Destiny 2 All that Salt Sunday - December 02, 2017

All that Salt Sunday - December 02, 2017

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 02:11 AM PST

Okay Guardians, this is your change to REALLY go crazy. In this post and in this post only, vulgarity is fully allowed. We would like to see attacks on each other limited and absolutely NO witch hunting (posting personal information of any kind; including gamertags/PSN names) will be allowed in accordance with Reddit site rules. Tell everyone how you REALLY feel!

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Sweet Business in PvP is hilarious

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 06:14 AM PST

When bungie sees how hard you've been trying lately

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:13 AM PST

You know those videos where console players go PC? well I made one

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 06:12 AM PST

Do you think the Dreadnaught was added for a reason or just for scenery?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 08:31 AM PST

Please bring us exotics that we don’t already have!

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 09:29 AM PST


Posted: 01 Dec 2017 03:50 PM PST

Good ole Bungie, always expecting more from us.

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 06:07 AM PST

how do i get a party for nightfall? is there guided games available now or an in-game feature? is it possible solo or too difficult?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 02:59 AM PST

3d model of the sunshot for 3d printing!

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 01:03 AM PST

D1 player who's late to D2. First trials match in D2....

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 07:13 AM PST

MRW I fight off 3 people at the power ammo station, only for my teammate to run up and steal the ammo.

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 10:43 AM PST

What primary weapon is slayerage using in this video?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 05:25 AM PST

I have an hp p7-1534 and I would like to get into pc gaming. What upgrades should I make btw my budget is 500

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 08:31 AM PST

TIL Servitors can...melee?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 08:22 AM PST

I wonder if we will get more vault space?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 08:16 AM PST

Even with me deleting and not hoarding about 90% of my exotics i find myself having issues with vault space. With all the new gear we will earn, i wonder if we will get more vault space anytime soon.

submitted by /u/allcrit
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Destiny 2 you magnificent beast

Posted: 01 Dec 2017 01:09 PM PST

I have had a long break from gaming and quite recently I picked it up again with Destiny 2, and man it's great. I really enjoyed myself with the campaign even though I would love to see a Halo style legendary mode (that stuff was hard). I really enjoyed myself with public events and leveling my character(s) up towards 20 and max Power (not there yet). The great PVP that reminds me a little of the Halo 2 days where I used to be so frustrated. I have spent 100 hours alone or with friends just having fun. This game is frustrating. I love this game and I haven't even played the raid yet...

But then I was looking at a streamer today on twitch and he was absolutely waltzing over the opposite team (Like a consistent 5 k/d ratio) and on the couple occasions he died it was always the games fault. awful Multi tool (no skill needed apparently), awful positioning (Angles are too easy to make), team shoot (well it's a Team vs Team), can't rush in this game (Rushing is never a great plan), spawn points are awful (Bungie and spawnpoints are a harsh marriage), I can't feel strong with these weapon load outs (BOOM shoots a poor fellow from 5 meters with his OP as hell Legend of Acrius, BOOM 4 shots a guy from the other side of the map with one or the other Hand cannon). and I just kept thinking, but you are crushing the enemy team.. What are you complaining about? Frustration is the name of the game man. It is Bungies core, it has been since Halo, and do you think that getting hit by a noob combo was fun? No, but you worked around it, you adapt. You play it in a fashion that DOES work. All I read from first year Destiny 1 players was that the frustration almost came out of your ears sometimes.

And now it is Destiny 2's turn. 4 vs 4 is the bomb, the fast paced action in PVP is really nice, you actually have to work together. Crazy right? Must be hard on the individualist of the world. The way they set up public events is somewhat repetitive but fun, I personally wish I was there when the Meta on how to get Heroics had yet to spread. Adventures and lost sectors are fun little additions to the story if you bother to play them even if they don't "reward you". Nightfall is a challenge, if you do not agree then you have not challenged yourself. Solo Prestige? The reward might be in the achievement, but that would be an intrinsic motivator and not some fancy shining loot… no right?

So what is the deal with all the complaining? Money grabbers, not enough content, weapons are awful, not enough original weapons, re-skins, Not rewarding enough, not enough of a time sink, the weapons don't feel strong enough, I die too much I feel like a paper towel, it isn't a direct Destiny 1 copy. whut? right? no? You don't see the irony there? You don't notice that you want everything the same as Destiny 1 and all the Original Destiny 2 stuff is awful? Is it that you do not wish to be frustrated by your own shortcomings anymore? so you blame the game? You have beat Destiny 1, you were great there, not a paper towel, and now you have to be frustrated again and that hurts.

Everything needs to be rewarded by loot… Where is the sheer enjoyment of the activity you are doing? If I read a book I don't read it to get something from it, I read it because it is an enjoyable activity and a fun story. If I watch the punisher I feel like smacking my table in two from sheer excitement, not because finishing it gets me a special emblem on my Netflix page. Destiny 2 has this as well. Not everything needs to be motivated by extrinsic motivators you know? Sure grinding is fun in a frustrating way and only at the point where you finally reach that goal, but you can't tell me that everyone wants to or has the time to grind for the perfect OP weapon that doesn't make you feel all paper towely.

The game isn't perfect, and I do not want to say that you can't complain and share your thoughts with the world, but man, try to see some positives ones in a while. The suggestions I see all over the place are ridiculous. I feel so old writing this next section but man, when Halo 2 was my whole world there were issues every week that got solved on a half year bases only to make more problems. You got a great game for 60 bucks with Destiny 2 and now for the price of a cd or book you get an additional 30 to 40 hours of game play and if you think that is money grabbing then you are oblivious to the world, the fact they didn't put it in yet does not mean it should be in there in the first place, its additional content, period. If you do not like Destiny 2 at the moment, then go back to Destiny 1 and comeback when you think it is worth your time. Or another game, It is that simple.

Lastly I want to mention that the amount of detail in this game is overlooked way too many times. The way they thought of certain stuff is a very nice touch I rarely see mentioned. Like the post master and its system behind it (including what happens when your loot disappears into the depths of the ocean). The way that almost all PVP matches end in the last thirty seconds of the game even if you get owned). The fact that using different weapons ensures different play styles and the great feel of shooting them all. And it feels like you are IN a very large world even on Titan. It seems to be forgotten that in its essence Destiny is a shooter with additional RPG element. Not the other way around. And as a Shooter I feel it has done an incredible job.

Today another friend of mine started playing and we cruised through the Campaign (Still a big fan of the legendary mode if possible), and it was just a fun activity even if it was my 5th time. We were bumped out that maintenance was scheduled on a Friday night as we were thrown out and then we went on with our lives. As everybody should.

I realize I am complaining about complainers. Yet I would like to use the word constructive feedback, and like to point out that I really want them to succeed. Constructive criticism I enjoy reading a lot, parrots parroting other parrots gets tiring to read.

Hope everyone can go back to enjoying themselves in a couple of hours!

submitted by /u/TsHero
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Posted: 01 Dec 2017 04:26 PM PST

Where the bloody hell is our Saviour Xur?

Posted: 02 Dec 2017 09:49 AM PST

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