True Gaming What makes a good Esport and what's the definition of an Esport to you?

What makes a good Esport and what's the definition of an Esport to you?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 08:40 AM PST

So with Esport heading more and more into the mainstream I thought I'd start a conversation with you guys. How would you define an Esport? And what are some key ingrediënts for a good Esport?

submitted by /u/TheRandor69
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Is mobile gaming bound to be casual?

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 09:49 AM PST

Recently, I've been a little bit sick and I don't feel like getting out of the bed. So, being fed up with scrolling my Facebook feed, I've decided to see what's up in Google Play.

There are lots of good games, really. The graphics, the music, the gameplay are all top notch quality. It is clear that the mobile developers have solved such issues. But, almost all of them are casual. I install a game, play it for half an hour, then I'm looking for another game because I don't feel like investing more time to it. Whereas when I'm playing, say, The Witcher 3, I'm always looking for what else the game can offer.

I think I'm giving too much useless background information now, anyway, do you think mobile gaming can give the same immersion of pc gaming? Are there technical limitations to it such as controls or is this just what mobile gamers demand?

submitted by /u/Guandor
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Death in Games: Survey Closure (and thank you!)

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 08:23 PM PST

A big thank you to everyone here who completed the survey at Your responses will help to further our understanding of the different ways players experience in-game death (including permadeath). Preliminary assessment of the data shows variation in responses, suggesting variation in experiences of in-game death. Variation is seen in genres, motivations, sentiments, emotions, and other factors.

The survey will close on 1ST DECEMBER 11PM AEST so if you started but haven't yet completed it please do so in order for your responses to count. If you haven't started the survey but are interested in filling it out you are very welcome to do so. Further information can be found on the page.

If there's interest in the results, I'm happy to post about it here when it's ready. Thank you again!

submitted by /u/amracs
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Best game ever vs guilty pleasure and thoughts

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 01:58 AM PST

When people ask me what my all time favorite games are i usually give an answer like, fallout, uncharted, dead-space, RDR, Chrono etc. because not only are they fun to play i really love their stories. But when i look back alot of the games i consider the best i have only played through once or occasionally twice. Whereas there are games like COD, Battlefield or Rust(online based) that i have sunk thousands of hours into that i would not name as the GOAT. Plus there are games like Crash Bandicoot, Super mario, pokemon and Klonoa that i go back to regularly that no one would probably name the best game of all time. What are your thoughts on this? How would you pick the best game of all time? would you consider time spent on it? Impact the game had on you while you played it or when it was over? Nostalgia?

I'm curious to hear your thoughts and also if you had to pick the best game of all time and guilty pleasure game what would they be? BEST GAME: Mine would be WOW because amount of time and fun i had playing it, the lore and the social interactions of the game ( that at the time was a first for me). But then again i haven't played it since Wrath of the Lich King came out, so i might not even enjoy it anymore. GUILTY PLEASURE: Call of duty Black ops: mind numbing repetitive stupid shit while playing gun game with friends, i love the simplicity of going back to it for a few games and just getting into it straight away or some BF for the same reason. And again i haven't played these games in a year almost since i am abroad and don't have the capability at the moment

submitted by /u/TOFAS89
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Waning Interest in Playing Games

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 12:24 PM PST

The other day, I was looking through my room, and in my very modest Mega Drive library, I saw Sonic 1 (the slow PAL version). I started playing it, and I was hooked; I couldn't go to bed. I knew it was the slower PAL version but I didn't care about that; I was just so into it (I played it for 45 minutes, then I had to go to bed, though it was hard to put down). But when I came back to it the next day, that magic wasn't there; I could've easily gotten off of it. I also recently moved my Wii U into my room and I started playing Smash Brothers, but it wasn't the same as it had been when I last played it (I'd played it for months it 2015, single player, but then I got bored in about August). Again, I could've easily given it up, and worst of all, it didn't grab me lie Sonic 1 did initially

Recently, I've found that I found that I have more fun researching the history of games, rather than playing it. (Edit: researching stuff like Mega Drive vs SNES, ZX Spectrum, Amiga have really fascinated me)There've been no games that I've been, I NEED to get this. I've recently picked up Ecco the Dolphin (also for the Mega Drive), not because I NEEDED it, but rather I've heard good things about it, and I've barely played it. Some games like say, Senran Kagura, look interesting, but there's no urge to get it. Back in 2014, I was really hyped for the Wii U, but I've not been like that since. I bought many retro systems (Edit: because I'd been really hyped) since the Wii U, but I've gotten rid of them a few months later becasue I've just gotten bored of them, (edit: and I haven't been hyped for any system for some time, about a month). I had for some time this year been really into SNK, but I've haven't been able to play any of their games apart from Metal Slug 1 (which did have some of that magic that Sonic 1 above had in that I couldn't put it down), and I'm not sure if that has affected my interest in playing games. I'm really worried that I just don't want to play games any more.What should I do to regain interest in playing, not just researching games?

submitted by /u/Geang
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2D games for a 3 year old

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 09:15 AM PST

As her Christmas present, my daughter and I have been putting together a Gameboy Advance Raspberry Pi Zero kit to run Retropie. My understanding is that it will be able to handle emulating old 2d systems well.

My next issue is what games to start her on - I'm worried giving her a Contra or Battletoads experience too early on will sour her on gaming. She's 3, so as much as she loves Pokemon I think the reading will make it incomprehensible. Maybe I'm being too pessimistic - maybe I just throw her into Super Mario and she figures it out with time.

TLDR: How do you introduce a 3 year old to classic games?

submitted by /u/mackadoo
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FOV not the only reason causing motion sickness

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 04:37 AM PST

I've played many FPS & 3rdPS on PC, while lower FOV on these games make me feel uncomfortable, i notice there is this 1 game where FPS don't really help reduce motion sickness:

Viscera Clean Up Details & Santa's Rampage.

I set the FOV at 95, turned off headbob & motion blur, i even tuned it up to 105 just to check, but i get motion sickness around 1 hour after playing on both tries. I never had motion sickness when FOV is more than 90, but this game is special. Maybe something to do with the hands & mop you see remains the same irregardless of the FOV?

I haven't played Shadow Warrior but i'm guessing since they are using the same settings i'm quite confident it will also give me the same issue.

Seems despite higher FOV being an important part in reducing motion sickness, if the hands & guns remains too close to the screen your eyes will still perceive the screen as having low FOV despite the broader field the screen is showing you.

submitted by /u/burningbun
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What is the logic of having a bunch of people talk at once in battle? (Xenoblade 2)

Posted: 26 Nov 2017 07:58 AM PST

I'll just use Xenoblade 2 as an example because its recent and it shows you it keeps on happening. In turn based battles I understand somewhat because its at least one line at a time (still sounds bad usually because of repetition).

But in games like this? This is just a cluster of noise that I can't believe anyone thinks actually sounds good. This seems like a basic problem that never got corrected. You know how in Nier the characters just kind of.....stay quiet while they fight (with some minor battle grunts), why not make every game like that? Or at least save it when the character is doing their big ultimate attack or something. Just check out 10:00 in. The fact games still do this saddens me. It sounds awful.

submitted by /u/hyperknees91
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Need this back

Posted: 25 Nov 2017 07:30 PM PST

We need NCAA 14 football backward compatible. Recently the original lawsuits that ended NCAA games have been payed off and voting for NCAA 14 to be on xbox 1 would show community interest still on it in hopes for the series to be braught back. Now PS4 gamers might wonder why they should help vote this through, but on many old games brought back once xbox does PS4 does also. So please vote on the xbox backward compatible site.

submitted by /u/ColeLoaf
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