Civilization - Does anyone actually have this nitpicky achievement?

Does anyone actually have this nitpicky achievement?

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:29 AM PST

My Unconventional Way of Getting a Religious Victory

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 12:38 PM PST

This is a first.

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 09:15 AM PST

State funded Terrorism

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 10:23 AM PST

At least there's a Jungle tile

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 12:59 PM PST

Mac users, rejoice! We have the new update at last!

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 08:31 AM PST

[CivVI] It shouldn't be as easy as it is to eliminate a civ in the early game

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 01:09 PM PST

This is an issue I've thought about and increasingly believe to be a major issue in Civ VI. Here are the reasons:

It creates bad experiences in multiplayer

If you sit down to play a long game of Civ with friends, you don't want to be out in the first 30 minutes. But if someone starts building units turn 1 and comes after you, unless you did the same, you'll probably lose. And then of course the attacker gains the benefit of any infrastructure you've built up, easily making up for lost time. Most friendly groups would be nice enough not to do too much of this, but the game shouldn't be designed in such a way that ideal strategies are unfun.

It forces difficulty to be too harsh in the early game

Because the AI is so poor at defending itself, the only way to stop a skilled player from destroying all nearby civs right off the bat is to start the AI off with multiple cities and a pre-built army. This means the early game is very tough and dangerous, but once you get out of it, the AI has few bonuses left to contest you with. The difficulty mostly comes from the AI getting an effective head start, so once you surpass them you have nothing to worry about. It seems there are quite a few complaints about how difficulty scales, and this is a major part of the problem. Playing peacefully isn't an option, because if you don't take the AI's free cities you have no chance. I for one don't like being forced to absorb a nearby power every game I play on a high difficulty.

Here are some ideas to consider for fixing this:

Give each civ a free slinger at the start

While slingers are helpful on offense, they are more effective on defense. Starting everyone off with one means cities can be effectively garrisoned and can counterattack from turn 1. Since most players seem to agree you should build a slinger first, this would also make the decision on what to build first more interesting.

Give the capital free Ancient Walls when founded

A bit more powerful, this turns the first city you found into a small fortress. It'll probably be at least the classical era before anyone has any chance of taking anyone else's capital. This leaves other cities open to fun early conquest while ensuring the player has some level of safety.

Make the option to keep a captured city unlock with a civic

This is my personal favorite. Incorporating another entire nation into your culture is no easy feat. Early Empire and Political Philosophy are good options for where to put this. If you capture a city without it, the city is automatically razed. In the case of capturing a capital, you would capture it, but it wouldn't offer any yields or be useable in any way until you unlocked the civic (there might be a cleaner way to do this). Alternatively, make capitals uncapturable without the civic. Attacking a capital without it would work the same way barbarians attacking your cities works: you can deal damage, but you can't capture. While this idea doesn't directly hurt the ability to take cities early, it certainly disincentivizes it and makes it a poor method of expansion.

Give Ancient Era units a debuff vs. cities.

Archers already have a slightly tough time against cities by nature of being ranged units, but they're still pretty good as the backbone of a conquest. This suggestion would mean giving all ancient units (archer and slinger included) an additional -5 or so penalty against cities. This would increase the size of the army you need to raise in order to conquer someone.

What are y'all's thoughts on all this?

submitted by /u/ostrich12
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Can I interest any of you in some blue jeans?

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 04:25 PM PST

Drawing: In the Middle of the East

Posted: 15 Dec 2017 10:39 PM PST

After nearly 1000 hours I finally got this to happen

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 10:40 AM PST

I Almost did it!

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 05:49 PM PST

I'm amazed at what barbarians just did to me.

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 11:10 AM PST

I had a city kind of by itself on a small continent and suddenly, from the north, an army of barbarians came down. They had a battering ram, a catapult, 2 crossbowmen, and 3 long-swordsmen. They went straight to attacking my city, took it in like 3 turns, and razed it immediately. I have never seen barbarians launch an attack so coordinated, like they were a civ. My city had walls and an archer, because I figured thats all I needed. I have never even seen them take a city since I started playing Civ 6. I knew there was an encampment up there, but I didn't think it would result in much more than pillaging.

Heres an image of them starting their attack:

They had more invading, but I lost the city and vision on the next turn.

submitted by /u/Ixionas
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[Rise and Fall] Government changes!

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 03:54 AM PST

Didn't see this posted anywhere and haven't found any info on Well of Souls, so I decided to make this post detailing what changes we know about governments themselves.

First and foremost, we know what each government's new abilities and modifiers are. I screencapped a point in the demo video showing each government and their abilities and whatnot.

For those who have difficulty reading the text/opening the image/etc., here's each government on the screen:



Level 0 Government Type

Policy Cards: +1 Military, +1 Economic

Bonus: N/A

Modifier: N/A

Note(s): The default starting government. Unchanged from the vanilla version.



Level 1 Government Type

Policy Cards: +2 Economic, +1 Diplomatic, +1 Wildcard

Bonus: +1 Amenity and Housing in cities with a district

Modifier: +15% Great Person points

Note(s): N/A



Level 1 Government Type

Policy Cards: +2 Military, +1 Economic, +1 Wildcard

Bonus: +1 of all yields in the Capital and cities with a Government Plaza

Modifier: +10% Wonder Production

Note(s): N/A



Level 1 Government Type

Policy Cards: +1 Military, +1 Economic, +1 Diplomatic, +1 Wildcard

Bonus: Land Melee and Anti-Cavalry units gain +4 Combat Strength

Modifier: +20% Experience

Note(s): N/A



Level 2 Government Type

Policy Cards: +3 Military, +1 Economic, +1 Diplomatic, +1 Wildcard

Bonus: +1 Housing in cities per level of Walls

Modifier: +20% Influence

Note(s): N/A



Level 2 Government Type

Policy Cards: +2 Military, +2 Economic, +1 Diplomatic, +1 Wildcard

Bonus: +5 Religious Strength in theological combat

Modifier: +15% Faith purchase discount

Note(s): N/A



Level 2 Government Type

Policy Cards: +1 Military, +2 Economic, +1 Diplomatic, +2 Wildcard

Bonus: Gold cost of patronizing Great People is 25% cheaper

Modifier: +15% District Production

Note(s): N/A



Level 3 Government Type

Policy Cards: +3 Military, +3 Economic, +1 Diplomatic, +1 Wildcard

Bonus: +0.4 Production per Citizen in cities with a Governor

Modifier: +10% Production

Note(s): N/A



Level 3 Government Type

Policy Cards: +1 Military, +3 Economic, +2 Diplomatic, +2 Wildcard

Bonus: +2 Production and +1 Housing from districts

Modifier: +25% Gold purchase discount

Note(s): N/A



Level 3 Government Type

Policy Cards: +4 Military, +1 Economic, +1 Diplomatic, +2 Wildcard

Bonus: All units gain +4 Combat Strength. -15% war weariness.

Modifier: +20% Unit Production

Note(s): N/A


There's also changes to government legacies. I don't have a screenshot of this as it's something mentioned in the RaF demo video, but basically, governments do not receive accumulating legacy modifiers anymore. Instead, government plaza buildings unlock specific policies that can be selected via Wildcard policy slots, which provide unique bonuses. What these bonuses are, or what their requirements (beyond plaza buildings) are, I have no clue.

EDIT: Also, America's ability is apparently changing as well, as the legacy bonuses have been removed. America now receives a Wildcard slot in the place of a Diplomatic policy slot (if a Diplomatic policy slot is present). Whether this is the only bonus from America's ability or not, I don't know (though I certainly hope it's not, as it would make an already weak civ even weaker).

submitted by /u/-SpaceCommunist-
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That island is sacred to my people

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 03:47 PM PST

Are there any Civ V mods that change the civ list to alphabetical by country name instead of leader name?

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 02:11 PM PST

Should I plonk my holy site here, or wait until I get National Parks because I am America?

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 02:05 PM PST

Who do you guys think will be revealed on Tuesday?

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 06:22 PM PST

I'm thinking Mongolia or Byzantium, maybe Canada.

submitted by /u/TyphonBeach
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Should I Get V or VI? (Money's tight)

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 12:31 PM PST

As the title says, I'm pretty low on cash. Will I be missing much if just get last years version of Civ or should I just spend the extra $30 for the new one? Thanks folks

submitted by /u/improbablyonthepot
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What Civ games (or Civ mods, or Civ clones) can give me the biggest map without destroying my computer?

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 02:29 PM PST

I love playing Civ VI on the biggest YNAEMP maps I can find, but the turns take forever and as often as not my computer can no longer handle the game before I'm done with it.

But then it occurred to me that I would be totally willing to play an out-of-date or knockoff Civ game if I could play on huge maps without worrying about my system being able to handle it.

So do any games like that exist? Is there an older Civ game or a clone where you can play on really huge maps?

submitted by /u/senatorskeletor
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Winter Dream Land

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 03:54 PM PST

Does the AI have a bias

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 09:12 AM PST

Let me begin by saying I have seen the AI declare effective wars against each other (including joint wars) and conquer other AI cities but by and large it seems the AI prefers to attack the player. Have you guys experienced this? I wish the AI was capable of conquering other AI more effectively (I play on emperor).

submitted by /u/Finances1212
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Any good content creator suggestions?

Posted: 16 Dec 2017 02:19 PM PST

Looking to get back into Civ 6 for a month or two in anticipation of the new dlc.

I watch FilfthyRobot sometimes but any other good Civ 6 youtubers to check out? Looking for guides and comedy specifically.

submitted by /u/DarthyTMC
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