DayZ - What we actually learned from the Status Report.

What we actually learned from the Status Report.

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 01:35 PM PST

The underlying sentiment a lot of people here are sharing seems to be that the Status Report was a failure, mainly because we didn't get 0.63 in 2017.

I understand why that is frustrating, because, well, it is. But this Status was never promised to be anything more than an update on the status of 0.63; for better or for worse.

Truthfully, there was no way for the Devs to win this one, and really, and perhaps rightly so, they can't win until 0.63 is out in a playable form. Ultimately, the information contained in the status report is meaningless if it doesn't include that goal for most people.

But was it actually informative about the state of DayZ's development? I think so. A lot of people seemed to really misunderstand what the Status Report actually said, and just skimmed it, got pissed off and left it at that, but we know a lot of core features are on their last legs (of development).

Let's look at what was actually said and judge from that.

Player Controller


"Data ready, but need bugfixing or smaller technology changes to make them playable and polished for Experimental. We're mostly talking visual glitches here."


"Combat and stances are mostly done, but there are issues with full aiming space in prone - either in working with camera, or visual glitches. Evades and blocks are being tweaked to be a fun gameplay element."


"There are still issues with player camera when it comes to collisions indoors and we want to make sure to eliminate any edge cases that can be used to gain advantage."

These three areas are all ESSENTIAL and when you consider that the controller is basically the central nervous system of the game, it makes sense that they would these need to be ironed out, but based on what is presented, it sounds like they aren't rushing it for the sake of just getting it out. That it sounds like mostly visual glitches is very encouraging.

Character Representation(Disease, stats, injuries, and related)

"The list of character modifiers above is implemented, but needs heavy tweaking and configuration changes to be an actual survival element. The systems are there, but need time to settle down."

What I don't like about this is the "needs time to settle down" comment. That is vague, and uninformative and can be construed a number of ways. What does "settle down" mean? This comment is a good example of what not to say, and could have been a good opportunity to show us.

Same goes for this:

"When it comes to interacting with your fellow players or crafting, content and data is available in the internal build, but needs a lot of testing, and probably control scheme changes. It needs to be a fluid part of your DayZ experience."

I think we can infer that these systems (crafting, environment actions, item driven actions) will be some of the biggest hurdles of the game, and are really what sets it apart from a game like PUBG. It's hard to tell how far along they are based on SR comments, and I expect will be the biggest variables when we see 0.63 hit.


"When it comes to weapon systems, we have them available in-game, except for scopes and jamming being affected by ammo quality, but all of them need tweaking and a lot of bugfixing. [Weapon Visuals are available] we just need to create the content for all BETA weapons that are going to be released for Experimental."

Weapons seem fine. I expect this will be the least of 0.63 problems based on this.



"A whole lot of the issues with the infected are based on AI and its implementation, which needs to be expanded. Data has already been prepared, and we will start looking into making the gameplay fun starting next year."

Big hurdle and has been since day one. Hard to tell how this one will shake out. But I think this, alongside the crafting elements, are where they will have the most trouble.


"Data for animal features is prepared and going through final polish. However, we want to expand their behaviour beyond what is available in the internal client now."

Seems fine for now, but will probably run into issues alongside the infected AI.


"All of the UI systems in-game are reworked using the new technology, there are tons of bugs to cover, but we also want to spend time looking into visuals of these elements, and make sure they work for players and are not an obstacle to their progress."

Translation? The UI is done, it just looks like shit at the moment. This probably won't be too big of an issue. Just needs a coat of paint.

Another key takeaway and this is something that has been repeatedly harped on:

I know the tone may be a bit grim, but from my personal experience as a gamer with DayZ, it's very hard to go back to 0.62 once you play even the broken internal version.

I think A LOT of people would have been content if they just released the 0.63 broken version. I'm not one of them, but I can see the appeal.

There's a lot more content in the status report, most of which deals with BETA plans and so on, but I think, from what it sounds like, they really have made a lot of progress, even if it doesn't always feel like it from the outside looking in.

What would have really softened the blow for a lot of people here though, was if they showed all or some of this. I understand that creating such videos can be time intensive, and I am sure there are internal reasons why they didn't do it, but if people got another glimpse at this thing, beyond the GamesCom footage, and just saw what was broken and how, they might have a better sense of how much progress is being made.

I know some people are going to be pissed at the long dev cycle no matter what, but there's no pleasing them. Still, I think this was mostly a solid SR, if not one I wanted to read.

DayZ Standalone will hit its 4th year of Early Access this December. A 3-5 year development cycle was always likely, and anyone that thought otherwise was kidding themselves, including The Dev Team.

I still believe, and I am not really pissed, BUT, it's 2018 or bust. Let's see what happens.

(edited for visual clarity)

submitted by /u/illbeyour1upgirl
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Posted: 30 Nov 2017 07:00 AM PST

What to do while waiting for beta?

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 06:41 AM PST

For the first time in years I got the old dayz rush with the ARMA 3 scenario Escape From Tanoa

Highly recommend to anyone looking for that unscripted adventure "me vs world" fix.

submitted by /u/beefly
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The main reason why players complain about the development...

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 12:12 AM PST

It's really simple... WE CARE ABOUT THE GAME!


We all know that it takes time to develop a game, but when the devs keep hyping us about vehicles, helicopters, bikes, better AI, new player control etc.. Giving us hope about updates and release dates that never comes "1.0 in 2016" was written on their twitter account (which was removed later that year). It just feels like a punch to the face... Don't get me wrong, I'm sure the devs are trying their best and are working as hard as they can to solve all the blockers...


Another reason is player count...


I remember when SA was released to the public for the first time, we had 100+ communities with over 10k players playing the game every day on a regular basis. Today it feels like there are less than 1k players playing from time to time.


I know that a lot of us who really loves this game are trying our best to keep it alive, asking our friends to play with us, but sadly most of our friends who played with us back in the day no longer gives a sh!it about the game due to the slow development, for them the hype is long gone and I feel that my hype is fading aswell. Dayz has gone from awesome to "meh".


I hope this wall of text gives some of you an insight on why a lot of us are frustrated. This is my simple view of Dayz, yours might be different. I might be wrong on some points so feel free to correct me.


Thank you

submitted by /u/-TiX-
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If DayZ is dead and the developers stole our money, then why are you still here? (Serious)

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 01:36 PM PST

Just to get this out of the way, I might be accurately characterized as a fan boy...

This question is not for people like me. If you support this game and are still thinking positive, don't comment or argue here please. Leave them alone to tell me how they feel.

That said, I'm really curious why there are so many negative people still here? So many of you are so fucking pissed. BI screwed us. They got their money. Missed dates. Lies. I hear so much of this. I even understand the frustration. What I don't get is why there are so many of you still coming here. Why not just uninstall and forget DayZ ever existed? I'd love to hear your thoughts.

submitted by /u/2easilyamused
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I still have fun playing DayZ

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 09:07 AM PST

As disappointing as yesterday's status report was, I actually still enjoy the current state of DayZ. I have nearly 700 hours so I definitely got my money's worth and it's still probably my favourite game along with Rocket League.

I'm not going to try to convince people to keep playing. Just thought this subreddit might need some positivity considering the front page is littered with salt.

submitted by /u/chefgoldblum__
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Beta release in 2017 was never confirmed. People hyped themselves up and now they're pissed at devs. WTF?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 10:53 AM PST

I don't get it. The devs VERY lightly hinted the end of 2017 release (probably because there was a legit small chance for that) but for the most part it was community that hyped it up for no reason. And now that they announced that beta is coming in 2018 you guys are pissed at devs for not making it in time for 2017 release. Am I missing something?

submitted by /u/Catfish_BlLLY
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8 Kills At The Airfield!

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 07:32 AM PST

Well here we are......

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 07:18 AM PST

To all the people who said this update would come in 2017 you can just fuck right off. Got so much hate for calling this shit 8 months ago and don't get me wrong I'll wait patiently because this update will be worth a try, this is more of an I told you so. Calling it right now summer 2018 .63 will hit exp. I'll see y'all then.

submitted by /u/LordeLucifer
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What if in 2013, you knew Beta would drop in 2018

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 09:48 AM PST

What if there was a clear development map that accurately showed the real development milestones we have hit in the 4 years of alpha way back in 2013 when DayZ first released. Would this have changed your thoughts on DayZ? Would you have still bought the game?

submitted by /u/zebaba
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What will actually be released when 0.63 gets on stable servers?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 10:21 PM PST

Since it seems to take a long time for it to be done, I wonder if they will release the new player control, new zombies, new animals etc etc. I would like to know since the update is the last straw for me, if the update brings in alot of stuff I will play it again but if they only release the player control in would be a dissapointment. Maybe there is a list for what .63 will release and I've just been too lazy and missed it

submitted by /u/flowisher
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I feel like everyone is forgetting that 2018 is only a month away. We've come so far, what is another couple of months for us?

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 05:33 PM PST

patience is a virtue

submitted by /u/cenaamil
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Dayz Standalone - S Highlights 1

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 03:19 AM PST

Squad PvP -- 5 vs 8 -- German Gameplay

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 02:09 AM PST

I had the Most awkward fight in dayz

Posted: 30 Nov 2017 06:10 AM PST

Idea for the downtime! (Survivor Gamez)

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 07:43 PM PST

Since we have to wait a while for .63 to be out, and the game is kinda of "stale" right now how about bring back a SurvivorGamez. It can bring back some people that haven't played the game for a while, and also bring some more hype to beta. I would like to see one before new years, and maybe have the preliminary Gamez as well for smaller guys to get in, and then have the big Gamez around the new years. Since we are not getting anything this year please give us something to be held over. I know you dont want to put out a half ass build either which is fine, and IMO the other events were kinda just bland, and boring this could be an event that plenty would love to see and possibly partake in! /u/BatyAlquawen /u/Hicks_206

submitted by /u/FadezGaming
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Why firefights are more intense in DayZ than in most other games

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 12:21 PM PST

One of two reasons is the fact that you lose everything you have if you die, and I don't think it needs explaining.

The other reason is the one I realized today. In most shooters you play against all kinds of players. Some are really bad at it, some hold their ground but aren't anything special and some are really good. That means the average player will be in the middle of the curve.

DayZ, by its nature, attracts much more serious players. Players who know how to move, how to aim, when to shoot, etc. That means most players here would be above average at most other shooters. This makes encounters much more serious for you, because you don't face only losing you things if you die but an enemy who knows their things about firefights and tactics.

submitted by /u/ILikeNiceButts
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M1ndr sums up the new SR and the community reaction perfectly

Posted: 29 Nov 2017 06:15 PM PST

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