DayZ - When I get told DayZ is dead, I definitely want it to be from one of its true fans who truly loved the game at one time!

When I get told DayZ is dead, I definitely want it to be from one of its true fans who truly loved the game at one time!

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 03:40 AM PST

The PUBG folks Sure like the new Dayz prone aiming system works ;)

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 02:42 PM PST

Experimental branch

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 06:34 AM PST

Extra Credits made a video about DayZ

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 09:38 PM PST

No stable servers atm?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 04:19 AM PST

Just minutes ago i got disconnected from official stable server, now i cannot find any stable servers online, might be a bug or restart or something?

submitted by /u/samelii
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You guys have got to stop giving time estimates of the .63 release

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 11:54 AM PST

I've been seeing DayZ supporters giving people estimates on when .63 will be released. Saying "It'll be Q1 of this year!" and "It's coming out in a month!". In reality none of us have any idea of a release date other than 2018. Telling people that don't follow the development that DayZ will be out in a couple of months could even end up hurting the game. They'll take your word for it and if for whatever reason beta takes longer all we'll here is "Another broken promise by the devs" even though the devs never said anything other than it'll be out in 2018. Having an optimistic opinion is great, but seriously stop spreading info that wasn't put forward by the devs as if it's fact.

submitted by /u/kbaldi
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Chernarus is ready for the New Year!

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 06:05 PM PST

Saw This Pop up in my Feed, was Happily Surprised.

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 06:34 PM PST

I really hope this Christmas event stays as long as the last one. Now they just need to bump a lil bit the spawn of VSS/FAL/UMP/SVD!

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 08:01 AM PST

I don’t understand why so many people complain about DayZ being dead.

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 07:53 AM PST

It's a zombie game after all.

submitted by /u/iUsuallyWouldnt
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Smersh Vest and Shotgun slugs?

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 07:41 AM PST

Was watching a streamer playing experimental.. He found a Wrapped christmas present in a house with a Smersh vest and shotgun slugs inside. Wonder if Stable has this as well. Nothing ground breaking but interesting none the less. Also he found a Santa beard which was almost clooney-esque

submitted by /u/RacksDiciprine
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Insane Hip Fire Shot!

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 07:39 AM PST

Gathered information on wolves

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 06:41 AM PST

Hello survivors,

over my last 5 hours in DayZ I had three encounteres with wolfes. Twice they attacked me, one time I locked myself in a house and they disappeared. I still do not know how to behave properly and how wolves work.

Here are some certain informations I found. However they were never gathered so I thought it would be nice to gather the info and add them to the wiki.

  1. Packs peel off after you killed 3 wolves.
  2. If you log out when they are near and aggroed on you, your character dies.
  3. Every pack has an Alpha-Wolf which is darker than the others. If you kill the Alpha, the rest of the pack leaves (haven't seen this confirmed tho, but found it on many sites...).

Also I have some questions.

  1. Do you hear the howls louder if the wolves aggroed on you? I feel this way because whenever I saw them when I wasn't aggroed I felt as if they were more silent...

  2. Do wolves recognize players in a certain distance around them or do they only recognize them when they have a line of sight on you?

  3. Do they only howl when they hunt something/someone or do they howl when they are just walking around?

submitted by /u/Fesskey
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Dayz on consoles

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 01:53 AM PST

I think that dayz shouldn't go on consoles just to avoid the shenanigans that it would have like PUBG, i honestly think it would be even worse then that and nobody could have fun playing it on consoles.

If you don't belive me check out how horrible PUBG is on consoles

submitted by /u/Enforcerer3
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How Plausible Would a "Push Vehicle" Option Be?

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 07:07 PM PST

Is it an easily implementable thing? What are some ways you guys think it can work?

submitted by /u/_Thought_
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Item Idea: gps trackers

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 05:08 PM PST

small device, is only visible in game not inventory. can be placed on vehicles/animals/other players but only seen visually never as item slot.

  • you can keep track of your stolen vehicles
  • you can track animals easier (remember they wander so it could be worth the closer known hunt or not)(this is also provided on how animals spawn/despawn. They would ahve to spawn on gps animal, and it would also not be able to despawn when chipped causing server issue)
  • you can track your team-mates for easier squad control, or tag an enemy after you knock them out to
    stalk them or whatever.
  • They can only be destroyed with a working electric cattle-prod but they can be removed and reapplied to
    something else after using duct-tape to make it 'stick' to stuff.
  • Storms could also take play in that they interfere with satellites. Radio stations could also boost it.
  • Range could play a factor. Owner of said device could have another device or whatever to make the gps
    be audible at a very loud pitch basically drawing everyone to that location for x seconds.

Its far fetched from survival, but i think it would be fun late game gear

Edit: Animal tracking point

submitted by /u/Erares
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DayZ Village #1

Posted: 14 Dec 2017 12:21 AM PST

Modding Support

Posted: 13 Dec 2017 05:13 PM PST

Just curious when with they open up dayz for mod support? Is there a time frame?

submitted by /u/ttgchris1
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