Destiny - The State of Destiny 2

The State of Destiny 2

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 02:57 PM PST


Hey everyone,

With Destiny 2's console and PC launches behind us, we want to take some time to talk with you about Destiny 2 – specifically where it's at today, and where it's going. Our team has been reading feedback and working on updates to improve the game. We've also been reading some tough criticism about our lack of communication, and we agree we need to be more open.

Going forward, Destiny 2's post-launch game systems, features, and updates are being designed specifically to focus on and support players who want Destiny to be their hobby – the game they return to, and a game where friendships are made. We want Destiny to be a game that fits into your life, providing you with reasons to log in and play with your friends, clans, and families. We want Destiny to be a world you want to be a part of.

A month ago, we published a list of improvements on the blog. Today, we're going to revisit that list and update its status, and share some of the work the team is readying for December, January, and beyond.

We know it's frustrating when there isn't enough of a dialog with the development team. You have our commitment that we're going to do a better job going forward.

  • Luke Smith & Chris Barrett

Upcoming Updates Overview

We previously published a list of upcoming Destiny 2 improvements we want to deliver. Some of these updates will be introduced on December 5 and December 12. Others will land in the New Year.

  • New systems and rewards to give our most engaged players additional, optional pursuits, including:

    • A new Weapon Tier: Masterworks, which will feature stat trackers, random, re-rollable stat bonuses, unique item tooltips, and item details screens (see the December Update Details section below for more info)
    • Improved vendor rewards, adding ways for people to purchase items directly with their Legendary Shards and Tokens (see the December Update Details section below for more info)
    • Adding Armor Ornaments that grant visual permutations of armor as players complete specific Challenges (see the December Update Details section below for more info)
  • Better incentives for players who complete challenging Prestige activities

    • We're targeting a January update to provide better incentives to complete Prestige activities
  • Better rewards and replay value for Strikes, Adventures, and Lost Sectors

    • In December, we will be introducing a Heroic Strikes playlist and more generous Strike rewards
    • Rewards for Adventures and Lost Sectors are still on our radar, but will not be delivered for our December updates
  • Private matches for the Crucible

    • Still targeting early 2018 and expect to have better insight into exact timing in the New Year
    • We are also moving Ranked PVP to the top of our priority list for next year to support the competitive community
  • Crucible tuning like adjusted Supremacy scoring and better spawning rules

    • In December, we will introduce additional updates and bug-fixes intended to improve these areas of the Crucible
  • Better incentives for completing Crucible matches (and penalties for quitting competitive games)

    • A "Quitter Penalty" system is currently in development, and you can expect an update on the deployment of this system in the New Year
  • Continued improvements to Iron Banner and Faction Rallies, including uniqueness of rewards

    • The next Iron Banner and Faction Rally will introduce improvements in both these areas (see the December Update Details section below for more info)
  • Changes to make the mod economy more interesting and impactful

    • The Gunsmith will have some updates to how Mods are acquired (see the December Update Details section below for more info)
    • We are exploring more updates to this system in the New Year
  • Ongoing improvements to Exotics, including adjustments to reduce instances of duplication

    • We plan to tune under-performing Exotics and will continue to make targeted updates and improvements
    • Duplication protection will be added for Exotics in the New Year
  • New ways to spend surplus currency and materials (looking at you Legendary Shards)

    • Players will be able to spend Tokens and Legendary Shards on Vendor inventory (see the December Update Details section below for more info)
    • Xur will have new items, as well (see the December Update Details section below for more info)
  • An emote interface that allows players to equip Salty, Spicy Ramen, Six Shooter, and Flip Out all at the same time

    • Emote interface improvements are still on the list, and you can expect an update on the development of this system in the New Year

We will continue to revisit and update this list in the weeks and months ahead to keep you up to speed on what we're working on. Below, you'll find more specific detail about each of the features and updates you can expect to land in December.

December Update Details

There are four key areas we're targeting for improvements in December. Some of these updates will arrive with the December 5 update, and some additional updates will be included in a patch that will be deployed the following week on December 12.

Both updates combined include improvements set against the following goals:

  • Deepen Rewards for advanced players

  • Provide More Player Control over obtaining rewards

  • Make Shards Useful by adding things to use them for

  • Provide General Quality fixes wherever possible

The following changes are the first steps towards achieving these goals, with more planned for our next release in January. Here is a preview of impending changes to Destiny 2. Each category is marked with a forecast delivery date.

Masterworks Image Link

Image Link

  • [DEC 12] Legendary Weapons will drop as or be upgraded to become Masterworks versions

    • Masterworks will have a few advantages over the baseline Legendary weapon:
    • Track and display the number of kills with that weapon (with choice between total count or Crucible-only count)
    • Generate orbs for you and your allies on multi-kills
    • Add weapon stat bonuses that are selected randomly from a small pool and are re-rollable
    • Masterworks drop from any source of Legendary weapons for characters above 250 Power
    • Unwanted Masterworks can be dismantled into materials that can upgrade an existing Legendary Weapon into a Masterwork
    • Raid and Trials of the Nine Weapons will have a very high chance to be Masterworks
    • We have future plans to extend Masterworks to other gear and expose your kill counts in more places (e.g. Crucible kill screen)

Armor Ornaments Image Link

  • [DEC 5] Armor Ornaments will be added to some existing Armor sets for more visual customization without losing your Shaders or Mods

    • These ornaments will be unlocked by completing objectives specific to each set, and are permanently unlocked account-wide, just like Exotic Weapon ornaments
    • They will be applied to the base pieces that you may already have collected, and can now unlock on Vendors if not
    • In Season 2, the following sets have ornaments unlocked in their respective activities:
    • Vanguard Faction Armor
    • Crucible Faction Armor
    • Trials of the Nine Armor
    • Iron Banner Armor
    • Dead Orbit Armor
    • Future War Cult Armor
    • New Monarchy Armor
    • Eater of Worlds Raid Lair Armor

Image Link

  • [DEC 12] Faction Armor and Weapons will be unlocked for purchase for Legendary Shards and Faction Tokens on most Faction Vendors

    • All five Armor Slots will always be present, and Weapons will rotate weekly on Factions that have them
    • Slots will be unlocked by claiming Reward Engrams from the respective Faction
    • You will get credit for engrams you may have already claimed since launch

Image Link

  • [DEC 12] Xur has some new offerings for players collecting Exotics:

    • Every week, you'll be able to acquire one of the new Fated Engrams using Legendary Shards that will decrypt as Exotics that aren't already in your collection
    • A simpler Three of Coins that boosts Exotic drop rates from any source for 4 hours
    • No obscure stacking mechanics or need to re-apply before every boss
    • These cost Legendary Shards and you can have as many as you like

General Investment Image Link

  • [DEC 5] Banshee has some updates on the Weapon and Armor Mod front:

    • For players wanting to clear some Mod inventory space, Rare quality Mods will dismantle into Gunsmith Materials and have a chance to produce Legendary quality Mod Components
    • For players chasing specific Legendary Mods (including Legendary Kinetic Mods), Banshee will offer a selection of specific Legendary Mods for direct purchase, with a selection that will rotate daily and cost Legendary Shards and Mod Components
  • [DEC 5] For players chasing a world Legendary or looking for Masterworks, Master Rahool will sell some of his rumored hoard of Legendary Engrams for Legendary Shards

  • [DEC 12] Commander Zavala and Lord Shaxx will sell Gift consumables for Legendary Shards that can be used during a Strike or Crucible Match that will serve the following functions:

    • Grant bonus rewards to everyone in that activity upon completion, friend or foe alike
    • Award anything from Faction Tokens to a round of Exotics for everyone in the match
  • [DEC 12] Exploit safeguards on Chests and Resource Nodes are greatly relaxed and players should encounter them less frequently

    • Even if they do, drop rates for Tokens is only reduced to 30% instead of 0%, and Glimmer will be unaffected
    • We want to associate a visual indicator with this in a future update, but we weren't able to pull that off in this update (but we hear you!)
  • [DEC 12] Vendors will now beckon you to hand in your Reputation Tokens only when you're carrying enough to earn a Reward Engram

  • [DEC 5] Changes affecting Reputation Tokens:

    • Daily Challenges will have Reputation Token awards increased across the board
    • Cayde's Treasure Chests still offer variable rewards, but now guarantee (at minimum) a payout of destination appropriate Reputation Tokens
    • Strikes will drop a larger number of Vanguard Reputation Tokens
    • Common quality Destination Resource Tokens will have their drop rates increased to 100%, and values per Token increased as well (by 50% for common quality Tokens and 250% for rare quality Tokens)
    • On the balance, Reputation required per Reward Engram will increase for Destination Factions (+37%) and Gunsmith (+50%)
    • Leviathan Raid Tokens will be redeemed at Benedict immediately upon obtaining a Token, instead of requiring a full clear before unlocking

With the launch of Curse of Osiris, and the beginning of Season 2, you can expect to see a full suite of patch notes that will document all of the changes outlined above, as well as additional gameplay and sandbox tuning changes the team is making to improve Destiny 2. We'll also soon be providing pre-load and launch day details, as well as a roadmap for our Season 2 content, which includes The Dawning in mid-December.

XP Mechanics

Last weekend, we disabled a scaling mechanism that adjusted XP gains up and down without reflecting those adjustments in the UI. Our intention was to keep slower-paced activities as rewarding as high intensity grinding without confusing variations in displayed XP values, but the silent nature of the mechanic betrayed the expectation of transparency that you have for Destiny 2.

We were able to disable the system with a server-side change, but a new solution is now needed to rebalance XP in Destiny 2. We have begun that work, and will continue to provide updates to you about timelines and specifics. The values coded into our website API are being updated today (and may already have been as you read this post) to reflect the removal of this scaling mechanism. In a future update, we intend to link these internal and display-only values together for greater consistency, and to ensure that when changes are made they are accurately reflected everywhere we report them.

We already see that the newly adjusted 160K XP per level value means that leveling is too slow for some activities, and we have begun the process of collecting data and recalibrating XP earn rates to improve them as quickly as possible.

XP boosts, including both consumable items and passive bonuses like the Well Rested 300% bonus, were always applied after this system and never resulted in early slowing of XP. They should be unchanged by the disabling of this system and will continue to provide their stated increase in XP gain.

Expect to see a lot of conversation from our team on this front, as XP rewards are updated and brought back in-line with player expectations.

The Future

Going forward, we plan to continue this dialog as openly and frequently as possible. This will be an ongoing process, but one that we are committed to.

This week we'll be publishing a new episode of the Bungie Podcast where we will sound off on the current state of Destiny 2, how we think about our communication challenges, and what it takes to update the game in the wild. You'll be able to listen on both Apple and Android devices.

Thank you for playing, for being passionate about the Destiny 2 experience, and for working with us as we look to continuously improve our game and studio communication.

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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Focused Feedback: Separate balancing between PVE and PVP

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 05:36 AM PST

Hello Guardians,

Focused Feedback is a new addition to the Sub where we take the week to focus on a 'Hot Topic' discussed extensively around the Tower in order to consolidate Feedback and to get out all our ideas and issues surrounding the topic in one place for discussion and a source of feedback to the Vanguard.

This Thread will be active until next week when a new topic is chosen for discussion

Whilst Focused Feedback is active, ALL posts regarding separating PVE & PVP balancing following its posting will be removed and re-directed to this Thread

Below are some example posts of ideas / feedback already provided of which may be of interest regarding the topic:

Any and all Feedback on the topic is welcome.

Regular Sub rules apply so please try to keep the conversation on the topic of the thread and keep it civil between contrasting ideas

Pardon our dust - A Wiki page will also be created shortly for the Sub as an archive for these topics going forward so they can be looked at by whoever may be interested or just a way to look through previous hot topics of the Sub as time goes on

submitted by /u/DTG_Bot
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'Twas the Night before DLC 1

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:43 AM PST

'Twas the night before DLC 1, and all throughout the house

Not a bit of hype was stirring, not even from a mouse

The engrams were hung by Rahool with care

In the hopes that a meaningful endgame soon would be there

The Guardians were nestled all snug in their beds

While visions of exotics danced in their heads.

Shaxx in his Crucible and I in my legendary cap.

Had just settled down for a long Felwinter's nap.

When out on the Tower there arose such a clatter

I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter

Away to the window I flew with a dash

Tore open the shutters and threw up my sash

The Traveler on the breast of the new fallen snow

Gave a luster of Light to objects below.

When what to my wondering eyes saw ahead, straight and narrow

But a miniature Ketch and eight tiny Sparrows

With a proud tall driver so prone to making a scene

Well I knew in a moment, it must be Saint 14!

More rapid than any hawks, his coursers they came

And he whistled and he shouted and he called them by name

"On QoL, on Grimoire, on less damned Fallen and more Permanent Shaders!

On Dynamic Rolls, on MotS, on Transparency and better rewards for our Raiders!

To the halls of the Arcology, to the top of the Wall

Now, patch away, update away, overhaul away all!"

submitted by /u/Garfunklestein
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Crosspost: Ferrari War Cult... a Future War Cult themed custom livery I made in Gran Turismo Sport this weekend.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 08:24 AM PST

Plans for a New Monarchy Mercedes-AMG GT3 and a Dead Orbit Lamborghini Hurican GT3 as well.

edit: link to add the livery to your library in GT Sport:

submitted by /u/CapeAndCowl
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Curse of Osiris Launch Trailer

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 10:06 AM PST

My brain refuses to read "CoO" as "Curse of Osiris"

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 10:17 AM PST

I'm in the DTG subreddit, I see CoO, and my brain reads "Court of Oryx"

Maybe I'll get the update eventually, but right now I have to keep re-reading thread titles and correcting my brain's autocorrect.

submitted by /u/theBuddha7
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4 years into Destiny, we know less about the Traveler than what we knew about the the rings from Halo 1.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 10:59 PM PST

In a single 10 hour campaign, Halo 1 said more about the nature and purpose of the rings, the conflict between Forerunner and Flood, than Destiny has said about the nature and purpose of the Traveler, and its conflict with "the Darkness" over the course of Destiny's 4 year existence. Just sayin. Is Bungie really packing the gunpowder to make this story pop is are they just gonna fire more blanks over the next couple expansions.

submitted by /u/trihexagonal
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Getting Sweet Business made me realize how much I miss 'Machine Guns' from D1

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:13 AM PST

Super Good Advice, Unending Deluge, Baron's Ambition... all sooo good. Were they removed from D2 b/c of PvP?

submitted by /u/handsomeness
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Regardless of the issues with D2 and the negativity towards it, I am so hyped for CoO tomorrow

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 06:34 AM PST

Might only be a few weeks or so of content or something but it's Destiny content and I absolutely have no complaint on that.

submitted by /u/smyers3432
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Guys, the Raid Lair looks EPIC!

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 10:27 AM PST

Orbs of Light in Destiny 2.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 11:40 AM PST

Good Monday Guardians! Some of you might remember this post I made 7 months ago about how Orbs of Light worked in Destiny 1. This weekend me and two other friends decided to test how Orbs of Light work in Destiny 2. A huge thanks to u/chalmun74 and u/whateverishly for helping me out. Here are our findings.

Small and Large Orbs of Light.

Just like in D1 we still have small and large Orbs of Light. And even though it might seem random if you make/pick up small or large Orbs of Light it really isn't.

  • Large Orbs of Light.

If you fill your super by killing adds or just waiting you will make large Orbs of Light. You can also fill some of your super with Orbs of Light that other Guardians have created. Here is what a large Orb of Light looks like and here is how much super energy I gained (from picking up one large Orb of Light).

  • Small Orbs of Light.

However, if you fill more than half of your super with Orbs of Light you will only make small Orbs of Light. Here is a small Orb of Light and here is how much super energy I gained (from picking up one small Orb of Light).

How many Orbs of Light does each subclass make?

We also took the time to test how many Orbs of Light each subclass can make. Note that this is the maximum amount of Orbs and you won't necessarily make that many unless you kill a lot of enemies. The same conditions applies here as well to whether you will make large or small Orbs of Light. When we tested this we mostly killed yellow-bar enemies. Killing a yellow-bar enemies will always guarantee that you make at least one Orb of Light, but you need to kill at least two red-bar enemies to make 1 Orb of Light. Here is the full list of each subclass and how many Orbs they can make.

Hunter Subclasses.

  • Arcstrider: 5 Orbs of Light.

  • Nightstalker, Way of the Trapper: 5 Orbs of Light.

  • Nightstalker, Way of the Pathfinder: 10 Orbs of Light.

  • Gunslinger, Way of the Sharpshooter: 9 Orbs of Light (this is if you kill at least two yellow-bar enemies with headshots, if you do not kill any enemies but only hit headshots you will make 6 Orbs of Light).

  • Gunslinger, Way of the Outlaw: 5 Orbs of Light (Highly unlikely due to the short super duration though).

Warlock Subclasses.

  • Dawnblade: 5 Orbs of Light

  • Voidwalker: 6 Orbs of Light. 7 Orbs of Light, thanks to u/storb.

  • Stormcaller: 5 Orbs of Light

Titan Subclasses.

  • Sentinel: 5 Orbs of Light (If you use Code of the Protector and create Ward of Dawn instead you will make 2 Orbs of Light).

  • Striker: 5 Orbs of Light.

  • Sunbreaker: 5 Orbs of Light.

How many Orbs of Light to fill a super from 0% to 100%? To fill a super from 0% to 100% you need 8 Large Orbs of Light. If you only have small Orbs of Light you need at least small 16 Orbs of Light.


  • The trick is to fill around 50% of your super with Orbs of Light and then fill the rest by killing enemies.

  • Orbs of Light disappear after exactly 2 minutes.

Thanks for reading and have a great day!

EDIT: Huge thanks to the Ogre for giving me a strange coin!

submitted by /u/aslak1899
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Prediction - Next Trials Map will be the Burning Shrine but in the Dark Future

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 10:50 AM PST

Seeing Bungie kick off Season 1 Iron Banner with Distant Shore. I predict they'll kick off Season 2 Trials with a Burning Shrine re-make, re-skin or whatever you call it. Thoughts?

submitted by /u/X-p-e-K
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All situational super perks (Quiver, slow Nova bomb) should be combined into the normal super as a ALT fire(holding the button)

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 09:44 AM PST

These kind of supers are super situational. Players don't even fully upgrade a cluster because it's permanent and can ruin a subclass depending on the preference of the player. I say remove the perk(add in something else) and combine the perk with the normal super. Quiver can be the normal fire and black hole can be the ALT fire, the bigger nova can be an alt, and Six-shot can be normal fire(since its so fast) and the 3-shot can the alt(since it has a long duration)

submitted by /u/Joel_The_Wanderer
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So for the first time in a while I visited the Destiny forums...

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 11:09 AM PST

I can't say I'm surprised. (if you keep scrolling it continues)

submitted by /u/MatthewOrtega
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Why do you only get 1250 EXP for completing a strike with a fireteam token which takes 10-15 minutes but you get 3125 EXP from finishing a heroic public event that takes less than 5?

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 03:13 PM PST

I hope they address the EXP reward issues in this coming update... and by that I mean not nerfing public events but buffing strikes when it comes to EXP. I know they said they're going to increase strike rewards but I hope that also means EXP rewards as well. Maybe a base of 5000 EXP? So that would be 6250 with a token activated.

submitted by /u/icanloveyouAMA
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I hope CoO gives us another Häkke Auto Rifle. There is only 1 at the moment.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 07:51 AM PST

Maybe one that uses the Zarinea-D Body?

Possibly the Arminius-D?

submitted by /u/NFSgaming
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I made a gallery with all the new ghosts, ships, sparrows, armor, and weapons from today's trailer

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 11:37 AM PST

Jumping off the tower when speaking to Hawthorne revives you at the entry to the Bazaar, making it quicker to return to the center of the tower.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 07:13 PM PST

Forget fast travel, forget walking. Ghost does the work for me while I collect my clan engrams.

submitted by /u/zyeags
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If Rose turned into Thorn, then maybe...

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 05:27 AM PST

So, I was wondering... We know now that Rezyl Azzir turned into Dredgen Yor, and possibly changed from Titan to Hunter. We also know it's Main weapon, Rose, was infected by Hive Bone drafts and currupted until it became Thorn.

But Rezyl had another weapon of choice, his Auto-rifle Inferno, which was possibly lost when he encountered Xyor, the Betrothed.

My question is, what are the odds Inferno turned into the other Weapon of Sorrow, Necrochasm?

It stands to reason, right? Destinypedia claims Necrochasm was created from a "Captured Guardian gun". I think this would fit...

Also, I think it is weird that, on the Lore of D1, we see Rezyl using Inferno and Thorn almost as if they were Kinetic / Energy weapons. If we do see a 4th element in D2, possibly linked to the Darkness, could Thorn (or Rose) return as an Exotic Energy Hand-Cannon?

Let us wait and see.

submitted by /u/GabeMacArthur
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Shaxx: Zavala, we need to talk.

Posted: 03 Dec 2017 07:38 PM PST

At the Vanguards balcony, overlooking the Traveller, Zavala is gazing upon the city, when he is approached by a concerned looking Lord Shaxx

Zavala: What is it old friend.

Shaxx: I've been monitoring the Guardians in the Crucible since the fall of the Red Legion...

Zavala smiles

Zavala: I imagine they're causing quite a ruckus there, after-all, with their light returned, you can only imagi-

Shaxx: That's just it, they're not... they're not the same...

Zavala frowns, now with a low voice of concern.

Zavala: What do you mean.

Shaxx: Ever since the Red Legion attacked. It's almost as if their connection to the Traveller has been... weakened. We're seeing it across all guardians we've monitored, no matter how hard they push themselves, it's like they just can't access their Light the way they used to.

Zavala: You're sure?

Shaxx: Absolutely, something is preventing them from being as strong as they were before. At first I thought it was just that... Thing...

Shaxx looks up towards the floating debris circling the Traveller caused by the Red Legion's assault, and then at the now-shattered core of the Traveller itself

Shaxx: But maybe she's just growing tired after picking us back up after all these years.

Ikora: I think she's still got some fight in her yet.

Zavala and Shaxx turn to see Ikora approach, with a look of sincerity in her eyes, she glaces at Shaxx

Ikora: You've told him the news about the Guardians?

Shaxx nods.

Shaxx: What I told you.

Ikora: Well, I've been archiving the Speakers records, and, well, the Speaker left a log of his old missions, here...

she opens the book

Ikora: It mentions a time not too long ago, the Hive were involved in some sort of...

Zavala stands upright

Zavala: Ritual... To drain the Traveller of it's light...

Ikora: Exactly.

Shaxx: You think the Hive are responsible for this?

Ikora: Do you have any other theories? Or should we watch the Guardians slowly try and fail to build their strength over and over again until we realise it's better to focus on a solution, and so far this is all we've got.

Cayde-6 pops in from behind Zavala

Cayde-6: Are you guys planning my birthday party?

He puts an arm around Zavala

Cayde-6: I'm flattered, really, I mean, my birthday's not until... Actually, when is my birthday...

After a long pause, Cayde-6 realises everyone is now glaring at him

Cayde-6: Um... So, anyway, the Light! Definitely something weird going on there, right?! So! I had this genius idea, all on my own, that we should maybe send the Guardian to some Hive installations on Titan, rattle a few cages, so we can all get back to, well, the good old days!

Cayde-6 gestures a finger-gunslinger going off towards Lord Shaxx.

Cayde-6: Pew! Pew! Pew!

Shaxx stares at Cayde-6, unflinching

Cayde-6: Oh, I'm sorry...

He chuckles and curtsies,

Cayde-6: ...M'Lord.

Lord Shaxx crosses his arms and looks menacingly at Cayde-6, Zavala clears his throat

Zavala: Another one of your flawless tactical plans Cayde.

His tone lowers.

Zavala: But what makes you think the Guardian will somehow be able to give us access to a Light that we can't even guarantee is still there any more?

Zavala now also looks upon the debris circling the Traveller. A look bestows upon the group, realising this possible reality

Cayde-6: Well. Have they ever let us down before?

Camera pans out to a last look at the traveller above the Last City, large pieces of debris still orbiting

There has been concern within the community, and rightly so, that our Guardians don't feel as powerful as they did not too long ago. Access to our abilities come less frequently, and with less power. What if this was all due to us never truly getting our light back, only part of it. We were so busy worrying about the Red Legion that we forgot about the enemies we already had on our doorstep. We took down the Red Legion so we could take back our Light, but now a new threat has risen, and now, we need to take back our power.

This is just a random idea I had for an intro to a story were they can make the idea of making us more powerful again actually part of the story, rather than just yet another boring future hotfix.

Edit: Wow, the feedback on here has been amazing. Thank you for all the kind words, the upvotes, the constructive feedback concerning some grammatical errors and typos, getting this post to the front page, and a massive thank you to the wonderful soul who gifted Gold for this post. Again this was just a random idea I had about how to approach potential hot-fixes in a different way, I didn't expect it to take off the way it did. Given the feedback I have received thus far however, think I may write something like this again in the future should the situation present itself.

submitted by /u/cadamson87
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In a couple of hours we will no longer be called Guardians. Instead, we will be known as...

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:37 AM PST


submitted by /u/Saendre
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A dose of possible hype - Heroic Adventures are flying under the radar, and could be a lot better than we think right now.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 08:39 AM PST

In the fated "New Ways to Play" stream, shortly after the pre-recorded Public Event hung Deej out to dry, they begin talking about The Lighthouse. At about 17:00, they start to talk about the new Adventures. Here are some relevant quotes:

"He (Brother Vance) will give you new Adventures, which is going to be the cornerstone for how you explore Mercury."

"From here (Brother Vance), you can play Adventures...explore parts of Mercury that you can only explore through Adventures."

"So the destination is basically delivered to you through a series of Adventures"

"We're adding a bunch of modifiers (to the Heroic Adventures), and it's going to be random every time you play it.

This is an idea that has been thrown around a lot over Destiny's life span, but it's always sort of been dismissed as "yeah that would be cool, but it'll never happen..." Unfortunately the #twotokensandablue situation took the spotlight right off of it, but this could have major implications on the game and its replayability. Here's what I'm thinking:

While the progression and rewards systems are being sorted out (slowly, but making progress), this can add a ton of variety to our play time because it should be a fun thing to do. It remains to be seen how the Adventures tie into the Infinite Forest, but the way it's lining up looks like we will be able to replay Adventures on a higher difficulty, with random modifiers in an environment that changes every time you run it. The Infinite Forest gameplay shown in that stream was an Adventure, and it completed a Milestone when it was done.

If they have tied Milestones to completing Adventures, and given us a reason to keep going back to the Infinite Forest, isn't this almost exactly what D2 needs? Rewards aside - I know it still needs work, but this game desperately needs activities that still give entertainment and fun after you've completed your weekly milestones, and if this is how it's going to go, isn't this just what the Traveler ordered?

We played Heroic Strikes in D1 LONG after we had all of the Strike gear, long after we were maxed, and long after we had all of the intros memorized. Why? Because the changing modifiers made the game fun by adding variety. This seems to be doing exactly that, and even at a higher level.

Now comes the hype though, provided you have your Spinfoil hat on:

Could this be what the Heroic Strikes playlist has in store for us as well? Could we finally be getting Strikes that are truly different every time? I think it's absolutely possible if they have already done it with the Adventures. They might do something like lock our equipment just to prevent everyone standing around swapping stuff out at the beginning of each strike, but that makes it even more fun IMO - you could absolutely get screwed or become a wrecking ball, and it highly encourages a diverse loadout and fireteam composition.

Maybe I'm getting ahead of myself, but I think it's totally possible, and that could explain why there were no modifiers listed on the hover-over during the first stream. I know it's easy to say "It's just because there are none", but they've already done it with Adventures.

What do you guys think?

submitted by /u/vangelator
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Honestly, what is the point in shaders being consumables at this point?

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 09:15 AM PST

Shaders are not hard to obtain and there are not enough slots for them all without vaulting a few.

The 'rarest' of shaders come through limited time events or raid play.

You can't rebuy them so they aren't a currency sink.

Dismantling ones you don't want is just an annoyance since they probably are ones you get often anyways (planetary).

The excuse for making them consumable was to get us to replay content when D2 launched, that obviously didn't work for the players that left due to lack of end game and those that stayed I doubt there are that many players replaying activities for shaders.

At this point if Bungie does manage to draw the hardcore audience back with QoL changes I believe making shaders non consumable again should be added to that QoL list or it is just going to wind up being seen as still trying to be a cash grab through silver for the most unique looking of shaders.

submitted by /u/Masblue
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Bungie, when implementing RANKED COMPETETIVE in 2018, use the 1-50 system from Halo 2 an Halo 3!

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 08:58 AM PST

It was so simple to understand, worked great, even DrDisRespect commented on how fantastic of a system it was.

submitted by /u/CommanderCartman
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Tower Thought: We got the timeline were the Vex did everything wrong.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 09:16 AM PST

The Vex are supposed to be this super intelligent and deadly race of space robots. And yet, shown by gameplay encounters, seem to be the most incompetent of all the races. A dreg or Vendal are more of a threat, they can run on all fours and shoot, go invisible, AND FUCKIN CLIMB WALLS! Hell, their designs have regressed over the years, hobgoblins can't shoot for shit, and Minotaurs don't have armor for their crit spot. Its like they want us to win! Maybe we're in a timeline were the Vex got hit by a wave of stupid like in Invader Zim.

submitted by /u/Joel_The_Wanderer
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Bungie please let us recover equipped shaders via glimmer or Legendary shards.

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 03:59 AM PST

Bungie the current shader system is very weird we all know that, the incentive of doing the same thing over and over again (Raid/Trials/Eververse) for specific shader is good and bad, from my pov.

The biggest negative is the fact we loose the shader once we equip it. Something we never faced in D1, however we have the freedom to colour our Guardian to our desire like never before, from weapons, ships all the way to our ghost.But sometimes, the general public cannot dedicate themselves for a specific activity for the shader they like example Trials or Raid. Completing said activity once or twice should give enough shaders, to not do these activities again if you so wish.

With the "Recover" option you are giving us the freedom to experiment and undo our mistakes, I think it would give a quick fix to the current system until the shader system changes. That is IF Bungie plans to do so.

submitted by /u/Azlaar
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[Spoilers] An Inconsistency in CoO could be a major plot point

Posted: 04 Dec 2017 01:02 AM PST

(tl;dr - Lighthouse in D1 was much larger and was set in Caloris Spires on Mercury, instead of the Fields of Glass where it is now situated in CoO. Are we in a different timeline or did the Vex rip the observatory section of the Lighthouse from it's structure? Multiple Lighthouses? Details below)

So, Curse of Osiris is nearly upon us. I am aware the hype for this DLC is minimal to non-existent, but I thought I'd make this post anyway.

The other day I was browsing the D1 Grimoire on the Ishtar Collective when I noticed something - The Lighthouse was set among the Caloris Spires. It was the only location in Destiny to be set in that area.

CoO footage reveals that the new patrol, and the Lighthouse, are now set among the Fields of Glass - not the Caloris Spires. As a result, the Lighthouse skybox looks very different to how it did in D1 - but this can also be a result of the Almighty chewing away at the planet, or the D2 team decided for an art overhaul of Mercury. (The Caloris Spires may not even exist anymore, since the Almighty destroyed that much of the planet)

Comparison: (Destiny 1) | (Destiny 2: Curse of Osiris)

It's also worth mentioning that the Lighthouse' size has been drastically reduced, all but the treasure room has been removed. If you don't have an idea what the Lighthouse from D1 looked like, see this tour video I made a while back (It's rather long, but just skip through it and you'll see what I mean).

So, this has lead me to a few conclusions. Either;

  • We are in a different timeline.
  • The Vex discovered the Lighthouse, and moved it away from secrecy - closer to their nest (The Infinite Forest)
  • Bungie wanted to make the Lighthouse smaller, so removed the rest of the hub they found unnecessary. The "Fields of Glass" location is nothing more than an inconsistency.
  • The Almighty chewed away so much of Mercury, the Lighthouse was assigned to the Fields of Glass rather than the Caloris Spires, since that part of the planet may not even exist anymore.
  • This is a different Lighthouse, as the Lighthouse in Destiny 1 is set up as an unfriendly and unnerving environment - it would not be a base of operations on Mercury. The one we see in CoO could be used as a fake to attract the attention of the Vex.

This post is a little long winded, so if any of you made it to the end, first off - thank you, and second - what are your thoughts? Would like to hear back and what you think of all this. I doubt we'd get a story so complex, but a man can dream.

submitted by /u/Jutseph
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