Besiege THE BEAST HUNGERS (Suggest what i should crush next? *It can crush buildings ive tested it*)

THE BEAST HUNGERS (Suggest what i should crush next? *It can crush buildings ive tested it*)

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 12:34 AM PST

IT BEGINS (Aka Meet grinders older brother)

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 09:19 PM PST

I made a really cool arena for 4 players

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 01:56 PM PST

First I gotta say the style and traps are mildly inspired by another arena that got posted here a while ago. It had the same sort of black and yellow theme and it had similar traps

Let me explain what it does and how it works:

The map has a 'life system'. As you can see there are spheres above each player's spawnbase. These spheres represent the lives of the players. When a player loses a life, the map will remove one of the spheres. When no lives are left, the player will be locked in a 'cage' for the rest of the game. There are also a bunch of traps in the map, one is simply a hole with some crushing spinning things in it, one is a flipper that flips your car and one is a blower that blows you up. The elevator is also some sort of trap as you can push your opponent under it and he will get crushed

submitted by /u/Ryzasu
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Azrael: The Ultimate Sniper!

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 03:28 AM PST

Extending slider while building

Posted: 28 Dec 2017 01:54 AM PST

Is there any way to put extended slider while building machine?

Like, I want to make 2 pistons opposite to each other and both connected with link, while one is contracted and other is extended.

submitted by /u/VyGaG
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