Dead by Daylight Weekly No Stupid Questions Thread - December 04, 2017

Weekly No Stupid Questions Thread - December 04, 2017

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:14 AM PST

Welcome newcomers to the fog! Here you can ask any sort of questions about Dead by Daylight, from gameplay mechanics to the current meta and strats for certain killers / survivors / maps / what have you.

Some rules and guidelines specific to this thread;

  • Top-level comments must contain a question. No 'complaint' questions (questions which aim to complain about an issue rather then ask for help)
  • No tech support questions; wait for Tech Support Weekend.
  • Rule 5 and Rule 6 will be more strictly enforced in this thread. We want to be welcoming to newcomers to the game.
  • Don't spam the thread with questions; try and keep them contained to one comment.
  • Check before commenting to make sure your question hasn't been asked already.
submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Petition to change TOTH to THOT.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 09:46 AM PST

Thrill Of The Hunt should be changed to Thrill Hunt Of The. That way I can scream "BE GONE THOT" when I cleanse the totem.

submitted by /u/TheOriginalOrion
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Doctor is female?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:27 AM PST

Real reason why lockers are in the game

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 09:26 AM PST

Survivors: a few things you should almost always be prepared to do

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:10 AM PST

  1. Always wiggle when a killer picks you up. Even if you're two feet from the hook. If you don't wiggle this gives the killer permission to possibly choose a hook that would be better for him (especially the basement). Even if another survivor is going for a flashlight save. There's a decent chance the survivor gets the timing off and while he won't fully blind stun the killer, he'll still partially blind him, throwing the killer off for a few seconds. Those few seconds could be the difference between getting to the hook or not.

  2. If you were downed and you see another survivor charge towards you, be prepared to run immediately. Sometimes the survivor may just be trying to get the killer's attention, but sometimes the survivor has an instaheal. Depending on how quickly he heals you, you may have just enough time to escape an attack from the killer if you run immediately.

  3. Unless you are trying to crawl to a pallet, always start recovering your health when are you downed. If the killer is temporarily distracted, how much you were able to recover before another survivor attempts to heal you will make a huge difference.

  4. Pay attention to where the basement is and try to stay out of carry range. Unless you know the killer is chasing someone on the other side of the map, it may not be worth it to work on generators too close to the basement. Some killers make builds focused on the basement. The several seconds it takes to get out of the basement after being unhooked will usually mean the killer will be back in time to see where you're going and quickly down you again. The basement is particularly dangerous against killers with traps, killers that can cross long distances in seconds, or Leatherface, who swings his chainsaw several times and can potentially take down multiple survivors running up the basement stairs.

  5. An alternate valid tactic: complete generators by the basement or the center of the map as quickly as possible. This can be riskier in the short term, but pays off in the long run. If you have the opportunity to knock out the gen nearest to the basement, absolutely take it, but remain on high alert. If the killer heads your way, you want to have plenty of time to put as much distance from yourself and the basement as possible.

  6. If you get caught while making an attempt to unhook a teammate, run away from the hook (unless you're making a Borrowed Time play). Let the killer chase you away so someone else can make an attempt to save the hooked survivor. Do not loop him 20m away from the hook.

  7. If you get downed while attempting to unhook a survivor, crawl as far as you can away from that hook. If you stay close by, you're giving the killer the opportunity to camp two survivors at once, making saves by other survivors very difficult.

  8. If you are healthy and see an injured survivor being chased near an open exit gate, and you know the killer doesn't have a way to instadown (including No One Escapes Death, a hex totem that gives killers one hit downs after all generators are completed), place yourself between the killer and the injured survivor. You can often successfully block any attempts to hit the injured survivor. If the killer hits you, remember that you get a small burst of speed and he has to slow down and go through the weapon cleaning animation.

  9. "Don't mindlessly do every gen you encounter - check the generator layout at the start and look especially for gen clusters. It's your job to do gens in a strategic way so that you don't end up with 3 gens next to each other at the end. Spread them out and split the map so the last ones are as far as possible for easier escape. Adapt to what your teammates are doing and take into consideration which gens are popped by them." - u/Bezeloth

Most of these are common sense for veterans, but even among survivors in the lower ranks, I see many of them make these mistakes. Feel free to add any tips of your own or tell me where I'm wrong.

(Thanks to u/FaceBagman and u/Berugabomb for contributions)

submitted by /u/theagitatedapricot
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When you completely avoid using your power so as to ensure that the survivors never get to use their aura reading perks on you

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 11:51 AM PST

Slowing down a DbD video makes it pretty hilarious (Click for sound)

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 05:26 AM PST

This game gives me such an adrenaline rush

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 02:09 AM PST

Why do a lot of survivors feel the need to bully a killer when they are having a bad game?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:20 PM PST

It happens to the best of us, especially in higher ranks. Ya know when you just cant find survivors and they all have good toolboxes, maybe you're testing a new build or you're in a bad map. Whatever the cause is you should be able to DC without survivors adding you to gloat, honestly grow the fuck up and go to your next game. I love DbD its the only game I play but I just want to play killer without people adding or trying to comment on your profile, this is why steam should have an option to turn off "recent games" and Dbd should have an option where if you dont want someone to check your profile, it wont let them.

TL;DR If a killer is doing bad, instead of trying to taunt them like a bitch just leave and move on to your next match

submitted by /u/thepcsexbox
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No, Dwight, not now

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:35 AM PST

You know you've played too much Dead by Daylight when...

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 09:04 AM PST

Everytime you take your dog for a walk through the park you're busy glancing about for hexes to work on

submitted by /u/Sergeant_WhiskeyJack
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so I got moried by the doctor for the first time...

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 12:08 PM PST

and it was pretty fucking awesome, I think his mori is one of the best ones. also the hag's is pretty brutal too. what do you guys think?

submitted by /u/katecw18
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The 5 stages of playing DbD.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 03:32 PM PST

Denial- "How the fuck did that hit me?"

Anger - "God damn instant blinds."

Bargaining - "Please don't hit the Decisive Strike."

Depression - "I always get caught first, every time."

Acceptance - "I think we did a pretty good job."

submitted by /u/Powersoutdotcom
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Behold the latest abomination created by the entity, the CLAUDWIGHT.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 02:14 PM PST

psa: ninja unhook

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:21 PM PST


Posted: 03 Dec 2017 05:00 PM PST

Someone was upset I didn't go back to unhook them after NOED kicked in and they decided to plunder anyway...

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 12:27 PM PST

"Dead by Daylight 2.1": A Continuation of Topics, Issues, & Recommend Changes to Improve the Dead by Daylight Experience

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:46 PM PST

Reposted because I'm a goof and forgot to flair my post.

"Let's keep the discussion going!"

Welcome, everyone. You might remember me from my [needlessly long post covering all the changes I'd like to see in the game].( I'd like to say that I appreciate all of the feedback I've received from everyone in the community who took the time to share their thoughts. We had a good time talking about how the changes I suggested could be improved and about the health of the game in general. To help continue this discussion, I've updated, clarified, and re-ordered the list of changes based on more ideas I've had and based on community feedback. For the full list of changes from the start, you can check here, but for this post I'd like to dive right in and cover the big changes I've made and why.

DISCLAIMER: Many of these ideas where made with the current state of the game in mind. I am aware that BHVR is also designing solutions to problems listed here. I do not attempt to usurp their pending designs. I also do not have the resources of BHVR in terms of playtesting and understanding exact values for everything in the game. Many changes in the list will work together, but many changes can and would also be tweaked, shifted, replaced or removed as testing occurs. All I can promise is that the proposed changes all focus on making the game more dynamic, more interesting, and more fun for all involved. If you have a complaint that isn't listed here, it would be a great opportunity to bring it up in discussion and add to this list.


a. "Boldness ranking mechanic"

One point brought up was that there was currently no ranking reward for survivors that excelled at escaping or wasting the killer's time during chases. This is a very challenging item to cover in ranking because of how hard it is to really quantify the worth of eluding the reach of the killer. Too little and the ranking is pointless - too much and we are overly rewarding getting caught. To best tackle this, I tried to implement a system that gave survivors in chases points for an effective distration - I defined a distraction as any point in a chase where other survivors are accomplishing an objective (generators, gates, hatch, and totems). I also added a reward for escaping the killer (and keeping it that way):

  • While in a chase, earn .1% blood rank for every second where a survivor is reparing a generator, opening an exit gate or hatch, or cleansing a totem - for every survivor doing so.

(Ex: During a 30 second chase, 2 survivors were repairing generators for 20 seconds each, and 1 survivor was cleansing a totem for 10 seconds. You receive 5% blood rank).

  • Additionally, earn up to to 10% blood rank each time you successfully escape a chase based on how long before you begin a new chase, up to 30 seconds.

(Ex: You escape a chase, but the killer catches you 15 seconds later. You receive 5% blood rank).

I think the values given here do a good job of supplementing the benefit of a good distraction while not allowing boldness to completely dominate a survivor's performance.

b. "Increased the hope damage when being hooked and made it flat."

A common complaint was that with the new changes to consecutive hooking, survivors could be hooked up to 5(!!) times finally falling. I took the complaints as a pretty important sign and reviewed the numbers. For the numbers of hope damage on hook, I mostly care about 3 things:

  • How many times can a survivor be hooked with NO bleedout.

  • How much hope does a killer need to drain before he gains 1 "hook" on the survivor (Assuming no Borrowed Time).

  • How much hope does the survivor need to regain (using Borrowed Time) before he "earns" another hook (Assuming no hope drain).

Looking at the old numbers (10% for each hook after the first, we have):

Default hooks: 5 (100, 90, 70, 40, 0 [Dead])

Hope drain: 40% (60, 50, 30, 0 [Dead])

Hope gain: 1% (101, 91, 71, 41, 1, -49 [Dead])

The biggest concern I had was the hope drain: That the killer would need to drain almost half the hope naturally to gain a hook means that often he would need all 5 hooks to kill someone without hook guarding. This would not do for 5 hooks, so I've increased the number accordingly:

Every time a survivor is hooked, they immediately lose 35% of their hope (except for the first hook).

(0% on first hook, 35% on second hook, 35% on third hook, etc.)

[Note: This means that a survivor can be hooked a maximum of 4 times before dying, assuming no natural bleedout]

The new numbers give us this:

Default hooks: 4 (100, 65, 30, -5 [Dead])

Hope drain: 30 (70, 35, 0 [Dead])

Hope gain: 6% (106, 71, 36, 1, -34 [Dead])

These numbers look much better (Less hooks overall and less drain needed to get an early kill). Killers will more consistently get 3-hook kills while survivors can still consistently earn extra hooks (or at least counter Killer-earned hooks) via Borrowed Time.

c. "Bloodlust buff"

There were some concerns with how the old bloodlust would overly punish killers who didn't respect pallets and was weaker on injured survivors. I took the advice that ultimately it didn't improve the game much in either case and was overly complicated for what it provided. So, I removed the mechanic where killers lose a tier of bloodlust when stunned (They still lose a stack when blinded), and I made bloodlust start at tier 2 for injured survivors as well. In addition, The reason I had the reduced tier on injured survivors was because I didn't want it to be that easy to chase a recently unhooked survivor. I've added a cooldown on bloodlust here to address the issue more directly. The new version of bloodlust is here:

Bloodlust activates by being in a chase with a survivor, instead of after 12/24/36 seconds into a chase per tier.

Each tier lasts 5 seconds before going down 1 tier (or being removed at tier 1).

Bloodlust movement speed boost changed to +.8 m/s on tier 2, +.4 m/s on tier 1. (Up from +.2 m/s on tier 1 and +.6 m/s on tier 2).

During bloodlust, vaulting time is decreased by 20% at tier 2 and 10% at tier 1.

During bloodlust, pallet breaking time is decreased by 40% at tier 2 and 20% at tier 1.

One bloodlust tier is immediately removed on the following conditions:

Killer makes a successful attack on a survivor.

Killer breaks a pallet.

Killer is blinded.

Bloodlust functions on a 30 second cooldown per survivor, starting when bloodlust ends.

(Killer must maintain a 30 second chase or initialize a new chase after 30 seconds to receive bloodlust again for the same survivor).

Survivors that are down, trapped, or hooked cannot trigger bloodlust.

Survivors that are rescued from a hook or clash enter a 10 second bloodlust cooldown.

d. "Secondary Powers in determination aura and 'scapegoat' mechanic"

There were two major complaints that came with the determination aura that I introduced to try to combat unreasonable camping - aside from issues on radius which would need thorough testing to fully understand. The first was the disabling of movement-based secondary powers in the aura, to prevent proxy-camping. It was pretty justifiably brought to my attention the side-effects that would cause. I agreed that this caused more problems than it fixed, but proxy-camping might still happen. However, this would likely need to be fixed with careful planning of hook placement/obstacles in the level design.

The second complaint is that, because the killer isn't literally blocked from camping, we can reach a "hook" standoff where survivors cannot start a save without being pulled off, and killers cannot chase survivors without having the victim saved. After considering this, it makes sense to recognize in-game such a scenario and try to find a compromise between survivors and killers. I call it the "scapegoat" mechanic and it triggers when the exit gates are powered or the hatch is open:

While the exit gates are powered or the hatch is unlocked, survivors continue to lose hope if the killer stays within 8m of the hook

(even if the killer is in the survivor's determination aura).

Survivors losing hope this way do so at 50% reduced speed.

Survivors that die after losing hope this way within the last 6 seconds are marked as "Scapegoat" kills.

Survivors gain 2500 BP for dying as a "Scapegoat."

This allows survivors who are caught at the end of the game to still maintain a reward for making it that far without punishing the killer's catch. The ranking of survivors are included to also have a compromise for "scapegoated" survivors:

Fill your blood rank as a group by surviving and cleansing totems

All players gain 2% blood rank for each totem cleansed during the game.

All players gain 10% blood rank for each survivor that escapes.

  • All players gain 5% blood rank for each survivor that dies as a "scapegoat."

This change is to recognize that there will, by design, be scenarios in the game where it makes no sense to tilt the game in one way another for killers and survivors and tries to compromise as much as possible. One of the great parts of asymmetric games is the way we can add solutions that can leave both sides as having an improvement.

e. "Scaling generator regression when kicking"

One item brought up a few times was the inclusion of instant regression when kicking a generator - many members of the community were concerned that this would cause an uncounterable scenario where 3 generators are relatively close. In order to fix this, I have adjusted the instant regression to scale based on the number of generators left needed to power the exit gates, starting at 40% with 5 generators and going down to 0% with only 1 generator left:

Breaking a generator as a killer instantly regresses the generator a percentage of its current progress in addition to its current effect.

The % of instant regression is 10% for each generator required to power the gates beyond the first.

Example: A generator at 60% progress will revert instantly to 42% progress when kicked with 4 generators remaining, then slowly degrade over time.

The maximum regression that a generator can receive from kicking (Both instantly and over time) is 100%.

f. "Standard Crow Alerts and unique alerts"

This is more a request from a community member than a direct response to a complaint, but I agreed that there needed to be some more involvement with crows for the killer. I've decided to add such a function, but only included it when crows return after being startled (20 seconds later). This means that the alert would most commonly occur if the survivor stayed near the crow for the duration. This also allows Spies From the Shadows to keep its value, since it triggers when a crow is alerted instead of on a 20-second delay:

  • Killers are now alerted if a crow returns from being started within 24 m of the killer. The notification has a new sound and graphic to differentiate between other notifications such as failed skill checks.

This alert only occurs if a survivor is at least 16 m from the crow when it returns.

The second item is mostly to prevent killers from being overwhelmed with fake crow notifications, which could be equally frustrating. I've also added a categorization of alerts to improve awareness during gameplay, which applies to Thrill of the Hunt:

  • A unique notification sound and graphic is now used when a survivor begins cleansing on a hex totem with Hex: Thrill of the Hunt active.

g. "Bloodpoints on hook rescue"

This was implied in the previous post, but I've added an explicit change to hook rescue bloodpoint rewards similarly to how rank is earned for such a save:

  • Rescuing a survivor from a hook now grants proportional bloodpoints based on how long the survivor remains alive and not in the "dying" status, up to 90 seconds.

(Survivor 1 rescues survivor 2, who is chased by the killer and knocked down 45 seconds later. Survivor 1 earns only half the maximum bloodpoints for the rescue).

This way, there is much less of an incentive to "farm" survivors.

h. "Exhaustion nerfs."

I described the free sprint bursts covered in the document (when rescued, struggle free, self-recover, etc.) as a way to make sprint perks less required, since they may not as easily be available. However, I did continue to review and considered that many times exhaustion perks would still be available because the timers were fairly short unless you were actively sprinting. To resolve this, I've updated all the "free" sprints to give 80 seconds of exhaustion instead of 40. In addition, some exhaustion-giving perks have had their timers increased to match this idea:

  • Increased the exhaustion time of perks that cause exhaustion:

Sprint Burst: 100/90/80 seconds (up from 60/50/40 seconds).

Lithe: 80/70/60 seconds (up from 60/50/40 seconds).

Adrenaline: 80/70/60 seconds (up from 60/50/40 seconds).

*Dead Hard and Balanced Landing have had their exhaustion timers unchanged.

This will make sprint perks less consistent and encourage sprint perks with smaller timers (Dead Hard, Balanced Landing).

i. "General perk balance suggestions"

The rest of the items below are general balance changes related to perks. I won't go over each one in detail, but to list the big changes here:

  • Hope now also grants the user Endurance (Buff currently granted by Borrowed Time) for the duration when the exit gates are powered.

A small buff to a late-game perk that helps to replace the old Borrowed Time along with the new No One Left Behind.

  • Decisive Strike now causes the skill check to occur as the user is picked up instead of during struggling

(If the survivor is the obsession or has reached 45/40/35% recovery before being picked up.)

Succeeding in this skill check will immediately stun the killer without playing the entire pick-up animation.

  • Decisive Strike no longer triggers for non-obsessions who reach 45/40/35% during struggling - they must have 45/40/35% recovery before being picked up to receive the skill check.

  • Decisive Strike's skill check difficulty now decreases based on rank, instead of always being "tremendously" difficult.

  • Decisive Strike now stuns the killer for 2 seconds at every rank instead of 3/3.5/4 seconds.

A re-branding of non-obsession Decisive Strike to be more of an anti-slugging tool similarly to Unbreakable or No Mither. The added bonus of the instant skillcheck on pickup is that the survivor cannot be dribbled to a hook. In addition, killers who get decisively strike no longer have to wait 5+ seconds before being stunned, but will instead be stunned only a few seconds after the pickup starts.

In addition, I've traded skill check difficulty with stun time to make the perk more palatable for newer players.

Wake Up! reworked:

  • Survivors are driven to help you through strife.

When affected by a debuff (excluding exhaustion & hexes), increase the speed of survivor actions performed on you (including actions you perform on yourself) by 30/40/50%.

In addition, increase the rate at which you recover from debuffs (excluding exhaustion & hexes) by 30/40/50%.

Wake Up! has been reworked to act as a soft counter to The Reworked Nightmare, Doctor, and Sloppy Butcher. It also increases the speed of Self-Care from 40% to 60%, if you are willing to dedicate two perk slots for it. (This would probably be one of the only instances where a percentage change would apply multaplicatively. Otherwise the self-care speed would go from 40% to 90%).


Same as the first - please let me know what feedback you have on the new proposed changes.


submitted by /u/Spradic_Zoom
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Perk Idea: Heliophobia

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:24 PM PST

Just thought about this as a perk and wanted to know if anyone else likes the idea. Your fear of being found causes you to flee from the generators lights. When completing a generator you get a burst of speed 125/150/175% of your normal movement speed. Causes exhaustion for 60/50/40

submitted by /u/TheGreatRelate
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When You're Trying to Figure Out Who to Mori (Claudette Every Time)

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 07:43 PM PST

Gen tapping and ruin hex

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 12:57 PM PST

I know survivor mains will say it's slower to gen tap then to just do the generator like normal.

However, let's be real. If the benefit to gem tapping did not outweigh the repair speed decrease, survivors wouldn't be doing it so constantly.

By passing the all check is a huge Impact on gem repair peogress. Sure most will say that they have enough game time to do successful great skill checks, but even the best miss a skill check or 3. These failed skill checks are really important to a killer.

It slows down the game, and gives them a visual and audio queue to where the survivors are. Avoiding the skill check makes the perk pretty moot.

I think that if under the effect of ruin, starting repair on a gen should trigger a skill check like overcharge does. This would counter tapping and either force survivors to look for the totem or hit those great skill check that some say they hit every time.

I get some killers dribble to avoid DS, I fell that should be fixed as well.

Killer main btw

submitted by /u/mrs0x
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Killer guide to Slightly, Moderately, Considerably, Tremendously - "The numbers behind the words"

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 04:46 PM PST

Other posts with values:

A quick word before the actual numbers.
There's quite a lot of Missing strings. Thats because for some reason not all values are defined the same way.
Idk why, maybe they're hardcoded in function bytecode instead of nice and clean looking values like Botany Knowledge here from the last stream, maybe they're just defined somewhere else and I can't find it.
I'll see about finding them out for y'all.

Bear Traps (Trapper)

Trapper Gloves
Slightly decreases the setting time of Bear Traps.
ActionSpeed -> 0.25 (25%)

Strong Coil Spring
Slightly increases the difficulty to escape from Bear Traps.
Slightly increases the rescue time of Bear Traps.
Slightly increases the setting time of Bear Traps.
ActionSpeed -> -0.25 (-25%)

Wax Brick
Moderately decreases the Bear Trap's sabotage Skill Check success zone.

Trap Setters
Moderately decreases the setting time of Bear Traps.
ActionSpeed -> 0.30 (30%)

Secondary Coil
Moderately increases the Bear Trap's sabotage time.

Logwood Dye
Moderately darkens the trap.
BearTrapTint: { Color [A=255, R=124, G=124, B=124] }

4-Coil Spring Kit
Moderately increases the difficulty to escape of the Bear Traps.
Moderately increases the rescue time of the Bear Traps.
Slightly increases the setting time of the Bear Traps.
ActionSpeed -> -0.25 (-25%)

Tar Bottle
Considerably darkens the trap.
BearTrapTint: { Color [A=255, R=36, G=36, B=36] }

Setting Tools
Considerably decreases the setting time of Bear Traps.
ActionSpeed -> 0.35 (35%)

Rusted Jaws
Moderately increases the healing time of Survivors injured by the Bear Trap.
No Value, just BearTrapsInflictHealingPenalty modifier
Slightly decreases the Bear Trap's sabotage time.

Oily Coil
Moderately increases the Bear Trap's sabotage time.
Slightly decreases the Bear Trap's sabotage Skill Check success zone.

Fastening Tools
Moderately increases the sabotage time of Bear Traps.
Moderately increases the Bear Trap's disable time.
Slightly increases the setting time of Bear Traps.
ActionSpeed -> -0.25 (-25%)
Slightly decreases the Bear Trap's sabotage Skill Check success zone.

Bloody Coil
Tremendously increases the Bear Trap's sabotage time
Missing Slightly increases the setting time of Bear Traps.
ActionSpeed -> -0.25 (-25%)
Moderately decreases the Bear Trap's sabotage Skill Check success zone

Wailing Bell (Wraith)

Bone Clapper
Slightly reduces the range at which the Bell can be heard.
InvisibilityBellSoundRange -> -0.2 (-20%)

"Swift Hunt" - Soot
Slightly reduces the Bell's reappearance time.
ActionSpeed -> 0.25 (25%)

"Blink" - Soot
Slightly reduces the Bell's disappearance time.
ActionSpeed -> 0.25 (25%)

"Blind Warrior" - Soot
Slightly increases Lightburn resistance.
InvisibilityBurnoutSusceptability -> -0.2 (-20%)

Coxcombed Clapper
Moderately reduces the range at which the Bell can be heard.
InvisibilityBellSoundRange -> -0.3 (30%)

"Windstorm" - Soot
Grants a boost to movement speed for 0.5 second after reappearing.
Effect refers to it as sprint, so I'd assume it's 150%

"Swift Hunt" - Mud
Moderately reduces the Bell's reappearance time.
ActionSpeed -> 0.3 (30%)

"Blink" - Mud
Moderately reduces the Bell's disappearance time.
ActionSpeed -> 0.3 (30%)

"Blind Warrior" - Mud
Moderately increases Lightburn resistance.
InvisibilityBurnoutSusceptability -> -0.3 (-30%)

"Windstorm" - Mud
Grants a boost to movement speed for 1 second after reappearing.
Effect refers to it as sprint, so I'd assume it's 150%

"Swift Hunt" - White
Considerably reduces the Bell's reappearance time.
ActionSpeed -> 0.35 (35%)

"Blind Warrior" - White
Considerably increases Lightburn resistance.
InvisibilityBurnoutSusceptability -> -0.4 (-40%)

"Windstorm" - Blood
Grants a boost to movement speed for 1.5 seconds after reappearing.
Effect refers to it as sprint, so I'd assume it's 150%

"Blind Warrior" - Blood
Tremendously increases Lightburn resistance.
InvisibilityBurnoutSusceptability -> -0.5 (-50%)

"Blind Warrior" - Spirit
Grants immunity to Lightburn.
InvisibilityBurnoutSusceptability -> -1 (-100%)

Chainsaw (Hillbilly)

Vegetable Oil
Slightly decrease the Chainsaw's cooldown.

Spark Plug
Slightly decreases the Chainsaw's charge time.
ActionSpeed -> 0.12 (12%)

Chainsaw File
Slightly reduces the noise made by the Chainsaw.

Spiked Boots
Moderately increases steering while using the Chainsaw.
ChainsawChargeYawSpeed -> 0.28 (28%)

Shop Lubricant
Moderately decreases the Chainsaw's cooldown.

Primer Bulb
Moderately decreases the Chainsaw's charge time.
ActionSpeed -> 0.18 (18%)

Long Guide Bar
Slightly increases the reach of the Chainsaw attack.
No Value, just status that it's increased

Homemade Muffler
Moderately reduces the noise made by the Chainsaw.

Grisly Chains
Moderately decreases the repair speed of survivors injured by the Chainsaw.
Mangled Effect -> 90 (seconds?)
Repair Debuff -> -0.09 (-9%)

Depth Gauge Rake
Moderately reduces the time penalty when bumping into objects.

Death Engravings
Slightly increases the Chainsaw's movement speed.
IncreaseAllMovementSpeed -> 0.15 (15%, faster chainsaw sprint)
Slightly increases charge time.

The Thompson's Mix
Considerably decreases the Chainsaw's cooldown.
Slightly decreases the Chainsaw's charge time.
ActionSpeed -> 0.12 (12%)

Rusted Chains
Considerably increases the healing time of survivors injured by the Chainsaw.
Mangled Effect -> 120 (seconds)
Heal Debuff -> -0.25 (-25%)

Light Chassis
Slightly reduces the reach of the Chainsaw attack.
Considerably reduces the time penalty when bumping into objects.
ChainsawCooldownObstruction -> -0.28 (-28%)

Doom Engravings
Moderately increases the Chainsaw's movement speed.
IncreaseAllMovementSpeed -> 0.2 (20%, faster chainsaw sprint)
Slightly increases charge time.

Carburetor Tuning Guide
Moderately decreases the Chainsaw's charge time.
ActionSpeed -> 0.18 (18%)
Slightly decreases the Chainsaw's cooldown.
Slightly reduces the time penalty when bumping into objects.
Slightly reduces the noise made by the Chainsaw.

Thompson's Moonshine
Tremendously increases steering while using the Chainsaw.
ChainsawChargeYawSpeed -> 0.44 (44%)
Considerably increases the time penalty when bumping into objects.
ChainsawCooldownObstruction -> -0.28 (-28%)

Begrimed Chains
Slightly decreases the repair speed on survivors injured by the Chainsaw until healed.
Repair Debuff -> -0.09 (-9%)
Considerably increases the healing time of survivors injured by the Chainsaw.
Heal Debuff -> -0.25 (-25%)
Mangled Effect -> 120 (seconds)
Hemorrhage Effect -> until healed

Spencer's Last Breath (Nurse)

Wooden Horse
Slightly decreases the accuracy of the Blink.
NurseBlinkAccuracy -> 0.15 (15%)
Slightly increases the maximum range of the Blink.
NurseBlinkRangeMultiplicative -> 0.1 (10%)

White Nit Comb
Slightly increases the Blink movement speed.
NurseReappearanceTimeMultiplicative -> -0.09 (9%)

Torn Bookmark
Slightly decreases the maximum range of the Blink.
NurseBlinkRangeMultiplicative -> -0.1 (-10%)
Slightly reduces the chain Blink window.
NurseChainBlinkStateDuration -> -0.08 (-8%)

Metal Spoon
Slightly increases the charge speed of the Blink.
ActionSpeed -> 0.08 (8%)

Slightly increases the chain Blink window.
NurseChainBlinkStateDuration -> 0.08 (8%)

Bad Man Keepsake
Moderately increases the charge speed of the Blink.
ActionSpeed -> 0.1 (10%)

Pocket Watch
Slightly decreases the charge speed of the Blink.
NurseReappearanceTimeMultiplicative -> 0.09 (9%)
Moderately reduces the fatigue time of the Blink.
NurseCooldownStateDuration -> -0.14 (-14%)
That one's weird, since apparently it affects the blink movement speed instead of charge time

Dull Bracelet
Moderately increases the Blink movement speed.
Slightly decreases Blink charge speed.
ActionSpeed -> -0.08 (8%)

Dark Cincture
Slightly reduces the maximum range of the Blink.
NurseBlinkRangeMultiplicative -> -0.1 (-10%)

Catatonic Boy's Treasure
Moderately increases the maximum range of the Blink.
NurseBlinkRangeMultiplicative -> 0.15 (15%)
Moderately decreases the accuracy of the Blink.
NurseBlinkAccuracy -> 0.3 (30%)

Spasmodic Breath
Considerably increases the charge speed of the Blink.
ActionSpeed -> 0.12 (12%)
Slightly increases the fatigue time of the Blink.

Heavy Panting
Moderately increases the chain Blink window.
NurseChainBlinkStateDuration -> 0.12 (12%)
Moderately increases fatigue duration.
NurseCooldownStateDuration -> 0.14 (14%)

Ataxic Respiration
Considerably increases the maximum range of the Blink.
NurseBlinkRangeMultiplicative -> 0.2 (20%)
Considerably decreases the accuracy of the Blink.
NurseBlinkAccuracy -> 0.45 (45%)

Anxious Gasp
Considerably increases the Blink movement speed.
Moderately decreases Blink charge speed.
ActionSpeed -> -0.1 (-10%)

Kavanagh's Last Breath
Moderately increases the chain Blink window.
NurseChainBlinkStateDuration -> 0.12 (12%)
Slightly increases fatigue duration.
NurseCooldownStateDuration -> 0.1 (10%)

Jenner's Last Breath
Tremendously increases the Blink movement speed.
Moderately decreases Blink charge speed.
ActionSpeed -> -0.1 (-10%)

Campbell's Last Breath
Slightly reduces the maximum range of the Blink.
NurseBlinkRangeMultiplicative -> -0.1 (-10%)

"Bad Man's" Last Breath
Tremendously increases the charge speed of the Blink.
ActionSpeed -> 0.14 (14%)
Slightly increases the fatigue time of the Blink.

Evil Within (Shape)

So, a little word before the values here, as Shape, while stalking you accumulate "points?", you need 5 for each tier. It might be seconds actually, would need to test that it actually takes 5s of clear LoS for each tier.

Tacky Earrings
Slightly increases movement speed while stalking.
IncreaseAllMovementSpeed -> 0.1 (10%, triggers while stalking)

Boyfriend's Memo
Slightly increases the lunge of Evil Within I.
AttackLungeDurationAdditive -> 0.1 (10%)

Blond Hair
Slightly increases the duration of Evil Within III.
StalkLastTierTimeAdditive -> 10 (seconds)
Slightly increases the amount of evil required to reach Evil Within III.
StalkLastTierRequirementAdditive -> 2.5

Reflective Fragment
StalkResidualAuraAdditive -> 2 (seconds)
It does require EW2, but unless it's defined in code, 1s stalk requirement is not a thing

Memorial Flower
Slightly increases the rate at which evil is gained when stalking a Survivor.
StalkPowerSpeed -> 0.11 (11%)

Moderately increases movement speed while stalking.
IncreaseAllMovementSpeed -> 0.2 (20%, triggers while stalking)

Hair Brush
Moderately increases the duration of Evil Within III.
StalkLastTierTimeAdditive -> 20 (seconds)
Slightly increases the amount of evil required to reach Evil Within III.
StalkLastTierRequirementAdditive -> 2.5

Glass Fragment
Aura stays visible for a duration of 2 seconds.
StalkResidualAuraAdditive -> 3 (seconds, BHVR plz fix description...)
Unless it's defined in code, 1s stalk requirement is not a thing

Dead Rabbit
No values defined
The values here are copied from the wiki, idk how accurate they are tho
Moderately decreases the Terror Radius of Evil Within II.
My guess would be 400 (4 in game meters)
Moderately increases the Terror Radius of Evil Within III.
My guess would be 800 (8 in game meters)

Mirror Shard
Aura stays visible for a duration of 5 seconds.
StalkResidualAuraAdditive -> 3 (seconds, erm, BHVR?)
Unless it's defined in code, 1s stalk requirement is not a thing

Judith's Journal
Considerably increases the rate at which evil is gained when stalking your Obsession.
StalkPointsGainedFromObsession -> 0.4 (40%)

Jewelry Box
Considerably increases movement speed while stalking.
IncreaseAllMovementSpeed -> 0.3 (30%, triggers while stalking)

J. Myers Memorial
Moderately increases the rate at which evil is gained when stalking a Survivor.
StalkPowerSpeed -> 0.25 (25%)

Hair Bow
Considerably increases the duration of Evil Within III.
StalkLastTierTimeAdditive -> 30 (seconds)
Slightly increases the amount of evil required to reach Evil Within III.
StalkLastTierRequirementAdditive -> 2.5

Vanity Mirror
Slightly reduces movement speed.
IncreaseAllMovementSpeed -> -0.07 (-7%)

Tombstone Piece
Killing a Survivor considerably drains the power of Evil Within.
StalkerKillCost -> 10
Considerably increases the amount of evil required to reach Evil Within III.
Missing, assuming 7.5

Lock of Hair
Tremendously increases the duration of Evil Within III.
StalkLastTierTimeAdditive -> 40 (seconds)
Moderately increases the amount of evil required to reach Evil Within III.
StalkLastTierRequirementAdditive -> 5

Judith's Tombstone No values defined, might be hardcoded.
The values here are extrapolated from other addons and based on my assumptions, might not be accurate
Tremendously increases the amount of evil required to reach Evil Within III.
StalkLastTierRequirementAdditive -> 10
Moderately decreases movement speed.
IncreaseAllMovementSpeed -> -0.14 (-14%)

Fragrant Tuft of Hair
Tremendously increases the amount of evil required to reach Evil Within III.
StalkLastTierRequirementAdditive -> 10

Blackened Catalyst (Hag)

Rope Necklet
Slightly reduces the setting time of Phantasm traps.
ActionSpeed -> 0.25 (25%)

Powdered Eggshell
Slightly increases the tripped Phantasm trap duration time.
ItemActiveTime -> 0.2 (20%)

Dead Fly Mud
Slightly increases the distance from where The Hag can teleport to her traps.
PowerRangeMultiplicative -> 0.25 (25%)

Bog Water
Slightly increases the effective Phantasm trap range.
ItemRange -> 0.1 (10%)

Pussy Willow Catkins
Slightly reduces the effective Phantasm trap range.
ItemRange -> -0.1 (-10%)

Half Eggshell
Moderately increases the tripped Phantasm trap duration time.
ItemActiveTime -> 0.4 (40%)
Slightly decreases the distance from where The Hag can teleport to her traps.
PowerRangeMultiplicative -> -0.25 (-25%)

Dragonfly Wings
Moderately increases the distance from where The Hag can teleport to her traps.
PowerRangeMultiplicative -> 0.5 (50%)
Slightly increases the setting time of Phantasm traps.
Missing, assuming -25% to ActionSpeed?

Cypress Necklet
Moderately reduces the setting time of Phantasm traps.
ActionSpeed -> 0.3 (30%)

Bloodied Water
Moderately increases the effective Phantasm trap range.
ItemRange -> 0.2 (20%)

Willow Wreath
Moderately reduces the effective Phantasm trap range.
ItemRange -> -0.2 (-20%)

Swamp Orchid Necklet
Considerably reduces the setting time of Phantasm traps.
ActionSpeed -> 0.35 (35%)

Dried Cicada
Considerably increases the distance from where The Hag can teleport to her traps.
PowerRangeMultiplicative -> 0.75 (75%)
Moderately increases the setting time of Phantasm traps.
Missing, assuming -30% to ActionSpeed?

Cracked Turtle Egg
Considerably increases the tripped Phantasm trap duration time.
ItemActiveTime -> 60%
Moderately decreases the distance from where The Hag can teleport to her traps.
PowerRangeMultiplicative -> -0.5 (-50%)

Bloodied Mud
Considerably increases the effective Phantasm trap range.
ItemRange -> 0.3 (30%)
Slightly decreases the tripped Phantasm trap duration time.
ItemActiveTime -> -0.2 (-20%)

Scarred Hand
Moderately reduces The Hag's movement speed.
IncreaseAllMovementSpeed -> -0.09 (-9%)

Disfigured Ear
Considerably decreases the tripped Phantasm trap's duration time.
ItemActiveTime -> -0.6 (-60%)

Waterlogged Shoe
Phantasm traps slow down any Survivors within the effective trap range.

Carter's Spark (Doctor)

I'll add formatted descriptions for other Doctor addons when I'll make sense of them, at the moment you can view them on my github

Moldy Electrode
Slightly increases Shock Therapy charge time.
CustomPerkEffectValue1 -> -0.1 (-10%)

Polished Electrode
Moderately increases Shock Therapy charge time.
CustomPerkEffectValue1 -> -0.2 (-20%)

High Stimulus Electrode
Considerably increases Shock Therapy charge time.
CustomPerkEffectValue1 -> -0.3 (-30%)

Hunting Hatchets (Huntress)

Bandaged Haft
Slightly decreases cooldown time between Hatchet throws.
HatchetThrowCooldown -> -0.1 (-10%)

Shiny Pin
Slightly increases your movement speed while winding up your throw action.
IncreaseAllMovementSpeed -> 0.05 (5%)

Oak Haft
Moderately decreases cooldown time between Hatchet throws.
HatchetThrowCooldown -> -0.2 (-20%)

Manna Grass Braid
Moderately decreases Hatchet wind up time.
HatchetWindUpTime -> -0.1 (-10%)

Deerskin Gloves
Moderately decreases Hatchets reload time at a Locker.
HatchetReloadTime -> 0.8 (not sure if % or base - that)

Rusty Head
Hit target suffers considerably from the Mangled Status Effect for 120 seconds.
Mangled Effect -> -0.25 (-25%)

Flower Babushka
Considerably decreases Hatchets wind up time.
HatchetWindUpTime -> -0.2 (-20%)

Begrimed Head
Hit target suffers considerably from the Mangled Status Effect for 120 seconds.
Mangled Effect -> -0.25 (-25%)
Moderately decreases the repair speed of Survivors injured by the Hatchet.
RepairSpeedEffect -> -0.05 (-5%)

Bubba's Chainsaw (Leatherface)

Vegetable Oil
Slightly decrease the Chainsaw's cooldown.

Spark Plug
Slightly decreases the Chainsaw's charge time.
ActionSpeed -> 0.12 (12%)

Chainsaw File
Slightly reduces the noise made by the Chainsaw.

Shop Lubricant
Moderately decreases the Chainsaw's cooldown.

Primer Bulb
Moderately decreases the Chainsaw's charge time.
ActionSpeed -> 0.18 (18%)

Long Guide Bar
Slightly increases the reach of the Chainsaw attack.
No Value, just status that it's increased

Knife Scratches
Slightly increases the Chainsaw movement speed.
IncreaseAllMovementSpeed -> 0.05 (5%)
Slightly increases the Chainsaw's charge time.

Homemade Muffler
Moderately reduces the noise made by the Chainsaw.

Grisly Chains
Moderately decreases the repair speed of survivors injured by the Chainsaw.
Mangled Effect -> 90 (seconds?)
Repair Debuff -> -0.09 (-9%)

Depth Gauge Rake
Moderately reduces the time penalty when bumping into objects.

Moderately increases acceleration when using the Chainsaw.
ChainsawAcceleration -> 50 (I don't even know 50 what...)

The Grease
Considerably decreases the Chainsaw's cooldown.
Slightly decreases the Chainsaw's charge time.
ActionSpeed -> 0.18 (18%)

The Beast's Marks
Moderately increases the Chainsaw movement speed.
Slightly increases the Chainsaw's charge time.
IncreaseAllMovementSpeed -> 0.1 (10%)

Rusted Chains
Considerably increases the healing time of survivors injured by the Chainsaw.
Mangled Effect -> 120 (seconds)
Heal Debuff -> -0.25 (-25%)

Light Chassis
Slightly reduces the reach of the Chainsaw attack.
Considerably reduces the time penalty when bumping into objects.
ChainsawCooldownObstruction -> -0.28 (-28%)

Carburetor Tuning Guide
Moderately decreases the Chainsaw's charge time.
ActionSpeed -> 0.18 (18%)
Slightly decreases the Chainsaw's cooldown.
Slightly reduces the time penalty when bumping into objects.
Slightly reduces the noise made by the Chainsaw.

Begrimed Chains
Slightly decreases the repair speed on survivors injured by the Chainsaw until healed.
Repair Debuff -> -0.09 (-9%)
Considerably increases the healing time of survivors injured by the Chainsaw.
Heal Debuff -> -0.25 (-25%)
Mangled Effect -> 120 (seconds)
Hemorrhage Effect -> until healed

Award-winning Chilli
Tremendously increases acceleration when using the Chainsaw.
ChainsawAcceleration -> 100 (I don't even know 100 what...)
Considerably increases the time penalty when bumping into objects.
ChainsawCooldownObstruction -> 0.28 (28%)

Dream Demon (Freddy)

Wool Shirt
Slightly decreases Skill Check chances in the Dream World.

Kid's Drawing
Slightly increases the Power range.
PowerRange -> 400 (4 in game meters, base value is 10)

Garden Rake
Slightly increases movement speed after successfully putting a Survivor into the Dream World.
SandManPowerMovementSpeed -> 0.4 (40%)

Prototype Claws
Moderately increases movement speed after successfully putting a Survivor into the Dream World.
SandManPowerMovementSpeed -> 0.6 (60%)

Outdoor Rope
Moderately decreases the Survivors' Action Speed when in the Dream World.
DebuffValue: 0.9f (10% action debuff on top of the standard 50%, multiplicative)

Nancy's Sketch
Moderately increases the Power range.
PowerRange -> 800 (8 in game meters, base value is 10)

Green Dress
Considerably decreases Skill Check chances in the Dream World.

Cat Block
Slightly increases Skill Check chances in the Dream World.

Swing Chain
Survivors suffer an additional 25% Action Speed penalty when pulled into the Dream World for the second time.
DebuffValue: 0.75f (25% action debuff on top of the standard 50%, multiplicative)

Nancy's Masterpiece
Tremendously increases the Power range.
PowerRange -> 1200 (12 in game meters, base value is 10)

Jump Rope
Tremendously decreases Survivors' Action Speed when in the Dream World.
DebuffValue: 0.8 (20% action debuff on top of the standard 50%, multiplicative)

Blue Dress
Moderately decreases Skill Check chances in the Dream World.

Paint Thinner
Tremendously increases movement speed after successfully putting a Survivor into the Dream World.
SandManPowerMovementSpeed -> 1 (100%)

Red Paint Brush
Slightly reduces movement speed.
IncreaseAllMovementSpeed -> -0.05 (5%)
Tremendously reduces the Terror Radius.
IncreaseTerrorRadiusAdditive -> -1600 (-16 in game meters)

Once again, source: game files
If you're interesed in any value hidden behind a word (or just about any value you can think of) that I haven't posted, feel free to message me and I'll see what I can do ;)

Fixed Dead Rabbit, thanks /u/Mighty_Oakk.
Fixed Freddy's Chains comment according to /u/Cactipus529 comment about it being multiplicative.

Edit 2: Fixed "Blind Warrior" - Mud having wrong value. Thanks /u/OnyxDarkKnight for pointing it out.

Edit 3: Fixed "Swift Hunt" - White. Thanks to /u/Glassia_Tower for pointing it out.

submitted by /u/jesterret
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Hello From The Other Side!

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 03:50 PM PST

Ironworks had a tree growing inside it

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 12:45 PM PST

Splurge, splurge, splurge

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 04:18 AM PST

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