Daily Questions and Answers Post Black Desert Online

Daily Questions and Answers Post

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 10:06 PM PST

Hello and welcome to /r/blackdesertonline! Please use this thread to ask any simple questions you have about the game and hopefully one of our helpful community members will be able to assist you.

Also, check the sidebar for links to some helpful resources.

This thread will be refreshed daily due to the huge number of questions asked.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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Striker fan art.

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 03:23 AM PST

When i'm putting in meme frags for my dande

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 12:11 AM PST

I guess riding a wagon all day takes it's toll on you

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 12:33 AM PST

TaintedBushido's Commission of my #ForeverMain Sorceress

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:12 PM PST

When you think you have a Pegasus, but then reality hits you hard.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 08:16 PM PST

I was told you guys would enjoy how many pounds of chronic i have.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 09:57 PM PST

[Black Desert Online] New Tag/Char Switching System Info [KR]

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 04:12 AM PST

[KR-EN] Patch Notes - Dec 7th - Musa Buffs, Character Switch Screen, T9 Failstacking and Monster Drops

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 01:38 AM PST

Official BDO Twitter posted top 4 Mystic Creations, 2 of which are copy & pasted from KR and one that is barely changed!

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 07:36 AM PST

Yo here's mysterious accessory rates if anyone's interested

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 12:52 AM PST

Fix the god d*** Musa. Rework is a JOKE and its enough We need a real fix

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 07:11 PM PST

Excellion and I are the only two youtubers (Even bringing in korean servers) SSM is another notable mention. Any other Musa youtuber/streamer has pretty much REROLLED and given up on the class. Musa use to be good but the addition have new classes and balance changes have plummeted this class to the toilet. It's time to listen to your community. Stop making changes to our class if you don't understand the mechanics of this game, Just listen to your players. I really hope all other musas also comment their two cents about this rework, because it's a load of horse s**t. The meta of how the musa use to play is COMPLETELY gone.

I'm so disappointed.

To sum it up This is what the Rework is. Stamina reductions, 5 second CD reduction to Crust Crusher, removed cd on the flow that follows up after Crust Crusher, slightly sped up Crust Crusher, gave forward guard on flow backflow. Raised base ap and evasion in pve, reduced evasion in pvp. Basically this "rework" is just a baby buff that will have no significant impact at all and they are still the worst class in the game. Time to go on another year break and try back again. According to a reddit user named "Killzacular".

"Stamina reductions" - I have a big big big big problem with this. You can reduce stamina all you want. In order for musa to play safely (Because Musas literally don't have a single Super armor in pre awakening OR FG besides block), we rely on C swapping, poking in with an attack and immediately using chase, and Q Spam. These all drain our stamina. Now put these Stamina consumptions in a long term fight on lets say A warrior, Dk, Striker in open world. Not even 1v1. In 1v1 I'd like to say musas are pretty decent. In open world, We end up getting our stamina drained to 0 in super armor trades just because of the skills we are required to use. Also, In a real work scenario, 9 times out of 10, it takes 70% of our stamina to catch up to these classes and then when we start attacking, we get drained to 0. What sense does it make that you can kite the supposed FASTEST class in the game?"

Solution Blind thrust, Carver, Twister, Counter assassination, SHOULD NOT COST STAMINA PERIOD. a reduction wont solve this issue. Our class is getting gimped by stamina in mobility and super armors because Musa relies on primarily CHASE to stay safe. I am also going to argue that Stamina cost on Chase does not belong either. When a warrior, DK, and striker can out run me in every scenario and I can never catch up and if i attempt to chase, This class no longer becomes the class. Musa right now is like the fat fast guy. Runs fast but tired quickly. This is a core mechanic of Musa in open world PVP that has been completely destroyed with the release and balance tweakings of other classes.

CD Reductions: We don't need these. Our Cooldowns are fine. this is QOL and doesn't help progress our class period. We do NOT have cooldown issues.

What i am questioning currently is this buff "Gave forward Gaurd on Flow: Backflow." Not sure if this is an accurate description, This skill has Super armor. Did this get nerfed from Super armor to FG? Not sure. I don't want to comment on this until there is real confirmation.

"Raised Base AP And evasion in PVE".

A 250/283 Musa can't farm Pila Ku. Raise Our accuracy in PVE too. We can't farm certain spots that othe classes can grind unless we get some ridiculous gear. Balance this out. A 170AP Striker can burst down a Cadry elite faster than a 220AP Musa Can because strikers have 100% accuracy on some skills. Which is unbalanced and plain stupid.

"Reduced Evasion in PVP" I hope to god this isn't true. We are right behind tamer in terms of taking magic damage. We already die too quick. We don't die as quickly as tamer, but a DK wiz/witch/sorc or any magic damage we do take significantly more damage from, especially through our super armors. You need to balance this. The current meta for musa (according to hidden evasion data mines), was that musa was pretty high up there on the base evasion List, which is great. So the meta was to build high CC resis to never get knocked down which works well. but if you take away some of our evasion I'm honestly scared.


Match PVE accuracy to Striker or wizard/witch. And improve our damage a little bit.

Do not tamper with our base evasion kit. It's good enough as it is, fix the damage we are taking from magic based attacks, And I suggest you fix that for tamer too because it doesn't make sense. Musa should be a Fast class with glass cannon that can die quickly, but not too fast. As thats what the class use to be.

Add Super armors and frontal guards to some of our pre awakened skills.

Add them to: Blooming, Rising Storm, Blind Thrust, Dragon Bite /claw/slash chain.

Give CrossCut a Forward Gaurd when used on cooldown because we have to use Crosscut in order to get into backflow, so it automatically puts a hole into literally, ALL of our combos. Where as other classes do not have silly holes like this.

Give us Tiger blade +Awakening cancel again.

Slightly Improve PVP accuracy and AP.

And these changes wont entirely break our class, it will balance it. Don't make this class op asf and worsen balance. BALANCE it.

I want to make a musa podcast as well. If you are a musa and want to voice your concerns, please message me on Discord as I will be making a video. Enough is enough. we need real changes to our class. @Purify9168 Add me and message me.

submitted by /u/ShakyBay
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Really Tiny Cat

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 05:21 AM PST

Was doing some quests in kamasylvia, and got into a quest chain that has me collecting some glass shards, one was on the ground and i couldn't see it, the other underwater also couldn't see it, and now in the third quest there is one on a rock, I Zoom in the max i could so try and see what this glass shard actually was and that Glass Shards turns out to be an extremely small cat :D

images https://imgur.com/a/4bzEM

submitted by /u/Paulolino34
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Horse Trainer Rejoice! / RBF Changes / Night Vendor changes / Character swap system Translation from 12/7/17 patch note.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 08:49 PM PST

● When Casting Light House, drawing monster aggro time has been changed from 10 seconds to 7 seconds.

  • However the number of drawing aggro has not been changed.

For Witch and wiz


● You can now change Shakaku Seals with following additional options.

  • 150 Seal : Main hand exchange coupon(7 days)

  • 150 Seal : Offhand Exchange coupon (7 days)

● Fixed the issue where cool down was initiated when traveler's map, archeologist's map was used while on a mount with trade items.

● Fixed the issue where the mini-elephant was not able to be recovered after using an archeologist's map. - As before, if you are carrying a trade item, you cannot use the archeologist's map to travel.

● Fixed the bug where the (Colossal) effect that is applied when changing channel was taken off when reconnecting after force closing the client. - Players exploiting this bug are under investigation.

● Crafting Whale tendon elixir, each proc can create maximum of 2 elixir.

● When riding a horse, you cannot change channel when attempting to enter savage rift, Rbf.

● Patriogio's Secret Shop now sells Urugon Shoes as well as Griffon Helm.

  • Kutum Offhand will be added to shop soon!

● Main character Swap system has been added.

  • On the top left, next to the tent button, you can click on the button to swap characters.

  • When you right click you can refresh the main character swap setting screen, and left click will initiate the swap to the selected character..

  • Main character swap setup and changing is only possible in Town.. (Exception, Kusha and Muiquinn.)

  • You can change between main characters anywhere. (Exception: Desert and Sea – Where your minimap does not work).

  • You cannot swap during Node war, or conquest war.s.

  • After swapping characters, you cannot change again for 4 minutes.. Howeer, character swap through character selection has no limitation.

  • In Character swap mode, [V]'s cool down is shared between both characters..

  • With the two selected characters, you cannot buy/sell trade item. Also you cannot move trade items via storage or mount.

● Failstack system for T8 has been added..

  • Each failure to awaken the t8 courser now added +1 fail stack.

  • With each fail stack, chance of awakening the courser increases.

  • The failstack can be seen on the screen where you awaken the courser.

    • Fail stack ONLY applies to the horse. It is not shared between different horses or family.
    • Prior to the update, each horse that failed to awaken, we have applied the appropriate fail stack depending on number of failures after the update.
  • IF you have sold the courser in the market, the failstack will reset to 0.

● Level 1 ~ 49 adventurerers now can obtain combat, skill exp with loss/win in Rbf.

● Red Battle field now rewards with silver, depending on win/loss.

  • The amount of Silver awarded is depending on the total gear score (attack + dp)

    • Attack is calculated off main hand weapon. NOT Awakened AP.

(See attached image) https://gyazo.com/0ac95ed88a63609cb0bf4599f7692e37

Edit: Adding the 1v1 GVG system they are adding.

● 1v1 GvG has been reorganized (changed)? (I think this is where you go to like Arena and do 1v1 gvg?)

  • Different from plain gvgs, this is a system where gvg is run through three different modes..

  • When Guild battle starts, you cannot exit , if the guild does not enter, quit before the gvg is over, change character before end of the gvg, the guild that person is associated to will lose the gvg.

● First Round

  • Regular fight – Each guild can have up to 20 participating members.

  • If both guild selects the members for the regular guild battle – they enter the ready mode.

  • If 20 people are selected by the allocated time, the game will automatically pick 20 for your guild.

  • If there are less than 20 members participating, the entire guild roster participating will be selected.

  • 1 minute after entering the ready phase, the gates will open and battle can commence.

  • If you were not selected for battle, your character will become invisible mode and can freely move around and observe the gvg.

  • If one team is fully wiped, the round ends.

● Round Two.

  • 1v1 Fight Mode

  • Each guild will select 5 members for the GvG

  • When both guild selects 5 members who will participate in the 1v1, they must select the one player out of the 5 to battle first..

  • 1v1 fighting arena is surrounded by NPC/soldiers carrying flags and the battle must commence inside the circle.

  • If the member gets close to the soldier or go outside the arena they will automatically forfeit.

  • Each 1v1 has a time limit and if both characters are alive at the end of the round, victor will be decided depending on the remaining hp %.

  • The victor can continue to battle while the guild that lost the first round must select the next participant between the remaining 4 member.s.

  • The victor can continue to battle while the guild that lost the first round must select the next participant between the remaining 4 member.s.

● Round Three.

  • In the final, the guild that loses all the members will lose the round 2.

  • If both guild's last participant's HP % is the same, Round 2 will end as a Draw.

  • After Round 1 and 2 if the results are 1:1 Round 3 will commence.

  • 3 is where the both entire guild will fight in the arena.

  • Guild that wipes the other guild within the time limit will claim victory in round 3, or guild that has more living members when the timer runs out. If the remaining member numbers are the same the round 3 will be a draw.

-Balenos, Serendia tax cart will disappear when it reaches calpheon.

submitted by /u/zeldaahn2
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Where does Mystic sit in class tier?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 01:16 AM PST

There have been many changes made for Mystic; nerfs and I'm second guessing on whether I should invest in her. Her tankiness, utility have gone down; especially with that huge nerf to vacuum and removal of the vacuum from her Ultimate.

Will Mystic be a sub-par class? Like B-tier?

submitted by /u/Intense4Play
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[Black Desert Online] PearlShop Update December 7th 2017 (KR) Winter Limited itmes are Back[Snowflake]. New Boss Scroll on Milege/loyaty Shop.

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 07:15 PM PST

from AUS: BDO SEA vs NA (Latency Test)

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 04:21 PM PST

Workplace safety issues

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 12:57 PM PST

Enhancing 93 Basilisk belt video montage

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 04:16 AM PST

New event boss in kr?

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 06:36 PM PST

Artisan Memory Porn

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 04:44 PM PST

BDO in a nutshell

Posted: 06 Dec 2017 01:54 PM PST

Is it possible for me to get 110 steppe seals in 5 days?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 07:01 AM PST

The stupid muppet that I am just realised today that I need 20 Kamasylvia boxes (not 20 steppe seals) to make the shiny Kamasylvia box and I currently have 201 steppe seals. If I login for 6 hours for the next 5 days I'll be able to get 90 steppe seals, so that leaves me with 110 to grind for. Is this possible? and if so could anyone recommend me a good place to grind for the steppe seals? Would be very much appreciated ty!

submitted by /u/3xempt
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Which pack to chose from?

Posted: 07 Dec 2017 06:59 AM PST

Let's say I have enough money to buy either, but I wanted to get the most potential out of my money.

I was told I was gonna need some inventory slots and like 3 pets. I also made a character just to save my name but I noticed that I have to wait 30 days after I delete the character to be able to reuse the name (I play in the South American Server).

Should I just buy the most basic package ($10) and then get +8 inventory slots and a pet or two, then the appearance change coupon so that I don't have to wait 30 days or so I get more value out of any other package?

submitted by /u/NoctisCalum
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