST

What are you doing there Claudette?

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 01:20 PM PST

Bond is disgustingly underrated

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 08:03 AM PST

I've seen a ton of perk tier list, where Empathy is S tier and Bond is B-A tier. To those who don't believe that Bond isn't worthy of the S tier, then you either never used the perk, use it in swf(which is usually the common reason I wouldn't run it) or the user didn't make the most use of it.

Bond allows you to save so much time, position yourself away from the killer(a great way S tier chasing killers like nurse) and gives you an idea of what to expect from survivors and how reliable they are(this advantage would usually be enough to sell you the perk). EDIT: you get 500+ extra points from working with teammates, useful for grinding points!

Empathy, in the other hand, just allows you to know where the injured survivors are(useful for healing dailies, but who does dallies anymore amirite) and an idea of where the killer is active.

A generally good setup I find to be really effective with bond, is self care, bond, sprint perk(sprint burst is best option, dead hard is cool) and an extra perk. Urban evasion is a great perk to combo with sprint burst, you could also use borrowed time if you are desperate for a save

submitted by /u/Hohapedyhaphap
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Need tips on how to land successful Phantasm attacks with the Hag

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 12:56 PM PST

This is a pretty tricky atatck to do, especially when I'm trying to obtain the 'Even Punishment' achievement (teleport to your Phantasm Traps and hit all 4 individual Survivors at least once).

I get a point notification when I land a Phantasm attack, but I swear I'm not doing anything different when I'm unsuccessful. Is there an official amount of time I have to hit them after teleport?

Any tips would be great. Thanks

submitted by /u/Graphic_Delusions
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Survivor Builds (Includes Wiki Links)

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 10:30 AM PST

These are just some builds I've worked on recently. They may not be full proof but I had fun doing this, so leave your opinions or own ideas. I've linked every perk to the appropriate Wiki page just because why not. Enjoy.

  • Meg Thomas - My main build, capitalizing on getting away from the killer if caught.
  • - Unbreakable: Useful with teammates who are better at messing with the killer than me, if i get downed and am left alone, boom i can hop up and have a 2nd chance at life.
  • - Adrenaline: Used for getting up if downed after using Unbreakable, also good for being hooked with 1 Gen left, once the gen is fixed and you're off the hook you're fully healed.
  • - Decisive Strike: I just need this for when i get caught like a moron and want to drop a fat yeet on some kid.
    • Small Game: General good perk to have in your main. Helps get rid of hexes or just get bloodpoints from unlit totems. Also helps you find traps so very nice. 👌
  • Laurie Strode - Selfish build for if you're soloing and pissed off and just want to win.

    • Sole Survivor: Selfish perk useful for if your teammates suck and they deserve to die (it's a meme chill out)
    • Object of Obsession: Couple this with Sole Survivor, once you're the last player alive, you can see the killer but he can't see you :)
    • Open Handed (replaceable with Self-Care if you don't run a medkit): Just helps out Object of Obsession to work a little better
    • Left Behind (Replaceable with Technician if you have it and don't have Left Behind): If you're teammates suck and you're the last person alive, obviously you're gonna have gens to do. Get crackin' mate.
  • Jake Park - A secondary build, useful for being injured but not being stopped, coupled with helping your teammates a little.

    • Resillience: The main idea behind this build, if you're hurt it's not gonna stop you. Get hit, but get away, and get to work.
    • Dead Hard (Replaceable with This Is Not Happening ): If you're injured and want to get away, this is your gateway. The replacement helps make your skill check areas larger, so if you don't have Dead Hard, it's a good secondary perk.
    • Iron Will: Coupled with Resilience, useful for being injured but still doing Gens without the immediate need for healing.
    • Technician: You've already hid your grunting, you might as well hide the generators noise too.
  • Mega Thomalsson - A build that helps people who are good at escaping and hiding from the killer do a little better.

    • Urban Evasion: Get your movements done while crouched and being stealthy. Just get where you're going quick.
    • Lithe (Replaceable with Sprint Burst): While running from the killer, it's nice to have a short little boost to help your escape.
    • Quick and Quiet: Couple this with Lithe and Urban Evasion, if you're running away from the killer and you happen to catch a break from him being directly behind you, you could potentially get away with a quick vault followed by a crouching escape.
    • Balanced Landing: If you ever have to go up a rock or jump off a second story, could this be coupled with Lithe to leap out a window and get super speed??
  • Quentin Smith or Ace Visconti - A fun little build to use if you want to use a Brand New Part or an Anti-Hemorrhagic Syringe/Styptic Agent.

    • Plunderer's Instinct: Once you use that item up, you want to find another one right? Go find yourself something pretty.
    • Pharmacy : Yeah it sucks to get an instant medkit if you don't want one but hey, speedy quick openings.
    • Streetwise: I don't want to lose my damn item THAT quick.
submitted by /u/rcpotatosoup
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Theory - MCore is the Entity

Posted: 17 Dec 2017 05:35 AM PST

it was always infront of us but whe didnt see it but after the soulcrushing wraith cube we waited so long for and the lackluster winterevent we cant deny the truth any longer.

the lore tells us that the entity (MCore) created her realm (the game) to pull survivors (the players) in and bind them to their realm. there the entity creates scenarios to feed of their dispair.

after everything weve been through with this game i think its save to assume i stumbled upon the truth.

edit: typo

submitted by /u/Pitter_Hornung
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