True Dota 2 - Razor vs Huskar

Razor vs Huskar

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 09:05 AM PDT

What do you guys think about Razor vs Huskar?

The purge dispels Inner Vitality, Huskar likes to stay hugged to you allowing to sap the damage, Huskar sucks against high physical damage(link + ult) and Razor is a natural Bkb carrier.

submitted by /u/Dudu_sousas
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PSA: As a mid player, use your free TP to get the bounty as well as your creep block

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 10:00 PM PDT

I'm not seeing anybody doing this yet in my ~3.5k games. Just grab the 0:00 bounty, TP to your T2 and get the block off.

If your enemy doesn't do this, they will either lose the block, or being 100 gold behind (and maybe lose the block anyway).

Edit: I'm seeing a lot of people saying it isn't worth it since expending your TP means you're effectively only getting 50 gold. While this is true, it ignores the fact that gold is worth much more in the early game than the late game.

You're essentially trading +100 gold now for -50 gold later. This is definitely a good idea as 100 gold is a big deal when getting your bottle 30 seconds before the enemy mid is the difference between stomping your lane and losing it.

Of course, ideally your support will block for you anyway, but you certainly can't rely on this happening unless you're at least 5k.

The question to ask yourself is is it worth having a (possibly) inferior block for +100 gold?

I think a good way to think about it is that you're essentially getting just as good a block off this way as you did last patch when getting the rune. In 7.06 nobody thought it was better to skip the rune and just go for the block. That should remain true now

submitted by /u/user0fdoom
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What is the interaction between mkb and crit?

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 09:33 AM PDT

With the recent change of mkb, what is its interaction of the bonus pure damage with critical??

Can both proc at the same attack, if so does it make the crit pure or physical * crit% + pure * crit%

submitted by /u/joshua019
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DK's XP talent contradicts the hero's design, please replace it

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 05:31 PM PDT

7.06 and 7.07 talents, for reference


In 7.06, DK's lvl 15 XP talent had a very low win rate and pick rate at all levels of play. The reason is simple: the talent contradicts DK's design, which emphasizes mid-game aggression, whereas this talent emphasizes mid-game passivity or simply becomes a "win more" talent. DK wants a mid-game power spike, not a late game one. Please, IceFrog, replace his XP talent with his old damage talent. It fit the hero perfectly.


  1. His skills and theme encourage early / mid game aggression. He cannot farm quickly. His passive regen and Corrosive Breath do not scale. He's like CK in that he has late game potential, but it doesn't mean you forego his incredible mid-game strength to farm. Why put a Panzer tank in the jungle? It's just awkward.

  2. His 7.06 talents reinforced this aggression. His mid-game weakness was not durability (his passive, Armlet, and BKB gave him plenty) but hitting power. The +40 damage talent was exactly what he needed to continue aggressively pushing and fighting in the mid game, before the enemy carries could come online.

  3. Bafflingly, 7.07 kept his terrible XP talent and moved his damage talent to lvl 25 (+40 strength), almost as to create some justification for the XP talent. But it's win and pick rate is still bad because it either requires you to passively farm (contradicting the hero's design) or requires you play aggressively like you normally would to make it pay off... but if you're winning team fights at DK's weakest point in the game then you're team is obviously stronger and his lvl 25 talents are merely "win more" talents.


Replace his XP talent with his old damage talent. I honestly am not concerned about what happens with the lvl 20 and 25 talents as long as DK can keep his mid-game power spike.


Here's a list of well-known commentators or 6k+ players who recognize that DK should be designed for mid-game aggression or recognize how bad the XP talent is. If you're 6k+ and want added to this list, let me know.

  • SingSing: "40% XP? Get out of here! ... GPM on Dragon Knight? What are these talents!?"
  • The Art of Dota: "Who cares about [40% XP]?"
  • Sunsfan: "I HATE this 40% XP... why would you ever? ... You still have no reason to get 40% XP, you're not rushing [level 25]."
  • DG PUFFMG (6k mid player, USE, 3000+ DK games played): "His level 15 talents suck and he is definitely weakest between levels 10-20. DK used to want to force fights mid game. He can't do that now and will have to spend a lot more time in the jungle to get to level 20. I would like to see the XP replaced with damage."
  • Henry (6k mid player, USE), after reading a draft of this post: "This is true. The hero isn't played for late game in pubs and it's not played that way in pro games. It's played as you described."
submitted by /u/razzendahcuben
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Why Daedalus over Bloodthorn on Lina?

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 03:49 PM PDT


As the title most likely gave away I don't get it why nearly everyone gets Daedalus on Lina.

Due to the sheer amount of attacks she is able to deal during bloodthorn's active effect, paired with its utility it seems to me that it would be the way to go.

On the other hand Daedalus has a higher multiplicator and more flat damage than Bloodthorn does. Is that it?

Thanks for any insights I might get

submitted by /u/Phelyckz
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Is Techies close to ready for Captain's Mode?

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 03:42 PM PDT

I know it's always asked at the beginning of each patch, but I think it might be close to a point where Techies could see themselves entering Captain's Mode once again.

This is for a few reasons. First off, Icefrog actually buffed Techies instead of just giving him new talents and calling it a day. But he only buffed the early game Proximity Mines while keeping the late game OP-ness of Techies intact once again. However, this leads to my next point.

Now we have an item that can break high ground easier in the form of Meteor Hammer, an anti-burst item in Aeon Disk for initiators to not be afraid of getting busted down by mines, and Glyph giving immunity to creeps to also bust down high ground. Combined with the removal of shrines in base (which I remind you is the first time this has happened since the 7.00 rework) and I think it might be easier for ALL types of teams to break high ground and thus break Techies' defense, at least in many more ways. If that wasn't enough, Pangolier can easily tread up high ground with his magic immune, long lasting ultimate, giving at least another soft counter to late game Techies.

Maybe I'm being optimistic, or maybe I'm internally begging for all heroes to finally be able to be picked in pro games and for Techies to finally stop being that one blemish on the game and finally become more properly balanced using pro matches as data so he can be eventually molded into a well balanced hero similar to the long journey of Bloodseeker from 6.82 to now.

But what do you guys think of this? Am I off my rocker, or do I have a point here?

submitted by /u/TheSnowballofCobalt
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Pangolier Shield Crash weird but strong behavior

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 03:25 PM PDT

So, I was testing out the new hero Pangolier, and I noticed something about his Shield Crash. Let's say you hit 5 heroes with it(very difficult in a real game I know) and you get 70% damage resistance, well if you use shield crash on at least one target before the buff expires, you keep the same 70% damage resistance even though you hit just one target, similar to the behavior with Elder Titan's Astral Spirit. I'd like to hear some thoughts on this, is this even useful in a real game? Maybe you can use it in conjuction with the 2 second CD talent?

submitted by /u/FallenRune
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Arc Warden's State in 7.07

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 08:47 AM PDT

To start off, let me say that Arc is my main and favourite hero having 100+ games with him. His +30 damage talent got replaced by +300 HP (iirc) and I would like to get an item that would allow me to compensate for that.

I used to go Dragon Lance into maelstrom but now I think that I could get something greedier since I have more HP. I have seen some pros getting Nullifier but this may have been just to test the new item. Also, considering that MKB no longer gives damage is it better to get butterfly now? Overall how do you think a 6 slotted Arc Warden should look like? (I know there are different situations but what would the optimal build be like?)

P.S. I am 3.8k mmr and would prefer advice from higher rated players.

submitted by /u/Rockcast
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Brewmaster 7.06

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 01:31 PM PDT

I've been taking him offlane and he seems strong there as usual. Interested in tips and item builds and talent choices. I've gone echo into blink into either halbred or radiance but I feel like he is incredibly versatile with his items. Aeon disk seems strong too if you're getting busted hard. Thoughts?

Edit: 7.07 lol

submitted by /u/angriff36
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How do I better win games where I'm the only one with an advantage on my team?

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 03:26 AM PDT

For me, it's a lot easier to figure out what I did wrong in games where I obviously made a lot of errors and learn, but something about these games just drains me mentally, yet I know there are things I can be doing better. Miracle would have won, etc etc.

I'm writing this question more from the perspective of a core/carry role, but I guess this could be open to supports as well.

submitted by /u/NA_Scrubbed
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Was Dusa over-buffed?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 10:10 PM PDT

Before all the massive buffs she got this patch she was already a decently strong hero, she filled her niche of an insane late game carry very well. But now I feel as though she's stepped into OP territory (her win rate has spiked from 46% to 56%)

The first big change was to Split Shot. Basically it means an extra 20% DPS to your main target, which for such a hard carry means a world of difference. It also got fixed the annoying interaction with Dragon Lance, a pretty common pickup on Dusa.

Previously every talent except level 20 were pretty bad, but now every single talent of hers got buffed by quite a large amount.

Level 10 you can get 10% evasion which is quite strong on Dusa being as tanky as she is or 25 damage (up from 15), and since the damage is spread out she gets huge value from damage when farming and fighting if hitting multiple heroes. I prefer the damage as early game she requires damage and this talent gives quite a lot.

At 15 she can get 10% Mana steal which would be decent but is not nearly as strong as the alternative (personally I think a mana cost/loss reduction would fit perfectly here instead). 30 attack speed is just so much; with this, the damage talent, Phase, Aquilla and MoM she hits very hard for a hero that used to hit like a wet noodle at level 15.

Then at 20 the decision is as one-sided as it used to be. 600 mana was already a giant boost to survivability but then Icefrog went and made it fucking 800. 800 mana on a hero that uses mana as HP is absurd, I feel I don't even need to discuss the other option.

Her old level 25 talents were pretty garbage, but that was ok considering how strong she is in the late game. Now however she hits a monstrous power spike at 25, +7 split shot targets is pretty strong but dwarfed by the ability to do attack procs on every split shot. This talent turns her into a snowstorm, flinging crits and lightning every goddamn shot. This talent further solidifies her as the strongest late game carry, with the farming tools to get her to the late game rather quickly.

Thoughts? OP, or is it more because games tend to get dragged on whenever new patches come out?

submitted by /u/N-DUB
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Building around pangolier around his first ability

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 11:09 AM PDT

The idea is to get some atack modifiers the extra dmg talent at lvl 15 and the cd at 25 as for items the idea is: Phase->aquila->diffusal->Blink->bkb/linkens->mkb/bash

the idea is to go in and out with q and blink abusing his mobility if the fight gets nasty q out ultimate and run o get in with the ultimate get some dmg as expire use q and so on, do you think its vialable?

submitted by /u/highclassscrub
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antimage is incredibly strong right now

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 02:50 AM PDT

and considering he puts medusa in the absolute bin, it's only a plus. it's a great day for anti mage players, besides the fact he will be nerfed into the shitter.

submitted by /u/burnXgazel
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Would you be ok with Morph rework if he kept his attributes when using his ultimate?

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 01:25 AM PDT

Or would it be OP? IMO it would make more sense if it worked this way, and this change would add some sinergy between the ulti and the rest of his kit.

submitted by /u/gr3y_
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Is there a kind of "micro workout" existing in dota ?

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 07:34 AM PDT

Hello guys, my name is tactiicxx and i used to be a meepo spammer. i had a successfull winrate over 60% with him. but i have a problem. i had a break and feel rusty and unclean on microing him. however instead of spamming him in pubs i seek for a more efficient way to get back to my old micro level. is there some kind of micro workout existing to improve my skill ?

submitted by /u/Tactiicxx
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Keeper of the Light; illuminate vs mana leak

Posted: 04 Nov 2017 01:39 AM PDT

Why did Meepo's winrate jump +6%?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 05:37 PM PDT

He didn't have an significant changes, just a few minor talent buffs.

Why has his winrate gone up so much? Is he just strong against popular heroes at the moment?

submitted by /u/user0fdoom
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Is it now legit to build auto atk on Puck?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 07:44 PM PDT

Do you guys think that going auto atk on Puck is legit now because of his lv 25 talent? Maybe going Veil, Blink, Euls and then start building something like Mjolnir or skadi. Or should the new talent just be ignored?

submitted by /u/Pecky95
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What does muting do exactly?

Posted: 03 Nov 2017 05:53 PM PDT

I bought nullifier today on MK and it was pretty fun but I just want some more clarification on muting. From how I always understood it, it is similar to silencing. Thanks!

submitted by /u/dafreshprints
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